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Hello Hello. 
Oh, I should hi. 
Oh hi, how are you? 
Yeah, so I'm fine, so I'll be taking us a quick interview with you regarding retail crowding. 
OK Hi Yes yes fine no problem so. 
Tell me something about yourself about what you do right now where you live. What is your family
in coming on? 
I'm a student from Pune currently studying in IBM all and studying data science. 
Where do you live in? 
So I'm currently residing in jodhpur, but uh, I was staying in Puna before lockdown. 
And will be soon soon going back. 
OK, so let's let's have fingers crossed, but now my next question is do you like do you? Are your
shopping enthusiast? 
Oh yes, of course I. I I love shopping. 
So my next question is, so I'm taking a survey on big retail chains like big Bazaar and I'm studying the
consumer buying pattern on this. So my next question is what is your buying pattern like? Uh, like,
how many times do you go to bed with like once in a week or once in a month? 
Tell me something about that? 
Uh, so I would say. 
Uh, it's not like that. I go in every week, but it it seems I live in a hostel so I have necessities every
month. So I tried to go every month, sometimes two twice a month. So it's up to the requirement.
But definitely once a month. 
OK, so when you go, do you have any mental list prepared? Like do you prepare before going to big
bazar? Whether like what should I or should I not buy? Yes. 
Of course you have to have a mental list, otherwise you will end up buying senseless rubbish and you
won't be using them because and that happens even after you prepare Mental list but. 
You should have a mental list actually, not just mental. I have a physical list as well. 
So tell me like how many times do you require from making the shopping list? Like do you observe it
frequently like each day you have single requirement and then you bundle it together? Like how
much time do you take to develop that list? 
So mostly my list list carries all the essentials, so sometimes it's so sometimes it's biscuits,
sometimes it's shampoo. It's kind of like that, so whenever there is a need I add it to the list or
whenever I see that my shampoo is going to like is going to end soon I added to the list. 
And the rest of the part I actually when I see I take them or buy them. 
So it's mostly it's a fixed part and a variable part in the list. 
So when you go like, do you ask your batchmates or a hostal mates before going like I'm going to be
busy, so would you like to add something to it? Like because it's some big event. So do you do that? 
I I do that and I also asked them to accompany me so that we could share some things. 
So, uh, I I definitely do that, and sometimes I buy their stuff as well. 
Bring them home. 
So in all you you want to add maximum as the shopping list as you can right? 
Oh yes, yes. Because when I I I if it's big Bazaar I go to wait. I I used to go on Wednesday days so if
there's a big discount I would prefer buying in bulk. 
So all my flatmates would have it for all
Roommates could have it at a lower cost. 
Now, since you mentioned that you have a big list prepared for going to be with us, so how much
time do you take to shop all these items and then go back to home? 
Harshit:– if you go by the list then it takes only about half an hour but the thing is I roam a lot in
these stores . so it generally takes me 2-3 hours for shopping
And um, when you go like, do you have any, um, error perception about crowd? Like when you feel
when you see some crowd gathered over big weather? What is your perception on it? 
See I really don't like crowds, but, uh, if uh, if, uh, places having crowd, that means they are selling
something good. So if they're having crowds that not a deal breaker for me I would prefer my space
when I'm buying. 
I would prefer not to have crowd, but crowd is not a deal breaker for me. 
OK, so you are not affected by crowd. So let's say now suppose you are buying apparel items and
then you see a crowd that is gathered over Levis jeans and you like that brand. So when you see
people gathered over there, so would you like to go there and buy that stuff? Or would you just walk

Oh no, if I like the jeans, I won't care for the crowd. I would go there. I would take take the jeans and
I will try it on. And if if it fits I'll be buying that so crowd wont matter to me . 
So let's say there's an item that is very unique to you and as well as two different people. So when
you see a crowd gathered over that particular item, so would you go and check that item. Just
because crowd is gathered over there? 
Uh, so if somebody is already buying that, I would prefer not to, not to be mingling in that in that
scenario, because it's just. It's just a way of, you know, a argument. Maybe it's just the last piece. 
If there there are pieces other pieces available in in the same size or the size I I want, I think I can go,
but if it's because mostly these stores only have one size each. 
For each of the maybe different choices, so I would prefer like if they are using or they are looking at
that product. So I would prefer not to look at at the same time when they will move. Maybe I'll go
and check it out. 
So what I can assume is when you see crowd and you have an feeling that yes I should go and have a
look at it once. 
Uh, yes, but still, uh, if they're looking at the product, maybe afterwards after when they're
completed, I can go take a look. 
OK, so now let's say when you go to big Bazaar, what is that one place that you start off with like you
start just by randomly like the The Thing which is right in front of your eyes? Or will you go with the
thing that you like the most? 
Yeah I I love to shop groceries so I directly go to that section first  
Uh, the ones which which provides new sauces and shampoos and all those. 
Like my my essentials are the very must for me, so I'll go there. 
So tell me the path like which which part of the store and then which part item in the road map of
your buying pattern. 
So mostly the essentials are like on the ground floor. 
So I would prefer to go there and just check out the ground floor first. 
And then like, I won't be bagging or basket ING the products right now. Right away I would be
checking out the other stuff, but I have the I have that feeling if if there is just one product like if I
say I want to face wash and that product called that they only have 1 product left. 
In that particular brand, I will buy it . 
If they have many, I'll wait. I'll walk around. 
And then I'll come back and buy it and then move. 
So, um, So what is your emotions when you see a crowded store like do you get frustrated or do you
like OK, since I want these essential items, I will go at any cost like what is your take on this? 
No, so it is frustrating , I would not like to go seeing a crowded store . 
But again, if it's a big store, I wouldn't have a problem with that. That on that level, like I can go if it's
a big store. If it's just a small retail store, it would be a problem because he won't be able to get it.
He won't be able to get it to me if it's a store where I can walk in and pick up the products. 
Crowd is not a problem. 
So let's say you see a big line over big Bazaar and would you then step in that little retail outlet or
A big line with. 
At the big Bazaar counter, like for example at the. 
Payment, yes, that is a problem. That is a big problem and I faced this problem like way like every in
every visit I have faced this problem. 
So what we what we do is when we go in in like maybe two or three people are going together, what
we do is we each have each signed in a separate row and we like whoever is nearest to its counter
nearest to the billing counter. We then transfer all the products to him. 
That's our strategy. Like we kind of use strategy there, but still, uh, if they. If I'm alone, and if there is
a big line, and if I think that there is a product which I like if they if there is the product in my
shopping shopping list or whole of my shopping list is not necessary, I'll leave it. 
I just don't like standing in lines. 
OK, so, uh, let's say you see a crowd. You see a retail outlet in which you see a lot of people are
shopping and there's a good atmosphere where like lot of people going in and out of people coming
out. So what does it make you feel worried about? Are you feeling excited or you are feeling like
very frustrated like I should not go and should not step in that store? What is your take on that? 
Yeah, can you repeat the question? 
I'm saying, for example, if you see a store like a big bazarr, OK, OK in which a lot of people are
coming in. A lot of people are going out, so it's basically crowded place, but there is a sync. People
are going into classifying this stuff, so in that case would you like to go in with a sense of excitement
or will you be frustrated like it's a? There's a lot of people in there I won't go. 
So what is your take on it? Are you feeling excited or are you feeling like a frustrated? 

No, no, it's a walk in store. I won't mind the crowd. I will go and definitely so it's kind of an
excitement for me. We can take it in that column because I just want to buy my stuff and it's a
walking so nobody won't would be bothering me so I can go in. 
So what I can assume from your answers is you are not affected by crowd. 
Uh, yeah. Most like mostly let's say 70:30. I'm 70% not affected in 30% affected. Kind of like that. 
OK, so you will, uh, would you enter a crowded store if you are in need of a dire need of an essential
Oh yes, definitely. If I'm in need, I have to go. 
So, uh, when you go in the big Bazaar and you obviously have a big list in your mind. So do you stick
on that list or not? 
Uh, so again I would say  
There is definitely a big list and I will definitely buy all those products, but when I roam around. 
I like it has happened to me. I have found 99% of the time I have found more products which I will
need. Or maybe I have needed at that moment just didn't write it in my list so I'll buy them as well.  
So I'm asking you like a. For example, if you prepare a list for Round 4000 tokens and then you end
up buying like 7000 to 8000 business, is that the case? 
Uh, so it has happened. I won't lie. It has happened, But say I was going with the with with let's say
just. I wanted to buy a shampoo and a face wash and I have ended up buying like 2500 worth of
So there has been like cases like that, just not that that degree of amount. 
So do you have this perception in your mind? That yes, I'm going to big bazar and I'll end up buying
more stuff. Or it is that very moment that makes you buy extra stuff. What is your take on this? Do
you prepare for this one? It's like just random thing. 
So what happened was he when I have shift when I shifted to Pune I I started going  on these
hypermarkets or supermarkets much more like. 
There were there have been an interval way in which I I use. I am going. I'm going there so I never
had that perception before. 
But I am like creating one in my mind. 
Like I am now certain that I'm going in and there will be more amount that I will require. So I carry
extra cash and debit cards as well. 

OK. So then you, um stick with your a shopping list. And then you see people gathered over some
item that is very much knew and then would you like to spend that extra money on that stuff just
because the crowd is gathered over there? 
I wouldn't say definitely, but if the product intrigued me, probably I will. So we we went to some, uh,
we went to one store. This supermarket kind of store and there was one lamp which which had like
which uses this phone charger mobile charger. 
And we could use that if like in hostel we share rooms so we can use that when the other person is
sleeping. The and the other one is studying the standing one. It would be very helpful for the
studying one. 
So what we did was we went for it and there was a crowd around it. But still like it was 500 or ₹400
and with no guarantee. But still like it was kind of like a new thing. So we went for it. 
So tell me honestly like our rate in the scale of 10, how many times does it happen that? Do you
really stick with your shopping list? 
One, let's say one. 
OK, so most of the time you end up buying more than what you intend for. 
Ah yes, of course. 
So, so my next question is, um, what is your perception about the size of the retail outlet? For
example, if you have a store that is 5 kilometers from your house and but that is small in size and
there's another store that is 10 kilometers away from your house but have all the amenities, so,
which store would you like to go places based on the size? 
So, uh, see I I, I don't want to sign sound very cheesy or cheap here, but I will give you an answer and
I have analyzed it. 
Uh, see if I have a, uh, like a load of stuff to buy. 
And the store away from my home. 
Says it cheaply. 
I would factor in the taxi prices and if it does give me profit there as well, I would definitely go to the
store. That is a way that is far far away. I wouldn't mind that. 
That is the profitability. But what I am asking you about what is your perception about the size of the
store ?
So I would say bigger the better
I won't mind the store being bigger. 
I would always say the bigger, the better. It would carry more brands. It would have more stock. 
It happens, so when you go to supermarket there are sometimes that you don't get the brand of face
Wash you want or the brand of jeans you like and you don't have money at that moment when you
liked it or when you have shortlisted that. And by the time you go back it's gone so. 
So, uh, what I can assume? Like mostly you go to big retail outlets. 
Oh yes, of course. 
Ignoring the smaller ones. 
sometimes when I just require one thing, I will definitely go to the small ones. I won't mind if I have
again if I have a load of stuff and I want to buy it at once, I'll definitely go to the bigger outlet. 
OK, so my next question is, let's say it's a big outlet. Agreed to this point. So what is the next thing
that you like the most? Like any ordour or a smell that you? That is a specific ambiance of that place?
Does it matter to you? 
Yeah, so there is this temperature control thing. I like if I am a little nauseating sometimes so it helps
me a lot. And then there is this smell. I don't know if it's chemical solution or something, but
sometimes these smell when you clean  those marbles with those chemicals solutions. I think they
release some certain smell that is actually kind of nice and for ambiance I would not say ambiance
per say but I like if we have enough for proper space to walk around. 

Like there are some stores which stuck so much. 
In just so little space, so there is sometimes not enough space to walk around. 
So I would not prefer that there has to be space to walk around, so I would not say this as ambiance,
but this is a this is not a deal breaker, but this is a problem for me. 
So let's say on you say you have a store that has a very good sound music system, so will it affect
your buying decision ? 
Definitely I I I will not prefer going to a loud music store. I if if a loud music is like is if a loud music is
like playing somewhere I would just walk out of it. 
Like you know. 
Example of it, like any any specific place that you resonate with that that smell or that order that you
like the most. 
So I am not sure what they use but. 
I'm not sure how to define that word, or it's not very. 
Very strong but. 
I don't know if, uh, at the right at the right time at the right temperature. I think you feel that odor .
I'm not sure how to say you what kind of odor? Or is that? 
Shubham:  (20.07_)
OK, so let's say, um, if you like that smell, so does it influence your buying behavior? Like if the smile
is pretty much nice and the music is like something which you like the most, so does it affect your
buying pattern or you're like? 
OK, I'm getting this stuff for this place doesn't. I really doesn't concern about what is the smell of?
What is the background so will will the background effect play a role in your buying decision? 
No, no, no. The smell or the music won't play any role because if I if I don't like this stuff I will not. I
will just not buy it. 
Of course the the noise, not noise. Let's say the music and the order will like will make me stay there
for like 15 or 20 minutes more. I won't mind that. 
But it will definitely not make my decision buying decisions. 
OK or affect my buying decisions. 
So even if the place has a not that much great of a smell system or a music system, but still you will
prefer to buy that. 
Oh yes, of course. 
OK, so um, my next question is about the queue at payment counters. Like for example if see a very
busy and congested aisle. 
So what is your take on it like? 
It's a deal breaker again, I will say again, so if I see a line a long line. 
And if I have very few stuff to buy, I will just just keep it down and just move to a small retailer. 
Oh, you see, everyone has the that one shop outside of their society or a little like at a very little
distance from your home I would buy. I would buy from there. 
Because that that is the case of just one single item you're buying for. Let's say you have a shopping
list that consists of almost every sector that you buy in. Let's say it's grocery plus there plus apparal
and everything. So in that case, when you have a big big two baskets of buying and then you see a
big line, what will you do like this? Those two hours of shopping will go waste if you don't buy that
And then when you see a long que at the payment counter what is, what is your mindset at that
point of time? 
Like I hope God makes him, God helps me cutting in line. But still I if God won't help me I would have
to stay in the line I if I if if there is a load of stuff and I need to buy it then I need to wait. 
The line won't affect that that decision. 
OK, so in that case I can assume that. 
Yes, a line doesn't make a big difference in your buying pattern, but when it comes to like necessary
you have, you have to adjust with that thing. 
Let's not say necessary, but a lot of stuff. 
The more the stuff, the more my chances that I'll be standing in line. 
So this is the most irritating part of your of your buying pattern. 
Yes, definitely payment. 
OK, so is this a pattern that you see across all the stores? 
Uh, yeah, all the big stores. 
And when you go to these supermarkets, do you have this perception in mind? That yes, there there
will be a certain amount of time that will be spent just on that payment counter. Do you have that
perception in mind before going? 
Yes, yes I I try not to bring that up, but that is that. Is there definitely that is there. 
And that is not helpful. Like I I that is irritating. Very agonizing. 
Well, that is irritating but somehow you got adjusted to this thing. 
Yeah, of course. 
And there is a reason why that is the reason why you still go to big retail outlets. 
Ah yes. 
So my next question is what is that wow moment in that big bazar was that that makes you stand in
that line still? What is what is so intriguing about that place that is not there in? 
A local mom and pop store. 
Some items have more. 
Uh, how do you say during duration for like, not not, let's say not let's not set duration life, life to be
preserved. So if that is the case, so that means I can buy in bulk and if I can buy in bulk, I would
prefer the place which sells Me all the goods that too  
That in cheap price are cheap price. 
So I would, that's why I prefer these big stores and I don't like. 
Asking people for everything like I would just go take my stuff, get to the counter, bill it and get out. 
There is just unnecessary talking involved. If I go to a small retail store or a store which has, uh, let's
say a shopkeeper or a vendor selling me, so I would prefer taking a basket and getting things and just
building it, building it all and going away. 
OK, so tell me something about that is outside this retail experience. So let's say something like
parking. So does parking have a impact on your bank decision? 
Oh yes, if they don't have parking. If a big store don't have parking, that is not a big store for me.
That is just normal. 
Store for me an I would prefer not to go there and just go to my small retail shop. 
OK, So what is your take on those loyalty programs? Like any loyalty program like a big Bazar card
that you have any of these schemes that makes a customer loyal to them. So what is your take on
that? Do you like discounts? 
So see everyone love discounts who won't, uh, but say uh, everyone knows that these are just
money mentors for them. They will always try to rack up their sales or revenue by providing your
loyalty programs. The more you buy, the more points you get. The more you can then buy as well.
And then again you always. 
You only sometimes can you know do 100% off from. 
On a product so always there is that cash amount involved. 
So I'm not that into it. It's OK if I don't have a loyalty program, it's just I will see the discount and all
right. I don't care about loyalty programs in this, of course. I care about the discounts. 
So what I can say is loyalty program does not affect your buying decision  
Hi yeah it doesn't. 
Uh, and say Let's say like on a big Bazaar, like on a Saturday Sunday and then you see a certain sale
on Wednesday, so would you prefer going to a day or when there is a discount or would you Just go
on any normal day. 
Uh, I like a normal day isn't a deal breaker for me, but I will try myself to go on a Wednesday if it's if
it's like a little more cheap, add that in like act that on that day. 
So what I can assume is discount do play a major role in your buying pattern and when in the days
when you see a large amount of discount then you will prefer to go in that place. 
Even if you, even if that means, uh, waiting for two to three days. 
Right? Yes, of course. 
that is not available in these retail outlets. Anything that is not highlighted so far. 
I will list you three things. Oh, let's say 4 things first of all. 
Discounts everyday kind of discounts 2nd.  
OK, I said it was a very insightful interview with you. I hope you would like to share more such
experience with us, so thanks a lot for your time. It was really. 
Thank you. 

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