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Research and Strategy Paper

Richard Kobielnik



Frank Marino

Research and Strategy Paper


In this paper I will discuss a problem in my day to day life and that problem would have

to be Time Management. This problem seems to effect almost everyone these days there seems

to be so much stuff to do and not enough time to do it. I will try to develop a strategy to

overcome the issue and resolve the problem.

There are so many everyday challenges in our lives these days regardless if you stay at

home, work or are continuing your education and learning time management skills is by far the

most frustrating and possibly the most rewarding. Most people have a hard time trying to balance

a job, schooling, or personal obligations with my being a student my time management skills can

me that I have enough time to complete an assignment or not it also can mean the difference

between an A grade or a D grade.

Of course all of us have 24 hours in a day however some people can seem to turn time

management into a reward or seem like extra time. If someone is having problems finishing

things due to time management problems I think it would be a good idea to create some form of

schedule or technique to help free up some of their time.

According to Carter, Bishop, and Kravits (2007) they say “Time management lets people

finish tasks in a reasonable amount of time and manage stress.” Time management is

accomplishing set tasks and goals with a specialized schedule that allows room for success. In

Keys to College Studying Carter, Bishop and Kravits say that “goal achievement is directly

linked to effective management.”

If someone does not come up with or stick to a schedule that covers their responsibilities,

tasks, goals in a realistic way, they may not be able to do everything they need to within a set

timeframe. When you try to create your own time management plan and copying strategies, it is

necessary that you have all of the right information to get on the track to success and keep on it.

The information that you need to manage your time requires a careful analysis of how

much information is relevant. “People can gather most of the information that they need for this

task by examining how their schedule works, and what they need from it.” (Carter, Bishop, and

Kravits, 2007) The first stage in collecting this information is to “identify your time related needs

and preferences” (Carter, Bishop, and Kravis, 2007.)

To do this we need to know what part of our day is the most useful and productive,

examine what habits we have developed, and a list of preferences that must be taken into account

when building an effective routine. Once we have gathered and examined all of this information,

finally we can begin to develop a schedule that takes the information into account.

In order to help improve my time management skills I could use a planner, put things in

order by priority so I can do things in the right order and finish the important tasks before the

less important ones. A big way to free up some time is to work ahead if at all possible especially

when it comes to school work from my experience when I work ahead I can free up a lot of

valuable time and that allows me to work on other projects or tasks.

I think that one of the biggest problems in time management is procrastination. We

including myself have to fight “procrastination” and be flexible to some point we often tend to

put thing off until the last minute and then we get overwhelmed and feel more stressed.

When we can manage our time effectively procrastination will not get in the way of our

tasks. We will find that we get a lot more done with the time that we save when we are organized

and focused.


There are no problems that do not have solutions and in order to come up with a good

solution we have to look at the pros and cons for each solution we come up with one that is best

for the situation that is presented. We need to use critical thinking skills to modify solutions as

well deem necessary one of the most important steps to resolving a problem is too create a

strategy that can give us the information we need.



Carter, C., Bishop, J., & Kravits, S. (2007). Keys to College Studying: Becoming an active

thinker (3rd ED.). Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall .

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