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1. 1 CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.0 Background of the study Absence nowadays cannot be separated
from the individual who was called a student. This absence of phenomena, it is easy to see even likened
it has become a necessity in the nature of students. So it is not surprising if this habit continues to fall
proceeds among school students as examples of primary, secondary and even at university level, the
problem still persists. Other than that, the sector is also facing the field of employment in the same
problems that their employer impasse in the absence of these phenomena solution. University Selangor
(UNISEL) at Shah Alam, Faculty of Business also facing the same thing, the absence of student in class
getting worse. They are a few among of student sometimes attend a class a few time in a week, other
than that the attendances of student in class based on the subject that they like. These scenarios
actually should not be happened, because as a student they already know and thinks to differentiate
between the good thing and the worse. Besides that, they also well know the impact and affect while
they absent from a class. According to the (Marburger, 2001) states that the difficulty inferring the effect
of absenteeism on performance because, once a student is absent in a class, he or she

2. 2 may miss the opportunity of learning other techniques. He found out that missing in class progress
the likelihood of missing examination material covered that day compared to the student who were
present in the class. Therefore, we feel that this problem is very serious. As such we take responsibility
to investigate and find a solution to this problem from continuing to happen. At the sometimes, we can
know the accurate information about these problems and can be able to cope with this problem from
the root. 1.1 Problems statement Do not came to class attitudes is synonymous with absenteeism, but it
happens often clearly visible in front of our eyes. It does not matter if the school environment, the
employment problem will occur. This is because a few individuals who are fond of this kind of attitude
lightly upon themselves. And at the same times some individual take these attitudes simply on
themselves, they feel it just the small thing but they doesn’t realize that these kinds of attitudes were
create a bad impact trough their future. Besides that, were as a researcher takes a move ahead in
eradicating this problem. In UNISEL, we can see clearly about absenteeism student from the class. Form
the information we get from the some lecturer, sometime the student attendance absent from the class
is half of the class. Here we know that how these problems seriously

3. 3 happened in UNISEL. At the same times, we want to review what actually the factor makes student
not interested to attend the class. In other than that we want to, make student realize the affect while
they refuse or absent from the class. As a student, they must to well know what exactly their
responsibility, role like we call student. In addition, it is important for student to know that with these
bad attitudes they will get the bad outcomes as usually when related on performances for sure it about
the (CGPA) of their academic. According to (Schmidt,1983), absenteeism affects the students’ ability to
get high scores in examinations which can cause the decreasing of grades or the student may fail and
will cause him or her to repeat the same year level. Students who have spent time attending lectures or
classes have a significant, positive effect on students’ performance. Students that participated exhibits
higher grades and scores in examinations that the student. 1.2Objective of Study Purpose this study is
made to find out the factors that influence student absences to class. As well, this study helps the
management of the university, especially in overcome problems absenteeism among students
particularly in the Faculty of Business.
4. 4 In addition, we also take the responsibility of in given awareness to each student on the future
impact on the attitude of those who prefer not to attend the class and take easily for this kind of
attitude.From these of scenario we referring to aims and objectives to make of this study and the main
objectives can be summarizing as follow: i) To study the factor that effect of student absenteeism. ii) To
measures what kind of gender that is most critically in absenteeism issues. iii) To give suggestions and
solutions for further improvement towards absenteeism. 1.3 Significance of the study The important of
this study is, to get accurate information about the absenteeism affect through the student
performances. These reviews of research not only help researcher and educators identify the
contemporary research topics and research methodology but also suggest directions for future research
as well as some guidelines for the nature of that research. In addition, to study and rises information of
factor and effect student absenteeism. From the information the university can used and will take the
positive reaction to further improving.

5. 5 In the same in this study could be helpful to new researchers to make a guide for study them. As
well, it shows that we on our research its enable to be used as a reference and source of information
useful to all parties. Besides that, it was helping to all parties, particularly the improvements to the
management and administration of the university. 1.4 Limitation of Study There are the problems,
obstacles and challenges faced by the researcher in conducting and completing the research: 1.4.1 Time
constrain Time constrain is very important for researcher to complete this study in the given period. This
is because the researcher must to complete in a few month period. The period has been given are
insufficient because the researcher must divide the times with other commitment such as a study
schedule and complete other assignments. 1.4.2 Cost constraint The main problem for researcher in
completing this research is financial cost. The financial cost will be the major factors that will slow down
to do these studies because researcher needs to provide a lot of money in order

6. 6 to get the information and materials such as from the internet, printing and transportations. 1.4.3
Lack of information and resources Lack of information and resources obtained by researcher will be
problem to accomplish this research. This is because researcher needs to find the information through
the internet as an alternative reference for the research. Whereas, needs to find more journals, research
articles and books as additional information. Researcher also facing difficulties in obtains reference
materials from the library. 1.4.4 Lack of response from respondent The information from respondent is
very important to do the research. Limitations occur when the response provides less commitment and
cooperation to give their feedback. Through questionnaires some of respondent were not follow the
guidelines when answering the questions. Furthermore, most of them no honestly provide the right
answers as a feedback. It can lead researcher difficult to make a conclusion of their research conducted.

7. 7 1.5 Definition of terms 1.5.1 School A school is an institution designed for the teaching of students
(or “pupils") under the direction of teachers. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is
commonly compulsory. In these systems, students’ were progress through a series of schools. The
names for these schools vary by country but generally include primary school for young children and
secondary school for teenagers who have completed primary education. An institution where higher
education is taught is commonly called a university college or university. 1.5.2 Absenteeism
Absenteeism is a habitual pattern of absence from a duty or obligation. Traditionally, absenteeism has
been viewed as an indicator of poor individual performance. More recent scholarship seeks to
understand absenteeism as an indicator of psychological, medical, or social adjustment to work.
8. 8 1.6 Organizational of the Project Paper The organizational of reports is especially designed and
OF BUSINESS IN UNISEL SHAH ALAM”. On these parts the reader will be clearly describe summarize that
contains to be presented on each chapters. Chapter One Chapter one describe an introduction of a
project purposed that include the background of the study, objective of the study, the significant of the
studies, followed by limitation of studies. A definition of terms and organization of project paper are also
included into the chapter one. Basically chapter one discuss the overview about the research overall to
bring a basic and clear knowledge of our study. Chapter Two Literature review is the second chapter
focus all about. Literature define is the documentation of a comprehensive review of the published work
from secondary sources of data in the areas of specific interest to the researcher. A literature been
reviewed to consider in order to decide whether there are any change of necessary. Literature review
helps to support our study of research process and used to guide for researcher where an information
been gather by analyzing all resources from previous author and media.

9. 9 Chapter Three Chapter three is about research design and methodology. It help researcher on how
to conduct the study and determine what methods should be used to meet the purpose of the study. A
researcher design is a master plan specifying the methods and procedures for collecting and analyzing
the need information. Methodology helps to bring out on doing in study with a particular method and
principles. There are two type of methods could be used in the study those are Primary Data and
Secondary Data. This chapter helps our study to build with strong information. Chapter Four Chapters
four were focus on data analysis and finding. Data analysis is the application of logic to the
understanding of data that has been gathered, it varies from the simple determination of pattern to
complex statistical analysis. Researcher will come out with the different parts or details of samples study
been conducted before. The sample demography could be presented in written task or tabular format.
Findings are information that is discovered as a result of research in a form of survey and report. Overall
conclusion can only be made after data gathering and analysis.

10. 10 Chapter five Chapter five is explain about conclusions and recommendations. This chapter will
summarize all the four chapters above. There are also a briefly explanation in final chapter. Conclusion
could be explain as an opinion as the result of the overall study. While recommendation determine how
a person should act in particular situation. Finally this chapter would bring a proper recommend for the
suggestion to end of further researchers.

11. 11 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction The purpose of this study is tomake to find out
the factors that influence student absences to class. As well, this study helps the management of the
university, especially in overcome problems absenteeism among students particularly in the Faculty of
Business. According to (Schmidt,1983), absenteeism affects the students’ ability to get high scores in
examinations which can cause the decreasing of grades or the student may fail and will cause him or her
to repeat the same year level. Students who have spent time attending lectures or classes have a
significant, positive effect on students’ performance. Students that participated exhibits higher grades
and scores in examinations that the student. 2.2 Absenteeism According to (Teasley,2004) absenteeism
is a period of time when a student does not attend school students who do not attend school will
generally fall behind their classmates in their academic success (Ford & Sutphen,1996) they have fewer
opportunity to learn the materials that will help them to succeed (Epstein & Sheldon ,
12. 12 2002) the focus of student absenteeism ranges from early schooling until adolescent years (Ford
&Sutphen , 1996). Absenteeism in students affects their school performances especially when they are
in a group or teamwork for their assignments and projects. Since grouping will help develops the
students cooperatives and ability to share and gain knowledge from their group mates, likewise, the
group mates will also miss the opportunity of gaining knowledge from the absent student (Koppenhaver,
2003) Based on research of (Marburger,2001) states that the absences create a dead, tiresome,
unpleasant classroom, environment that makes students who come to class uncomfortable and the
lecturer irritable. Absenteeism disturbs the dynamic teaching- learning environment and adversely
affects the overall well-being of classes (Segal ,2008). In quality terms, absenteeism is a waste of
educational resources, time and human potential. Student absenteeism also causes rework and wasted
time for lecturers (Lalek , 1995 &Rumburger 1997). According to (Park and Kerr 1990, Romer 1993, and
Foltz 1996, Marburger 2001) it is widely recognized that absenteeism can negatively impact grades in
economics courses and that high attendance rates can improve student performance in variety of
classroom settings (Sheets et al. 1995, Johnston and James, 2000)

13. 13 According of study by (Brooks, 1997, as cited in Bond, 2004) absenteeism can be defined as
persistent, habitual, and unexplained absence from school. Bond noted that chronic absenteeism occurs
when a student is absent without reason 20% or more of school time: - this nominal figure is
consistently identified regardless of the specific circumstances of the absenteeism. According to
(Schmidt in 1983) absenteeism affects the students’ ability to get high scores in examinations which can
cause the decreasing of grades or the student may fail and will cause him or her repeat the same year
level. Students who have spent time attending lectures or classes have a significant, positive effect on
students’ performance. Students that participated exhibits higher grades and scores in examinations
that the student To prevent and correct serious attendance problems, school need to change the way
they structured improves the quality of the courses and intensity interpersonal relationship between
teachers and students (Epstein and Sheldon, 2002) Daniel RMarburger indicates that student
performance is inversely correlated with absenteeism. The author investigates the impact of enforcing
an attendance policy on absenteeism and student performance. The evidence suggests that an enforced
mandatory attendance policy significantly reduces absenteeism and improves exam performance.

14. 14 Newman Wadesango and SeverinoMachingambi (2011) study was to investigate the extent of
student absenteeism in selected areas. Explore the reasons why student absent themselves from classes
and examine the implications of student absenteeism. The study adopted the mixed methodology and
used a survey research design as the operational framework for data gathering. Data were collected by
self-administered questionnaires and interviews with the chosen students. The study revealed that
student absenteeism is rampant in the schools under study due to reasons such as: lack of subject
interest, poor teaching strategies by teachers, unfavorable learning environment, too much
socialization, and poor relations with the teachers. The study also found an inverse relationship between
student absenteeism and course performance. According (DonkaMirthecva, 2009) some studies show
that student’s attendance or absenteeism is closely linked with good students health thus resulting to
higher academic achievements. According (Chang and Romero, 2008, Moonie, Sterling, Figgs and Castro,
2008) have identified chronic absenteeism as a persistent problem related to poor academic
performances and potential behavioral and development issues. There is general agreement among
researchers that being chronically absent places student at risk of negative academic consequences.
15. 15 Absenteeism can have pronounced negative impacts on students of poverty (Ready,2010) and
according (Balfane And Byrnes,2012) absenteeism can reduce the like hood of post-secondary
enrolment. There is also evidence of a particular pattern of non-attendance amongst university
students, with most absenteeism accusing on Mondays-and Fridays being of one day in duration
(Timmins, 2002, Rodgers, 2002) According (Gatherer and Manning, 1998) suggest that there are may
actually be psychological benefits to occasional absences. Yet, if one were to try to dress this in
timetabling and in so doing, scheduled classes only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Student’s
perceptions of the classroom or teachers as chaotic, uncaring or boring were associated with student
absenteeism and truancy (Duckworth and Dejong, 1989, Redericket al, 1997) Research found that
several family and community enrolment practices were associated with student attendance including
rewarding. Students for good attendance communicating with families about student attendance,
providing families with information about people to contact at school or intuitions, conducting worships
on attendance, and providing after-school programs for students (Epstein and Sheldon, 2002)

16. 16 According to (Henry, 2007) social learning theory may also be applied to the way parents pass on
their values and expectations relatives to schooling and education. The attitude a student’s parents have
toward truancy plays an important role in the extent to which truant behavior persists. High rates of
unexcused absences have been linked to “ school disengagement “ and lower academic achievement.
(Gotttried,2009)students with high number of unexcused absences might be less motivated and
supported at home then a students with an equal number of exceed ones :Therefore the reasons for
school institutions absences are related to the extent to which students learn. Recent studies show
students who are chronically absent are involved with the following disruptive classroom behavior in the
current percentiles;29% are bullies, bullied 19%.Have disrespect for teachers,19% are afflicted with
gangs, and 13% are verbally abuse teachers (Reimer& Sminh,2005) see school absenteeism as a cause of
low scholastics an more students are referred to for disciplinary action (Sommer and Najd 1991) Class
attendance is likely to be substantially influenced by contextual factors (Crede, Roch&Kiesecuyuks 2010)
such as attendance norms of university perceived difficulty of the class, characteristic of the instructors
and whether students can obtain lecture material online. It is also true that individual differences factors
such as motivation, consciencetiousness and intelligence increase the likelihood of a student attending
class ( Decades and Fortz 1996, Arulampalam, Naylor, and Smith 2012).

17. 17 2.3 Summary As a summarize of the literature review, we can conclude that rate of absenteeism
among students is currently in high percentages. Based on previous research conducted by researchers
there are many factors contributing to the major problems of the absenteeism such as parental
responsibility, incondusive studying environment, administration role, and lectures role and so on.

18. 18 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter describes
the methodology used to collect data, which will be used to answer the hypothesis. Research design and
methodology is important, because it provides more prospective on the problem being studies. This
research is based on study carried out at Faculty of Business in UNISEL (Shah Alam) to study on their
factor once absenteeism. Exploratory research provides qualitative the concept or defines the problems.
The purpose of quantitative research is to determine the phenomena in the form of number. The
methods used in this research are definition, research design, respondent, data collection, sampling
method, targeted population, and data analysis. 3.2 Business Research Defined Business research a task
to generate accurate information to be used in decision-making. The task is defined as the systematic
and objectives process for gathering, recording, and analyzing data as aid in business decision makings.
Literally, research means to “search again”. It involve patient study and scientific investigation wherein
the research takes another more careful look on data to discover all that can be as the subject of study.

19. 19 The gathered information or data that been collected were analyzed to be accurate, where the
business research must be objective. The importance of objectivity, research is valueless. 3.2.1
Categories of business research There are three categories of business research which is: i) Basic (pure)
research Research that intended to expand the boundaries of knowledge or verify the acceptability of a
given theory. ii) Applied research A research those was undertaken of answer a question of specific
problem or to make decision towards a particular course of decision or action. iii) Evaluation A formal
objective measurement, which apprise the extent to a given activity, project or program achieved its
objective. 3.3.2 Type of business research There are several types of research methods that used to
conduct business research, which i) Exploratory Research

20. 20 Research is conducted to clarify and define the nature of the research problems. It helps to
identify information for future researcher to conduct a research. ii) Descriptive Research Specifically
conduct to describe the characteristics of population of population. iii) Causal Research A research those
were narrow down the cause and effect relationship among variables specifically. This research applies
exploratory research to bring the problem into more understanding of the field of study. By the
analyzing of the existing studies of subject, by doing some research and informally investigating of the
situation, this study can help to build a strong conclusion of the concept. They are several techniques for
obtained a clear idea. The research applies explanatory. 3.3 Research Design After a research problem
has been formulated, the nest process is followed by research design. Research design is as a master
plan in specifying information needed. The objective of this study is to determine during the starting of
the research to ensure whether appropriate information was collected in solving the problem.

21. 21 3.4 DataCollection 3.4.1 Primary Data Primary data is a data that were gathering and assemble
specifically for the research project. The data are collected through observation, interview and also
questionnaires. This type of data is used in collecting information for our studies. 3.4.2 Questionnaires A
list of questionnaires were prepared by observation and investigating based on field of study been
research and the respondent were requires to filled u the questionnaires. The respondent should have
to read and answering the questions. This survey involved of the student Faculty of Business in (UNISEL)
Shah Alam. It consist of the four parts which are (Part A), demography, (Part B) about absenteeism and
to identify the possible causes of absenteeism, (Parts C) to identify the possible effect of absenteeism
and the last parts is (Part D) ways to overcome absenteeism. Relevance and accurate are two basic
criteria a questionnaires must be meet in term to achieve the researcher’s purpose. To bring the
research successfully, a systematically questionnaires should build up. 3.5 Secondary Data Secondary
data is a data that have been previously collected and assemble for some project research done by
other hand. Such data are cheaper and more quickly to be accessed than primary data and also may be
available when primary data cannot be

22. 22 accessed at all. To carry outdated is collect all information from article, journal, and internet
where then will be analyzed. With the secondary data helps to make primary data collection more
specific whereas we can able to identify the gaps and deficiencies and what additional information
needs to be collected and helps to improve the understanding of the problem. Secondary data also
provides a basis for comparison for the data that were collected by the researcher. 3.5.1 Internal Data A
data that is gathered from the internal source the administration management which is the statistics
report. Throughout the report the information such as a statistics of absenteeism, which course and the
information related to our studies. 3.5.2 External Data  Reference books A main resource of books
about absenteeism were used in collecting information and referred as guideline to conduct the study. 
Articles and journals The articles and journals give extra information about the study to analysis with
information available.  Internet Internet provides easy and quick references from websites related to
the study.

23. 23 3.6Population and Sample Size Population refers to an entire group of people, events, or things of
interest that the researchers wish to investigate (Gay and Diehl, 1992). The process of research sampling
involves any procedure using a small number of items or parts of the whole population to make
conclusions regarding the whole population. A sample is subset, or some part of larger population. The
purpose of sampling is to enable the researchers to estimate unknown characteristics of the population.
The population for this study consists of three major programs of Faculty of Business in UNISEL. There
are BHRM, BIM, and BOA students. The research was conducted through the questionnaire. The sample
target required is 50 respondents from each program, which randomly selected to answer the
questionnaires. Therefore, this research is to ensure that ensure that the objective of the research able
to achieved without any mistakes or errors. 3.6.1 Respondent A respondent is a person who wills
answer the questionnaires, all of the respondent are under the Faculty of Business. Despite the
questionnaires are used to collect data and information accurately from the survey. The sample is from
the BHRM, BIM and BOA student.

24. 24 3.7 Data Analysis and Procedure Data analysis in survey research is characteristics by a wide
spectrum of statistics analysis used to collect the data and then analyzed to be converted into a format
that will answer the researcher’s questions. The analysis involves determining consistent patterns and
summarizing the appropriate details that relived in the investigation. In this study, researcher will used
Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0 to key in all the data which collected from
respondent and cross tabulation. 3.7.1 Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) SPSS is very user
friendly and best learned by hands-on utilization. SPSS is a comprehensive statistical software package
for helping in analyze the study ta and an import the dissertation data from almost any kind of the file
for analysis. In analyze, SPSS used to generate tabulated dissertation reports, charts, and plots of
distribution and trends, as well as descriptive statistics, and complex statistical analysis using the
collected data. 3.7.2 Tabulation Researcher will use tabulation in this study. Tabulation refers to the in
orderly arrangement of data in a table or other summary format of information gathered. Counting the
number of response through a question and separate them into a frequency distribution is a simple
tabulation or marginal tabulation, which help the researcher to keep the most basic from of a
information. During the data tabulated, a meaningful

25. 25 categories and character symbols will used to represent for group or responses. The rules used to
interpret; categories and recording the data are called codes. This coding process can be used a fully
facilities by a computer or a manual work as hand tabulation. Other than that, researcher can also use
cross tabulation. Where, researcher question involving relationship among multiple less than internal
variable. The results were combined of frequency table displaying one variable in rows and another
variable in columns. The purpose of categorization and cross tabulation is to allow the inspection and
comparison of differences among group.
26. 26 CHAPTER FOUR DATA ANALYSIS AND FINDINGS 4.1 Introduction This chapter shows the results of
data analysis that has been undertaken and has been achieved from the studies. Data were collected
through a questionnaire distributed by one of the researchers. The questionnaire comprises two major
parts A deals with demographic question and Part B contains 27 questions related to causes, effects and
ways to overcomes absenteeism problems. A five point Likert Scale is used to identify student
respondent’s level of agreement on a statement given. The scale is follows: 5 Strongly Disagree, 4:
Disagree, 3: Neutral, 2: Agree, 1: Strongly Agree. Statistical Package for Social Sciences Version 16.0 to
get reliability, percentage, frequency, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, and independent samples test.

27. 27 4.2 Part A: DEMOGRAPHIC (RESPONDENT’S BACKGROUND) 4.2.1 Programs Table 4.2.1 : programs
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid BHRM 50 33.3 33.3 33.3 BOF 50 33.3 33.3
66.7 BBM 50 33.3 33.3 100.0 Total 150 100.0 100.0

28. 28 Figure 4.2.1: programs Figure 4.2.1 above shows the programs of the respondents. The total
respondent is 150. So, we had divided for three major programs such as BHRM, BOF, and BBM. For each
programs there are 50 respondents or 33.3%. 34% 33% 33% Programs bhrm bof bbm

29. 29 4.2.2: Gender Table 4.2.2 : Gender Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid
male 33 22.0 22.0 22.0 female 117 78.0 78.0 100.0 Total 150 100.0 100.0 Figure 4.2.2: gender 22% 78%
Gender male female

30. 30 Figure 4.2.2 above shows the gender of the respondents. The total respondent is 150 and they
are 78% or 117 respondents are females while 22% or 33 respondents are male. It means that, female
have a highest percentage than male. 4.2.3: Year of Study Table 4.2.3 : year of study Frequency Percent
Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 1 30 20.0 20.0 20.0 2 48 32.0 32.0 52.0 3 72 48.0 48.0 100.0 Total
150 100.0 100.0

31. 31 Figure 4.2.3: Year of Study Figure 4.2.3 above shows the year of study of respondents. There are
30 respondent or 20% from year 1 followed by 48 respondent or 32% from year 2 and 72 respondents or
48% from year 3. 20% 32% 48% Year Of Study 1 2 3

32. 32 4.2.4: Age Table 4.2.4 : Age Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 18-20 11
7.3 7.3 7.3 21-23 102 68.0 68.0 75.3 24-26 37 24.7 24.7 100.0 Total 150 100.0 100.0 Figure 4.2.4: Age
Figure and table 4.2.4 shows age of the respondents. There are 11 respondents or 7.3% comes from age
group 18-20, followed by 102 respondents or 68% from 21-23 age group and end with 37 respondents
or 24.7% from 24-26 age groups. 7% 68% 25% Age 18-20 21-23 24-26

33. 33 4.3 RELIABILITY Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items .918 27 Table: 4.3.1 Item-Total
Statistics Scale Mean if Item Deleted Scale Variance if Item Deleted Corrected Item- Total Correlation
Cronbach's Alpha if Item Deleted absenteeism is voluntary non- attendance without valid reasons 95.90
184.923 .542 .915 Family ,friends, lectures and ourselves has ultimate responsibility for managing
absenteeism 95.57 189.387 .489 .916 quality/clarity of lectures 95.67 186.613 .580 .914 teaching skill of
the lecturer 95.64 185.910 .578 .914 lack of sleep 95.65 191.611 .345 .918 lecturer timetable scheduled
not the right hour 95.75 188.160 .518 .915 need to attend to extracurricular/personal activities 95.91
189.207 .483 .916 number of student in class 95.91 190.998 .353 .918 students did not finished the
95.81 190.761 .425 .917
34. 34 homework before the class start always students felt sick and unhealthy life 95.87 190.089 .472 .
916 students are not interested in a particular subject 95.63 187.240 .604 .914 students have
behavioral/or emotional problems that interfere the learning process 95.77 186.932 .589 .914 academic
performances low 95.71 187.631 .575 .914 student knowledge is outdated compared to other students
in class 95.63 188.021 .602 .914 lectures perception on your ability is low 95.80 185.638 .585 .914 fail to
score well in quizzes, tests and final exams 95.74 188.905 .557 .915 absenteeism will affect your carry
marks 95.45 185.632 .585 .914 your name will be bar from final exam 95.51 187.164 .513 .915 effect
your CGPA/GPA 95.45 186.719 .588 .914 fail to get loan for next semesters 95.69 184.550 .520 .915
trying to copy answer from other student in exam 95.87 184.031 .562 .914 fail to graduate in academy
to schedule 95.80 180.859 .643 .913 make sure the classes size smaller (max 30 students) 95.61
189.688 .436 .917 establishing a program of constantly emphasizing the benefits of attending the class
to students 95.65 189.532 .511 .915 build a friendly and mutually 95.41 192.593 .422 .917

35. 35 respectful lectures/ students relationships prioritize the ability of lectures to engage / entertain
the class 95.30 193.178 .395 .917 adjustment on class timing should be done 95.14 186.712 .589 .914
4.4 PART B Table 4.4.1: Distribution of mean and standard deviation for causes of an absenteeism.
Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation absenteeism is voluntary non-
attendance without valid reasons 150 1 5 3.44 1.077 family, friends ,lectures and ourselves has ultimate
responsibility for managing absenteeism 150 1 5 3.77 .878 quality/clarity of lectures 150 1 5 3.67 .916

36. 36 teaching skill of the lecturer 150 1 5 3.70 .961 lack of sleep 150 1 5 3.69 .984 lecturer timetable
scheduled not the right hour 150 1 5 3.59 .914 need to attend to extracurricular/personal activities 150
1 5 3.43 .900 number of student in class 150 1 5 3.43 1.006 students did not finished the homework
before the class start 150 1 5 3.53 .887 always students felt sick and unhealthy life 150 1 5 3.47 .857
students are not interested in a particular subject 150 1 5 3.71 .848 students have behavioral/or
emotional problems that interfere the learning process 150 1 5 3.57 .885 Valid N (listwise) 150 Family,
friends ,lectures and ourselves has ultimate responsibility for managing absenteeism is the most
influencing factors of absenteeism with average(mean 3.77)(SD = 0.878) followed by students are not
interested in a particular subject(mean=3.71)(SD=0.848)and teaching skill of the lecturer (mean=3.70)
(SD=0.96). Lack of the sleep is the fourth influencing factor of absenteeism (mean =3.69)(SD=0.984)
followed by quality/clarity of lecturer with (mean 3.67) (SD=0.916). (Mean 3.59) and

37. 37 (SD=0.914) is lecturer timetable scheduled not the right hour and (mean 3.57) (SD=0.885) is the
students have behavioral/or emotional problems that interfere the learning process. Then followed by
(mean 3.53) (SD=0.0887) students did not finished the homework before the class start followed by
always students felt sick and unhealthy life with (mean3.47)(SD=1.006),(mean 3.44) (SD=1.077) with
absenteeism is voluntary non-attendance without valid reasons. Second last followed by need to attend
to extracurricular/personal activities with average (mean 3.43) (SD=0.900) and lastly number of student
in class (mean=3.43) (SD=1.006). Table 4.4.2: Distribution of mean and standard deviation for effects of
absenteeism. Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation academic performances
low 150 1 5 3.63 .862 student knowledge is outdated compared to other students in class 150 1 5 3.71 .
805 lectures perception on your ability is low 150 1 5 3.54 .967 fail to score well in quizzes ,tests and
final exams 150 1 5 3.60 .811 absenteeism will affect your carry marks 150 1 5 3.89 .966 your name will
be bar from final exam 150 1 5 3.83 .986 effect your CGPA/GPA 150 1 5 3.89 .899 fail to get loan for next
semesters 150 1 5 3.65 1.142 trying to copy answer from other student in exam 150 1 5 3.47 1.097 fail
to graduate in academy to 150 1 5 3.54 1.145
38. 38 Absenteeism will affect your carry marks is the most major effect of absenteeism with average
(mean3.89) (SD=0.966) followed by effect your CGPA/GPA with same valued of (mean 3.89)(SD=0.899)
thirdly followed by your name will be bar from final exam (mean=3.83) (SD=0.986). Then continue with
student knowledge is outdated compared to other students in class(mean=3.71) (SD=0.805) fail to get
loan for next semesters (mean= 3.65) (SD=1.192).next is academic performances low (mean=3.63)
(SD=0.862), fail to score well in quizzes, tests and final exams(mean=3.60) (SD=0.811) and lectures
perception on your ability is low (mean=3.54)(SD=0.967). Second last is fail to graduate in academy to
schedule (mean 3.54) (SD=1.145) and end with trying to copy answer from other student in exam
(mean=3.47) (SD=1.097). Table 4.4.3: Distribution of mean and standard deviation for ways to
overcomes absenteeism. Descriptive Statistics N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation make sure
the classes size smaller (max 30 students) 150 1 5 3.73 .948 schedule Valid N (listwise) 150

39. 39 establishing a program of constantly emphasizing the benefits of attending the class to students
150 1 5 3.69 .835 build a friendly and mutually respectful lectures/ students relationships 150 1 5 3.93 .
752 prioritize the ability of lectures to engage / entertain the class 150 1 5 4.04 .750 adjustment on class
timing should be done 150 1 5 4.20 .897 Valid N (listwise) 150 Adjustment on class timing should be
done is the most popular ways to overcome absenteeism with average (mean= 4.20) (SD=0.897)
followed by prioritize the ability of lectures to engage / entertain the class(mean=4.04) (SD=0.750) third
popular ways is build a friendly and mutually respectful lectures/ students relationships(mean=3.93)
(SD=0.752)continue by make sure the classes size smaller (max 30 students)(mean=3.73)(SD=0.948) and
lastly establishing a program of constantly emphasizing the benefits of attending the class to students
with average (mean3.69) (SD=0.835).

40. 40 Table 4.4.4 No Statements Answer SD D N A SA F % F % F % F % F % 1 absenteeism is voluntary

non-attendance without valid reasons 15 10.0 8 5.3 38 25.3 74 49.3 15 10.0 2 Family,friends,lectures and
ourselves has ultimate responsibility for managing absenteeism 5 3.3 7 4.7 28 18.7 88 58.7 22 14.7 3
quality/clarity of lectures 5 3.3 10 6.7 35 23.3 79 52.7 21 14.0 4 teaching skill of the lecturer 7 4.7 9 6.0
29 19.3 82 54.7 23 15.3 5 lack of sleep 5 3.3 14 9.3 31 20.7 73 48.7 27 18.0 6 lecturer timetable
scheduled not the right hour 3 2.0 17 11.3 37 24.7 75 50.0 18 12.0 7 need to attend to
extracurricular/personal activities 7 4.7 12 8.0 50 33.3 72 48.0 9 6.0 8 number of student in class 7 4.7 23
15.3 32 21.3 75 50.0 12 8.0 9 students did not finished the homework before the class start 5 3.3 13 8.7
41 27.3 79 52.3 12 8.0 10 always students felt sick and unhealthy life 2 1.3 21 14.0 40 26.7 78 52.0 9 6.0
11 students are not interested in a particular subject 3 2.0 10 6.7 34 22.7 84 56.0 19 12.7 12 students
have behavioral/or emotional problems that interfere the learning process 5 3.3 12 8.0 38 25.3 82 54.7
13 8.7 13 academic performances low 5 3.3 9 6.0 36 24.0 86 57.8 14 9.3 14 student knowledge is
outdated compared to other students in class 4 2.7 5 3.3 37 24.7 84 58.7 16 10.7 15 lectures perception
on your ability is low 4 2.7 22 14.7 30 20.0 77 51.3 17 11.3 16 fail to score well in quizzes ,tests and final
exams 3 2.0 10 6.7 43 28.7 82 54.7 12 8.0 17 absenteeism will affect your carry marks 5 3.3 8 5.3 25 16.7
73 48.7 39 26.0

41. 41 18 your name will be bar from final exam 6 4.0 9 6.0 24 16.0 76 50.7 35 23.3 19 effect your
CGPA/GPA 1 0.7 13 18.7 24 16.0 75 50.0 37 24.7 20 fail to get loan for next semesters 13 8.7 11 7.3 22
14.7 74 49.3 30 20.0 21 trying to copy answer from other student in exam 10 6.7 19 12.7 34 22.7 65 43.3
22 14.7 22 fail to graduate in academy to schedule 14 9.3 12 8.0 28 18.7 71 47.3 25 17.3 23 make sure
the classes sized smaller (max 30 students) 7 4.7 5 3.3 36 24.0 76 50.7 26 17.3 24 establishing a program
of constantly empathizing the benefits of attending the class to students 4 2.7 7 4.7 37 24.7 85 56.7 17
11.3 25 build a friendly and mutually respectful lectures/ students relationships 2 1.3 4 2.7 24 16.0 93
62.0 27 18.0 26 prioritize the ability of lectures to engage / entertain the class 1 0.7 2 1.3 27 18.0 80 53.3
40 26.7 27 adjustment on class timing should be done 3 2.0 1 0.7 27 18.0 51 34.0 68 45.3 T-TEST Table
4.4.5: Programs ANOVA programs Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 26.735 49 .
546 .745 .873 Within Groups 73.265 100 .733 Total 100.000 149

42. 42 ANOVA test are used to analysis weather there are any changes according programs towards
absenteeism. But here had been proven that there are no changes between BHRM, BOF, and BBM
towards absenteeism. All programs equally absent to classes. This is because the sig (0.873) which is
more than p value (0.05). Table 4.4.6: Gender Group Statistics gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error
Mean Absenteeism male 33 97.1212 17.72843 3.08612 female 117 99.9658 13.07401 1.20869 Table
above shows group statistics of the absenteeism. According to the table there are no differences
between male and female to the absenteeism. Gender are not brings any changes to the absenteeism.
This is because the P value is more than (>0.05). Mean of the male is 97.12 while female is 99.97 and
standard deviation for male is (17.73) while female 13.08. Table 4.4.7: Year of Study ANOVA year of
study Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

43. 43 Between Groups 28.404 49 .580 .937 .592 Within Groups 61.836 100 .618 Total 90.240 149 Table
shows there are no differences between year of study and absenteeism. Student’s keep absent to class
even they are first year student or final year students. This is because the p value is more than (0.05) sig
(0.592). Table 4.4.8: Age ANOVA age Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Between Groups 16.778 49 .
342 1.282 .148 Within Groups 26.715 100 .267 Total 43.493 149 Table shows that there are no
differences between age and absenteeism. This is because p value is more than (0.05) and sig. value is

44. 44 CHAPTER FIVE RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION 5.1 Introduction Chapter 5 provides an
overview of the research study, summarize the research findings through the discussion of a study on
factor of student absenteeism at Faculty Of Business, UNISEL Shah Alam. The function on this chapter is
to summarize the findings of the study in form of conclusion, to recommend or apply, to interpret the
question, to suggest extension and integrate. The points raised in the introduction chapter must be
responded to in the conclusion chapter. The researcher should provide the conclusion of the analysis
and suggestions will be discussed details in this chapter. The researchers were prepared the
questionnaire by using the secondary data and it based on research objective. The research was
conducted at University Selangor (UNISEL). The total population involve in this research is 150 students.
Simple random sampling method has been chosen in the distribution of the questionnaires. As many as
150 questionnaires have been distributed and researchers collected it successfully. There are many 150
of the respondents are successfully involved in this study.

45. 45 5.2 Recommendation 5.2.1 Adjustment on class timing Adjustment on class timing is most vital
ways to overcome absenteeism among students. Class timing playing an important role to the students.
Too much early and late class timing will make students to not attend the class. Faculty or upper
management in UNISEL should adjust the class timing scheduled so that students will attend the class
more regularly. Management in UNISEL should analyze the most correctable/ flexible class timing to the
students before finalized the class timing. Here we suggested not starting class too early such as at 8 am
and end up late at 7 pm will make students feel lazy and frustrated. The best class timing is around 9 am
to 6 pm in other words follow up office hours is better. 5.2.2 Prioritize the ability of lectures to
engage/entertain the class Lectures play more vital role in education systems. How far a lecture able to
engage /entertain the class is a non-answer question to everyone. Lectures should know how to conduct
their class well so that student will not absent from attend the classes. Management/ faculty should
make sure that all lectures in UNISEL are able to conduct their classes in proper way as well as entertain
their students. We recommend to the management to send lectures especially who are new in field of
teaching, less experience, and having low performances to the training so that they can able to deliver
their best to the students.

46. 46 5.2.3 Build a friendly and mutually respectful lectures / students relationships. Bonding between
student and lectures are important factors to reduce absenteeism. Lectures and students themselves
should build a strong relationship between them to create a good and health environment.
Communications play an important role towards build a friendly relationship among both parties. Both
parties should give respect each other to avoid disputes among them. We suggested to
management/faculty often organized educational trip/or vacation trip for students/lectures in order to
them build strong friendly and mutually respectful relationships. 5.2.4 Make sure the classes size smaller
We had observed that in FOB there are a lot of students (especially for BHRM) there are more than 60
students in a class for one subject. This make student’s feel uncomfortable to attend a class. Some of the
reasons they did not like to attend a class especially classes which placed more than 60 students are
class are noise, cannot interact with lectures, limited chair provided, students sits at back unable to pay
attentions and so on. One of the way to overcome this problems, faculty/management should make the
class size smaller (max 30 students). A lot of students agree with this suggestions because they feel
more comfortable to attend the class- don’t need to worry about sitting place even they come late to

47. 47 5.2.5 Establishing the programs of constantly emphasizingthe benefits of attending the class to
students Management / faculty should establish the programs of constantly emphasizingthe benefits of
attending the class to students so that they will conscious about the consequences of skipping class. This
is because a lot of students out there are still having zero knowledge about the importance of attending
a class. They also still blind about the effect of absenteeism to their future careers. We suggested to
faculty that often establishing a awareness programs to the students about the benefits of attending the
classes so that they will be able to take a good decision as well think twice before skipping class. 5.3

48. 48 Based on research we had conducted, finally we had find out answer/result for our objectives.
The main factors of absenteeism is family, friends, lectures and ourselves has ultimate responsibility for
managing absenteeism with average (mean 3.77) (SD = 0.878) followed by students are not interested in
a particular subject (mean=3.71) (SD=0.848) and teaching skill of the lecturer (mean=3.70) (SD=0.96) and
so on. Based on our second objectives we had concluded that both female and male are equally
contribute to the absenteeism issues. In order to achieve our third objectives we suggested to the
faculty/management in UNISEL to adjust the class timing as way for reduce and overcome absenteeism.
As a whole it can be concluded that absenteeism is a problem or issues that can be solved easily if all
parties (students, lectures, UNISEL management) work together to overcome absenteeism issues in
future. Discussion The purpose of our study was to find out the factors that influence student absences
to class. As well, this study helps the management of the university, especially in overcome problems
absenteeism among students particularly in the Faculty of Business. In addition, we also take the
responsibility of in given awareness to each student on the future impact on the attitude of those who
prefer not to attend the class and take easil

49. 49 this kind of attitude. From these of scenario we referring to aims and objectives to make of this
study and the main objectives can be summarizing as follow: i) To study the factor that effect of student
absenteeism. ii) To measures what kind of gender that is most critically in absenteeism issues. iii) To give
suggestions and solutions for further improvement towards absenteeism. Our results provided some
support for the questionnaire that we had arise during conducting the research. Firstly, the factor that
effect of student absenteeism is family, friends, lectures and ourselves has ultimate responsibility for
managing absenteeism with average( mean 3.77 )interested in a particular subject (mean=3.71)
(SD=0.848) and teaching skill of the lecturer (mean=3.70) (SD=0.96) and so on. Based on our second
objectives we had concluded that both female and male are equally contribute to the absenteeism
issues. This is because our results shows that gender are not brings any changes to the absenteeism.
This is because the P value is more than (>0.05). Mean of the male is (97.12) while female is (99.97) and(
standard deviation for male is 17.73) while female (13.08).

50. 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY Babbie G, Mouton G. (2001). The Practical of Social Research. Jamaica. Task Force
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Community Journal 4(2): 39-56. Arcia, E. (2006). Achievement and enrollment status of suspended
students: Outcomes in a large, multicultural school district. Education & Urban Society, 38(3), 359-

51. 51 Rothman, S. (1999) Non-attendance and student background factors. Paper presented at the joint
annual conference of the Australian Association for Research in Education and the New Zealand
Association for Research in Education, Melbourne, November December. Balfanz, R. & Byrnes, V. (2012).
Chronic Absenteeism: Summarizing What We Know From Nationally Available Data. Baltimore: Johns
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53. 53 APPENDIX Appendix 1: Pai chart of gender

54. 54 Appendix 2: SPSS data

55. 55 Appendix 3: Frequency Table in SPSS

56. 56 Appendix 4:Oneway

57. 57 Appendix 5: Frequency Data in SPSS Format

58. 58 Appendix 6: Cronbach’s Alpha in SPSS

59. 59 This survey is conducted to investigate the factor that effect student absenteeism.
(Kajianinidijalankanuntukmengkajifaktor yang terhadapkesanketidakhadiranpelajar.) SECTION A:
DEMOGRAPHIC Please mark (√ ) your answer in the box provided. (Silatandakan (√)
jawapanandadalamkotak yang disediakan) PROGRAMMES: BHRM BOF BBM GENDER: MALE FEMALE
YEAR OF STUDY: 1 2 3 3 AGE: 18-20 21-23 24-26 27 ABOV

60. 60 SECTION B : PART A (ABOUT ABSENTEEISM) Please tick ( √ ) on each answer you choose. You may
only choose (1) answer. For these following questions, please rate according to the following.
(Silatandakan (√) padasetiapjawapan yang andapilih.Andahanyabolehmemilih (1) jawapan.Untuksoalan-
soalanberikut. 1. Strongly Disagree (sangattid akbersetuj u) 2. Disagree (tidaksetuj u) 3. Neutra l (neutra
l) 4. Agree (setuju) 5. Strongly Agree (sangatbersetuju) NO STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 1 Absenteeism is
voluntary nonattendance without valid reasons.
(Ketidakhadiranadalahkehadiransukarelabukantanpasebab yang sah) 2 Wehave ultimate responsibility
for managing absenteeism. (Kita mempunyaitanggungjawabutamauntukmenguruskanketidakhadiran.)
Quality/ clarity of lectures (Kualiti / kejelasanpensyarahjejaskankuliah) 2 Teaching skill of the lecturer
(Kemahiranpensyarahmengajar) 3 Lack of sleep (kurangtidur) 4 Lecturer timetable scheduled not the
right hour (jadualwaktupensyarahtidakpadamasadan jam yang

61. 61 tepat/betul) 5 Need to attend to extracurricular/ personal activities (Perlu dating

keaktivitikurikulum / peribadi) 6 Number of student in class (bilanganpelajar di dalamkelas yang padat) 7
Students did not finished the homework before the class start (eg : tutorial, assignment)
(pelajartidakmenyiapkantugasansebelumkelasbermula) 8 Always student felt sick and unhealthy life
(pelajarkerapsakitdanmenjalanigayahidupkurangsihat) 9 Students are not interested in particular subject
(pelajartidakberminatdalamsesetengahsubjek) 10 Students have behavioral / or emotional problems
that interfere the learning process (Pelajarmempunyaimasalahtingkahlaku / atauemosi yang
NO STATEMENT 1 2 3 4 5 1 Academic performance low (pencapaianakademikmenurun) 2 Subject
knowledge is outdated compared to other students in the class (Rasa
ketinggalanberbandingdenganpelajar lain di dalamkelas) 3 Lectures perception on your ability is low

62. 62 4 Fail to score well in quizzes, tests, and final exam (gagalmenjawabdenganbaikdalamujian,
kuizdalampeperiksaanakhir) 5 Absenteesim will affect your carrymarks
(ketidakhadiranakanmenjejaskanmarkahanda) 6 Your name will be bar from final exam
(namaandaakandibekukandarimendudukipeperiksaanakhir) 7 Effect your CGPA and GPA State your
CGPA: …………… (menjejaskan pointer) 8 Fail to get loan for next semester
(gagalmemperolehipembiayaan/pinjaman) 9 Trying to copy answer from other student in exam
(cubauntukmenirujawapanketikapeperiksaan) 10 Fail to graduate in academy to schedule
(gagalmenamatkanpengajianmengikutjadualtelahditetapkan) SECTION D : WAYS TO OVERCOME
ABSEENTEEISM N O STATEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5 1 Make sure the classes sizes smaller (max 30 students)
(memastikandisetiapkelasbilanganpelajarmaksimumhanya 30 orang pelajarsahaja) 2 Establishing a
program of constantly emphasing the benefits of attending the class to students (Mewujudkan program
63. 63 ntukpelajar) 3 Build a friendly and mutually respectful lecturer/ students relationships
(Membinahubunganmesradansalingmenghormatiantarapensyarah / pelajar) 4 Prioritize the ability of
lectures to engage /entertain the class (Mengutamakankebolehanpensyarahuntukmengendalikankelas)
5 Adjustment on class timing should be done. (Penyesuaiankepadapenetapanmasakelasperludilakukan)
Definition on Research Design (on-line) Available
( Definition on Data Analysis (on-
line) Available ( Definition on Research Method (On-line) Available

64. 64

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