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A waiter in a restaurant:

One day like another, nothing in particular a family came to eat, I was unoccupied since the
restaurant had just opened and those who were being served by some of my colleagues, so I came
to serve them, when I gave them the menu they made me many Questions about the food, it turns
out that 2 of the 6 were vegetarians or so I noticed, the strangest thing is that the restaurant
where I work is Meat, and there are very few things that do not bring something like meat and
pork, after that those 2 asked for a dish that I can call vegetarian, while the other 4 ordered a lot of
meat and pork, at that moment after taking the order I left, took the order to the kitchen and told
the chef the directions that one already gave me that I was allergic to pepper, after that I was
serving more customers since as every day the restaurant had been filled, they asked me several
times how long the meal takes, I answered the only thing I can say, it is almost out, after e so take
the Drinks dishes of the 2 that did not have any type of meat, since those do not have much work
they made them quickly, when I arrived it turned out that one did want meat, only that he was
being forced by his mother, it turns out that the child began to say no I wanted that, I walked away
but it could be heard throughout the restaurant, so I had to go up to them and tell them that if I
could lower my voice, the sorry woman scold her son, then I took the orders to the other 4 and
when I walked away, I I realize that the woman was eating pork from her husband's plate, I
laughed because she would not let her son eat but she did, then they ordered the bill and did not
leave without leaving me a very good tip by the way, and that He is 2 months old and I have not
seen them again in the restaurant, apparently they felt very sorry because they had to be told to
lower their voices.

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