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Laviza Shahzad

BS Psychology(IC)

Subject: English

Paragraph Writing:

Social Media and Anxiety

Topic Sentence:

Social Media Anxiety Disorder is a syndrome that relates to generalized Social Anxiety, and is
acquired when the participation of social media affects the mental and physical well-being of an

Supporting Sentences:

First and the foremost, too much passive use of social media – just browsing posts – can be
unhealthy and has been linked to feelings of envy, inadequacy and less satisfaction with life. It
can lead to symptoms, depression, and anxiety and sleep deprivation. On the other hand, if it's
making you feel more anxious, limiting your own exposure to social media intake in a
structured way can be helpful.

Concluding Sentence:

One example could be giving you a set amount of time on social media, or allowing yourself
social media time at the end of the day.

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