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Students' Perception towards the use of Whats App Messanger in

Learning English Writing Skills.

(A Descriptive qualitative Research at Eleventh Grade of SMK Wijaya Kusuma

in Academy 2020/2021Academic Year)


Ega Asferika Putra
NPM : 16520010




A. Background of the study

Learning is an important activity for people, people can understand

knowledge and information about what is learned. in this modern era,

technology helps students improve their knowledge. many things have been

changed especially at school that makes students are comfortable to study

there such as internet. By utilizing developing technologies such as internet,

students can search for learning material and exchange information to

develop their knowledge. As a stated by Ahmadi and Hermawan (2013:68)

“a global communications network named Internet through the different

operating system and machine which connected by all computer in whole

wide world. With global communications learners can use it to exchange

information, get the knowledge needed and find the desired source of

materials they learn. supported by a statement from Lam and Lawrence

(2002) and Pourhosein Gilakjani (2017) “in adjusting their own learning

processes and can have access to a lot of information that their teachers

cannot provide, technology helps students to get it.” From the information

exchange and unlimited sources using technology knwon as Information,

Comunication, and Technology (ICT) makes the students use the internet as

a populer media in learning material such as book.

Information, Comunication, and Technology (ICT) is used by

students to learn independently because the material is available and can be

adjusted to answer the difficulties of different students, not only to search

for material to use the internet also makes students more familiar with the

era of globalization, which is closely related to information that can be

obtained without limits. According to Albrini (2006) improving quality,

achieving access and efficiency in sending instructions in teaching and

learning process also benefit from network learning in order to face the

challenges of the era of globalization being the goal of ICT integration. With

the benefits mentioned earlier making learning accessible anywhere even

from home, this makes it easy for students to learn and gain knowledge.

English as an international language is very influential in the era of

globalization, for English foreign learners (EFL) ICT is used to practice

English language skills especially the ability to write to exchange

experiences and knowledge. Ministry of National Education in Colombia

(2013) say that "resource set, tools, equipment, IT programs, applications,

networks, which enables compilation, processing, sending, storing

information as sound, information, text, videos and images". with access to

send and store information, EFL learners exchange ideas about the use of

vocabulary, grammar and punctuation they compile into information that

they spread through the ICT media they use.

in Indonesia, as an archipelago the implementation of ICT as a

popular medium for learning has been used in efforts to develop education.

English which is a foreign language in Indonesia that is taught in schools is

not affordable by people who live in areas far from educational facilities

such as schools and libraries that make them unfamiliar with English. the

importance of English in opening world communication makes the

government build electricity and internet facilities outside the region and

away from important community facilities such as education to be

connected by the government and fair development goals can be done. The

ICT is used by goverment and teachers for instructional testing and

assessment also helps students learn academic content such as developing

students' abilities in English by finding English reading topics, composing

sentences, structuring letters, etc. Soska (1994) Said that “Instructional

examinations and assessments, culture, academic content, honing critical

thinking skills, honing reading, speaking, listening and writing skills” in

addition, Regulation Minister of Education and Culture Republik of

Indonesia (2013) state that “Distance education is education where students

are separated from educators and their learning uses various learning

resources through communication technology, information, and other

media”. In Distance Education program that made by Regulation Minister

of Education and Culture Republik of Indonesia.

English is taught in junior high school, senior high school and

vocational school. by focusing on the basic skills in English namely reading,

writing, listening and speaking. As an important aspect in English, writing

skill becomes a standard that can be assessed by paying attention to

grammar, punctuation, vocabulary and others. With clear patterns, teacher

can determine the wrong or correctness of student work. Students in

vocational schools that have field practice activities based on the chosen

majors, syllables that are not yet known in learning take their minds and

when learning theory begins in English their motivation to learn decreases.

coupled with the current pandemic conditions, make students' mental

burdens increase and make their motivation to learn English diminish.

According to Dörnyei (1998) external influences that reduce the motivation

of intentions of action and a continuing attitude called demotivational. It is

supported by Ersöz, (2004). lack of confidence and being shy, lack of

knowledge, lack of study material, etc. it must be considered that maybe it

is a student's mental and physical problems.

The ability to write in English on the implementation of online

learning is carried out by providing material that is shared through ICT-

based applications such as google classroom, groups on Whats App,

Facebook and other communication applications. SMK Wijaya Kusuma,

one of the vocational schools has implemented the use of ICT through

Whats App especially in 11th grade. The use of media such as short videos

and text is sent to the whatsapp group in in 11th grade, students read the
material that has been shared. After students read and try to understand the

material, The teacher gives 20 practice questions to students. with the time

limit determined by the teacher the students work on and collect

assignments, because the material provided is in the form of text that must

be answered then students are also allowed to search for resources from the

internet to increase students' understanding of material such as compiling

personal letters, compiling procedural texts, students are allowed to search

various internet sources such as explanations of material from you tube and

other sources that can explain the material concerned. After the assignment,

the teacher asks the difficulties by students for further study. in the presence

of difficulties, the teacher can find a source in the form of a link to you tube,

website, Ebook or other media that can be sent via WhatsApp. After giving

the source material, the teacher gives 20 homework questions related to the

material given earlier. After providing the source material, the teacher gives

20 homework questions related to the material provided previously.

homework assignment is determined by the teacher, after completing the

questions 20 previous practice questions and 20 homework assignment

questions 40 questions the correct number multiplied by 2.5 of course with

a lot of internet resources and the material provided by the teacher will

maximize student work. According to Fry, K. (2000) use of the internet and

other technologies such as the google search engine to produce learning

materials, teach students, and organize learning activities in one

organizational space. With E-learning conducted by the teacher, learning

activity can be a solution when the teacher can not face to face directly.

Whats App that teachers use to teach can increas students self

confident, with members who are already well-known in the Whats App

group that was created allows students to increase their confidence to write

sentences in English. Although in the process students have errors in

writing, the teacher or other members can correct the mistakes students

make. in this case the experience of students' mistakes can be used as an

experience about making correct sentences, in addition there are advantage

by using Whats App as a media

According to Bere (2012): “Messages are saved automatically when

not active or outside the coverage area, free because only use

internet data packages that are used to browse email and website.

WhatsApp users do not need to re-register when the application is

reopened because the account originates from a mobile number and

is integrated with the user's address book.”

With the advantages of Whats App there are also weaknesses from

WhatsApp, according to Bouhnik D & Deshen M (2014) whats app is a

feature that a smartphone has, if students do not have a smartphone it will

be difficult to implement online learning and inappropriate language at

either discussion time or when class has not yet started, the conversation can

not be related to the material. Due to WhatsApp that can only send teks,

voice and video with short duration makes them have to look for other
sources on the internet to understanding the material with the media such as

simulations of compiling letters on You tube and so on. Learning writing

skill using WhatsApp can be implemented by the students, online learning

using Whats App makes students more independent and not just rely on the

teacher to understand questions and material. The difficulty of each

individual and the sources that can be accessed unlimitedly increases

motivation and learning.

Based on theories above, the researcher wants to describe about

students' perception in online English learning writing skill using

WhatsApp media in 11th grade students. Therefore the researcher is

interested in conducting a research entitled “A Descriptive Study on

Students' Perception towards the use of Whats App Messanger in

Learning English Writing Skills at Eleventh Grade of SMK Wijaya

Kusuma in Academy 2020/2021.”

B. Identification of the Problem

Researcher limits the study of a descriptive study on perception of

the students towards the use of WhatsApp messanger in learning English

writing skills in eleventh grade students of SMK Wijaya Kusuma in

academic year 2020/2021 because the students often implemented

WhatsApp as a medium to disccus material espcially in writing skills.

The researcher describe about perception of the students in using

WhatsApp to learning activity, ICT-based EFL teaching, writing skills

material in ICT. The problem and solution faced by the students on learning

writing comprehention in Eleventh grade of SMK Wijaya Kusuma in

academic year 2020/2021.

C. Limitation of the Problem

The researcher limits his research on the students’ preception in

learning English writing especially descriptive text using WhatsApp

messanger in eleventh grade stydents of of SMK Wijaya Kusuma in

academic year 2020/2021, especially the students in class of 11C because

they have already implemented WhatsApp as medium and active in the

conversation and in asking questions, especially the use of word structures.

D. Problem Statement

Based on the background of the study, research problems are

formulated as follow:

1. What is Students' Perception towards the use of Whats App

Messanger in Learning English Writing Skills at Eleventh Grade

of SMK Wijaya Kusuma in Academy 2020/2021”

2. What is ICT-based EFL learning?

3. What are writing material that usually taught in ICT by

WhatsApp at Eleventh Grade of SMK Wijaya Kusuma in

Academy 2020/2021”

E. The objective of the Study

Based on the problem statement, the objectives of the research are:

1. To describe the perception of the students toward the use of

Whats App Messanger in Learning English Writing Skills at

Eleventh Grade of SMK Wijaya Kusuma in Academy


2. To describe the Information, Communication and Technology

based EFL learning.

3. To describe the writing material that usually taught by

WhatsApp at Eleventh Grade of SMK Wijaya Kusuma in

Academy 2020/2021.
F. The Benefit of the Study

In the study, the researcher expects that the research paper has

benefits both theory and practice.

1. Theoritical Significance

a. The research expects that the teacher can get understanding

from student’ preception in the implementation of Learning

online system.

b. For the other researcher, they may complete and do better

research based on this topic.

c. The result of the research can be useful for English teacher in

their teaching learning process especially using ICT.

2. Practical Significance

a. Students

The researcher hopes that this research will be helpful for the

students to understand that learning activity can be done

optimally through the perception and information they can

get through the internet

b. Teacher

The researcher might be useful to give the teacher knowledge

and understanding in students’ point of view about E learning

system in teaching.
c. The reader

The result will be given the information to the readers in the

way in carrying out the information about E learning system

in teaching.
Chapter II


A. Theoritical Riview

1. Definition of Perception

In learning something, analysis is needed to sharpen thinking power

and it help the students to remember the material that they learn, by

analyzing the material students build their perceptions of what the

information they get from the material they studied. perception is an act of

compiling, recognizing and describing information to give an idea of what

is happening. In learning, student perception needed to conclude about the

reading material to get an understanding of the topic of the material. By

establishing a perception in the lesson, students can find the concept of what

they are learning and apply it in practice questions to find out the truth of

the perception they build. Questions in a topic train students' perceptions to

answer those questions based on experience when reading material and

arrange them into sentences by having to pay attention to the use of word

structures, grammar and punctuation clearly and correctly to make the

conclusions in what their minds and what their writings have the same

purpose to avoid misunderstanding when the teacher evaluates the answers

written by students. As a stated by Foster (2000:1) the facts about human

sensory experience create a range of direct perceptual consciousness which

considers it logically from the physical world. With regard to perception,

there are two important things about perception: Phenomenology and


Phenomenology is Perceptual experiences are paradigmatically

conscious experiences in Thomas Nagel’s influential terminology (1979),

something it is like to perceive. And given that there is something it is like

to perceive, we can ask what it is like to perceive: what, specifically, it is

like to see a pink elephant, to be tickled, or to smell coffee.

Epistemology is about how to get knowledge from the object you

want to think about. Knowledge that in the sense of an effort made

consciously in the process or conclusion about the truth of a thing.

According to Foster (2000:107) Something that can be seen physically and

the only truth value in terms of its potential to generate or form certain types

of beliefs, this item will still not give the subject experience, or provide

anything else that the subject can access for introspection.

According to the explanation above it can conclude that

Phenomenology and Epistemology difference in perception process

experienced in which phenomenology is centered on the perception of what

is seen visually and real without the process of analysis while Epistemology

is the perception obtained from efforts to gain knowledge and develop it.

These activities are pursued through analytical reflections. Both of those

perception process is needed by students to get the concept of material they

2. Perception of students’ toward English writing skill learning in

Whats App

As a students culture in school, information gathered in books.

The teacher give an instruction to read or write a part of sentence that

having an important information and students pay attention to it. In

direct teaching and learning activity, students can ask the teacher to help

them in understanding sentences meaning. When internet technology is

implemented in educational institution. Where making learning can be

done not only at school time but can be done whenever they want, if

students do not understand and cannot work on a problem students can

ask for instructions from the teacher to make it easier for students to


Whatsapp as an internet application is one of the media used for

distance learning. The use of minimum internet data, practical to use,

there are no advertisements when using the Whats App making learning

using the Whats App widely used by teachers and students. WhatsApp

Messenger is a proprietary, cross-platform, encrypted instant messaging

client for smartphones.It uses the Internet to send text messages,

documents, PDF files, GIF images, video, user location and audio

messages to other users using standard cellular mobile numbers. where

someone can create a discussion group and provide data from the

internet by sending an internet address so that members in the Whats

App group can access and learn from the data with the same material
without having to look for other data on the internet that have many

opinions and theories about the data so that it makes it easier for group

members The Whats App is in discussion because it has the same data

and material by accessing the internet address that has been shared in

the Whats App group.

Students are required to be more independent. They can search

the meaning of the sentences, search vocabulary and find the anwer of

the question by using the internet. The students being more easy to find

word that they not know, different with the old way to finding foreign

words in English in a dictionary that must be searched word by word. In

the internet students can search the meaning of the word even sentences

instantly with Google translate. By writing some sentences the students

can construct it using google translate and deliver it to Whats App

discussion group and try to remember the word they deliver and increas

students vocabulary. According to Alsaleem (2013) WhatsApp who

used by learner showed improvement in their writing skills, especially

word choice, vocabulary and also improving their perspective and speak

in English. The teacher can facilitate students with give the material,

questions, monitor the learning process and provide guidance when

learning takes olace while students can actively discuss, interact and

exchange information to answer questions from the teacher.

B. Information, Comunication, and Technology (ICT)

1. Integration of ICT in Education

Human-created technology to facilitate their activities,

improving the quality of human life is more advanced with the existence

of technology. the creation of technology in all aspects such as

communication, information dissemination and other aspects of life

such as education provided with technological facilities such as the

internet and computers change human culture to become more practical.

User-friendly devices in technology such as computer and internet make

users feel safe and free to work, comunicate or learn what they want.

Selwyn (2013) said “User-friendly devices meant that they could use the

technology autonomously for personal, professional and academic

purposes or to perform mundane tasks like booking a flight or making.

With technology such as cellphone culture in communication also

changes to become more practical, where a person does not need to

communicate face to face and must be present at the location where they


In the modern era, communication has become an important

requirement in life. interacting with a person or group without meeting

in person is a common thing in the community. with the technology that

makes it easy for people to communicate makes communication media

made a learning tool that is used without having to meet directly in the

same place. As stated by Kennedy, Lathan and Jacinto (2016) “by

technology, learner and teachers equal are surrounded today and make

extensive use of it. With learning to use technology media to

communicate, Information, Comunication, and Technology (ICT) -

based learning education is created.

In learning to use ICT, the activities carried out can be in the

form of discussions with groups in internet media such as Whats App

and Facebook, watching learning videos such as on you tube, and

recording or participating in online learning such as google classroom.

Teachers join or form online communities with students to continually

update and share ideas, concerns and experiences with many others.

Through discussion, the teacher can give and guide the material

discussed to make students' knowledge develop. the use of internet

technology, provides many sources of learning material that teachers

can use to develop students' perceptions of the material being taught in

order to master the material. According to Zhao (2012) By having

students identify, access, evaluate, and anatomize digital resources with

appropriate complexity, students may be able to attain higher-level skills

in creating story, voice or video documentaries, or writing short

summaries to share with their peers.

2. The Role of ICT in Teaching and Learning Process

By utilizing ICT in teaching and learning, not only as a medium,

technology can be used as a facilitator in communicating, providing

information, training and assessing students' abilities. The large amount

of learning materials and facilities to practice English language skills

make students able to learn more independently by doing tests and doing

exercises provided through technology, especially the internet. Matsuno

(2019) said that “the large amount of learning materials and facilities to

practice English language skills make students able to learn more

independently by doing tests and doing exercises provided through

technology, especially the internet.”

Test and practice English language skills on the internet making

ICT-based learning not only a medium for communication but can also

be a provider of information, training and assessing the knowledge

needed by students and teacher. the use of ICT-based technology media

such as Whats App, Facebook and Google Classroom can train students

to build confidence in expressing opinions when discussing a problem

in learning material, increasing their ability to infer problems and find

answers to these problems and then discuss the perceptions they get

from the answers they said in the online discussion. According to

Dumova (2012) Learners had positive attitudes towards use of online

quizzes and expressed preference over traditional exams and questions.

Classroom learning using handbooks makes students focus on the

theories contained in the book and makes their perception of the material

limited to explanations and examples in the book, with the internet that

having examples implemented through video illustrations, pictures, and

sounds related to the material making understanding students will be

maximized material.

3. The Integration of ICT in Indonesian Education

The large number of tribes in various regions scattered throughout

the territory of Indonesia makes distribution in the education sector

difficult. separate with the geographic distance between cities that have

adequate educational institutions with outermost or disadvantaged areas

that have less or even no educational facilities make the government

implement several policies. According to Regulation of the Minister of

Education and Culture Concerning Private Education Services (2013).

Special service education, hereinafter referred to as PLK, is education

for students in underdeveloped, rural communities and / or affected by

natural and social disasters, also those who are economically incapable.

With the policy, ICT can be implemented with the construction of

internet facilities in the area. Distance education that provides written

education services, radio,audio, video, TV and / or IT based.

In the implementation of educational institutions in schools

facilities such as the internet and computers in the cities of Indonesia

become the main facilities, especially for high schools and vocational

schools to to prepare students in the digital age where disseminating and

searching for information without regional and place restrictions can be

done in this era with the internet. According to Indonesian Ministry of

Education and Culture (2014) “Curriculum 2013 has been designed to

respond more to the needs of a global community based on the principles

that balance the development of learners, hard skills and soft skills. The

stress is put on developing individual competences that are

comprehensive and relevant to the individuals needs to function in real

life” As a curriculum used in Indonesia, the 2013 curriculum is centered

on student activities where the teacher facilitates and guides students for

learning activities. With learning in accordance with the provisions of

the teacher, the internet and computer media are used to find information

in order to increase understanding of the material taught by the teacher.

In learning English, many teachers realize that internet media

helps students learn language better than reading books, with the internet

they can improve four basic skills in English there are writing skill that

can be implemented by looking at and answering story problems also

increasing vocabularies that on internet sites such as

and with the keywords narrative text. In

speaking and listening skill students can learn from you tube and try to

listen and speaking like the native speakers who speak in you tube video.

And for reading skill there are a lot of text reading in the internet that

they can read and find the main idea, identification the kind of text or

other things that related with what the students want to learn. As a stated
by mullama (2010) multidimensional learning environments for

language learners, giving opportunities to engage with native speakers

to make interactions with other learners at a distance and to access

authentic materials. with learning with existing material students can

answer what is questioned in the material he is learning and can be asked

by the teacher if the material he teaches is difficult to conclude or

understand, with guidance and explanation from the teacher will train

students in concluding problems and answering problems in the material


C. Writing skill in ICT

One of four basic learning in English is writing, the use of grammar,

punctuation, words structure are the main topic and it is clearly to measure

the knowledge based on students’ work. Writing is activity that the aim is

to deliver the perspective of mind into a written language, it is makes

English writing skill is vital course to learn. With wrong punctuation or

grammar can makes the reader missunderstanding. With different pattern of

each tenses, punctuation placement, lack of vocabulary and self confident

makes the students hard to learn writing course. The use of ICT application

such as Whats App can train the students to write messages in English with

their friends who know better in English writing. By write the messages

with friends, students can bulid their self confident to try to write in English.

As a stated by Promnitz-Hayashi (2011) The majority of studies have

reported benefits for the users in terms of improving their communication

skills, writing and reading skills, building vocabulary knowledge, and

confidence in expressing their voice or point of view. In teaching and

learning writing activity using ICT, teacher can also build a group in

aplication mobile such as Whats App to teach writing course with the

students as a member of the group. The content material of learning writing

in form of discussion, answering a question in text such as narative,

procedure and descriptive also learn to write by fill in blank sentences with

words that indicate past, present, or future related with depends on the

context of the sentences. The teacher guide and give assessment in students

work by deliver the answer in Email or send directly in Whats App group.

The features of sharing or sending images or text on the Whats App

group are used by the teacher to provide examples and stimuli to make

students receive an overview of what is explained and discussed by the

teacher. In learning writing especially for compiling a text such as

descriptive text, the teacher provides directions on the Whats App with

examples of descriptive text with common characteristic object such as

pandas, watermelons or chairs so students can easily analyze and recognize

vocabulary. The teacher shows the important points in the descriptive text

in the examples distributed in the Whats App group so that students can

write the correct descriptive text. With examples and explanations from the

teacher, students are trained to write descriptive text. The teacher accepts

assignments from students and provides assessment and direction of student

work if there are errors in compiling descriptive text. As a stated by Yusof

(2012) There are four main stages in the writing process, namely planning,

drafting, feedback and revising. With the stages that the teacher do in the

learning writing especially for compiling a text such as descriptive text the

students is students will go through the four main stages.

D. Related study

To add insight into the study of students' perceptions in learning to

write in English using Whats App media, the author reviews several studies

related to cases raised by the author. The first is a jurnal written by S Bali

and M. C. Liu (2018) entittled “Students’ perceptions toward online

learning and face-to-face learning courses.” In the Jurnal, the aim is to to

explore the students’ perception toward online and face-to-face courses in

term of social presence, social interaction, and satisfaction examine the

difference of online learning and face-to-face learning perception among

different level of students in university. Even though online learning

perceived as less social interaction, lacking social presence, and

synchronicity in communication, online learning has some advantages to

the students such as online education has efficient cost, and it allows

learners to work at their own. Both the writer and their study have an

argument that online learning for students make them learn by their ability

to write, absorb information and knowledge according to their own thinking.

The second is : A journal written by Che Surhaizai Che Wil, Melor

Md. Yunus, Ashairi Suliman entittled “The Use of Social Media to Assist

Writing Skills among Secondary Pupils.” This study attempts to seek the
use of social media to assist in writing skills among secondary school pupils

They also highlighted that social media as a medium of writing can impart

the possibility for language learners to develop a conversation with native

English speakers in veritable and persuading schemes while practising their

written language. By using social media we have an activity to type and

construct the idea and share in social media. They provide conclusions with

suggestions that teachers should explore new and creative strategy to

employ educational innovation for future learning. As for this matter, social

media is recommended as an effective medium that can be used by teachers

for developing writing skills as a start. The study recommends the role of

teachers by conducting online classes and group discussions through social

media so that they can observe, guide and assist pupils in formal writing.

Same with the argument in their study about social media, the writer also

argue that by utilizing social media such as Whats App have a positive

perspection both the teacher and the students to learn English writing skill.

The third is a journal written by Said Fathy El Said Abdul Fattah

entittled “The Effectiveness of Using WhatsApp Messenger as One of

Mobile Learning Techniques to Develop Students' Writing Skills.” In the

study, he found that one of communication media that is used in distance

named Whats App can utilized as a teaching and learning activity. As a

result of the study he found that WhatsApp technology can also enhance

students' active participation in the EFL classroom. It can provide students

with: The opportunity to practicing the language for free and it is private
because the member in our Whats App application is only people that we

know, more personal and comprehensive relationship between students and

teachers, a chance for students not to be more sociable only but to learn

better, an opportunity for students to relate their opinions to those of others.

Chapter III


A. Place and Time of the Research

The research will be conducted at SMK WIJAYA KUSUMA. It is

located on Jln. Pleret raya, Sumber, Banjarsari, Surakarta. The researcher

will conducted the observation from August to September 2019.

B. Research Method

The type of this research using descriptive qualitative. Students'

Perception towards the use of Whats App Messanger in Learning English

Writing Skills uses qualitative research method. According to Zohrambi

(2013) a form of social action that emphasizes how to interpret people and

understand their experiences for social understanding of individuals using

interviews, observation and immersion; and open questionnaires to obtain,

analyze, and interpret content analysis of visual and textual data material,

and oral history are definitions of qualitative research.

As a type of the research design, collecting qualitative data such as

observation, interviews, journals, etc. people can see a picture of

phenomena, habits and experiences in an environment which is the goal of

descriptive qualitative research mehod.

“Descriptive designs rely on observation as a data collection tool.

It tries to examine the situation to establish what the measures are, that is

what can be predicted to happen again under the same circumstances.

'Observation' can be in various forms. It depends on the type of the

information sought, people can be interviewed, questionnaire distributed,

visual record is made, even sounds and smells are recorded. Importance

points are observations written or recorded in several ways, so that they

can be analyzed further. That the scale of the study is influenced by two

main factors: level of complexity survey and the scope or extent of the

survey” (Waliman, 2011:10).

Based on the explanation above, the researcher used a qualitative descriptive

research method to be able to provide an overview of student perceptions in

using Whats App as a learning medium.

C. The Data Sources

In compiling this study, researchers collected qualitative data from

several sources. “Qualitative data is something that can only be described in

words such as people's judgments, feelings of comfort, emotions, ideas, and

etcetra (Waliman, 2011:71). The source of data in this research are primary

and secondary data.

1. Promary data

The researcher took a teacher who did an english class in school

and students as a learner being an informant on this research.

Thera are activity that the researcher do to gathering the data

such as observation and interview to get the students preception

about online learning in writing skill especially in Whats app


2. Secondary data
The data recorded and interpreted are included in secondary data

such as the students’ grade data that is used as evidence to

balance students' perceptions with the results of the learning

process in the form of the values that are in their teachers,

question, teks to supporting the implementation of teaching and

learning activity using online media especially in Whats App.

D. Technique for collecting data

1. Interview

By using long-distance interviews, researchers used cellphones as a

medium to continue to interact with informants as a stated by Neuman

(2014:345). The use of cellphone technology to conduct interviews

even though they are far away. so even though not directly, researchers

can still provide questions and interviews to get an idea of what is being

studied. The topic of the interview was about the implimentation of

online learning using whats app and how is the mind power of students

when practicing online learning via Whats App.

2. Texst Documents

Data can be a very big topic. Activities can involve poorly

maintained archives, downloads the latest government statistics from

the Internet and to gather useful data it must be documented and include
variables as well as the methods used Waliman (2014:82) Text can

include tactile, visual and aural aspects, even smells and tastes. They

can be current or historical and may be descriptive or statistical in

nature. All of this can be quantitative or qualitative in nature.

E. The Technique of Analyzing the data

The source of data gather by the research base on the

observation field, depth of the interview and the completion of

documents. The data analyze in qualitative research consist of works

(collected from observation interviews, extract from documents)

The technique of analyzing data in this study uses the steps proposed

by Miles and Huberman (1984):

1. Data Reduction

The amount of data obtained from the field is quite a lot,

it needs to be recorded carefully and in detail, it is necessary

to analyze the data through data reduction. Reducing data

means summarizing, choosing the main things, focus on

important things, look for themes and patterns. With Thus,

the data that has been reduced will provide a more detailed

picture clear, and make it easier for researchers to collect

data next, and search for it when necessary.

2. Data Display

After the data is reduced, the next step is to display it

data. In quantitative research, this data can be done in the

form of tables, graphs, phie chards, pictograms and the

like. Through presentation of the data, then the data is

organized, arranged in patterns relationship, so it will be

easier to understand. In qualitative research, data

presentation can be done in form of brief descriptions,

charts, relationships between categories, flowcharts and

the like. In this case Miles and Huberman (1984) stated

“In the previous article, most often qualitative research

data were in the form of narrative text” by displaying

data, it will be easier to understand what's going on, plan

your next work based on what has been understood


3. Conclusion Drawing

The third step in qualitative data analysis according

to Miles and Huberman is conclusion and verification.

The initial conclusions were stated that it is still

temporary, and will change if not found strong

supporting evidence at the collection stage the next data.

But if the conclusions are put forward at that stage

preliminary, supported by valid and consistent evidence

at the time of the researcher back to the field of collecting

data, then that conclusion put forward is a credible


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