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Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack January 2020

Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack January 2020 2
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

How to use this document?

T his document was compiled by the CSS wing of Nearpeer to help CSS aspirants by
providing them with all the important articles of last month from local as well as
international newspapers.

This will serve as an important guide in preparation as well as revision of not only current
affairs but many other compulsory and optional subjects such as Islamic Studies, Pakistan
Affairs, Sociology, Gender Studies, International Relations and Political Science.

This issue is designed to help the you in the following ways:

1- It will help you with catching up with all the happenings of the last month
2- It contains analyses of various issues of importance. Analyses is as important as knowing
the content of news
3- A diverse range of articles are selected from among local as well as international newspapers
and journals, so now you know you do not have to go through old archives of old newspapers
4- This will also serve as a quick revision guide for aspirants just before the exams
5- Candidates can use this issue in order to brush up their analytical as well as comprehension
6- Additionally, they can also use it to improve their vocabulary and its usage

All the Best! 3
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020


Nord Stream 2 Could Sever Transatlantic Ties (Bloomberg) .................................................... 5

A Bad Gas Pipeline For Europe ......................................................................................... 5
The oil and coronavirus crises may hasten US geopolitical decline (Al-Jazeera) ..................... 7
Pakistan’s Digital Divide Grows Sharper Amid the Pandemic (The Diplomat) ....................... 8
This Time, Russia Is in Afghanistan to Win (Foreign Policy)................................................. 10
Bringing the Israeli model to Kashmir (Al-Jazeera) ................................................................ 13
This Is What the Future of Globalization Will Look Like (Foreign Policy) ........................... 18
How China Scammed Hong Kong (The New York Times) .................................................... 23
Why Race Matters in International Relations (Foreign Policy) ............................................... 26
China’s Own Documents Show Potentially Genocidal Sterilization Plans in Xinjiang (Foreign
Policy) ...................................................................................................................................... 30
Pakistan’s political crisis is deepening with the rise of COVID-19 cases (The Diplomat) ..... 34
Coronavirus Bailouts Stoke Climate Change (Foreign Policy) ............................................... 35
GREENING THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM ..................................................................... 36
ACCELERATING RISKS ............................................................................................... 37
THE WRONG MESSAGE .............................................................................................. 38
Modi's India should be on the US's religious freedom blacklist (Al-Jazeera) ......................... 38
The case for CPC designation ........................................................................................... 39
How a Great Power Falls Apart (Foreign Affairs) ................................................................... 40
A COUNTRY ON THE PRECIPICE .............................................................................. 42
ALL COUNTRIES END ................................................................................................. 44
India-China tensions: It is decision time for New Delhi .......................................................... 45 4
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

Nord Stream 2 Could Sever The problem is that if this new round
becomes law, it will amount to an all-out
Transatlantic Ties economic assault on Europe. It could hit
(Bloomberg) individuals and companies from many
countries that are only tangential to the

U .S. President Donald Trump is

furious at Germany for many
reasons, not all of them fathomable.
In phone conversations with Angela
project — by underwriting insurance for the
pipeline, say, or providing port services to
the ships involved.
Merkel, he’s allegedly called the German
chancellor “stupid” and denigrated her in Considering this an instance of illegal
“near-sadistic” tones. Though this be American extraterritoriality, the German
madness, as the Bard might say, there government now plans to make the EU
is — on rare occasions — method in it. One retaliate against the U.S. Trump, in the heat
such case is Nord Stream 2. of America’s “silly season” leading up to
It is an almost-finished gas pipeline under November, could then strike back with new
the Baltic Sea between Russia and Germany, tariffs on German cars or a full-blown trade
running right next to the original Nord war. The transatlantic alliance, which was
Stream, which has been in operation since already frayed, is close to tearing.
2011. “We’re supposed to protect Germany
from Russia, but Germany is paying Russia
billions of dollars for energy coming from a To me, this situation increasingly resembles
pipeline,” Trump roared at a recent campaign “chicken,” a classic in game theory. The
rally. “Excuse me, how does that work?” question is whether both sides are merely
As is his wont, the president thereby feigning recklessness (as the game assumes)
conflated many things. One of his grievances or are already too far gone. And that applies
is that Germany has long been scrimping on just as much to the Germans. They like to
its military spending, in effect free-riding on play the reasonable side in transatlantic fights
U.S. protection, for which he wants to punish but deserve just as much blame as Trump and
his “delinquent” ally. Another is that the Congress for causing this mess.
European Union, which he considers
Germany’s marionette, allegedly takes If Russia were a normal country, the German
advantage of the U.S. in business. Trump rationale for this pipeline might make sense.
also wants to sell Europe more American Europe will need more gas, especially to
liquefied natural gas (LNG). replace much dirtier coal and to supplement
But Trump isn’t the only American trying to renewable sources of energy on the way
stop Nord Stream 2. In December, Congress to becoming carbon-neutral. And to get that
aimed sanctions at a Swiss company that gas, it makes sense to diversify — between
supplied the ships to lower the pipes into the Norwegian imports, American LNG or any
water. This delayed the pipeline’s launch. other sort, including the Russian stuff. And
Then Russia sent another vessel to finish the piping it into Europe along the shortest route
job. So this week a bipartisan group of — through the Baltic — is efficient.
Senators moved to widen the sanctions in
order to kill Nord Stream 2 altogether.
A Bad Gas Pipeline For Europe But Russia is far from a normal country. It
Nord Stream 2 has isolated Germany within has for years been waging hybrid warfare in
the EU and NATO; only Russia's happy Europe, ranging from disinformation
campaigns to aggression in Ukraine. At
Germany’s urging, Russia recently extended
a contract with Kiev to keep piping gas 5
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

through Ukraine for several more years. But Putin. These days he also chairs the
in the longer term, the new pipeline gives supervisory board of Nord Stream AG,
Russia dangerous geopolitical and strategic which is owned by Gazprom PJSC and thus
options. controlled by the Kremlin, as well as the
board of Rosneft Oil Co PJSC, a Russian oil
With two pipelines through the Baltic and
another big one through the Black Sea,
Russia could in the future cut all central and This week, Schroeder testified to the
eastern European countries out of billions in Bundestag that Germany and Europe should
transit fees. The country already prepare tough countermeasures against U.S.
controls almost 40% of the EU’s gas market sanctions. He won support from The Left,
even without Nord Stream 2. Once that goes a party that descends from the former regime
online, the rest of Europe may become too in East Germany.
dependent and therefore vulnerable to
blackmail. When Trump calls Germany “a
captive to Russia,” he has half a point. Nord Stream 2 was and is a terrible idea. It’s
a geopolitical project disguised as a private
business deal. It has shown Germany to be an
This is why Poland and the Baltic republics insensitive and naïve ally, and the U.S. to be
of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia also oppose a truculent one. It is now rending what
Nord Stream 2. As NATO’s eastern front line little remains of their former relationship. If
and former victims of invasion there is any way to leave these pipes buried
and aggression, they fear Russia more and forgotten under the sea, all involved
viscerally than Germans do nowadays. should discreetly and diplomatically search
Psychologically, the Poles distrust any deal for it. Otherwise, this game of chicken will
between Germany and Russia over their end the way it’s not supposed to.
heads, because it reminds them of the
Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939, which
carved up their region between Nazi and
Soviet spheres of influence.

My question to the Germans, then, is why

they have for years been deaf to these
strategic concerns by their partners in NATO
and the European Union, while coddling
their own pro-Russian business lobbies and,
of course, the Kremlin.

German intransigence looks even more

unsavory when considering who within
Germany is most passionately in favor of the
pipeline. Support for it skews sharply to the
left, with its long tradition of anti-American
and pro-Russian leanings. The most
egregious example is Gerhard Schroeder, a
Social Democrat who was Angela Merkel’s
predecessor as chancellor. He’s always been
buddies with Russian President Vladimir 6
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

The oil and coronavirus crises They are demanding an immediate reopening
of local economies, even as thousands of
may hasten US geopolitical people are being exposed to the risk of
decline infection and the death toll from COVID-19
increases every day crossing the tragic
(Al-Jazeera) 100,000 mark as the nationwide total.

T he continuing COVID-19 crisis has

complicated geopolitics in many
different ways. The geopolitics of oil
is one prominent example.
While the heavily armed white
demonstrators with swastikas, nooses, and
Confederate flags are repulsive, the other
"liberal" side in this fight is also not
The economic misery enveloping the world, reassuring to the American citizen.
deepened by the crash in oil prices, has
sharpened a split within the United States The neoliberal mainstream Democrats, who
ruling elite. Those who support and fund trace their origin to the descendants of John
President Donald Trump are aligned with D Rockefeller and his Standard Oil
domestic US energy companies that monopoly, are spearheaded by multinational
suddenly face a great risk from plummeting oil and finance capital companies. To protect
oil and gas demand. This abrupt market their long-term profits, they are pushing for a
downturn has forced Whiting Petroleum to slower emergence from the pandemic
file for bankruptcy and there are already lockdown.
reports that Chesapeake Energy is preparing
to do the same. Many others may follow. Their position is supported by the best
medical science and that has led to even more
Many of these companies produce oil by the panic and fact denial by Trump and his
costly "fracking" of shale deposits and were supporters. Where is this internal fight
already heavily in debt prior to the COVID- headed?
19 crisis.
Since deep-pocketed giants like ExxonMobil
From 2006 to 2014, 16 publicly traded shale are better equipped to wait out a price
oil companies had exceeded the debit side of squeeze than smaller domestic companies,
their balance sheet over the credit side by they can wait while they watch their
more than $80bn. At current, depressed domestic competition wither and die.
prices, most of them are likely to face
bankruptcy before long. As Quartz has In fact, from the neoclassical realist
reported, "not one of the 100 largest fracking perspective in international relations, it is not
operations in the country can turn a profit". an unreasonable bet that the neoliberal
politicians - many of whom, like former
It is not surprising that the owners of these Democratic presidential candidate Hillary
companies are mobilising Trump's racist Clinton, were already largely aligned with
"Make America Great Again" (MAGA) base the neocons in foreign policy - are planning
in a desperate attempt to save themselves. for even wider-scale confrontations with
The American Legislative Exchange Council their perceived global rivals China and
(backed by key Trump supporters, the Koch possibly Russia.
family) and the Michigan Freedom Fund
(linked to the Trump supporters, the DeVos Thus, the oil crash further complicates
family) have backed gun-toting protests at already unstable geopolitics. Clearly, the
state capitols. historic, pandemic-driven reduction in
energy demand lies at the root of the 7
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

current oil price crisis. But the virus is not With respect to China, some confusing,
solely to blame. aggressive behaviour of the US military is
already on display. In April, the US sent the
In early March, when the global economy guided-missile destroyer USS Barry to sail
was still running at a "normal" pace, Saudi near the Paracel Islands, a disputed
Arabia and Russia launched a price war that archipelago in the contested South China
flooded the market with millions of Sea. Shortly after, the US flew two Air Force
additional barrels of oil. Republican Senator B-1B bombers over the South China Sea in a
Ted Cruz suggested Saudi Arabia, the once- provocative show of force.
reliable US partner, was intentionally driving
US shale oil producers out of business. I am not predicting larger confrontations in
the immediate future. Whether hotspots
Undoubtedly, the US leadership's loss of anywhere including, the strait of Hormuz, a
influence in the Middle East, even with so- hotspot of tensions between Iran and its Arab
called allies like Saudi Arabia and Israel, has neighbours, will lead to regional wars is far
been accelerated by the isolationist and from certain. But with growing US-China
incompetent Trump administration. friction, changing alliances and new
geopolitical alignments, the risk of violent
However, more worrisome is the prospect regional confrontations will most likely
that this decline may be a sign of further increase.
geopolitical instabilities to come. As China
and Russia seek to fill the void from the US
geopolitical decline, the Middle East region
is becoming even more unstable than usual. Pakistan’s Digital Divide Grows
The two main perceived - that is to say,
perceived by the US foreign policy Sharper Amid the Pandemic
establishment - challengers to US dominance (The Diplomat)
could emerge from this crisis stronger than

US sanctions against Russian oil forced

Russia to diversify its economy, leaving it "in
P olice in Pakistan’s Balochistan
province’s capital Quetta recently
arrested more than a dozen student
leaders and activists for demanding internet
connectivity before universities conduct
very good shape to cope with lower [oil]
online classes and exams. While they were
prices". China, a net importer of oil, clearly
all released eventually, no assurance has
gains economically from lower oil and gas
been given to them or to protesting students
prices. Furthermore, the people's republic has
in other provinces that they will be able to
evolved - at least partly - into a form of state
take their forthcoming exams.
capitalism. Therefore, the Chinese
government actively supports its national oil Pakistan’s statutory regulatory body, the
companies which are considered to be of Higher Education Commission (HEC),
strategic importance. recently directed all registered institutions of
higher education to start holding online
Combined with the healthcare and economic classes followed by online exams. For this,
disasters of the pandemic, the latest conflict the schools were asked to acquire and use the
over oil could accelerate the US's economic required technology as well as train staff on
and geopolitical decline leading to an urgent basis.
unpredictable behaviour by the US
leadership. Tech giant Microsoft deployed teams for
online and remote learning interactions 8
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

across more than 100 public and private In my village, there’s neither electricity nor
universities to support HEC’s move. Perhaps proper connectivity.”
that’s good for some students who have
access to the internet. Members of the Baloch Students Alliance
also went on a hunger strike for three days.
With about 22 percent of the population
having access to the internet, Pakistan ranked “You can’t reach the moon if you travel by
76th among 100 countries in the Inclusive Pakistan Railways’ Thal Express; you’ll
Internet Index 2020. The ranking was based need a rocket for that. Similarly, if you wish
on four parameters: availability, to implement the online system of education,
affordability, relevance, and readiness of you’ll have to provide the internet first.
people to use the internet. Where is the internet in Balochistan, or
FATA, or Kashmir?” a student said while
Not surprisingly, the HEC’s decision drew protesting.
protests from students across Pakistan.
The strike was called off after talks with the
Student protests should also be seen in light chief minister of Balochistan, Jam Kamal
of how precious higher education is for Khan, who assured the students that he
Pakistan’s youth. Less than 10 percent of would convey their grievances to the HEC
Pakistan’s population has access to and the federal minister of education.
university education, according to the World
Bank. And the number drops significantly, Even in the cities, students have raised
one would safely assume, among those who questions over the ability of professors and
live in backward areas. teachers to be conduct online classes.

Balochistan and the adjoining Khyber “There is no infrastructure, there’s no

Pakhtunkhwa province are among the most internet,” said Omer Adullah, from a student
backward parts of the country, and, on top of group called “Revolutionary Students
that, the internet remains blocked Front,” in Punjab province. “There is not
intermittently also for “security reasons” in even basic training of teachers and
the region, including parts of Pakistan- professors. Online examinations at this time
administered Kashmir. would only help the telecommunication
companies and not students. It is
“Being a hosteller, I had to leave the discriminatory.”
university and the city as soon as the
lockdown was announced. There’s hardly Like elsewhere in the world, educational
any connectivity in my village, and on top of institutions had been closed due to the
that 10-12 hours of load-shedding is COVID-19 pandemic, and in-person classes
common,” said a student, who identified remain closed in many countries. No
himself only as Yasir, in the Rawalakot area government can be blamed for it, but in
of Pakistan-administered Kashmir. “So far, countries like Pakistan – as also India – the
we were told to submit online assignments authorities missed the whole point of a
which we managed somehow, because we lockdown.
had time. But online exams or presentations The coronavirus-related restrictions were
are out of question because you can’t hold on meant to “flatten the curve,” or to “delay” the
electricity.” imminent outbreak, so that governments
Yasir, who studies at a university in would get time to improve the healthcare
Islamabad, added, “In cities, people have infrastructure and prepare themselves for
proper access to the internet and all the delivering other essential services, including
necessary gadgets required for online classes. education, after the country opened up. 9
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

However, all that the governments in South The agreement provided for a phased
Asia seem to have done is enforce the withdrawal of NATO forces, with the United
lockdown with police batons while making States pulling out 5,000 of its 13,000 troops
little or no preparations. And now, the batons over the next few months. In return, the
are once again being used when citizens are Taliban claim they would not enable Afghan
protesting against government failures. soil to be used for terrorism. But the
obstacles to peace are so profound and
numerous that the chances of the deal being
honored are slim. A United Nations
report stated that the Taliban retained close
links to al Qaeda and sought its counsel
during the negotiations with U.S. officials.
And the Haqqani network, the biggest faction
of the Taliban, has been accused by the
Afghan government of collaborating with an
ISIS affiliate—Islamic State Khorasan
Province (ISKP)—to carry out numerous
attacks in Afghanistan in 2020. (The most
horrific examples were the suicide and gun
attack on a Sikh gurdwara and the storming
of the Dasht-e-Barchi hospital’s maternity
ward in Kabul, killing nurses, women in
labor, and newly born babies.)

This Time, Russia Is in Amid the peace talks brokered by the United
States, one angle that most observers of
Afghanistan to Win Afghanistan have ignored is the role of
(Foreign Policy) Russia, which has enthusiastically supported
the agreement. Along with Pakistan, Russia

T he recent revelations in the New York

Times and other media that U.S.
intelligence officials believed a
Russian military intelligence unit had offered
secret bounties to the Taliban for killing U.S.
stands to be one of the biggest beneficiaries
of any NATO withdrawal. Over the past
several years, it has been quietly working in
the background to enhance its ties with the
and NATO forces in Afghanistan renew deep Taliban, with the purpose of expanding its
concerns about the nefarious agenda strategic interests in Afghanistan—and in the
Vladimir Putin’s Russia has not only in process exorcising the failings of the Soviet
Afghanistan but also to destabilize the West. Union in Afghanistan during the 1980s. Once
NATO and U.S. forces leave, Russia will
The timing of the revelations—the findings once again have an opportunity to step in.
were briefed to U.S. President Donald Trump And in that sense, the recent revelations
in late February—is significant as it about Moscow’s sordid arrangement with the
coincided with the signing of the U.S.- Taliban should come as no surprise.
Taliban peace deal in Doha, Qatar, at the end
of February. It is likely that the Taliban’s
murky dealings with Russia were taking
On Feb. 15, 1989, a column of armored
place while they were negotiating with the
personnel carriers rolled across the then-
United States throughout 2019 and 2020,
named Friendship Bridge, the last of a Soviet
calling into question the insurgent group’s
military contingent that fought a 10-year war
commitment to any peace deal.
in Afghanistan. After losing more than 10
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

13,000 troops in the conflict, the Soviet Afghanistan because of the threat of ISKP.
Union withdrew, beaten and humiliated. For Moscow, ISKP poses three main
Later that year, the Congress of People’s challenges to its strategic interests: the
Deputies passed a resolution that denounced potential of Russian citizens travelling to
the war. Consensus developed over decades Afghanistan as foreign terrorist fighters;
that the Afghan occupation and war were pledges of loyalty by North Caucasian
costly mistakes. militant groups establishing informal and
formal ties; and the potential spillover of
However, during Vladimir Putin’s third term violent extremism into Central Asia, which
as president, the Russian government began in turn directly affects Russian interests. The
reevaluating the intervention as one that took Kremlin admitted to its strategic relationship
place within the bounds of international law with the Taliban in 2015, when Foreign
and in the interests of the Soviet Union. Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova
While remaining critical of the excesses of announced that Russia was sharing
the Soviet past, Putin legitimized the strong intelligence with the Taliban pertaining to
state and powerful security forces created ISKP movements. However, this is just one
during the Soviet era that somehow factor in its decision to reinfiltrate
compensated for its brutalities. Putin’s focus Afghanistan.
on Afghanistan is an essential aspect of how
Russia seeks to reevaluate its past while In a surprise step, following the U.S.-Taliban
furthering its future strategic interests. As agreement in Doha, the United States and
Syria demonstrates, the Kremlin is rewriting Russia issued a joint statement on mutually
history to retrospectively justify intervention agreeable issues pertaining to Afghanistan.
abroad as it seeks to regain its status as a Both sides concurred that the preferred
global power. Taliban designation as the Islamic Emirate of
Afghanistan would not be recognized by the
Putin may have intervened in Syria because international community. However, Russia’s
of legitimate security concerns, a legacy of prior interactions with the Taliban indicate a
friendship with the regime of President different story especially as the group is
Bashar al-Assad, and because of the treated by Moscow with much reverence and
opportunity it represented to oppose U.S. courted just like a recognized state actor.
interests. Russia was able to avoid the
perception that its incursion into Syria was The joint U.S.-Russia statement also calls on
similar to the Soviet Afghan experience the Taliban “to take concrete steps to ensure
while also ensuring there was no blowback to that the territory of Afghanistan should not
Russia from its nationals from the Caucuses be used by al-Qa-ida, Daesh [ISIS], or other
who joined jihadi groups like the Islamic international terrorist groups” against others.
State. Russia is now using its successful But the Taliban are not obliged to provide
Syria experience to leverage its interests in any concrete steps on how this will be
Afghanistan. achieved, nor are there any verification
mechanisms. For Russia, this disconnect can
2014 signaled an important shift in Russian be ignored if it can achieve its broader
foreign policy after the Kremlin moved to strategic goals in Afghanistan. But it’s harder
involve itself more centrally in Afghan for the West to reconcile these problems.
affairs. In doing so, Moscow adopted several
different roles: It simultaneously styled itself Much as it did during the Cold War, Russia
as peacemaker, military enforcer, and, most has once again identified Afghanistan as a
concerning from Washington’s perspective, theater in which to challenge the United
funder of terrorist insurgents. On a surface States. At both the foreign relations and
level, Russia increased its presence in security levels, Russian activities in 11
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

Afghanistan are products of strategies money directly to their commanders to use

designed to counter American influence. One and launch attacks against the Afghan
of the most important lessons Russian government, forces, and civilians.
policymakers have learned from the Soviet
experience in Afghanistan is to refrain from While Russian intelligence services smuggle
forging local allies in their own image and to weapons and resources to the Taliban, the
instead seek to galvanize partners wherever Russian government continues to present
mutual interests intersect. A case in point is itself as a suitable alternative to the United
the nexus with the Taliban. States in terms of political guidance and aid
for Afghanistan. Russia has attained short-
While the Kremlin maintains that its term benefits by presenting a narrative that it
relationship with the Taliban is limited only stands by its allies, like the Taliban, no matter
to fighting ISKP and reconciliation within how ruthless. Simultaneously, it has
Afghanistan, its activities go much deeper. denounced the United States as an
Russia has been accused of funding and untrustworthy ally that will abandon its
arming the Taliban. Russian night vision friends.
sniper scopes have been discovered in the
hands of the Taliban. In 2017, Gen. John In May 2019, the Putin administration
Nicholson, then-commander of the NATO- invited senior members of the Afghan
led Resolute Support Mission in government and the Taliban to Moscow to
Afghanistan, revealed in a Senate Armed celebrate what it called “100 years of Russo-
Services Committee hearing that Russia was Afghan friendship.” At this meeting, Russian
actively funding the Taliban and therefore, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov called for a
by proxy, al Qaeda. In 2018, Nicholson “total pullout of foreign forces” from
followed that up by stating, “We’ve had Afghanistan. It is ironic that Russia
weapons brought to this headquarters and continually calls for an end to foreign
given to us by Afghan leaders and [they] military in Afghanistan despite maintaining
said, ‘This was given by the Russians to the its own presence in the area. The implication
Taliban.’” is obvious: Russia is engaging in a
diplomatic and military relationship with the
There is also evidence that Russia has set up Taliban in order to counter the United States.
supply networks to deliver weapons across
the border between Iran and Afghanistan. In
2017, Abdul Jabar Qahraman, who then
oversaw the security situation in Helmand For Russia to succeed in Afghanistan, it also
province for the Afghan government, needs to rectify a relationship with an old
said Russia had collaborated with Iran to adversary: Pakistan was essential to the U.S.
create training camps for Taliban fighters in strategy in Afghanistan in the 1980s by
Iran, who in turn would then deliver Russian supplying weapons and providing logistics to
weapons throughout western and southern the Afghan-Arab mujahideen. Converging
Afghanistan. interests in Afghanistan have been a key
factor in warming relations between Russia
Perhaps more alarming are reports that and Pakistan, and both have voiced
Russia is funneling resources into affirmations of cooperation and support to
Afghanistan that can be sold for profit by the bring the Taliban into the mainstream.
Taliban. This includes shipping fuel tankers
from Uzbekistan through the Hairatan border The commencement of U.S.-Taliban peace
crossing, where they are delivered to Taliban talks in October 2018 was a political success
front companies that sell fuel worth $2.5 for both Russia and Pakistan, which share a
million per month. The Taliban distribute the mutual recognition that the Taliban are a key 12
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

stakeholder in Afghanistan’s future. Russia fleeing Afghanistan. With Western troops

arranged Moscow-based talks to augment the leaving, it will have devastating
U.S.-Taliban negotiations, which included consequences for the civilian population,
regional nations, Afghan opposition leaders, who rely and depend on them for their own
and the Taliban, although the Kabul safety. Furthermore, any guarantees that the
government did not attend. Pakistan actively Taliban offer to prevent al Qaeda or its
participated in meetings in Russia and also affiliates returning to Afghanistan will not be
hosted a separate trilateral mechanism with worth the paper they are written on. Russia
China and the Afghan government to will assume an advantageous position,
advocate greater Taliban involvement. having nurtured both the Taliban and the
Afghan civilian government while taking a
Russia and Pakistan’s interests continued to back seat to the insecurity that will grip the
align following the breakdown of the U.S.- country. Russia’s physical footprint will help
Taliban peace talks. This was underscored in Moscow ensure its strategic interests.
September 2019, when Russia again invited
Taliban members to Moscow. At this How can the West still justify withdrawing
meeting, Zakharova, the Russian Foreign from Afghanistan when it clearly has the
Ministry spokesperson, announced: “We are potential of returning to being a hotbed for
convinced that the complete end to foreign terrorism, which will have direct and
military presence is an inalienable condition consequential ramifications for the West
of durable peace in Afghanistan.” itself? The temporary relief in leaving the
Meanwhile, Pakistan hosted Zalmay region will eventually give way to the stark
Khalilzad, the U.S. special representative for reality that Western nationals will be
Afghan reconciliation, and the Taliban traveling to Afghanistan for terrorist training.
leadership for meetings in Islamabad. This will mirror the situation in Syria and
Iraq with the Islamic State. However, this
For Russia, the Afghanistan issue can help time the West will find it much harder to go
Moscow achieve its goal of splintering the back into Afghanistan with the crowded field
U.S. foreign-policy establishment ahead of of Pakistan, Iran, Russia, and China, all of
the 2020 presidential election. But the which will be very reluctant to let in anyone
sacrifices of NATO troops, who have given else. There is an emerging Great Game
blood and treasure for an honorable outcome Redux in Afghanistan—and Russia is in it
in Afghanistan, demand that the West
negotiate an outcome that does not amount to this time to win it.
abandoning Afghanistan or lead to endorsing
Russia’s goals. There should also be an
assurance of protection of women’s rights
and civil society, which the Taliban Bringing the Israeli model to
historically and continually neglect.
Russia has made serious progress toward (Al-Jazeera)
fulfilling both its Syrian and Afghan strategic
For more than 70 years, Kashmiris have lived
objectives by maintaining a decisive hand in
with the dread of the Indian government
the respective region’s politics. Equally,
changing the demography and special status
there should be no doubt that the Taliban will
of Indian-administered Kashmir, which was
forcibly extend their control within
till recently Jammu and Kashmir
Afghanistan, fueled by opium cultivation.
(J&K) state. Deemed preposterous and
This would restart a civil war and
exaggerated at one time, these anxieties have
consequently result in substantial civilian
deaths and exacerbate the number of refugees 13
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

now become completely justified and have fait accompli, as the hearings on a bunch of
even deepened. petitions challenging the move in the
Supreme Court of India have been postponed
On August 5, 2019, Article 370 of the Indian multiple times.
constitution, which gave the state its special
status and excluded it from the application of If Article 370 was aimed to lay down the
various constitutional provisions, was foundation of the Indian government's
abrogated, while Article 35A, which limited agenda in J&K, the actions that have
certain residency rights to the local followed are the building blocks to serve that
population and granted them certain design calculatedly.
protections, was altogether scrapped.
Thus, in a late-night move on March 31,
These two articles had guaranteed that the when the Indian government officially
right to buy and own land or apply for announced a new domicile rule for Jammu
government jobs was the sole prerogative of and Kashmir, more clarity was shed on what
those who had inherited permanent residency the future entails. The devil was in the detail.
by descent. They also meant a bar on
business investments by outsiders or According to the notification called "Jammu
attempts by big monopolistic companies to and Kashmir Reorganisation (Adaptation of
take control of J&K's lands and economy. State Laws) Order, 2020", anyone who
This protected Kashmiris' rights and afforded has resided in J&K for 15 years or has
them a certain level of political and economic studied in the territory for seven years, and
autonomy. appeared in either Class 10 or Class 12
examination, will get residency rights. They
In October 2019, J&K was dissolved as a will then be eligible for various government
state, which meant it no longer had a state jobs.
assembly empowered to pass legislation, and
was divided into two union territories - The notification's timing, one week after
Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh - allowing India announced a countrywide lockdown to
New Delhi to bring them under its direct contain the COVID-19 outbreak, was
control. Until then, J&K was the only odd. While a lockdown in the rest of the
Muslim-majority state in India. country became a safety measure in the fight
against a virus, in Kashmir it assumed a
With the abrogation of Article 370 and the different meaning. It was a lockdown within
removal of its status as a state, the region was a lockdown that had been partially in place
fully integrated and its population stripped of since August 5, 2019.
the special privileges and entitlements it had
been enjoying in view of the peculiar nature A stringent clampdown on J&K under
of the state's history and its accession to military boots including an absolute
India. communication blockade allowed the Indian
government to surreptitiously scrap its
The actual disempowerment, which will special status and split it into more pliable
soon begin to be felt on the ground, is more units last year. The longest-ever lockdown in
than the loss of the special local Kashmir served the purpose of scuttling any
identity. Brought by stealth and deceit, public outrage and also ensured that
without fulfilling the constitutional information slipped into a black hole, making
requirement of participation of the state an entire population invisible and their
legislature, the abrogation of Article 370 and grievances inaudible.
demotion of the erstwhile state has become 14
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The 2019 lockdown was unconstitutional, in the administration, education and

undemocratic and morally erroneous. But healthcare sectors have also been put on hold
this has now become the foundational after the J&K Public Service Commission,
principle of India's strategy in Kashmir with which is responsible for civil service
no punctuations of pretence. If the first recruitment, was made defunct and the
lockdown was successful in preventing constitution of a new commission under the
public outcry over the loss of special status new status of the region as a union territory
and protections, the other provided a was delayed. A new chairman was finally
stepping stone for laying the blueprint of appointed in May.
what the Indian government intends to do as
part of its larger agenda. The threat of losing jobs to outsiders is
coupled with the anxieties of the existing
The new domicile rule, and its timing, stirred government employees with respect to
up anxieties, particularly among the J&K service-related litigations related to pay,
youth, irrespective of their ethnic and promotions, etc, of which there are currently
communal identities or their political more than 30,000 cases.
ideologies, as it meant they would be losing
government jobs, they earlier had a On April 29 this year, on grounds that J&K
monopoly over, to outsiders. The had lost its statehood, the Administrative
government is one of the biggest employers Tribunal Act, 1985 was made applicable to
of fresh graduates in the region and in the J&K and Ladakh. In June, the creation of
spring a number of recruitment processes Jammu Bench of the Central Administrative
were stalled, prompting suspicions that this Tribunal was announced which will cover the
was done intentionally to allow outsiders union territories of J&K and Ladakh. But a
who qualified for domicile under the new single bench at the south end of the
rule to apply as well. region will be insufficient, given the large
size of the population and the difficult
On February 27, the authorities scrapped the mountainous topography which renders the
recruitment process of J&K Bank for more journey to Jammu too long.
than 1,450 posts, which had been going on
since 2018, jeopardising the career prospects These changes come as over the last couple
of thousands of aspirants who had been of decades, locals in the administrative
waiting after clearing their preliminary bureaucracy have been sidelined or sent out
exams. On June 2, the bank advertised for on deputations. This process has further
1,850 posts inviting applications for picked up steam recently. After the
domiciles. abrogation of Article 370, the majority of top
bureaucratic positions in the administration
In the midst of the pandemic, as hospitals of Jammu and Kashmir are held by outsiders.
battled with a shortage of infrastructure and
staff, the government showed the door to The immediate beneficiaries of the new
hundreds of healthcare employees on domicile rule could go beyond the thousands
temporary contracts in Srinagar and Kathua of Hindu and Sikh refugees, who have fled
district in Hindu-majority Jammu region. Pakistan since partition and have settled in
This, despite shortages of medical staff and the suburbs of Jammu city. The rules for
the established practice of offering getting a domicile certificate are now pretty
temporary workers permanent contracts. relaxed, so there is no way to assess the exact
number of people who are likely to benefit.
The recruitment, appointment and promotion
processes for various civil service positions 15
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Thousands of bureaucrats from outside and For now, using the pandemic as an excuse,
those working in the private sector have the government has also halted the 150-year-
spent more than the required 15 years in J&K old annual practice of shifting the capital
in the last 70 years. A sizeable part of the from Jammu to Srinagar in the summer.
Indian armed forces is concentrated in J&K Though the practice of two capitals - in
and many have served several postings in the Hindu-majority Jammu and Muslim-
erstwhile state, easily making many eligible majority Kashmir - was ideally inclusive, it
under the new criteria. was Srinagar that became the hub of political
power after Kashmir's accession in 1947.
The numbers are likely to add up by each
year and given the easily corruptible system The government decision to begin the
and lack of accountability, there is no telling delimitation (redrawing of boundaries) of
how the laws will be tweaked to further allow electoral constituencies, which is likely to
an influx of beneficiaries from outside. give Hindu-majority Jammu more seats, will
reshape the local political dynamics. Two
And this is not just about jobs. There is also ideas have been mooted by several Bharatiya
the question of land ownership and business Janata Party (BJP) leaders to that end -
investment over which the new domicile rule enumeration on the basis of area and not
is silent, which means that unlike the past, population, as is the countrywide norm, as
any Indian may buy land, settle and start a well as adding the kitty of 24 seats of
business venture in J&K. Pakistan-Administered Kashmir (PAK) and
Chinese-controlled Aksai Chin that lay
Under the Jammu and Kashmir vacant for the last 70 years to Jammu region
Reorganisation Act, which came into effect by fielding Hindu and Sikh refugees from
in October, the legal provisions restricting PAK.
ownership of private property to permanent
residents were struck down. In the past, local The Delimitation Commission was
land reform legislation empowered peasants announced on March 6 and immediately the
including the socially oppressed classes, process of data collection was set in motion.
giving them a sense of dignity and making It has been going on without any punctuation
J&K one of the few states in the country throughout the COVID-19 lockdown.
where nobody died of starvation.
Structures of power are being dismantled bit
The amended land-related laws induce fears by bit, particularly emaciating the political
in the local population of not just losing their significance of Srinagar and turning Jammu
exclusive privileges but also of suffering into a symbolic site of victory while keeping
under possible monopolistic economic its people disempowered.
Already, the political space in J&K has been
The state also had in place its reservation act completely decimated. While many top
that provided for quotas in educational leaders continue to be in detention,
institutions and jobs for people of including former Chief Minister Mehbooba
disadvantaged backgrounds, including Mufti, others have been let off or placed
Dalits, members of various tribes, etc. under house arrest on conditions of
Women enjoyed a 50 percent reservation in maintaining silence.
professional colleges. Since the 1950s,
education at school and college level was A lobby of renegades from various parties
free in government institutions. All of that recently floated a new political organisation
now stands to be reversed. called Apni Party. It is believed to enjoy the 16
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patronage of New Delhi and has failed to cut Sometime in late November last year, a
much ice. serving Indian diplomat in the United States,
while addressing a gathering of Kashmiri
Under the new arrangement, while the far- Hindus, averred that "Kashmiri culture is
flung union territory of Ladakh would be Indian culture; it is Hindu culture" and
robbed of a legislative assembly, J&K will espoused the Israeli model of West Bank
get one with limited powers, turning the two settlements as the way forward. Though the
entities virtually into two remote-controlled Indian government did not officially support
municipalities. this policy of apartheid, it also conveniently
did not distance itself from the remarks made
This puts a question mark over the by its serving envoy in his official capacity.
practicability of managing the erstwhile
state, with its huge area, its complexity, its If there were any doubts about the
socio-political diversity and its fragility, seriousness of these remarks, they can
under this arrangement of one centralised now be discarded. The recent moves indicate
authority. While a sense of political a more systemic pattern of making this model
empowerment is diminished, the terms of the centrepiece of India's Kashmir policy.
engagement in local political narrative are The present lockdown has been used to plot
decimated to municipal and administrative the points on the map while avoiding any
matters. public outcry. This arsenal of administrative
changes in a fragile setting is like dumping
A sense of loss appears to be a strange fuel that could well trigger an inferno of
leveller and may have somewhat bridged the unimaginable proportions.
traditionally divisive narratives in Muslim-
dominated Kashmir and Hindu-dominated The government is underestimating the
Jammu, the latter having seen a phenomenal patience and silence of the public and the
rise in Hindu right-wing politics in recent international ramifications of riding
decades. roughshod over the aspirations of the people
of Kashmir and pushing them to the margins
But while in Jammu public discontent is as secondary citizens with an uptick in
linked to loss of jobs, land, monopoly over massive human rights abuse.
trade and higher education, in Kashmir, in
addition to all these, the dilution of Article While this amounts to trampling of Indian
370 and domicile law assumes a whole new democracy, it also makes peace in South Asia
meaning - the fear of a demographic change. extremely vulnerable. In all probability, the
transition to demographic change will not be
Shaped by Hindu right-wing groups openly as smooth. A desperate struggle for self-
calling for changing demography of Kashmir preservation within Kashmir and the
and integrationist politics, anxieties of heightened level of tensions between India
demographic change have existed in and Pakistan - two nuclear powers - will
Kashmir for decades. Today, a pathway is throw up an explosive situation. The present
being paved for replicating the Israeli model standoff between India and China also has
of occupation and colonisation of the West the potential to escalate and add fuel to the
Bank in Kashmir towards disempowerment fire.
and dispossession of the locals, particularly
Kashmiri Muslims, to exercise hegemonic
control through new settlers. 17
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

when its fellow European Union member

Italy was begging for help. India restricted
the export of key pharmaceuticals and drug
precursors. Newspaper reports describe a
chaotic global marketplace where
governments and health care officials
consort with dubious middlemen for
medical supplies, acting on rumors and
personal connections, fighting to outbid and
undercut each other. And this behavior has
spread to other sectors like auto
manufacturing; experts worry that the next
battles may be over food.

But the crisis that globalization faces has

roots that go far deeper than the current
pandemic. Many political and business
leaders still hope that they can reverse the
arrow of time, returning to a golden age in
This Is What the Future of which free market globalization worked
Globalization Will Look Like magic. The problem is that that age never
existed, except in their imaginations. In a
(Foreign Policy) hyperglobalized economy, it made sense for
individual firms to focus heavily on
A pair of sentences, published on April increasing efficiency and achieving market
17, show us how strange globalization has dominance—actions that led to greater
become: “Two semi-trailer trucks, cleverly returns and rising stock prices. But these
marked as food-service vehicles, met us at trends also generated systemic
the warehouse. When fully loaded, the vulnerabilities, imperiling fragile supply
trucks would take two distinct routes back chains in times of crisis and tempting
to Massachusetts to minimize the chances governments to target dominant companies
that their contents would be detained or for their own advantage, creating new risks
redirected.” for citizens and states.

This passage didn’t appear in one of To move forward from our current crisis of
Richard Stark’s crime novels or in the script globalization, we need to build something
of an East Coast reshoot of Breaking Bad. It better in its stead: a system that mitigates
was published in the New England Journal the risks of economic and political
of Medicine, describing a hospital’s dependency and supports a new vision of
desperate efforts to secure a shipment of global society. Rather than withdrawing
personal protective equipment. from globalization, we would remake it so
that it focused on different problems than
This is not simply a story about the United economic efficiency and global markets.
States. It reflects a much bigger change Now that the pandemic has dramatically
from a world of predictable trade and underscored what’s wrong with the system,
exchange to one of government blockades we can think more clearly about what an
and daring heists—a change triggered by the alternative would look like.
coronavirus pandemic. The United
States intercepted medical masks being Globalization—the vast increase in flows of
shipped from Thailand to Germany and money, goods, information, and people over
redirected them for its own purposes, in a the last 30 years—was supposed to make
move German officials described as piracy. the world less vulnerable to disruptive
Germany itself blocked the export of masks economic shocks. How did we get it so badly
and other medical equipment at a time wrong? 18
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In part, we were blinded by the mythology But behind the soothing stories about the
that pundits like Thomas Friedman benefits of the global marketplace,
wrapped around the real workings of globalization was quietly becoming more
globalization. These arguments depicted fragile and riddled with vulnerabilities. In
globalization as the triumph of market some sectors, suppliers had become
efficiency over retrograde national politics. concentrated in geographically dense
Businesses and consumers could search the clusters, while in others the demand for
globe for better and cheaper suppliers. If efficiency drove companies to rely on just
one supplier proved unreliable, greedy, or one supplier that could provide a necessary
recalcitrant, they could be easily substituted component. Apparent flexibility disguised
or replaced. The geopolitics of the Cold War the development of new rigidities.
would fade away as states too were
subjected to the ruthless discipline of a The last decade provides painful evidence of
world market that had escaped their control the fragility of a globalized economic system
and become their master. Finally, while that promoted efficiency and the power of
global interdependence might create new markets. The 2008 financial crisis was the
problems—pandemics, global warming, product of an interconnected banking
pollution, overfishing—these difficulties system that rewarded short-term thinking,
could be solved by markets with a little help created risky new financial products, and
from liberal international institutions. was badly regulated at the national and
global levels. Because so many firms were
These mutually reinforcing claims too big to fail, globalization itself had to fail.
underpinned an apparent golden age for A few key suppliers became bottlenecks,
multinational business. Manufacturing was and systemic risks increased dramatically—
transformed from something that happened including the possibility of pandemics—but
mostly inside countries to something that global institutions had not kept pace.
happened across them, supported by a Instead, states have exploited whatever
fantastical gossamer of global supply chains vulnerabilities they can as they try to
and just-in-time delivery. Global economic protect their own populations and pursue
networks rapidly conducted information their broader geostrategic interests.
and money around the world. Governments
bought into the myth, fearing that capital Powerful states had always wriggled out of
would flee their economies if they broke the shackles of market discipline when their
with the iron disciplines of neoliberalism. security was at stake. Most notably, the 9/11
terrorist attacks and growing U.S.-China
Governments also provided the foundation competition led U.S. policymakers to realize
for global institutions that facilitated that they could use their control over
economic cooperation and prioritized businesses that had made themselves
openness as their organizing ambition. irreplaceable in the global economy to hurt
Everyone seemed to agree that more trade adversaries and coerce unwilling firms,
was a good thing. The General Agreement organizations, and even states by
on Tariffs and Trade was transformed into threatening to exclude them from the global
the World Trade Organization (WTO), marketplace.
which tore down barriers to global trade
and settled disputes among states. Other The United States, for example, weaponized
institutions such as the World Bank and the institutions that play a central role in
International Monetary Fund pushed the international banking, such as the Society
famous Washington Consensus, a set of for Worldwide Interbank Financial
principles for economic reform that Telecommunication, better known as
emphasized liberalization and deplored SWIFT, using them to cut Iran out of the
government interventions that might global financial system. It similarly used its
impede market processes. Governments influence over Qualcomm and other makers
implemented reforms that reflected these of sophisticated semiconductors to
new principles—willingly or because they hamstring the Chinese telecommunications
had to. manufacturer Huawei, which it viewed as a 19
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strategic threat. Japan has used its control hygiene and medical nonwoven fabrics
over specialized chemicals manufacturers to needed for masks are made by a single
threaten South Korea’s electronics industry. German manufacturer. Finally, the global
logistics system has been paralyzed—it is
The main narrative of the globalizers—that not only difficult to find sources for key
of a so-called flat earth—concealed the components and products, but it is hard to
problems of systemic fragility and state transport them when you do find them.
exploitation. Now, both have emerged and
threaten to reinforce each other. When This explains why states used dirty tricks to
powerful states suddenly realize how frail fight each other for medical supplies. For
global supply chains are, they are tempted example, the Trump administration
to use their coercive power to redirect identified the key role that businesses like
supplies to themselves at the expense of 3M play in manufacturing medical masks.
others. This tempts other states to retaliate, While masks are made using global supply
weakening the entire system. It’s hard to get chains—it is cheaper to make them in China
things done when key parts of the global than in the United States—companies faced
economy suddenly seize up. It’s even harder growing legal pressure from a few powerful
when they become key battlegrounds in a states. When the coronavirus pandemic
tacit economic war. started, the Chinese government effectively
blocked all exports of masks, forcing 3M’s
The coronavirus pandemic has not only Chinese factories to produce for China
shown up the weaknesses of the global alone. This spurred vigorous complaints
economy and the narratives that justify it but from Trump administration officials such as
has also demonstrated that unregulated trade advisor Peter Navarro, who claimed in
globalization can be dangerous. One of the February that Beijing effectively
reasons why the economy is hurting so nationalized 3M, a U.S. company operating
severely is because it is so densely in China, “to prevent them from sending us
interconnected. When the coronavirus any stuff.” In April, after the Trump
closes down a components factory in Italy’s administration had finally woken up to the
Lombardy region, the entire Western threat of the coronavirus, it took a leaf from
European car industry may be affected. China’s book, asking 3M to stop exporting
When cars aren’t being manufactured, car respirators from the United States to
dealerships can’t do business, and financial Canada and Latin American companies,
institutions can’t make profits from car prompting 3M to warn that other countries
loans. An entire economy can go bad very might retaliate. The United States also
quickly when everything depends on escalated the crisis by using the Defense
everything else. Production Act to require 3M to redirect
masks that were made by its subsidiaries in
But the problem is even worse than that. China and elsewhere back home.
The coronavirus dramatically increases the
demand for some goods at the same time as The immediate consequence was that a
it damages supply. This explains the politics of “sicken thy neighbor” flourished
extraordinary shortages of medical supplies around the world. The immediate problem
that plagued states in the wake of the was bad enough—limited supply of the
pandemic. Suddenly, everyone wanted goods necessary to fight the coronavirus
masks, test kits, and ventilators. However, and seemingly limitless demand for those
some of these goods relied on complex very same goods. Yet as states continue to
supply chains that have been thrown into play hardball with each other, they risk
disarray: Test kits, for example, require making the problem worse by deepening
chemical reagents that are suddenly hard to each other’s insecurity. Hoarding toilet
find. The markets for masks and personal paper won’t be funny if it becomes the new
protective equipment are highly organizing principle for the world economy.
concentrated, with key components Key supplies will be misallocated across
provided by only a few suppliers located in a countries as hot spots come and go. And
handful of countries. Three-quarters of the those least able to fight for their corner— 20
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

poor and middle- economic nationalists more reason to do

income countries with little clout over what they want to do anyway, which is to
manufacturers—will suffer most. Brazil’s shift from global free trade to harnessing
government labs can’t carry out coronavirus the power of the nation-state. The
tests because the crucial reagents have been globalized economy would shrink, as more
routed to other countries. South Africa and production takes place inside national
Zambia are struggling too. borders, reducing reliance on foreign
components. The United States is the
Even if the immediate threat of the primary guarantor of the current global
coronavirus lessens in the coming months, system. If it shifts to economic nationalism,
the underlying political problem will not go other countries are likely to shift too, either
away and might get much worse. States are because they want to or in self-defense.
currently playing defense, looking to protect China’s Xi Jinping would respond with his
their own citizens regardless of the own form of economic nationalism. Europe
consequences for others. But what if they and a few other midsize economies might
start playing offense instead? Already, try to maintain the ectoplasmic remnant of
states fear that any company that developed a multilateral system among themselves,
an effective coronavirus vaccine would but their efforts would be doomed without
become a new choke point, allowing other support from other great powers.
governments to deny access to the vaccine
for purposes of control and punishment. At If Trump is defeated this November, the
the beginning of the crisis, the German United States faces a much more
newspaper Die Welt reported that the complicated choice. The easy path is to treat
United States had offered to purchase nationalism as a symptom of Trump’s four
CureVac, a German biotechnology company years in power, a temporary aberration that
with an early lead on a vaccine, and can quickly be forgotten as the world
supposedly requested exclusive rights to the returns to the status quo. A Joe Biden
product. While the details were disputed, administration might look to rebuild the
Germany’s foreign minister issued a stark existing system of multilateralism while
rebuke to the Washington. Germany doesn’t tacitly redesigning it to hold China down or
trust that the United States would share a perhaps to lock China out. Once again, the
vaccine even with its close allies. China has United States would be willing to engage the
even greater reason to worry. WTO, to cooperate with allies, and to do
Pundits and politicians assumed that free whatever it took to support the global
markets and economic globalization could spread of free markets.
support a self-sustaining international
order. Instead, it has undermined itself. The But going back to business as usual would
corporate world’s quest for efficiency has worsen the problem, not solve it. The
made the global economy more fragile, and existing model of globalization, not Trump,
its desire to control markets has provided is the root cause of the current breakdown.
states with the means to turn that space into Even in the best-case scenarios, embracing
a battlefield. the old approach to multilateralism would
fail to solve the underlying problems.
The current model of globalization is Businesses would continue to make the
unsustainable. It is creating unacceptable world more fragile as they pursued risky
levels of risk both for citizens and states. strategies to make their supply chains more
The future of globalization will depend on efficient, and as the most successful of them
the decisions of political leaders as well as consolidated market power, they would
businesses. The United States faces a become easier targets for states that never
particularly stark choice, as it decides on a ceased being interested in coercive power.
new president amid a pandemic. The most plausible outcome is bigger future
crises with worse political repercussions.
If Donald Trump succeeds in setting the
agenda, America’s future direction is clear. For that matter, a supposed return to
The fragility of the global system will give normality is unlikely to look particularly 21
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

normal. It is difficult to imagine, for A problem-oriented globalization might also

example, how air travel might resume in moderate the security competition that is
anything like its previous form without far heating up between the United States and
more extensive cooperation among China. Continued economic nationalism
countries to prevent new outbreaks of the will quickly intensify this competition, while
coronavirus or successor viruses. Free rebuilding multilateralism to exclude China
markets are incapable of sustaining will lead to a new era of clashes, which the
globalization without a much more world can ill afford. The United States and
extensive role for the state. Meanwhile, if China are currently more inclined to exploit
China is locked out of the existing the system’s weaknesses than to mitigate
multilateral order, it will start building its them, even if that hurts them as well as
own alternative order, making it far harder everyone else in the long run.
to coordinate to solve global problems.
The first step toward lowering tensions is
The more difficult path is also the only for states to acknowledge that globalization
sustainable one, creating a new model of is not producing a flat world but a complex
globalization that can supplement and, over system and to figure out how to insulate
time, partly supplant the old. If the old themselves from its risks. Mapping this
globalization was based on the rule of world’s networks and vulnerabilities will
markets, the new globalization will have to require new bureaucracies and mandatory
be based on the primacy of public safety and reporting and transparency
the well-being of people. It must recognize requirements for business. Just as
that maintaining a complex global economy businesses need to report possible adverse
will sometimes require active corrective events to their shareholders, they would
measures to protect the societies embedded have to stress-test their supply chains,
within it. reporting and rectifying the weak points or
risk actions from new regulators or lawsuits
Rather than assuming that an open from investors or customers if their supply
globalized system can solve its own chains fail.
problems, it would look to prevent them.
Rather than just preserving openness, A more thoughtful globalization will also
global institutions would have to address require a new approach to trade: With
problems that ordinary people care about, better information, states will sometimes
such as health, equality, sustainability, and have legitimate reason to limit their
security. exposure to the world economy so as to
minimize vulnerabilities. Instead of the
Firms and governments will have to pay the crude reshoring and high national tariffs
necessary short-term costs to confront the proposed by economic nationalists, we must
problem of fragility and to reassess the risks map the intricacies of the system, identify
within supply chains. This will require not key vulnerabilities, and mitigate them.
just stockpiling but more focus on the Rather than decoupling, states would have
location and distribution of manufacturing, to recouple. Sometimes that might lead to
pushing companies to build in redundancies reshoring within national borders, but more
both for their own safety and that of the often it would involve identifying
global economy. As Barry Lynn and others bottlenecks and creating more robust global
have argued, it will also require a new supply relationships, on the basis of active
model of antitrust. Regulators need to agreement among allies and tacit
recognize how monopolies create single accommodations among adversaries not to
points of failure in times of crisis, while exploit vulnerabilities.
judges need to pay attention to the national
security as well as economic consequences Individual state action will be insufficient
of their decisions. Concentrated economic on its own. Some of those bureaucracies will
power creates new choke points in the have to be international. For example,
economy that make it less adaptable and resuming travel in a world where new
more vulnerable. viruses can instantly circle the globe will 22
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require extensive—and sometimes challenge is to build a better approach to

intrusive—information sharing. This new solving global problems, too, before they
model of globalization would give tear everything apart.
institutions such as the World Health
Organization extensive new powers to Globalization’s current dysfunction is a
gather information and to investigate when product of market forces and will not be
states are being deceptive. International solved either by economic nationalism or a
organizations could also administer shared naive return to the open market liberalism
rewards to scientists and companies that that created it. Instead, the current crisis
develop vaccines, on the condition that the opens up an opportunity to create a
vaccines and associated patents and rights different approach to globalization, one that
be made universally available. Of course, recognizes its tendency to generate
the Trump administration wants to defund problems that it cannot solve itself and also
the world health apparatus—but U.S. allies one that prioritizes people’s safety and
in Europe and elsewhere are betting that prosperity. Our lives depend on it.
this decision will be reversed if Trump loses
in November.

Similar institutions could help solve other

problems being created by globalization, How China Scammed Hong Kong
most importantly including global warming. (The New York Times)
It’s conceivable that state power could be
used to solve some of globalization’s
pathologies, rather than worsen them. A After many years of rejecting the people of
Biden administration, for example, might Hong Kong’s persistent demands for genuine
turn its effective control over the dollar and universal suffrage and other rights, China
U.S. clearing system to tackle collective made its position clear again on Tuesday
problems such as climate change, imposing with the legislative equivalent of a cracking
financial sanctions on climate cheats. The head bash.
threat of unilateral action could spur the
creation of new multilateral institutions by
It chose the eve of July 1, a triple anniversary
making laggards and free riders pay some of
the costs of their inaction. The EU has long — of the birth of the Chinese Communist
sought a partner in the global climate fight, Party (1921), the handover of Hong Kong
and even China might welcome external from Britain to China (1997) and a break-in
pressure to justify a crackdown on of the city’s legislature by pro-democracy
provincial authorities building coal-based activists (2019) — to pass a draconian
power plants. The United States has been national security law that will forever harm
willing to use its formidable economic Hong Kong’s political freedoms and hobble
power in the past, forcing other countries its economic relations with the rest of the
for example to enforce their laws against world.
bribery. If it deploys its power to address
obvious global needs, it may find itself
pushing on an open door as domestic Hong Kong is a special administrative region
interests realign around solving global of China with its own, supposedly
problems. independent, executive, legislative and
judiciary branches. Yet the new law was
The coronavirus has exposed the deep proposed in Beijing, drafted in Beijing and
weaknesses of globalization, making it clear promulgated in Beijing.
that we need to build something new. In
domestic politics, everything suddenly It went into force as soon as it
seems up for grabs, as social movements
challenge the established political order to
was gazetted on Tuesday night — which was
face up to problems that it has swept also the first time its contents were released
beneath the carpet for decades. The to the public. 23
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The law criminalizes acts of secession, the Leaders of political organizations that China
subversion of state power, terrorism and has previously accused of promoting
“collusion with foreign or external forces to separatism promptly
endanger national security.” Some offenses announced their groups’ dissolution on
in each of these categories are punishable Tuesday.
with life imprisonment. Property damage
alone might amount to terrorism. Politically astute Hong Kongers are only too
aware of the Chinese government’s
Especially severe cases may be referred to propensity to bring bogus charges against its
the Supreme People’s Court of China, to be political opponents.
tried by another court of its choosing
under the mainland’s law of criminal So are some foreign governments.
procedure, which allows for capital Washington had already announced a spate
punishment in some cases. The death of sanctions against officials deemed to
penalty was abolished in Hong Kong in violate the mainland’s obligations to Hong
1993, and no execution had taken place since Kong. On Tuesday, it barred defense exports
1966. to Hong Kong — and said it would begin to
cancel the city’s preferential trade status,
The new law trumps any local laws that are arguing, correctly, that Hong Kong can no
inconsistent with it. A national security longer be considered to operate with
commission will be set up in the city, joined significant autonomy from the mainland.
by a Beijing-appointed adviser, to oversee
the law’s implementation. Its work will not The European Union’s Parliament recently
be made public, nor will that be subject to passed a (nonbinding) resolution urging
judicial review. member states to bring China before the
International Court of Justice if the law was
The Hong Kong chief executive is to appoint passed. Prime Minister Boris Johnson of
special judges to hear national security cases. Britain has pledged to help some three
The city’s Secretary of Justice may deny a million eligible people from Hong Kong live
defendant a trial by jury. The ultimate power and work in his country. The government of
to interpret the law rests with Beijing. Taiwan has said that it would grant asylum to
some Hong Kongers on humanitarian
Articles 37 and 38 appear to mean that the grounds.
law is applicable worldwide — and
universally: not only to permanent residents But even foreign politicians sympathetic to
of Hong Kong and entities based in the city the plight of Hong Kong today bear some
while they are abroad, but also to “a person responsibility for it — if only by dint of their
who is not a permanent resident” of Hong wishful thinking about Beijing’s original
Kong who commits an offense from intentions.
Many seem to have looked upon the first 15
Though the law is being called “national years or so after Britain handed over Hong
security” legislation, its true, bespoke Kong to China in 1997 as the golden age of
purpose is to suppress the decades-old pro- the city’s semi-autonomy. They endorsed the
democracy movement in the city — which “one country, two systems” principle that
has grown more vocal in recent years as was put forward by the Chinese leader Deng
repression from Beijing has increased, with Xiaoping in the 1980s — and enshrined in
some younger people calling for outright the Basic Law, Hong Kong’s mini-
independence for Hong Kong. constitution — as a benign concept that
would protect the city. 24
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In their view, President Xi Jinping of China in spirit, so much as connecting different dots
has recently reversed, even betrayed, Deng’s in it. And that is the true horror lurking
blueprint for Hong Kong. behind its original concessions.

But this is faulty thinking. And it would be Take Beijing’s plan now to set up in Hong
simplistic, as well as ultimately dangerous, to Kong a commissioner’s office for national
think that China has been acting in bad faith security affairs to ensure that the city’s
only under Mr. Xi today. authorities will apply the new law
effectively. This move, as I wrote previously,
Deng hardly was a man of concessions. flatly contradicts the following clause of
During the late 1980s, while China was Article 22 in the Basic Law:
relatively weak, he repeatedly advised acting
meek and biding one’s time. Yet even during “No department of the Central People’s
negotiations with Britain about the status of Government and no province, autonomous
Hong Kong, it was he who insisted that region or municipality directly under the
Chinese soldiers should be stationed in Hong Central Government may interfere in the
Kong after 1997, over the advice of some of affairs which the Hong Kong Special
his top officials. And it was Deng who Administrative Region administers on its
ordered tanks into Tiananmen Square in own in accordance with this Law.”
1989 to mow down peaceful demonstrators
by the hundreds. But that provision also says that “if there is a
need” for any such department etc. to “set up
Mr. Xi today isn’t betraying Deng’s vision offices” in Hong Kong, that department
for Hong Kong back then: He is only requires nothing more than the consent of the
dutifully carrying that vision forward to what central government (and that of the Hong
is, some three decades later, its natural, Kong government, which can be coerced at
logical culmination. will).

The Basic Law, which was designed in the Likewise, the first clause of Article 39 says
late 1980s and adopted in 1990, is an that “the provisions of the International
inherently cynical document. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” and
other rights agreements “as applied to Hong
It was instrumental in ensuring the smooth Kong shall remain in force.” What if those
transfer of sovereignty from Britain in 1997 protections became irksome to Beijing? No
because it seemed to contain generous problem, there’s Article 160:
guarantees from China, in particular
provisions that safeguarded Hong Kongers’ “Upon the establishment of the Hong Kong
fundamental political liberties and promised Special Administrative Region, the laws
to give them more democratic rights in the previously in force in Hong Kong shall be
future. adopted as laws of the Region except for
But many observers and major political those which the Standing Committee of the
actors in Hong Kong — including some who National People’s Congress declares to be in
helped draft the Basic Law — have contravention of this Law. If any laws are
consistently overrated its apparent later discovered to be in contravention of this
assurances, while overlooking the fact that Law, they shall be amended or cease to have
many of those come with sleeper clauses or force in accordance with the procedure as
caveats that can override them. prescribed by this Law.”

The Chinese government today isn’t And then there’s Article 18. It allows the
violating the Basic Law, neither in letter nor Standing Committee of China’s rubber- 25
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stamping legislative body, the National And so some of them have called for full
People’s Congress, to “add to or delete from autonomy for Hong Kong. Such goals may
the list of laws in Annex III” in the name of be unrealistic now — and as of Tuesday,
defense, foreign affairs, national unity or even outright dangerous. But they at least
security, “as well as other matters outside the expose China’s decades of deception and put
limits of the autonomy” of the city. That the world on notice.
annex is a lengthy appendix of laws passed
on the mainland that apply in Hong Kong, all Midday on Wednesday, the city
exceptionally. police reported their first arrest under the
new security law: a man holding a banner
Article 18 was, naturally, the perfect vehicle that read “Hong Kong independence.”
for implementing the new national security

In the 1980s, when people in Hong Kong

were worried about their post-1997 future,
the Chinese government played up the
concessionary parts of the Basic Law. That
was the first, the good-looking, stage in a
two-stage plan to absorb the city into the
mainland’s universe.

The inevitable second stage is unfolding

today. Now that Hong Kong is under the
watchful eye of both Chinese soldiers
garrisoned in the city and their newly loyal
local cousins — the increasingly violent and
politicized Hong Kong police force —
Beijing is activating the sleeper clauses of the
Basic Law to feather the deathbed of the
city’s autonomy. Why Race Matters in
Politicians and thought leaders in Western International Relations
countries, as well as older members of Hong (Foreign Policy)
Kong’s pro-democracy movement, are only
Race is not a perspective on international
beginning to realize — if they are at all —
relations; it is a central organizing feature of
that for three decades or more they have been
world politics. Anti-Japanese
reading the Basic Law, and China itself,
racism guided and sustained U.S.
wrong. They believed that the West, by
engagement in World War II, and broader
helping China modernize, would also help it
anti-Asian sentiment influenced
democratize and with that, would be
the development and structure of the North
protecting Hong Kong.
Atlantic Treaty Organization. During the
Cold War, racism and anti-communism were
Many of the younger activists I have come
inextricably linked in the containment
across in Hong Kong think differently. They
strategy that defined Washington’s approach
fault their forebears for buying into the Basic
to Africa, Asia, Central America, the
Law and “one country, two systems”; to
Caribbean, and South America. And today
them, all that was a Communist siren song, a
race shapes threat perception and responses
to violent extremism, inside and outside the 26
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“war on terror.” Yet mainstream Despite the dominance of the “big three” in
international relations (IR) scholarship the modern study of IR, many of the
denies race as essential to understanding the arguments they advance, such as the balance
world, to the cost of the field’s integrity. of power, are not actually supported by
evidence outside of modern Europe.
Take the “big three” IR paradigms: realism, Consider the democratic peace theory. The
liberalism, and constructivism. These theory makes two key propositions: that
dominant frames for understanding global democracies are less likely to go to war than
politics are built on raced and racist are nondemocracies, and that democracies
intellectual foundations that limit the field’s are less likely to go to war with each other.
ability to answer important questions about The historical record shows that democracies
international security and organization. Core have actually not been less likely
concepts, like anarchy and hierarchy, to fight wars—if you include their colonial
are raced: They are rooted in discourses that conquests. Meanwhile, in regions such as the
center and favor Europe and the West. These Middle East and North
concepts implicitly and explicitly pit Africa, democratizing states have
“developed” against “undeveloped,” experienced more internal conflicts than their
“modern” against “primitive,” “civilized” less-democratic peers. Yet leaders in the
against “uncivilized.” And their use is racist: West have invoked democratic peace theory
These invented binaries are used to explain to justify invading and occupying less-
subjugation and exploitation around the democratic, and notably less-white,
globe countries.

While realism and liberalism were built on This is a key element of IR’s racial exclusion:
Eurocentrism and used to justify white The state system that IR seeks to explain
imperialism, this fact is not arises from the 1648 Peace of Westphalia,
widely acknowledged in the field. For which ended the Thirty Years’ War and
instance, according to neorealists, there established European principles of statehood
exists a “balance of power” between and and sovereignty. Far from 17th-century
among “great powers.” Most of these great relics, these principles are enshrined in the
powers are, not incidentally, white-majority United Nations Charter—the foundation for
states, and they sit atop the hierarchy, with global governance since 1945. But non-
small and notably less-white powers European nations did not voluntarily adopt
organized below them. In a similar vein, European understandings of statehood and
raced hierarchies and conceptions of control sovereignty, as IR scholars often
ground the concept of cooperation in mythologize. Instead, Europe, justified by
neoliberal thought: Major powers own the Westphalia, divided the world between the
proverbial table, set the chairs, and arrange modern, “civilized” states and conquered
the place settings. those which they did not think belonged in
the international system.
Constructivism, which rounds out the “big
three” approaches, is perhaps best positioned IR scholar Sankaran Krishna has argued that,
to tackle race and racism. Constructivists because IR privileges theorizing over
reject the as-given condition of anarchy and historical description and analysis, the field
maintain that anarchy, security, and other enables this kind of whitewashing. Western
concerns are socially constructed based on concepts are prioritized at the expense of
shared ideas, histories, and experiences. Yet their applicability in the world. Krishna
with few notable exceptions, constructivists called this “a systematic politics of
rarely acknowledge how race shapes what is forgetting, a willful amnesia, on the question
shared. of race.” 27
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Importantly, IR has not always ignored race. Mainstream IR theory, however, did not
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, adapt or evolve its position on race. Most IR
foundational texts invoked race as the scholars just stopped engaging with the
linchpin holding together colonial subject altogether. Between 1945 and 1993,
administration and war. Belief in white among the five major IR journals of the
people’s biological and sociological period—International
supremacy offered a tidy dualism between Organization, International Studies
the civilized and the savage that justified the Quarterly, Journal of Conflict
former’s murderous exploitation of the latter. Resolution, Review of International Studies,
Paul Samuel Reinsch, a founder of modern and World Politics—only one published an
IR and foreign policy, christened the 20th article with the word “race” in the title.
century as the “age of national imperialism.” Another four articles included “minorities”
He concluded that states “endeavor to and 13 included “ethnicity.” Since then,
increase [their] resources … through the mainstream IR has neglected race in
absorption or exploitation of undeveloped theorizing, in historical explanation, and in
regions and inferior races.” Yet, prescription, and shuttled race (and gender)
he assured readers that this was “not to the side as “other perspectives.” When IR
inconsistent with respect for … other scholars do engage with race, it is often in
nationalities” because states avoid exerting discussions of outwardly raced issues such as
control over “highly civilized nations.” colonialism.

Thinkers’ attention to race in the late 19th Yet one cannot comprehend world politics
and early 20th centuries spread into academic while ignoring race and racism. Textbooks
journals and research institutions. For that neglect historical and modern slavery
example, the Journal of Race when explaining development and
Development—the first academic IR journal, globalization obscure the realities of state-
established in 1910—advanced racist building and deny the harms committed in
treatises, including on the inability of “native the process. Similarly, when scholarship fails
races” to develop states without colonialism. to call attention to the role that race plays in
Nonetheless, the journal’s pages also Western nations’ use of international law as
included sharp critiques from W.E.B. Du a pretext for military intervention, it provides
Bois and other scholars who were critical of cover for the modern-day equivalent of
European mercantilism. In 1919, the journal “civilizing missions.” Likewise, studies of
was rebranded as the Journal of trade and dispute settlement almost always
International Relations without substantive overlook modern arbitration’s deep roots in
changes and, in 1922, its successor, Foreign the transatlantic slave trade. This history is
Affairs, was born. often lost in analyses of wins and losses
in negotiations.
The mid-20th century brought about some
shifts in IR thinking and in foreign policy. Race and the racism of historical statecraft
Black IR scholars, primarily working out of are inextricable from the modern study and
Howard University, developed a strong practice of international relations. They are
theoretical tradition that resists white- also not artefacts: Race continues to
supremacist privileging of U.S. and shape international and domestic
European empires. Anti-colonial revolutions threat perceptions and consequent foreign
in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s policy; international responses
further problematized the promise of empire to immigrants and refugees; and access to
built into realist frameworks and the idealism health and environmental stability.
of paternalist cooperation integral to liberal
thought. 28
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

Because mainstream IR does not take race or organizing their courses by the traditional
racism seriously, it also does not take paradigms of IR studies. Since much
diversity and inclusion in the profession paradigmatic work is dominated by white
seriously. In the United States, which is the men and is guided by Eurocentrism, women,
largest producer of IR scholarship, only 8 nonwhite people, and issues of race and
percent of scholars identify as black or racism are displaced in course syllabi.
Latino, compared to 12 percent of scholars in
comparative politics and 14 percent in U.S. Interestingly, how professors organize their
politics. And that’s despite the fact that the courses does not necessarily reflect their own
issues that IR scholars study, such as war, approach to studying IR. In that same survey,
migration, human rights, development, and 26 percent of respondents reported that they
climate change, have a disproportionate do not use paradigmatic analysis. This casts
impact on black people, indigenous people, even more doubt on the paradigms as core,
and people of color. yet exclusionary, frameworks.

There are a number of reasons for this IR scholars cannot cast off the field’s
imbalance. First, there is a pervasive and intellectual history. But neither can scholars
corrosive tendency among white scholars to accept it uncritically. Western dominance
assume that scholars of color study race, and white privilege permeate IR scholarship,
ethnicity, and identity politics in the United teaching, and professional associations, to
States or in an area-studies context. Though the cost of the field’s integrity, and to the cost
scholars of color do work in these areas, there of the relevance and appropriateness of our
is no intellectual reason to expect that they all advice to policymakers. To help remedy
do so. This tendency to presume, even assign, these problems, IR scholars should focus
where different people belong communicates their efforts on three initiatives.
to IR scholars of color that they are not
welcome. First, those who teach IR must address race
and racism in the field and acknowledge the
The International Studies Association (ISA), usefulness of critical approaches. This means
the main professional association for IR integrating scholarly works on race in
scholars and practitioners, does not offer a undergraduate and graduate courses, and not
research or conference section on race. Nor as a segregated “week on race” at the end of
do any of its organized sections mention race the term. Despite the field’s overarching
in their descriptions. While ISA does have exclusion in this area, there
several identity-related caucuses, including are excellent scholars working on race in IR.
the Women’s Caucus for International
Studies, there is no caucus for scholars of Introductory courses could also be organized
color. Scholars of color also experience overt around issues—for instance, interstate
racism within ISA and other professional conflict, human rights, environmental
associations. In 2018, Meg politics—in order to create more points of
Guliford described her experience as a black entry for relevant scholarship and for
scholar at an ISA conference, where three nonwhite students. Second, universities must
separate attendees assumed she was hotel improve representation among scholars and
staff and one asked when she planned to increase diversity in intellectual thought. IR
bring out more food. programs should strive to recruit, train, and
retain diverse graduate and faculty
How IR is taught also perpetuates the candidates who can offer new perspectives
research and professional inequalities we and drive innovation. Third, IR professional
detail above. In a 2014 survey of IR associations must become more inclusive.
professors, nearly 40 percent reported 29
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One concrete step would be for ISA and other campaign as a “cultural genocide.” Now,
IR hubs to organize sections on race. new research I published this month with the
Jamestown Foundation provides strong
These steps are straightforward and feasible. evidence that Beijing’s actions in Xinjiang
Those in positions of power and influence also meet the physical genocide
must simply have the will and do the work. criterion cited in Section D of Article II of
the United Nations Convention on the
China’s Own Documents Show Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Genocide: “imposing measures intended to
Potentially Genocidal prevent births within the [targeted] group.”
Sterilization Plans in Xinjiang
Starting in 2018, a growing number of female
(Foreign Policy) former internment camp
Performance targets: detainees testified that they were given
injections that coincided with changes in or
Target 1: target population for intrauterine cessation of their menstrual cycles.
contraception device placement 524 people Others reported that they were forcibly fitted
with IUDs prior to internment or subjected to
Target 2: [target] population for sterilizations sterilization surgeries.
14,872 people.”
That same year, published natural population
These are direct quotes from the 2019 family growth rates (calculated as birth minus
planning budget of Hotan, the capital city of deaths, and excluding migration) in Xinjiang
a prefecture with a population of 2.53 million plummeted. In Kashgar and Hotan, two of
in in southern Xinjiang, China. The the prefectures that make up the Uighur
neighboring county of Guma, population heartland, combined natural population
322,000, set a similarly precise “performance growth rates fell by 84 percent between 2015
target” figure of 5,970 intrauterine and 2018, from 1.6 percent to 0.26 percent.
contraception device (IUD) placements and In some Uighur counties, 2018 saw more
8,064 female sterilizations for that year. deaths than births. In 2019, Xinjiang’s birth
rates declined by a further 24 percent, with
These two counties, predominantly home to ethnic minority regions seeing stronger
members of the Uighur ethnic minority, declines between 30 and 56 percent. In
planned to sterilize approximately 14 and 34 contrast, birth rates across the whole country
percent of women between 18 and 49—in a fell by only 4.2 percent between 2018 and
single year. Per capita, that represents more 2019.
sterilizations than China performed in the 20
years between 1998 and 2018 combined. Worryingly, most recent birth rate figures in
Documents from Xinjiang’s Health Uighur regions are not being published. In an
Commission indicate that this is part of a unusual development, Hotan’s annual report,
wider project targeting all of Xinjiang’s always published in March or April each
southern minority regions in 2019 and 2020. year, was not yet out by the end of June, but
one of its counties reported a negative
Since 2017, up to 1.8 million Uighurs, population growth rate. For the first time
Kazaks, and other Turkic minority groups in since its publication, Kashgar’s annual
the northwestern Chinese region of Xinjiang report did not disclose birth or death rates.
have been swept up in what is probably the However, its total population decreased
largest incarceration of an ethnoreligious compared to the previous year. Clearly, the
minority since the Holocaust. Exile Uighurs government has something to hide. One
and China researchers have described this minority region, Kizilsu, recently disclosed 30
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

its 2020 natural population growth target: the detentions have primarily targeted male
Shockingly, it was cut down to nearly zero. heads of households. In some regions,
government lists show that up to 50 percent
The campaign of mass internment would of them had been sent to detention camps or
certainly negatively impact birth rates. prisons. With community leaders, religious
However, by itself it cannot have depressed authority figures, and husbands removed,
population growth to such low levels. nothing prevented the state from seizing
complete control over female minority
Instead, comprehensive new evidence from reproductive systems.
government documents reveals a systematic
state campaign of suppressing minority In February, a leaked government document
births, while simultaneously encouraging a called the “Karakax List” (after its origin
mass influx of new Han Chinese workers and from Karakax County) showed the reasons
settlers. given for hundreds of camp detainees being
detained. Surprisingly, the most common
For years, Han Chinese officials and reason was having had too many children.
academics have lamented “excessive Frequently, the detainees had only had one
minority population” growth in Xinjiang. Li more child than permitted by the state. Birth
Xiaoxia, the director of the Institute of control violations were often the only stated
Sociology at the Xinjiang Academy of Social reason for internment.
Sciences, wrote in 2017 that high Uighur
population growth rates exacerbated spatial In contrast, in January 2016
ethnic segregation, “strengthening the China abolished its one-child policy, and it
viewpoint that one ethnic group owns a has since encouraged its citizens to have two
[particular] land area.” Such sentiments are children in order to maintain positive
seen as dangerous, because they “weaken population growth. Some provinces are
national identity and identification with the doling out financial rewards such as tax
Chinese Nation-Race, impacting long-term breaks and wedding or childbirth subsidies in
rule and stability.” order to boost birth rates.

However, government efforts to enforce The Karakax List indicates a spike in the
family planning targets were often met with number of Uighurs detained for birth control
failure. A 2013 World Bank report on violations during the spring of 2018. During
vocational training needs in Xinjiang, precisely that time, Xinjiang’s minority
compiled by two Han Chinese authors, states regions issued draconian new regulations for
that “Xinjiang’s enforcement of family dealing with birth control policy violations,
planning in rural and minority regions has with three counties explicitly threatening
been comparatively relaxed.” Many of violators with internment. Karakax County’s
Xinjiang’s officials and researchers blame 2018 government work report proudly stated
this directly on the minorities’ predominantly that by “severely curbing behaviors that
Muslim faith. One of them wrote in 2016: “It violate birth control [policies], birth and
is undeniable that a wave of extremist natural population growth rates declined
religious thinking has fueled a resurgence in dramatically.” Between 2016 and 2018,
birth rates in Xinjiang’s southern regions.” Karakax’s natural population growth rate
plunged by 83 percent.
The campaign of mass internment that started
in 2017 under Xinjiang’s current Party However, punishing birth control violations
Secretary Chen Quanguo provided the ideal with internment has been just one of several
context for an unprecedented crackdown on strategies to suppress minority birth rates.
minority birth rates. My research shows that The second approach was a mass deployment 31
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

of IUDs, a widely used form of birth control abortions, and sterilizations. The project’s
around the world and the most commonly combined funding for 2019 and 2020
used form in China. In 2018, a stunning 80 amounted to 260 million RMB, about $36
percent of all newly placed IUDs in China million, on the regional level alone.
were fitted in Xinjiang, even though the
region only makes up 1.8 percent of the The evidence suggests that this campaign
country’s population. By 2019, aims to sterilize some women with one or
Xinjiang planned to subject over 80 percent two children, and many or all women with
of women of childbearing age in the rural three or more children. One Uighur county’s
southern four minority prefectures to “birth 2019 family planning policy explicitly
control measures with long-term stated that women with three or more
effectiveness.” In Xinjiang’s minority children are to be sterilized. According to the
regions, this term refers to either IUDs or 2010 national census, about 20 percent of all
sterilizations. One minority prefecture issued Uighur women across China had three or
a related statement that women for whom the more children; in some predominantly
procedure wouldn’t pose medical risks must Uighur prefectures, that share may be as high
have IUDs placed “immediately,” and that as 36.1 percent, which might explain Hotan
the risks, known as contraindications, must City’s 34.3 percent sterilization target. In
be proved through a diagnosis certified by a addition, in 2019 and 2020 Xinjiang
higher health authority. budgeted about 1.5 billion RMB, over $200
million, at the regional level alone for
Before long, requiring minority women to financial rewards for women who
get IUDs was not enough. The third and most supposedly voluntarily opt for IUDs or
draconian birth prevention strategy— sterilizations even though they are legally
sterilizations—soon followed. Until recently, permitted to have a third child.
sterilization surgeries had been uncommon in
Xinjiang in order to avoid offending the Together with local co-funding, the
predominantly Muslim population’s regionwide “free technical family planning”
religious sensibilities. Once the state began project has enough money to sterilize
openly persecuting any form of religious potentially up to nearly 200,000 or about 12
behavior, this was no longer an issue. In percent of all married women aged 18 to 49
2018, the region performed over seven times years in rural southern Xinjiang. However, at
more sterilizations per capita than the least one minority prefecture received
national average. Then, in 2019, when a additional central government funding for
growing number of male detainees were this initiative, indicating that these estimates
shifted from internment camps to either could be higher. There is also nothing to say
prisons or forced labor compounds, the state that this campaign will end in 2020. Its
moved toward what appears to be a campaign obvious intermediate goal would be to
of mass female sterilization. sterilize the 20 percent or more of these
women who have had more than two
This campaign is part of a project titled “Free children, plus a percentage of those with
Technical Family Planning Services to fewer children.
Farmers and Pastoralists.” It provides free
“birth control surgeries” specifically in Along with the mass deployment of IUDs,
Xinjiang’s southern Uighur regions. The this campaign enables the Chinese
project’s explicit aim is to reduce these government to permanently maintain Uighur
regions’ 2020 birth and population growth natural population growth rates at levels that
rates by “at least” 0.4 percentage points are 85 to 95 percent below those of the past
below the 2016 level. The free “birth control two decades. Xinjiang’s goal in Uighur
surgeries” include IUD placements, regions is to achieve “zero birth control 32
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

violation incidents”—not one minority child sought to attract young families from eastern
is to be born outside the will of the state. Such China (ages 35 and under) with promises of
targets are no joke. Hotan prefecture’s 2019 5.8 acres of arable land, new apartments,
birth control performance government jobs with annual salaries of up to
indicators mandated that the entire region, 102,500 RMB (about $14,000, above the
which has over half a million women of national average), and additional monthly
childbearing age, could have no more than livelihood subsidy payments.
exactly 21 birth control policy violations that
year. Technically, the government can now The internment of vast numbers of ethnic
dial minority birth rates up and down at will, minority men in camps and sites of coercive
like opening or closing a faucet. labor facilitate this process of what often
appear to be coerced relationships.
Unfortunately, it is unclear where all this will
end. Numerically stagnant or declining These findings indicate that Beijing is
populations are easier to control. Alarmingly, complementing its pursuit of cultural
Xinjiang’s 2019 population growth rate was genocide in Xinjiang with a campaign of
far below its original target. ethno-racial supremacy—a campaign that
meets at least one of the five criteria for
Under the one child policy, China had physical genocide specified by the U.N. It is
previously implemented repressive birth high time that the international community
control measures. However, they were takes decisive measures. The situation
nothing close to now what is now seen in warrants an investigation into crimes against
Xinjiang: punishing violators in extrajudicial humanity, including an assessment whether
internment camps, sterilizing up to a third of Beijing’s policies in Xinjiang are gradually
all women in a single year, sending women progressing from cultural genocide to a form
to family planning clinics with armed police of demographic genocide.
forces, or setting near-zero population
growth targets.

A women who fled Xinjiang last year told

the Associated Press that they would chant
these lines during daily flag-raising events:
“If we have too many children, we’re
religious extremists. … That means we have
to go to the training centers.” Soon after, she
and hundreds of other Uighur women were
taken to a hospital by armed police guards
and forcibly fitted with IUDs. In 2019,
Xinjiang’s population growth rate was far
below its original target.

Xinjiang’s birth prevention tactics are just

one aspect of what appears to be a
multipronged strategy of ethno-racial
domination. Between 2015 and 2018, 2
million new residents moved to Xinjiang—
all of them to regions dominated by China’s
Han majority. The state promotes such in-
migration through lucrative offers. In 2019, a
Han Chinese-dominated region in Xinjiang 33
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

Pakistan’s political crisis is The government’s political allies are either

estranged or walking away to join the
deepening with the rise of opposition parties. In the province of Punjab,
COVID-19 cases several disgruntled lawmakers of the ruling
(The Diplomat) party have been threatening to form forward
Pakistan’s national government has followed blocks if they are not given development
a highly politicized approach to dealing with funds. A weak chief minister in the province
the COVID-19 threat. The result has often cites the phrase “I am not aware”
reignited fears that the current government is regarding key decisions related to his
not fit to rule the country let alone deal with province. A looming wheat crisis in the
a raging health crisis that is fast becoming a country has involved several top ministers of
national security issue. the government that manipulated the
domestic market to make billions. The
Over the last few months, there has been a problem is expected to morph into a serious
steep decline in public trust about the food crisis in Pakistan in the coming months.
capacity of the government’s efforts to deal
with the COVID-19 threat. After putting in The issue has created deep divisions within
some surface-level effort, the government the government as Prime Minister Imran
has nearly left the entirety of the country’s Khan has sidelined one of his key advisers,
population at the mercy of the virus. Jahangir Tareen, after his role in the wheat
crisis was proved recently. Tareen, who has
The government’s top decision-makers been credited with managing the ruling
remain unprepared and unwilling to take the party’s political alliances, has not only fled
threat seriously. A few days ago, the Minister the country, but has also left a vacuum to fill
of State for Climate Change Zartaj Gul in the government. In the absence of Tareen,
Wazir presented a novel definition of no one could effectively reach out and
COVID-19 by saying that “COVID-19 satisfy the government’s political allies.
means that it has 19 points that can be applied
to any country in any way.” Another senior Thus no one in the government has
leader of the PTI who is also Sindh the political clout to negotiate with the head
province’s Governor recently said that of the Balochistan National Party (BNP-M),
COVID-19 is nothing more than the flu and Sardar Akhtar Mengal, who recently left the
people shouldn’t worry about it. government to join the opposition. A few
days ago, Mengal met with the chief of the
It shouldn’t come as a surprise then that the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI-F), Maulana
current government’s approval ratings have Fazlur Rehman, to chart out a plan to
fallen sharply in recent months. According to potentially bring the government down. “In
a recent Gallup survey, “The percentage of our meeting, we discussed the changes that
Pakistanis who believe that the current PTI have already taken place in the country and
government’s performance up to this point in the changes which are about to come,” said
its tenure is worse than that of the previous Mr. Mengal.
government has increased from 35 percent in
December 2018 to only 59 percent in Understandably, Mengal’s departure from
February 2020.” the coalition has made the government 34
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

weaker and its other political allies stronger. be taken as an opportunity to mobilize
“MQM, PML-Q, GDA, and BAP may not operations to weaken the state further.
walk out like Mengal did … but their threat Certainly, COVID-19 has exposed
of walking out will now hold greater weight Pakistan’s looming governance and security
for PTI. Do not be surprised if you see the woes.
allies becoming a bit more vocal in their
Pakistan’s all-powerful military is
grievances, a bit more aggressive in their
monitoring all these developments closely. It
dealings, and a bit more demanding in their
would not be imprudent to argue that the
requirements,” notes an op-ed published
military itself is strained due to the existing
in Dawn.
political and governance crisis that COVID-
Adding to the crisis are rising incidents of 19 has brought to fore. Pakistan’s security
terrorism across the country. Last week, three establishment may want an increased role in
consecutive explosions claimed by a little- managing politics in Pakistan, but it doesn’t
known separatist group, Sindhudesh mean that the institution is interested in
Revolutionary Army (SRA), has put running everything for the government.
policymakers on alert. Reports indicate that
The next few months are going to be very
the group’s leadership operates from the
important for Pakistan as COVID-19 exposes
province of Sindh and “wants the province to
the current government’s inability to govern
break from the Pakistani federation.”
effectively and manage its allies aptly. As
In another incident on June 22, an officer and political uncertainty grows in Pakistan,
a soldier of the Pakistani Army were killed in issues lying on the periphery have started to
clashes with militants in North Waziristan. move to the core, challenging the country’s
Over the last few months, groups such as the national security.
Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), the Islamic
State (IS), the Baluchistan Liberation Army Coronavirus Bailouts Stoke
(BLA), the Baluchistan Liberation Tigers Climate Change
(BLT), and others carried out attacks across (Foreign Policy)
Pakistan. The list of militant organizations
The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed
targeting Pakistan has now been joined by a
climate change from the headlines, but it has
new militant group known as the SRA. hardly arrested it. In the last month, the
It is a worrying development for Pakistan for warming Indian Ocean has encouraged
swarms of locusts to hop from East Africa to
two reasons. First, the rise in militant attacks
South Asia. A dust cloud has drifted from the
is taking place at a time when a governance Sahara desert to the Americas. Wildfires
and health crisis is consuming law have raged in the thawing permafrost of
enforcement agencies majority of the focus. Siberia. This global crisis—like the one
Second, the growth in attacks, particularly occasioned by the novel coronavirus, only
from new organizations, underscores that more permanently—threatens to shock the
global financial system. The consequences of
militant networks in the country or
climate change could lead to turmoil in the
aspirations from different ethno-nationalist insurance and banking industries, while
groups in this regard, remain strong. Thus, upending the energy sector, together
any sense of weakness from the state would producing a financial crisis unlike one ever
seen before. 35
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

But before the pandemic scrambled and the Netherlands, the Bank of England
economies, a group of global central banks established in late 2017 a network of like-
and financial regulators led by Europeans minded institutions committed to “greening
had agreed on ways to manage the risks that the financial system.” Today, the Network
global warming posed. These banks and for Greening the Financial System comprises
regulators have since been forced to enact more than 60 central banks and financial
emergency measures to cope with the supervisors, accounting for over 50 percent
pandemic, so they have largely ignored, of global GDP and dedicated to ensuring that
abandoned, or delayed many of their own financial markets adequately prepare for
prescriptions. Instead, they are now propping climate risks.
up the very coal, oil, and gas industries that
ultimately threaten the financial system by Carney put the Bank of England at the
accelerating climate change. forefront of policy development in this arena.
It devised the first-ever stress test to quantify
In Europe, as in the United States—where the likely effects of climate change on the
central banks and financial regulators have financial institutions it oversaw. The results
not meaningfully incorporated climate suggested that the coal industry would take a
change into their decision-making—bailout particularly hard hit, losing 65 percent of its
money is finding its way to struggling, debt- financial value in a scenario of “abrupt
laden, and increasingly unprofitable fossil change.” The oil industry didn’t fare much
fuel companies. Not only is enabling fossil better, with a 42 percent reduction in its
fuel investments bad public policy, it makes financial value in the same scenario. These
little economic sense. The world’s leading industries were hit especially hard because
central banks must quickly reverse course the necessary transition away from fossil
and limit investments in the fossil fuel fuels will lead to drastic reductions in the
industry in order to avoid further increasing value of the assets of these companies,
the systemic risk that climate change poses to stranding billions in invested capital.
the financial system.
Those projections emboldened the Bank of
GREENING THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM England to consider screening its own
In the period from 2013 to 2020, the Bank of investments to limit or phase out purchases
England became the first central bank to plan in coal, oil, and gas companies. Indeed,
for the economic effects of a warming planet. Andrew Bailey, Carney’s successor, found
Climate change, the bank determined, aligning the bank’s portfolio with the goal of
threatened the economy not only through the lowering carbon emissions to be “perfectly
physical consequences of intensified storms, sensible.” Other central banks looked ready
floods, and droughts but also through the to follow suit. Christine Lagarde, president of
necessary costs of the transition away from the European Central Bank, pledged to
fossil fuels, and possibly by occasioning gradually eliminate the bank’s high-carbon
lawsuits from parties adversely affected by assets. Sweden’s Riksbank went
the upheaval. In 2017, the bank’s governor, further, selling off the bonds of governments
Mark Carney, began warning of a climate- such as Australia that were heavily exposed
driven “Minsky moment”—a sudden market to high-carbon industries. Taken together,
collapse brought on by reckless speculative these moves signaled to markets that fossil
activity—that would threaten the very fuel companies bore substantial financial
foundation of the financial system. risks and that central banks were trying to
rein them in.
Along with another seven central banks,
including those of China, France, Germany, Across the pond, however, U.S. financial
regulators were less convinced. The 36
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

influence of the administration of U.S. of pending bankruptcies. But bailouts have

President Donald Trump kept the Federal been fairly indiscriminate, driving financial
Reserve out of formal membership in the support to many sectors, including the very
network built by Carney. Unlike its global same coal, oil, and gas industries upon which
peers, the Fed conducted no stress tests and central banks had cast doubt. Not only have
issued no pledges to screen purchases in coal, financial regulators supported fossil fuel
oil, and gas companies, even as U.S. fossil companies with new investments but they
fuel firms had become very vulnerable. A have also, at least temporarily, abandoned
decade of low interest rates and easy credit their attempts to address the long-term
had encouraged U.S. companies to expand climate risks that those investments create.
through borrowing. By early 2020, the U.S.
oil and gas industries, for instance, had more The Bank of England postponed its stress
than $700 billion in outstanding debt tests and its efforts to redirect investments
according to the Institute for Energy away from high-carbon-producing
Economics and Financial Analysis. But the industries. The European Central Bank,
sector’s contribution to U.S. corporate which had followed the Bank of England’s
earnings had steadily shrunk even as its debt lead before the crisis, similarly delayed its
levels had skyrocketed—such that the oil climate policy review. Worse, the ECB’s first
industry now constitutes just four percent of wave of asset purchases between the middle
the S&P 500, down from 25 percent in 1980. of March and the middle of May drove 7.6
billion euros directly to fossil fuel
ACCELERATING RISKS companies. The same financially risky assets
When the pandemic and its consequent that so worried these central banks before the
financial crisis hit, the debt markets, on crisis—coal, oil, and gas—are now rapidly
which fossil fuel firms had come to arriving on their balance sheets.
rely, seized up. Investors became wary of
lending in an uncertain economic U.S. fossil fuel companies, abetted by
environment, and companies could no longer Republican allies in Congress and by Trump
borrow to finance their operations. The once himself, pressured the Fed to ease credit
simple task of issuing debt or rolling it over requirements that constrained the purchase of
suddenly became a matter of financial life or junk debt (much of the debt of fossil fuel
death. The oil industry turned upside down companies is considered high risk and well
overnight, between negative pricing in April below investment grade). The Fed did relax
and an enormous fall in global demand. The investment criteria through a program called
coal industry took a similar blow from the Main Street Lending Program, which
reduced electricity demand during the allowed indebted companies to service their
pandemic, which disproportionately harmed debts with government-backed loans, despite
the industry because its operating costs are the alarm of congressional watchdogs. At the
greater than those of many other forms of same time, the coal industry raided other
power. State and federal regulations favoring emergency relief measures such as the
renewable energy over coal also affect the Paycheck Protection Program, meant to
industry, with analysts now predicting that support small and medium-sized businesses.
coal will generate only ten percent of U.S. On average, the industries that accepted these
electricity by 2024, down from 50 percent a PPP funds used them to cover 52 percent of
decade prior. payroll costs; the coal industry, however,
successfully secured funds to cover 72
The overall financial crisis forced central percent of payroll costs.
banks around the world to leap into action to
protect their national economies from a tide In addition, two new programs announced in
March allowed the Fed, for the first time 37
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

ever, to buy corporate debt (historically it has president to place limits on financial flows to
bought only government debt and coal, oil, and gas companies.
mortgages), opening the door to direct
purchases of the bonds of coal, oil, and gas Ultimately, regulators can decide which
companies. While the government has direction they want to push their economies.
directed only a fraction of available money The current course for many central banks
into the market, Influence Map, a London- that are all too aware of the threat climate
based economic think tank, has revealed that change poses to their financial systems is to
just one of these programs has driven nonetheless send billions of taxpayer dollars
nearly $100 million to fossil fuel companies. to fossil fuel companies. If they do not
If the program continues without any further reverse course, the debts of these companies
restrictions, it could channel $19 billion to will sit on public and private balance sheets
fossil fuels. Fossil fuel companies in the as ticking time bombs, epitomizing the very
United States are likely to spend a good risk that central banks have warned against
portion of the bailout funds they receive on for years
servicing their own debts, not on hiring new
workers—and potentially not even
on preventing layoffs.


The bailouts will not make the coal, oil, and
gas industries any more sustainable. Rather,
these companies will remain at death’s door,
burdened by debt. In propping them up,
central banks are ignoring the same financial
advice they themselves have for years
presented to others. Moreover, they send the
message to investors that nothing is too
suspect to bail out in a time of crisis—not
even the flailing fossil fuel industry.

Financial regulators still have time to tack in

a better direction. In Europe, Lagarde has
recommitted to a climate policy review set to Modi's India should be on the
conclude in the middle of next year—in time US's religious freedom blacklist
for the next major international climate
summit in Glasgow. Civil society groups (Al-Jazeera)
have called on her to make good on previous On June 10, US Secretary of State Mike
pledges. Her leadership could help encourage Pompeo released the 2019 International
other central banks to once again begin Religious Freedom Report which documents
curtailing investments in fossil fuels. major instances of violations of religious
freedom across the world.
In the United States, however, Republican
leaders seem committed to bailing out the The report's 27-page chapter on India is a
fossil fuel industry (they have publicly said scathing indictment of the sharp decline in
as much). But a Democratic administration, religious freedom in the South Asian country
should one come to power, could invoke the under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's
Dodd-Frank Act without seeking watch.
congressional approval, allowing the 38
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

Noting that there have been reports religious freedom, alongside Iran, Pakistan,
of "religiously motivated killings, assaults, Saudi Arabia, North Korea and China. It
riots, discrimination, vandalism, and actions would amplify international pressure on
restricting the right of individuals to practice India to take the necessary precautions to
and speak about their religious beliefs", the stop religious violence and discrimination.
report heavily criticises the Indian Moreover, it would allow the Trump
government's policies and actions that result administration to show that it is serious about
in the erosion of religious freedoms of India's countering religious discrimination, even
minority communities. when the perpetrator is an allied government.

The report highlights the revocation of The US has long been turning a blind eye to
Indian-administered Kashmir's autonomy in India's failures due to its strong economic
August, the passage of the Citizenship and strategic ties to the country - India is not
Amendment Act (CAA) in December, only a major importer of US arms, but it is a
undemocratic anti-conversion and anti-beef key US partner against China in the Indo-
laws and their gross abuses, and the state's Pacific region. But the US's tendency to
reluctance to hold Hindu vigilante groups to ignore state-sanctioned rights abuses in India
account for their attacks on religious to remain in favour of the Modi government
minorities. "Authorities often protected already had disastrous consequences for the
perpetrators from prosecution and filed country's religious minorities.
charges against victims," it notes.
Confident that he would not receive any
With the report, the United States officially pressure from the US, the Modi government
acknowledges the Modi government's crimes instituted national level policies violating
against India's religious minorities. But this religious freedom, especially for Muslims, in
is not enough. Secretary Pompeo also needs the past few years. According to the
to take policy action to hold India to account. USCIRF, it also engaged in "hate speech and
Luckily, he has a list of policy incitement to violence", allowing anti-
recommendations readily laying on his desk minority violence to "continue with
that could help him do just that. impunity".

In December, the Modi government passed

The case for CPC designation the CAA, which excludes Muslims from a
path to citizenship for religious minorities
In April, the US Commission on from its neighbours. Many believe that the
International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), government will combine the CAA with the
an independent federal body that advises the National Register for Citizens (NRC), a
US president and Congress, released its headcount that will seek from India's 1.3
annual report. In the report, USCIRF called billion people proof-of-citizenship
for India to be designated as a Country of documents going back generations, to target
Particular Concern (CPC) for "engaging in India's 200 million Muslims.
and tolerating systematic, ongoing, and
egregious religious freedom violations". The Millions of bona fide Indians, who do not
federal body also recommended the possess any citizenship documents, will
imposition of "targeted sanctions" on Indian certainly fail the NRC test, as they did in a
officials and agencies "responsible for severe pilot in Assam state last year. According to
violations of religious freedom in India". the USCIRF, this will put their citizenship
status, and all associated rights, "under
A CPC designation would confirm India's question". The CAA will provide non-
status as one the world's worst offenders of 39
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

Muslims in this situation "a path to restore In 2016, Modi told the US Congress that just
their citizenship and avoid detention or as "the idea that all citizens are created equal
deportation", while Muslims will "bear the is a central pillar of the American
indignities and consequences of potential constitution", India's "founding fathers, too,
statelessness". shared the same belief and sought individual
liberty". India's Constitution is a "holy book"
In February, several leaders and prominent in which "freedom of faith, speech and
supporters of Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party franchise, and equality of all citizens,
(BJP) incited violence against anti-CAA regardless of background, are enshrined as
protesters in New Delhi. More than 50 people fundamental rights," he added. The time has
died in the resulting pogrom. The USCIRF come for Pompeo to remind Modi of this
blamed Delhi Police for "failing to halt speech.
attacks and even directly participating" in the
violence. It is not easy for the authors of this article -
who are Indian-born US citizens - to
India's Home Affairs Minister Amit Shah, a recommend India to be designated as a
Modi confidante who was once accused of CPC. But we support the USCIRF's
ordering extrajudicial killings of Muslims, recommendation for such a harsh measure
directly supervises Delhi Police. In precisely because we love India deeply. We
December, the USCIRF had called on the US believe only strong pressure from the US,
Government to sanction Shah, due to his role and the wider global community, could save
in the enactment of the CAA. India from the dire consequences of its
government's divisive policies, and
India's 30 million Christians are also being guarantee that it remains a secular
targeted in Modi's India. "Empowered by democracy.
anti-conversion laws and the police's
complicity," Hindu vigilante mobs target How a Great Power Falls Apart
Christians with "campaigns of harassment,
social exclusion and violence", according to (Foreign Affairs)
the USCIRF. Instead of arresting the On November 11, 1980, a
perpetrators, the police "often arrest the car filled with writers was making its way al
religious minorities who have been ong a rain-slick highway to a conference in
attacked". Madrid. The subject of the meeting was the
human rights movement in the Soviet Union,
The US needs to realise that Modi's relentless and in the vehicle were some of the
push for imposing a Hindu nationalist agenda movement’s long-suffering activists:
will eventually destroy India's social and Vladimir Borisov and Viktor Fainberg, both
religious fabric and cause internal strife. This of whom had endured horrific abuse in a
will not only cause immense suffering for Leningrad psychiatric hospital; the Tatar
Indians of all religions but also negatively artist Gyuzel Makudinova, who had spent
affect US' geo-strategic interests in the years in internal exile in Siberia; and her
region. A divided, conflict-ridden India husband, the writer Andrei Amalrik, who had
cannot be a trusted economic partner to the escaped to Western Europe after periods of
US or help it control China's growing arrest, rearrest, and confinement.
ambitions. It is thus in Washington's self-
interest to press India for greater adherence Amalrik was at the wheel. Around 40 miles
to religious freedom. from the Spanish capital, the car swerved out
of its lane and collided with an oncoming
truck. Everyone survived except Amalrik, his 40
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

throat pierced by a piece of metal, probably other and seemed on a clear course toward a
from the steering column. At the time of his cataclysmic war. (A year earlier, in 1969, the
death at the age of 42, Amalrik was certainly two countries had skirmished along their
not the best-known Soviet dissident. common border, with significant casualties.)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn had published The But the real problem with Sakharov,
Gulag Archipelago, won the Nobel Prize Amalrik wrote, was that he failed
in Literature, and immigrated to the United to recognize that the Soviet state and the
States. Andrei Sakharov had been Soviet system—both the country
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, which and communism as a political and economic
he was forced to accept in absentia because order—were headed for self-destruction. To
the Soviet government denied him an exit make his point, he titled his essay “Will the
visa. But in the pantheon of the investigated, Soviet Union Survive Until 1984?”
the imprisoned, and the exiled, Amalrik
occupied a special place. The piece was a persecuted dissenter’s
struggle to diagnose early Brezhnev-era
Starting in the mid-1960s, a series of high- malaise, but Amalrik ended up identifying a
profile prosecutions of writers, historians, more general political syndrome: the process
and other intellectuals under Soviet leader through which a great power succumbs to
Leonid Brezhnev had galvanized the self-delusion. By the 1960s, the Soviet
country’s dissidents. To many observers in government had hammered into existence a
the West, this nascent democratic country that citizens under Lenin or Stalin
movement seemed to offer a path toward de- would have thought impossible. Consumer
escalating the Cold War. goods, single-family apartments, a space
In the summer of 1968, just weeks before program, international sports heroes, a globe-
Soviet tanks rolled into Prague, The New spanning airline—the successes of Soviet
York Times set aside three pages for an essay society were on full display. Yet more than
by Sakharov on “progress, peaceful any other thinker at the time,
coexistence, and intellectual Amalrik grasped the fact that countries decay
freedom.” In the era of nuclear weapons, only in retrospect. Powerful states, as well as
Sakharov said, the West and the Soviet their inhabitants, tend to be congenital
Union had no choice but to cooperate to conservatives when it comes to their own
ensure the survival of humankind. The two futures. The “comfort cult,” as he called it—
systems were already witnessing a the tendency in seemingly stable societies to
“convergence,” as he put it. They would have believe “that ‘Reason will prevail’ and that
to learn to live together, leveling out national ‘Everything will be all right’”—is seductive.
distinctions and taking steps toward As a result, when a terminal crisis comes, it
planetwide governance. is likely to be unexpected, confusing, and
catastrophic, with the causes so seemingly
To all of this, Amalrik showed up with a trivial, the consequences so easily reparable
bucket of cold water. In the fall of 1970, he if political leaders would only do the right
managed to smuggle his own short thing, that no one can quite believe it has
manuscript out of the Soviet Union. It soon come to this.
appeared in the London-based
journal Survey. Global capitalism and Amalrik also provided a kind of blueprint for
Soviet-style communism were not analytic alienation. It is actually possible, he
converging, Amalrik argued, but were in suggested, to think your way through the end
fact growing further apart. Even the of days. The method is to practice living with
communist world itself was in danger of the most unlikely outcome you can fathom
splitting up. The Soviet Union and China and then to work backward, systematically
were increasingly mistrustful of each and carefully, from the what-if to the here’s- 41
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

why. The point isn’t to pick one’s evidence predictions about a country by surveying its
to fit a particular conclusion. It is rather to main ideological currents. People might
jolt oneself out of the assumption of linear cleave themselves into rival camps or be
change—to consider, for a moment, how sorted into them by outside experts: hard-line
some future historian might recast leftists, nationalists, liberals, and the like. But
implausible concerns as inevitable ones. these groups are always amorphous. Their
constituents display little real agreement
Viewed from 2020, exactly 50 years since it among themselves about what constitutes
was published, Amalrik’s work has an eerie orthodox belief or a coherent political
timeliness. He was concerned with how a program.
great power handles multiple internal
crises—the faltering of the institutions of A better way to think about political
domestic order, the craftiness of unmoored cleavages was to observe which portions of
and venal politicians, the first tremors of society are most threatened by change and
systemic illegitimacy. He wanted to which ones seek to hasten it—and then to
understand the dark logic of social imagine how states might manage the
dissolution and how discrete political choices differences between the two. Bureaucrats and
sum up to apocalyptic outcomes. His politicians want to keep their jobs. Workers
prophecy was time delimited, ending in want a better standard of living. Intellectuals
1984, but it isn’t hard to hear its ghostly echo question old verities of national identity.
today. To know how great powers These divides can create a survival problem
end, one could do worse than study the last for the institutions of state power. “Self-
one that actually did. preservation is clearly the dominant drive,”
Amalrik wrote. “The only thing [the
A COUNTRY ON THE PRECIPICE government] wants is for everything to go on
Amalrik began his essay by setting out some as before: authorities to be recognized, the
of his qualifications for the task. As a history intelligentsia to keep quiet, no rocking of the
student, he had researched Kievan Rus, the system by dangerous and unfamiliar
medieval principality that gave rise to reforms.” But what happens in times of rapid
modern-day Russia and disruption, when economic transition, social
Ukraine, and suffered for some of his evolution, and generational shifts make it
findings. He had been expelled from impossible for things to go on as before?
Moscow State University for suggesting that Repression is always an option, but smart
it was Norse traders and colonizers, not rulers will use their power selectively—
Slavs, who were the real founders of Russian prosecuting a writer, say, or dismissing a
statehood—a claim now widely accepted by senior official who has fallen afoul of the
historians but that at the time ran counter to leadership. Even more enlightened
official Soviet history writing. As an authorities might ensure self-preservation
intellectual and friend of writers and “through gradual changes and piecemeal
journalists, he had been closely associated reforms, as well as by replacing the old
with the democratic movement in the Soviet bureaucratic elite with a more intelligent and
Union and knew its major players. For people reasonable group.”
in the West, he said, he was what a talking
fish would represent to an ichthyologist: a But one should be skeptical about the degree
miraculous communicator of the secrets of an to which leaders who trumpet reform are in
alien world. fact committed to enacting it. Governments
are good at recognizing the faults in other
It was a great mistake, Amalrik continued, to places and times, but they are terrible judges
believe that one could make political of the injustices built into their own
foundations. This was especially the case for 42
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

great powers such as the Soviet Union, one of two reactions—a devastating backlash
Amalrik believed. If a country could sail the from those most threatened by change or a
seas unrivaled and put humans into outer realization by the change makers that their
space, it had little incentive to look inward at goals can no longer be realized within the
what was rotten at the core. “The regime institutions and ideologies of the present
considers itself the acme of perfection and order? Here, Amalrik warned, great powers’
therefore has no wish to change its ways proclivity for self-delusion and self-isolation
either of its own free will or, still less, by puts them at a particular
making concessions to anyone or disadvantage. They set themselves apart
anything.” Meanwhile, the old tools of from the world, learning little from the
repression (all-out Stalinism in the Soviet accumulated stock of human experience.
case) had been given up as backward and They imagine themselves immune to the ills
inhuman and were now too rusty to be affecting other places and systems. This
functional. Society was becoming more same predisposition might trickle down
complicated, more riven with difference, through society. The various social strata
more demanding of the state but less could come to feel isolated from their
convinced that the state could deliver. What regime and separated from one another.
was left was a political system far weaker “This isolation has created for all—from the
than anyone—even those committed to its bureaucratic elite to the lowest social
renewal—was able to recognize. levels—an almost surrealistic picture of the
world and of their place in it,” Amalrik
Of course, no one ever thinks their society is concluded. “Yet the longer this state of
on the precipice. When he talked to his affairs helps to perpetuate the status quo, the
comrades, Amalrik reported that they just more rapid and decisive will be its collapse
wanted things to calm down a bit, without when confrontation with reality becomes
really knowing how that might be inevitable.”
achieved. Citizens tended to take their
government as a given, as if there were no There was no reason to believe such a
real alternative to the institutions and reckoning would threaten only a particular
processes they had always known. Public set of elites. Given the right circumstances,
discontent, where it existed, was most often the country as a whole could be its ultimate
directed not against the government as such casualty. In his own society, Amalrik
but merely against certain of its faults. identified four drivers of this process. One
“Everybody is angered by the great was the “moral weariness” engendered by
inequalities in wealth, the low wages, the an expansionist, interventionist foreign
austere housing conditions, [and] the lack of policy and the never-ending warfare that
essential consumer goods,” Amalrik wrote. ensued. Another was the economic hardship
So long as people believed that, by and large, that a prolonged military conflict—in
things were getting better, they were content Amalrik’s imagination, a coming Soviet-
to hold fast to the ideology of reformism and Chinese war—would produce. A third was
the hope of gradual, positive change. the fact that the government would grow
increasingly intolerant of public expressions
Up to this point in his argument, Amalrik was of discontent and violently suppress
following an analytic line that would have “sporadic eruptions of popular
been familiar to Sakharov and other dissatisfaction, or local riots.”
dissidents. Stability and internal reform were These crackdowns were likely to be
always in tension. But he then made a leap by especially brutal, he argued, when the
asking a simple question: Where is the suppressors—police or internal security
breaking point? How long can a political troops—were “of a nationality other than
system seek to remake itself before triggering that of the population that is rioting,” which 43
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would in turn “sharpen enmities among the case, reform was ultimately incompatible
nationalities.” with the continuation of the state itself.

It was a fourth tendency, however, that Amalrik was dead by the time Western
would spell the real end of the Soviet academics and policy experts began to write
Union: the calculation, by some significant their own late-century big histories: Paul
portion of the political elite, that it could Kennedy’s warning of the perils of imperial
best guarantee its own future by overstretch, Francis Fukuyama’s millenarian
jettisoning its relationship to the national paean to liberal democracy, and Samuel
capital. Amalrik supposed that this might Huntington’s neo-racist clash of
occur among Soviet ethnic minorities, “first civilizations. But in the early 1990s,
in the Baltic area, the Caucasus and the Amalrik’s work finally came into its own.
Ukraine, then in Central Asia and along the He turned out to be especially insightful on
Volga”—a sequence that turned out to be what would emerge after the Soviet demise:
exactly correct. His more general point was a congeries of independent countries, a new
that in times of severe crisis, quasi commonwealth dominated by Russia,
institutional elites face a decision point. Do the entry of the Baltic republics into “a Pan-
they cling to the system that gives them European federation,” and, in Central
power or recast themselves as visionaries Asia, a renewed version of the old system,
who understand that the ship is sinking? combining bits of Soviet-style ritual with
Especially if the regime is seen to be “losing local despotism. American conservatives
control over the country and even contact came to cite him as a kind of Cassandra of
with reality,” canny leaders on the periphery the steppe. While globalists and antinuclear
have an incentive to preserve themselves campaigners were stroking Sakharov and
and, in the process, simply ignore the feeding their own fantasies of coexistence
directives of the higher-ups. In such an with a tyrannical empire, the argument
unstable moment, Amalrik said, some sort went, they should have heeded Amalrik.
of major defeat—for example, “a serious Doing so might have forced an earlier
eruption of popular discontent in the capital, confrontation with the teetering Soviet
such as strikes or an armed clash”—would state—“Mr. Brezhnev, tear down this
be enough “to topple the regime.” In the wall!”—and hastened the collapse of
Soviet Union, he concluded, this “will occur communism.
sometime between 1980 and 1985.”
In the Soviet case, reform was ultimately
ALL COUNTRIES END incompatible with the continuation of the
Amalrik missed the precise date of his state itself.
country’s disintegration by seven years.
Mikhail Gorbachev’s attempt to liberalize There was also much that Amalrik got
and democratize the state unleashed a set of wrong. He misjudged the likelihood of a
forces that caused the Soviet Union to Soviet-Chinese war, which was one of the
disappear, piecewise, over the course of pillars of his analysis (although one might
1991. At the end of that year, Gorbachev say the Soviet-Afghan conflict was a good
stepped down as president of a country that stand-in: a drawn-out, exhausting war,
had faded away beneath him. Still, in the prosecuted by decrepit leaders, which
annals of political prognoses of world- drained the Soviet government of resources
historical events, Amalrik’s accuracy and legitimacy). He overstated the violence
probably deserves a prize. He was certainly associated with the Soviet collapse. It was
right about the big picture. In the Soviet far more peaceful than anyone might have
expected, especially given the panoply of
border disputes, clashing nationalisms, and 44
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elite rivalries churning through the world’s correct. But his broader contribution was to
largest country. Within three decades, one show the citizens of other, differently
of its successors, Russia, had even structured countries how to worry well. He
reconstituted itself as a great power with the offered a technique for suspending one’s
ability to do something the Soviets never deepest political mythologies and posing
managed: to understand and exploit the questions that might seem, here and now, to
principal social divisions of its rivals, from lie at the frontier of crankery.
the United States to the United Kingdom,
with significant political and strategic effect. This method won’t reveal the secret of
Amalrik also failed to foresee the possibility political immortality. (Remember those
of East-West convergence of a different goats in the Forum.) But in working
kind: toward capitalist oligarchies that were systematically through the potential causes
surveillance obsessed, deeply unequal, of the worst outcome imaginable, one might
selectively observant of human rights, get smarter about the difficult, power-
dependent on global supply chains, and altering choices that need to be made now—
structurally vulnerable to both markets and those that will make politics more
microbes. He might have been surprised to responsive to social change
learn that this was the form that Sakharov’s and one’s country more worthy of its time
“peaceful coexistence” eventually took, at on the historical stage. The powerful aren’t
least for a while. accustomed to thinking this way. But in the
lesser places, among the dissidents and the
“Soviet rockets have reached Venus,” displaced, people have had to be skilled in
Amalrik wrote toward the end of his 1970 the art of self-inquiry. How much longer
essay, “while in the village where I live should we stay? What do we put in the
potatoes are still dug by hand.” His country suitcase? Here or there, how can I be of use?
had invested in catching up to its rivals. It In life, as in politics, the antidote to
had worked hard to compete as a global hopelessness isn’t hope. It’s planning.
superpower. But fundamental things had
gone unattended. Its citizens were stuck at
different way stations along the path of
economic development, poorly understood
by one another and by their rulers. In such a
situation, a future of gradual
democratization and fruitful cooperation
with the West was a chimera, Amalrik felt.
Faced with a series of external shocks and
internal crises, and pursued by more
dynamic and adaptable competitors abroad,
his country had far less life in it than anyone
at the time could see.

All countries end. Every society has its own

rock bottom, obscured by darkness
until impact is imminent. Already in the
sixth century, Amalrik wrote, goats were
grazing in the Roman Forum. As a theorist India-China tensions: It is
of his own condition, he was in many ways decision time for New Delhi
a fatalist. He believed that the Soviet Union
lacked the nimbleness to engage in system- The disputed Sino-Indian border, which
shaking reform and still survive, and he was stretches some 3,500km (2,175 miles) along 45
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some of the world's most rugged terrain, is His government has been unusually mindful
roiling after soldiers from the two countries of China's sensitivities, even as it repeatedly
clashed violently in the last fortnight. The opposed India's bids for membership of the
two militaries remain poised eyeball-to- Nuclear Suppliers Group, which controls the
eyeball in Ladakh - a high-altitude desert of world's export of nuclear materials. Beijing
which China claims and controls a 43,000- stalled New Delhi's attempts in the United
square-kilometre (16,602-square-mile) Nations to have a Pakistan-based radical
chunk. preacher, Maulana Masood Azhar,
designated a global terrorist for 10 years
Decades of negotiations between New Delhi before agreeing to the designation last year.
and Beijing have not yielded a solution to It also ignored India's objections to building
their competing claims over 135,000 square a China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
kilometres of territory along the border. through territory claimed by India.

Even so, violence of the kind witnessed on Overlooking all this, New Delhi has avoided
June 15, when 20 Indian soldiers and an criticising Beijing over its heavy-
unknown number of Chinese soldiers died handedness against Taiwan and Hong Kong,
in a brutal clash in the remote Galwan River brutal crackdowns in Tibet and Xinjiang, its
Valley, is rare. role in the COVID-19 pandemic, or even the
Belt and Road Initiative that tramples on
According to Indian accounts, the India's territorial claims.
impasse began in early May when soldiers
from China's People's Liberation Army Most significantly, Modi has remained non-
(PLA), who were engaged in their committal to blandishments from
springtime exercises in Tibet, unexpectedly Washington for India to play a major role
crossed the de facto border – known as the alongside the US in deterring Chinese
Line of Actual Control (LAC) - and grabbed adventurism in the Indo-Pacific region. New
chunks of unoccupied territory. India's Delhi has consistently rebuffed invitations
thinly deployed military could only watch, to carry out joint patrols with the US
since its springtime manoeuvres had been military, and chosen to project military
cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. power only in the Indian Ocean, rather than
in the contested South China Sea.
The Chinese occupation of Indian-claimed
territory and the killing of Indian soldiers Given the government's care not to offend
are a heavy challenge to Prime Minister Beijing, India's opposition parties have
Narendra Modi's image, which rests on seized the opportunity to lampoon Modi,
muscular Hindu nationalism. It exposes Mr who had famously claimed in a 2014
Modi to allegations of political election rally that his "56-inch chest" made
misjudgement since he has, over the years, him suitable for governing. Now his
invested personal and political capital into political rivals are criticising him that his
wooing China and befriending its President musculature exists only in dealing with
Xi Jinping. The two have met numerous Pakistan, but not with China.
times, including in two "informal summits"
at Wuhan in 2018 and in Chennai, in India, Modi is also facing trenchant criticism over
last year. Modi portrayed each of these inadequately funding the military
meetings as heralding a new era of strategic throughout his six years in power. In the
cooperation with China. current year, the defence budget has fallen
to its lowest level, as a share of GDP, since
1962. That year, debilitated by a decade of 46
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dwindling budgets, India's military was India could also pursue economic
traumatically drubbed in a war with China. retribution against China. In an emphatic
signal, in April, New Delhi imposed
Amid a chorus of rising criticism, Modi is restrictions on Chinese financial
downplaying the Chinese intrusions, while investments into India, blocking cash-rich
publicly announcing that the military was Chinese companies from cheaply buying
handling matters. There is no word on what stakes in Indian firms financially distressed
demands Beijing has made, if any, in on- by the pandemic-related economic
going discussions between diplomats of slowdown. New Delhi could also bar
both countries. Chinese telecommunications firms from
participating in the rollout of India's 5G
If Beijing refuses to vacate the territory it telecom network.
has occupied, or makes impossible demands
of India, Modi will be left with few options. With Sino-Indian trade heavily weighted in
In what would be a tectonic shift in global China's favour - the trade imbalance was
power dynamics, India would probably about $56bn last year - New Delhi could
align openly with the US, enormously impose damaging restrictions on imports
boosting the emerging containment of from China. However, the trade
China. While Beijing might regard New interdependence between the two countries
Delhi's burgeoning relations with would impose a cost on Indian firms as
Washington as provocative, and this may well. For example, India's well-developed
have motivated it to teach India a lesson, the pharmaceutical industry relies heavily on
outcome would be a strategic debacle for bulk drugs sourced from China.
China: Its largest neighbour, India, being
pushed into the arms of its superpower Perhaps the greatest damage to Chinese
adversary, America. interests has already taken place - in its
image among Indians. While India's 1962
Already, Washington has signalled its generation, and perhaps the next, held onto
readiness to stand alongside India. On at a demonised image of China, India's
least three occasions since the beginning of millennials had tended to perceive China
May, senior US political officials have more favourably, as a modern economic
pledged support to New Delhi, following up powerhouse. Now, the Ladakh intrusions
those offers through diplomatic channels. So and the media glare around "Chinese
far, Modi has demurred, replying that India backstabbing" has created another Indian
is capable of handling the situation, but this generation that regards China with
could change. animosity.

Also, on the cards is the probability of India Most immediately, New Delhi must deal
galvanising the Quad – a four-nation with the situation of having Chinese troops
diplomatic grouping with military overtones in occupation of Indian territory. Given the
that also features Australia, Japan and the nationalistic mood in India, which Modi
US. Since 2007, India has been mindful of himself has been central to creating, a soft
Beijing's sensitivities about what was billed response or the surrender of territory would
as an anti-China "concert of democracies". be politically unacceptable. The
Now, by allowing Australia into the government's strategy to obtain time to
Malabar trilateral naval exercises, which negotiate with Beijing by downplaying the
also include the US and Japan, India could situation has been scuttled by an active
militarise the Quad, making it a significant media and an opposition that is keen to
anti-China grouping in the South China Sea. 47
Nearpeer CSS Monthly Press Pack July 2020

corner the government on the issue of

national security.

Nor have the Chinese shown any inclination

to de-escalate. If anything, Beijing is upping
the ante, with reports coming in of fresh
Chinese intrusions at other spots along the
border. With armed Indian and Chinese
troops eyeball-to-eyeball and reserve
formations mobilising to the border, the
situation could quickly spin out of control.
The various Sino-Indian confidence-
building agreements that have kept the
peace for the past few decades appear to
have lost their validity.

Simultaneously, there are reports of cross-

border firing on the Line of Control with
Pakistan, raising apprehensions of India's
two main enemies - who tout themselves as
"iron brothers" - joining hands to force a
two-front war on India. With New Delhi
unlikely to prevail in that unequal contest, it
would have little choice but to call on
Washington for assistance, or to fall back on
its nuclear deterrent. 48
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