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Medrano, Olatunde, & Olorunfemi 1

Gadiel Medrano, Tolani Olatunde, & Bliss Olorunfemi

Advanced Freshman English 2- 1A

Mr. Martin

15 February 2018

Habit 4- Think Win-Win- Skit

Introduction: In the following scenario, it’s Gadiel’s turn to take out the trash, but he

forgets that he has to do so. Tolani tells Bliss to remind him. The following are four

different outcomes from this scenario in regard to the four different paradigms included in

Habit 4: Win-Lose, Lose-Win, Lose-Lose, and Win-Win.

Win-Lose- The Totem Pole

M: ​Bliss!

B:​ Yes!

M:​ Are you doing something?

B: ​No…

M:​ Okay, go and tell Gadiel to take out the trash.

B:​ No.

M: ​Bliss, if I still see you standing here in the next 5 seconds and you didn’t do what I said, I

will slap your mind, spirit and soul.

B:​ Okay.

(Bliss walks to Gadiel but does not fully get to him. Instead, she give a petty smirk at him and

goes a separate way)

Next Day
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M:​ Gadiel, why didn’t you take out the trash? I Thought I told you a million times to do it.

G: I promise it won’t happen again

(Bliss is smiling and with a petty smirk).

Summary:​ ​Win-Lose is a competitive, prideful, and selfish attitude towards life. It believes in

bringing others down just to get above them on the totem pole. One with a Win-Lose attitude gets

pride from beating others, not for winning for their personal goals or benefits. Eventually,

however, because a Win-Lose attitude will gradually damage and weaken one’s relationship

with others, they will have no friends to support them if the eventually succeed in getting to the

top of the totem pole. In this scenario, Bliss was trying to get Gadiel in trouble by not reminding

him to take out the trash when she was told to do so by Tolani. Tolani was deceived into

believing that Gadiel decided to disobey her, rather than him forgetting to take out the trash and

not being reminded. Bliss got the pleasure of getting Gadiel in trouble, so she “won” while

Gadiel lost.

Lose-Win- The Doormat

M:​ Bliss!

B: ​Yes!

M: ​Are you doing something?

B: ​No…

M: ​Okay, go and tell Gadiel to take out the trash.

B: ​No.
Medrano, Olatunde, & Olorunfemi 3

M: ​Bliss, if I still see you standing here in the next 5 seconds and you didn’t do what I said, I

will crucify you.

B:​ Okay.

(Bliss walks to Gadiel)

B:​ Gadiel, mom said you should take out the trash.

G:​ No. I’m not doing.

B: ​But she-

G: ​I said no.

B:​ Okay…

(Bliss walks away quietly. She ends up taking out the trash because she wasn’t able to speak up,

and got stepped on.)

​ ose-Win is described as the doormat syndrome because it is a very weak,

Summary: L

humble-looking, and peacemaking attitude towards life. Someone with with a Lose-Win attitude

is easily pushed around and stepped on, all in the name of being a peacemaker. They are

considered the “nice one,” but are also very weak. They set low expectations and repetitively

compromise their standards to please others, easily falling into peer pressure. In this scenario,

Bliss tells Gadiel to take out the trash but he refuses. Instead of her to take action against this by

reporting him, she gives up immediately to be the “peacemaker.”

Lose-Lose- The Downward Spiral

M: ​Bliss!
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B: ​Yes!

M: ​Are you doing something?

B:​ No…

M: ​Okay, go and tell Gadiel to take out the trash.

B: ​No.

M: ​Bliss, if I still see you standing here in the next 5 seconds and you didn’t do what I said, I

will delete your existence.

B:​ Okay!

(Bliss walks to Gadiel)

B:​ Gadiel, mom said you should take out the trash.

G:​ Why don’t you go and do it?

B:​ Me? She asked you. Why don’t you do it?

G:​ Because you can!

(Both Bliss & Gadiel argue and no one does that chore until the next day.)

M: ​Hey! Both of you! Since neither of you are willing to do what I asked, you can both take the

trash out AND clean all of the bathrooms.

(Both Gadiel and Bliss reluctantly go and do the chore, sending each other glares whenever


Summary:​ Lose-Lose is the mentality that states,“If I'm going down, then you’re going down

with me.” Usually, two Win-Lose people end up with Lose-Lose results because they are both so

dedicated to beating each other on the totem pole, that they cannot compromise to get a Win-Win

result, so the outcome must be Lose-Lose. One of them must eventually accept that they may
Medrano, Olatunde, & Olorunfemi 5

lose; therefore, they need company for their misery. So they drag the other person, who is as

selfish and competitive as they are, with them to the bottom. In this scenario, Bliss and Gadiel

couldn’t agree on who would take out the trash. They could have compromised and cooperated

with each other to devise a plan to take turns to take out the trash, which would have ended up

with a Win-Win outcome; however, because both of them behaved equally stubborn, which is

why this was a Lose-Lose situation.

Win-Win- The All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

M:​ Bliss!

B: ​Yes?

M: ​Are you doing something ?

B: ​No…

M:​ Okay, go and tell Gadiel to take out the trash.

B: ​Okay mom… Gadiel, mom said to go take out the trash. Please go do it because I don’t want

you to get in any trouble.

G: ​Okay I will, thanks for reminding Bliss!


M:​ Thank you for taking out the trash yesterday Gadiel.

G:​ No problem, thanks for telling Bliss to remind me. That really helped me out a lot.

​ in-Win is the belief that everyone can win. It is neither a competitive and selfish or
Summary: W

weak, submissive type of paradigm. Unlike Win-Lose, it is the belief that the pie of success is
Medrano, Olatunde, & Olorunfemi 6

more than enough for everyone, so you don’t have to compete with selfish actions to get a larger

piece of it. In this scenario, Bliss reminds Gadiel to take out the trash like she was told to do.

This time, he does take out the trash, thereby pleasing his mom. This is a Win-Win outcome

because Gadiel wins, Tolani wins, and Bliss wins.

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