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Nama: Eka Wati

Nim: 1810119120016

Kelas: B

Conservation Status
The Conservation status of this plant is
Least Concern (IUCN) or Low-risk
Tigarun Plant/ Three-leaf Caper (Crateva


This is based on research from the Indonesian Institute of
Sciences (LIPI) Botanical Garden Conservation Center Didik
Widyatmoko. Previously, in 2009 the number of endangered

species reached 386, while in 2018 it jumped to 437 and included

tigaron trees. Tigaron is a native Kalimantan plant which is
almost extinct due to the lack of public awareness of its
importance to the environment.

Conservation Efforts
150 types of trees are suitable to be used as plants for nature or
environmental conservation programs. According to him, 150 types of
plants, apart from having economic value, are also very useful in greening
the environment because their roots are able to absorb water well. Among
the 150 plants, the Tigaron plant is one of them. So it is necessary to have
a conservation program or urban greening that is adjusted to the types of
plants (Ismayadi Samsoedin, Ministry of Forestry Dephut).

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