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Threats and Conservation of the Tigaron Tree

As we know, the threat of extinction of plant diversity in Indonesia is getting more

serious. This is based on research from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
Botanical Garden Conservation Center Didik Widyatmoko. Previously, in 2009 the
number of endangered species reached 386, while in 2018 it jumped to 437 and
included tigaron trees. Tigaron is a native Kalimantan plant which is almost extinct
due to the lack of public awareness of its importance to the environment. However, if
traced deeper, the tigaron tree has many uses and benefits. From an economic
perspective, Tigaron trees can be used as food, and from the perspective of their
benefits for the environment, Tigaron trees are very good at absorbing water so they
are suitable for long-term crops to prevent erosion and flooding. Therefore, the
tigaron tree should also be one of the plants that must be conserved so that there is no
extinction of typical South Borneo plants.
Researcher in the Urban Forest and Arboretum of the Forestry Research and
Development Agency, Ministry of Forestry (Dephut) Ismayadi Samsoedin, said that
150 types of trees are suitable to be used as plants for nature or environmental
conservation programs. According to him, 150 types of plants, apart from having
economic value, are also very useful in greening the environment because their roots
are able to absorb water well. Among the 150 plants, the Tigaron plant is one of them.
So it is necessary to have a conservation program or urban greening that is adjusted to
the types of plants that are suitable for planting, both in terms of their function and in
terms of their economic value.

Edinayanti, 2019. Ada Sejarah Era Mataram Kuno di Balik Nama Pohon Tigaron, di
Kalsel Bunganya Jadi Makanan Khas. Diakses pada https://banjarmasin-tribunnews-
makanan-khas. Pada tangal 31 Oktober 2020.

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