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Fifth Grade Meter Lesson Plan

Music Concept
Beats can be grouped in 2, 3, and 4. (Meter)

Jingle bells, We Three Kings, Santa Claus is coming to town

To identify the two, three, and four-beat grouping aurally and demonstrate that
recognition in body movements and playing percussion instruments.

§117.118. Music, Grade 5
(b) Knowledge and skills.
(1) Foundations: music literacy. The student describes and analyzes the musical
sound. The student is expected to:
(C) use known music symbols and terminology referring to the rhythm;
melody; timbre; form; tempo, including accelerando and ritardando; dynamics;
articulation; and meter, including simple and compound, to explain musical
sounds presented aurally; and
(3) Creative expression. The student performs a varied repertoire of
developmentally appropriate music in informal or formal settings. The student is
expected to:
(C) move alone and with others to a varied repertoire of music using gross
motor, fine motor, locomotor, and non-locomotor skills and integrated movement
such as hands and feet moving together;
(F) interpret through performance new and previously learned music
symbols and terms referring to tempo, including accelerando and
ritardando; dynamics; articulation; and meter, including simple and
(5) Historical and cultural relevance. The student examines music in relation to
history and cultures. The student is expected to:
(C) identify and describe music from diverse genres, styles, periods, and

None needed

Open Key Terms: beat, groups of five

Step 1: Welcome the students and let them know how excited you are for Christmas time.
Today they will need their tambourines and finger symbols. Explain to the students that
today we will be learning about meter using Christmas music. Review with the students
what meter is and how we read it. In each time signature only focus on the top number.
(only focus on the 2,3 and 4 of the time signature)
Step 2: Next, tell the students we will listen to a metronome and feel the steady beat. On
the big beats, we will stomp our foot, and on the weak beats, we will clap out hands.
Watch me first and then join in. Demonstrate 2/4 time first. I am going to stomp on the
big beat and clap on the second beat. Because there are only two beats in 2/4, you only
stomp and clap once, and then it repeats. Play the metronome for about 16 counts. Stop
the metronome and have the students join back in. Now let’s look at 2/4 on the boards.
Show them what the time signature would look like. Now tell them that we are going to
play with our tambourine. The first song we’re going to play is “Jingle Bells.” On the big
beats, we are going to stomp, and on the small beats, we are going to play our
tambourine. Remember, with our tambourine, we lightly tap it on the palm of our hand.
Tell the students to watch you first while they listen to “Jingle Bells,” and then they will
join in.
Step 3: Repeat this process with ¾ time. Now we will look at ¾ time. In ¾ time there is
one big beat and two small beats. Watch me keep the steady beat by stomping on the big
beat and clapping on the small beats. I will perform with the metronome first, and then
you will join in. Play them metronome for 15 or 21 counts. Stop the metronome and have
the students join in. Now I want you to grab your finger symbals, and we are going to
play them on the small beats. Remember, with finger symbals, we hold the straps with
three fingers and lightly tap one symbol on the other. Watch me first. Play the metronome
again but with the finger symbols. After, have the students join in. Now that we have
played with the metronome, we are going to play with the song “We Three Kings.”
Watch me first, then I want you to join in. Play the song and perform with the music. Stop
the song and have the students join you.
Step 4: Repeat the process in 4/4 time.

Indicator of success
Play parts of each song and have the students perform themselves.

Step 5: Now, we are going to go through all types of meter. Remind the students that
meter is the number of beats per measure, and it is how beats are grouped. Play each example
and have the students perform with you. As an assignment, I want you to pick your favorite
Christmas song and show your parents how you can keep the steady beat in different meters. I
want you to remember that you stomp on the strong beat and clap your hand, play your
tambourine, or play your finger symbols on the small beats.

Have the students pick their favorite song and perform for their parents and submit a
video to google classroom.

1. If students are having trouble with the clapping exercise, have the tap on their fingers.
2. I could have them tap on a woodblock to feel the beat differently.

1. I could pick other songs for the students to pick from at home.

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