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Summer Burton

Dr. Talbot
Social Foundations of Music Education
October 22nd, 2018
Assignment #4.3: Movement Lesson
Context: This lesson will be used in a fourth-grade general music class. These students have
been exposed to beat, quarter notes, eighth notes, and half notes. The students have also been
exposed to keeping a steady pulse within a piece.
Essential Question: How does pulse divide in order to aid in rhythmic accuracy?
● A large area to move in
● Jamaica Farewell- The Original Trinidad Steel Band
● The provided exit ticket
● Writing utensil
● Chalk/wipe board
● Chalk/dry erase markers
Song Provided:
Koldwink-instrumental Music Vol. 2. (2012, September 27) The Original Trinidad Steel
Band- Jamaica Fare well [Video File]. Retrieved from
All definitions retrieved from:
Core, R. (2015). OnMusic Dictionary. Retrieved from
Beat: The regular pulse of music which may be dictated by the rise or fall of the hand or baton
of the conductor, by a metronome, or by the accents in music.
Subdivision: To break up a larger metrical pattern into smaller parts so that it may be more easily
Rhythm: The subdivision of a space of time into a defined, repeated pattern. Rhythm is the
controlled movement of music in time. It may be defined as the division of music into regular
metric portions; the regular pulsation of music.
Quarter note: A note having the time duration of one fourth of the time duration of a whole note.
Half note: A note that has half the duration of a whole note.
Eighth note; A note having the time duration of one eighth of the time duration of a whole note.
MU:Cr1.1.4a Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and explain connection to
specific purpose and context (such as social and cultural).
MU:Pr4.2.4a Demonstrate understanding of the structure and the elements of music (such as
rhythm, pitch, and form) in music selected for performance.
MU:Re7.1.4a Demonstrate and explain how selected music connects to and is influenced by
specific interests, experiences, purposes, or contexts.
MU:Cn10.0.4a Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and
intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.
Learning Outcomes:
1. The students will perform subdivision of the quarter note in a 4/4 time signature.
2. The students will create their own motions to represent subdivision.
3. The students will identify beat level and subdivision.
4. The students will define subdivision.

1. Invite the students to stand in a circle in the large area.

2. Begin to play the provided song, stomping on both beats 1 and 3.
3. Invite the students to join in stomping.
4. Begin to sway along with your feet, left on 1 and right on 3.
5. Continue to do this, but the teacher should begin to clap the constant quarter notes.
6. Stomp on every beat but stop swaying for now.
7. Start to sway back and forth with your feet and invite students to join.
8. Stop the song and allow students to get into partners.
9. Have the students start swaying to the beat, starting one being left.
10. Have the students clap the quarter note pulse (1,2,3,4).
11. Introduce the idea of clapping on the beat, then clapping with their partners on the and of
the beat.
12. Allow students to continue this process until it mainly sounds uniform.
13. Stop the students and ask them to discuss among one another what they just performed.
14. Introduce the term subdivision.
15. Allow for the pairs of students to create their own motions to represent the half note,
quarter note, and eighth note.
16. Allow for students to perform their motions for the class.
17. Send students to their chairs and ask them to get out their writing utensils.
18. Hand out the provided exit ticket and ask the students to complete it.
19. Collect the exit ticket and allow the students to ask any questions.
1. The teacher will aurally and visually assess if the paired students are performing the
clapping at the correct time.
2. The teacher will note the pair on a check or X, based on if the pair created motions that
demonstrate the subdivision of a measure.
3. The teacher will visually assess if the student is stomping on the correct time.
4. The teacher will grade the student’s exit ticket, on a scale of 1 being incorrect, 2 being
somewhat related, and 3 being correct.
Further Learning:
The teacher can connect the song to having a lesson on the culture of Trinidad and their
history. They can also create a connection to the culture of the steelpan instrument, and how it is
a huge part of their musical history.
Honor Code:
I affirm that I have upheld the highest principles of honesty and integrity in my academic
work and have not witnessed a violation of the honor code.
Summer Burton
What is subdivision?
Write what you believe subdivision is. You may use pictures or words.

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