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Lee Claudine P.

Bonifacio October 20, 2020


Written Recitation no. 2

Mental Retardation

“Disability is a matter of
perception. If you can do
just one thing well,
you’re needed by
-Martina Navratilova

Oftentimes, we make
fun of them, from babies
to adults we know
nothing about what they
feel, what they sense,
what they heart felt at
that very moment and yet, we continue to mock them. Do we deserve to live by letting
this stigma continues? – No we don’t.

Mental retardation is simply defined as a substantial limitation in present functioning.

But the case is not as simple as the definition itself, it varies from mild to severe cases
not letting these children live their life to the fullest. The disease is oftentimes hereditary
and is being passed from one generation to another. Unfortunately these kinds of
condition are unable to explain by experts and have no cure as of the moment.

What can we do to help these people suffering from a condition that they never choose
to? Let’s start by being kind, showing them that they are a part of our society and they
are not different. Letting them feel appreciated in simple ways, respecting them and
helping them in any way that we can. Oftentimes, we forgot how lucky we are by taking
advantage of the things around us. Mentally retarded person isn’t a disease, it’s a
condition that yet to have a solution.

As a future educator, let’s spread awareness, educate people about this condition. A
small act of kindness can definitely create a huge impact on their lives. We just have to
work together, to the end the stigma, because we are all equal in God’s eyes.

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