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Bengal Belle Booster Club

Meeting Minutes
DATE: January 10, 2011
AMCHS – Lecture Hall

Present at the Meeting:

Vicki Rudder Connie Ealy Marla McCreary Rene Munyon Michelle Sylvester
Shannon Long Susan Malone Elena Lyuksyutova Julie Hoyle Sandra Schaefer
Michelle Gimbert Tanya Hays Patricia Meronoff Sherri Welch Elizabeth Amdor
Janet Helduser Carla Adamson Kim Reynolds Susan Roberman Alan Cannon
Kimberly Welch Moira Koett Shelly Archer Terri Tomlin Alison English
Jennifer Humphries Carmen Peters Patricia Klein Jana Joerns Jolene Sears
Judi Haas

Call to Order:
President Carmen Peters called the meeting to order at 7:09.

Approval of Previous Minutes from December 13, 2010:

Approval of the minutes motioned for by Alan Cannon, seconded by Jennifer Humphries. All approved. The minutes stand approved.

Treasure’s Report:
Allison English reported the balance of the Booster Club account changed by $.41 to $9589.13. Final payment, $297.00, for the California trip is
due Friday, January 14. The cost was adjusted up $11 due to four Belles opting out of the trip. Chili ticket packets handed out.

Judi Haas reported that no other individual fund-raisers are scheduled at this time. All scholarship application need to be in by February 25.
Super “Belle” Bowl Chili Fest fundraiser to benefit the Booster Club account. Ticket sales through January 26 with the cook-off on February
th th
5 . Each Belle family needs to cover one, two hour shift on February 5 . Each Belle is encouraged to sell 3 tickets but will be given 6 tickets.
Ms. Joerns will have extra tickets for those who need more. One ticket equals one quart of chili at a cost of $10 and must have ticket to pick up

Janet Helduser reported on the upcoming Host Competition February 12, 2011 and gave out a handout of the Coordinators. Still need an
overall concessions coordinator. Each Belle family needs to work two, four hours shifts and the Belles themselves work all day.

Social Report:
Carla Adamson reported on the Spring Banquet to be held May 10. Looking into, maybe, a new location for the banquet this year.

Projects Report:
Sherri Welch reported on the crafts for Host Competition: Freshman – bag ties, Sophomores – heart candy, Juniors – clip boards, Seniors – bows
keeping costs to make each craft $50 or less and get a tax exempt form.

Public Relations:
Michelle Briggs was absent but had let Carmen Peters know that there was no new report.

Moira Koett had no new report.

Video Chair:
Missy Lund needs Belle ‘after’ pictures and other activities such as camp pictures for the year end video.

Tiger Club:
Alan Cannon reported that Coach Slaughter had approved the yearly Poster fundraiser.

Jana Joerns:
Ms. Joerns reported that the Belles would not be participating in the Feb 5 contest on the calendar.
$50 is due on Friday for new tan shoes and tights which will be the only new purchase for contest season. Anyone who is doing a Solo needs to
have their costume and dance approved. Also, music editing for Solos can be done at school with no cost and plenty of old costumes to use in
the Belle closet! Parents please note: Support your Belles during contest season which can be very hard physically and mentally on the girls.
Looking ahead events and calendar dates to know: Welcome to the Jungle for Freshman with Social and Dance Officer candidates working the
Belle Booth 5:40-7:40, February 26 Contest, June 23-24 Dance Camp, June 25 Father/Daughter Dance Practice, June 27-29 T-Bar Dance Camp,
Optional Kilgore Camps

Congratulations to Mrs. Diems who is pregnant!!

Bengal Belle Booster Club
Meeting Minutes
DATE: January 10, 2011
Page Two

Adjourned: The meeting was adjourned at 8:15.

Respectfully submitted,
Rene Munyon

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