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E A Mendrela R Drzewoski

-le University of Technology, Poland Elektromechamka, Poland

INTRODUCTION with the three-phase winding is discussed and its

performance is analysed on the basis of the
Among permanent magnet machines the disc-type measurements carried out on the motor prototype. The
motors find a growing interest in direct drive of electric performance of this motor is compared with the one of
vehicles (1,2,3). There are various versions of these torus-type machine.
motors. One of them is the motor with double-sided
stator and twin rotors. In this category two versions can DESCRIPTION OF MOTOR STRUCTURE
be met: with teethed stator (4) and slotless stator, called
also a torus motor (5). The latter version is The motor structure is shown schematically in Fig.1.
technologically easier to manufacture and in case of The stator consists of electromagnetic elements made
permanent magnets its ripple torque is lower than that of ferromagnetic cores (might be a laminated iron) and
of its teethed counterpart. However, due to a large coils wound on them. The elements are placed axially
nonmagnetic torque to mass @io is lower than and distributed uniformly on the stator circumference
such a one of the motor with teethed stator. and glued together by means of synthetic resin. At both
sides of the stator the rotors are placed. They are made
The-magneticflux in the disc motors mentioned above, as steel discs with the permanent magnets glued to their
when crossing an air gap towards the stator, changes its surfaces.
axialdirection for the peripheral one in the stator core.
In the paper the new version of the disc motor is The coils can be connected in Merent ways. Here the
presented with the magnetic flux crossing the air-gaps three-phase connection is considered as shown in Fig.2.
and the stator axially. The stator of such a motor is
much easier to manufacture. It concerns both stator The number of magnets on the rotor surface differs
core and a winding. The motor was manufactured with from the number of stator poles and in the motor,
the aim of driving the wheels of a light vehicle directly, which is discussed in this paper the ratio of these two
without the mechanical gear. In the paper the motor numbers is equal to 2/3.

A stator elements

I rotor disc

Fig. 1 Construction scheme of the disc permanent magnet machine

Power Electronics and Variable Speed Drives, 18-19 September 2000, Conference Publication No. 475 0 IEE 2000

Performance characteristics

The motor prototype. which is the subject of the paper.

was iiiaiiufactured by ELEKTROMECHANIKA in
l l t Tomaszow Maz.. Poland. The motor is shown in Figs.
A2 82 C2 5 and 6. Its construction parameters are as follows:
Outer diameter of the stator core D,,= I60 inin.
Intenal diameter of the stator D,,= 90 iiun.
Fig.2. Layout of three-plnse stator winding Number of stator poles N, = 42.
Number of timis in tlie coil Z , = 6.
Air gap g = 1 iinn,
Tlie motor is supplied from the dc source via three- Nuinber of tlie rotor poles 2p = 28.
pluse inverter shown in Fig.4. It coininutates the stator Thickness of the rotor discs = 5 nun.
winding. The transistors are triggering by the signals Length of the motor = 70 nun.
coming up froin the Hall sensors placed between the
stator coils as shown in Fig.2. The permmetit magnets applied to the rotors are inade
of ND-Fe-B and their parameters are: B, = 1.2 T and H,
When the rotor magnets are Inoving, the adequate = 960 k
winding phase is switched 011 or switched off. Fig.4
shows the mutual position of stator poles and rotor
magnets at the two successive switcliiiig instants when
tlie transistors 1-5 aid 1-6 are closed.

Fig.4 explains also, why the limber of rotor poles

differs frorii the nwnber of stator poles. In case of the
saiiie nmnber. when the motor is not activated. the
rotor takes sucb a position that the stator (and rotor
poles are placed opposite to one another. The motor in
tliat position does not develop the starting torque.
Besides. the reluct<mcetorque is then very lug11 auld it
contributes'to an increase of torque ripple. FigS. View of the stator mid rotor of the disc motor

Fig 3 Three-phase inverter to conitnutate the stator A

K,,CI Fig.6. External view of tlie disc tilotor


To deterniine the iiiotor perforinaxe the laboratory
nieasiireine~itswere done. The inacliirie was supplied
from the 36 V battery. Fig.7 shows the
electromeclmnical characteristics measured at steady
state couditioiis.
Iii general. tlie characteristics are siinilar to the ones of
the shelit dc noto or with no ,annature reaction. Indeed.
the inagiletic flus is constant. predoininated by the
Fig.4. Miitid position of stator aiid rotor nagtietic inaglietic ficld of perinanelit nmgiiets. This illustrates
poles at the two successive switching instants io particular tlie straiglit airred-torque clwacteristic.

rinatiire reaction in dc sliiuit itiotors diaiiieter of the stator core D,,= 230 in111
I. Outer
ds on the ~mmtureciirrent I only at iaineter of the stator core D,, = 180 in111
@according to equation: Nuniber of niagnetic poles p = 20
Pernianent niagpct thickness g,,, = 8 111111.
T = K,#- I (1)
Noniber of tiinis in the coil N,= 1.3
Air gap g = I nun.
Type of magnets' Nd-Fc-B with B, = I 2 T. H, =
900 kA/iii.

Fig.7. Electromechaucal cliaracteristics of the motor

Fig.%.Bndiless dc tonis iiiotor

An exception is tlie speed-torque characteristic. In The niotor was supplied from the 24V battery and its
lieaw load range it is straight line as for sliunt dc
electroniecliaiucaI cliaracteristics measured in
motors according to equation
laboratory conditiolis are shown in Fig.9.
IJ-R.I As one can see the character of curves are similar to
mnl = (2)
that of stator salient pole motor. An exception is speed-
K d torque characteristic. wluch is a straight line in the
where: U,,, - is the rotor angular speed. f i - is the whole speed range. Due to a large noiutmgnetic gap
supply voltage and R - is the winding resistance.
(the winding tlucluiess is 7 mm) the winding
inductance is much snialler now. Thus. there is a little
I n the sinall load mige the rotor speed strongly iilfliieiice of tlus indiictaiice on tlie motor speed.
depends on the load. This conies from the influence of
the winding inductance. wliicli c,m be neglected in the
conventioiial dc commutator motors. According to (6). performance characteristics at 24V
when there is relatively high winding inductance the
torque-speed relation at steady-state can be expressed
by tlie following equation

where: (on,,, - is the rotor speed at no load. E; - is the

constant and z - is the stator winQiig time constait.

Nornially. tlie inductance is sinall in the surface

nioiiiited iiiagnets bnisliless dc motors. in particular in v
8 1 II II II I
slotless version. The machine. which belong to tlie " 0
2 4 6 8 10 12 14
latter group is the tonis-type iiiotor (5). This type of torque Nm
motors were nianufactiued too by the
ELEKTROMECHANIKA (see Fig.8) as a gear-less Fig.9. Electroniecliaiucal cliaracterktics of the tonis-
drive for a wheelchair (3). Their coiistnictioii data are type iiiotor ( 3 )
as follows:

49 1
Tlie another feature which differs tlie two types of efficiency but also the higher specific torque. Besides.
motors is the reluctance torque tllat increases the torque there is no need for maintenance of tlie commutator.
ripples. hi torus motor there is no such a torque
component. The stator salient pole motor develops tlie The electronic conimutator the motor is equipped with
inaxiniuiii reluctance torque eqwil to 2.1 N-m. There allows to control the rotor speed and stator current mid
are drives. wlucli cannot tolerate such a torque aid a to realise the regenerative bralung what is particular
slotless niotor must be applied. As far as electric important in case of application of this kind of motor as
veliicles are concerned the tonis motor is recommended a dnve for electric vehicles.
for a wheelcllair drive. while the stator salient pole
motors can be used in other electric vehicles. References

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