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Solution by Khairul Alam

Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC)

Post name: Extension officer Exam date: 10-11-2018
Exam taker: IBA, DU.
1. Nine identical machines each working at same constant rate can stitch 27 jerseys in 4
minutes, How many minutes would it take 4 such machines to stitch 60 jerseys? (9wU
†gwkb GKwU wbw`©ó MwZ‡Z KvR K‡i 4 wgwb‡U 27 wU Rvwm© ˆZix Ki‡Z cv‡i| Zvn‡j GKB iK‡gi 4wU †gwkb w`‡q 60
wU Rvwm© ˆZix Ki‡Z KZ wgwbU mgq jvM‡e?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 8 b. 12 c. 18 d. 20 e. None Ans: d
9 machines stitch 27 jerseys in = 4 minutes
1 ‘’ ‘’ 1 ‘’ ‘’ = ‘’[‡gwkb Kg‡j †ewk mgq (×) Avevi Rvwm© Kg‡j Kg mgq (÷) ]
4 × 9 × 60
4 ‘’ ‘’ 60 ‘’ ‘’ = ‘’[‡gwkb evo‡j Kg mgq Ges Rvwm© evo‡j †ewk mgq jv‡M]
27 × 4
= 20 minutes.

Dc‡i wb‡P ¸Y fvM Kivi hyw³Uv Gfv‡e †gjv‡bv hvq| (HwKK wbq‡g me mgq 2q jvB‡bi D‡ëv KvR nq 3q jvB‡b)
cÖ_gevi 9 wU †gwk‡bi 9 †h cv‡k hv‡e wb‡Pi 4 Zvi D‡ëvcv‡k hv‡e| ( 9 w`‡q ¸Y n‡j 4 w`‡q fvM n‡e)
Avevi, cÖ_g jvB‡bi 27 ‡h‡nZz wb‡P †M‡Q ZvB c‡ii 60 Dc‡i hv‡e|

2. A chemist is mixing acid and water. Out of the 30 ml mixed, 10 ml is acid. How much ml
of acid must be mixed such that a 50/50 mixture of water and acid is attained if no
additional water added (GKRb imvqbwe` wKQz GwmW Ges cvwb †gkv‡jb| 30 wgwj wjUv‡ii wgkÖ‡Y Gwm‡Wi
cwigvY 10 wgwj| H wgkÖ‡Y Avi KZ wgwj GwwmW †gkv‡j Ges cvwb bv †gkv‡j m¤ú~Y© wgkÖ‡Y cvwb Ges Gwm‡Wi
cwigvY 50/50 n‡e?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 20 b. 10 c. 40 d. 30 e. None Ans: b
Solution: e¨vL¨v: 50/50 A_© n‡jv GwmW †gkv‡bvi ci
Acid in 30ml mixture = 10ml
So, Water in the mixture = 30-10 = 20ml wgkÖYwU‡Z GwmW Ges cvwbi cwigvY mgvb mgvb n‡e|
to make 50/50 water and acid in the mixture Av‡M GwmW 10 I cvwb 20 _vKvq cvwbi mgvb GwmW
Acid should be added = 20-10 = 10ml Kivi Rb¨ GwmwW †gkv‡Z n‡e 20-10 = 10 wgwj|

3. The remainder when the positive integer m is divided by n is r. What is the remainder
when 2m is divided by 2n? (GKwU c~Y© abvZ¥K msL¨v m ‡K n w`‡q fvM Ki‡j fvM‡kl r _v‡K| hLb 2m ‡K
2n w`‡q fvM Kiv n‡e ZLb fvM‡kl KZ n‡e?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. r b. 2r c. 2n d. m-nr e. None Ans: b
m ‡K n w`‡q fvM Ki‡j hw` fvM‡kl r _v‡K Zvn‡j 2m ‡K 2n w`‡q fvM Ki‡j fvM‡kl 2r _vK‡e|
cÖgvY: aiæb: m = 10 Ges n = 8 Zvn‡j 8 w`‡q 10 †K fvM Ki‡j fvM‡kl 2 n‡e| GLb 10 ‡K wظY Ki‡j n‡e
20 Ges 8 †K wظY Ki‡j n‡e 16 | 16 w`‡q 20 †K fvM Ki‡j fvM‡kl 4 n‡e| hv Av‡Mi fvM‡kl 2 Gi wظY|
Solution by Khairul Alam
4. A tank is 40% full of water. If 9 liters of water is removed, the tank becomes 1/4th full.
What is the capacity of the tank in liter? (GKwU U¨vs‡Ki 40% cvwb w`‡q c~Y© Av‡Q| hw` 9 wjUvi cvwb
†ei Kiv nq Zvn‡j U¨vsKwUi 1/4 Ask c~Y© _v‡K| U¨vsKwUi aviY ÿgZv KZ wjUvi?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-
a. 20 b. 30 c. 40 d. 60 e. None Ans: d
mvaviY wbq‡g mgvavb:
Let, the capacity of the tank = x liter
40% of x – 9 = x× Shortcut: (cixÿvi n‡j GB wbq‡g Kiv me‡_‡K mnR n‡e)
4 1
2x x = 25% myZivs 40% †_‡K 9 wjUvi †ei K‡i 25% n‡j
⇒ − =9 4
5 4 9 9 × 100
8x − 5x 40-25= 15% = 9, ∴1% = ∴100% = = 60wjUvi|
⇒ =9 15 15
⇒ 3x = 180
∴x = 60 myZivs aviY ÿgZv = 60 wjUvi|

5. Which one of the following fractions is a result of the sum of an integer and its
reciprocal? (wb‡Pi †Kvb fMœvskwU GKwU c~Y© msL¨v Ges Zvi wecixZ fMœvs‡ki †hvMd‡ji mgvb?) [BSCIC-
Extension Officer-2018]
15 17 36 65
a. b. c. d. e. None Ans: d
8 5 7 8
Let the number be = x so, reciprocal of x =
1 x2 +1
Sum = x+ = (GLvb †_‡K †evSv hv‡”Q †h msL¨vwU hv B †nvK bv †Kb msL¨vwU I Zvi
x x
wecixZ fMœvs‡ki †hvMdj n‡e GKwU fMœvsk hvi wb‡P msL¨vwU Ges Dc‡i H msL¨vwUi e‡M©i mv‡_ 1 †hvM )
65 x 2 + 1 82 + 1
Ackb¸‡jvi g‡a¨ ïaygvÎ d ‡Z cÖ`Ë fMœvskwU †K = Gfv‡e cÖKvk Kiv hvq|
8 x 8
6. Which one of the following is the minimum value of the sum of two integers whose
product is 36 ? (`ywU msL¨vi ¸Ydj 36 n‡j H msL¨v `ywUi me©wb¤œ †hvMdj wb‡Pi †KvbwU?) [BSCIC-Extension
a. 12 b. 13 c. 15 d. 20 e. None Ans: a
36 = 6×6, Zvn‡j 6+6 = 12
36 = 9×4, Zvn‡j 9+4 = 13 g‡b ivLyb:
36 = 12×3, Zvn‡j 12+3 = 15 GiKg cÖ‡kœi †ÿ‡Î mvaviYZ: me‡_‡K KvQvKvwQ
36 = 18×2, Zvn‡j 18+2 = 20 msL¨v `ywU wb‡jB †hvMdj me©wb¤œ nq|
36 = 36×1, Zvn‡j 36+1 = 37
‡`Lv hv‡”Q cÖ_g jvB‡bi 36 = 6×6, n‡j 6+6 = 12 B n‡”Q me©wb¤œ |
Solution by Khairul Alam
7. If A,B,C,D and E are points in a plane such that the line CD bisects angle ACB and line
CB bisects right angle ACE, then angle DCE? (A, B, C, D Ges E n‡jv GKB mgZ‡j 5wU we›`y |
†hLv‡b CD ‡iLv ACB ‡KvY‡K mgwØLwÛZ K‡i‡Q Ges CB ‡iLv ACE mg‡KvY‡K mgwØLwÛZ K‡i‡Q| Zvn‡j
DCE ‡Kv‡Yi cwigvc KZ?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 450 b. 22.50 c. 67.50 d. 850 e. None Ans: b
⇒cv‡ki wPÎwU †`Lyb: A D

cÖ_‡g ∠ACE GK mg‡KvY ev 900 †K CB mgvb `yÕfv‡M fvM Ki‡j B

Dfq cv‡k 450 wWwMÖ K‡i `ywU bZzb †KvY Kivi ci Avevi CD ‡iLv
w`‡q ∠ACB ‡KvY †K 2 fv‡M fvM Ki‡j 450 Gi A‡a©K 22.50 450
n‡e| fv‡jvfv‡e †evSvi Rb¨ cv‡ki wPÎwU †`Lyb| C E

⇒ civgk©: GiKg cÖ‡kœi DËi ïay cÖkœ c‡o DËi ‡`qv KwVb|
R¨vwgwZi GiKg †h †Kvb cÖ‡kœi DËi †`qvi Rb¨ ïiæ‡Z wPÎ Kíbv Kiv A‡bK †ewk ¸iæZ¡c~Y©| ZvB wPÎ
Kíbv Kivi ci GB ai‡Yi cÖ‡kœi DËi †`qv A‡bK mnR n‡e|

8. What is the average of the series 1, 5, 9 ……….. 81 ? (1, 5, 9... 81 avivwUi Mo KZ?)
[BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 39 b. 40 c. 41 d. 42 e. None Ans: c
1, 5, 9... 81 wmwiRwU GKwU mgvšÍi aviv myZivs Gi Mo n‡e: cÖ_g I †klc‡`i M‡oi mgvb|
81 + 1 82
A_©vr = = 41 (mgvšÍi avivi †h †Kvb wmwiR Avm‡j Zv‡`i Mo Gfv‡e †ei Ki‡Z nq|)
2 2

9. If 7 workers can assemble a car in 8 hours, how long would it take 12 workers to
assemble the same car? (7 Rb kÖwgK GKwU Kvi 8 NÈvq mvRv‡Z cv‡ib| 12 Rb kÖwg‡K H KviwU
mvRv‡Z KZ mgq jvM‡e?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 3 hours b. 3 hours 30 minutes
c. 5 hours d. 4 hours 40 minutes e. None Ans: d
7 workers need = 8 hours.
∴ 1 ‘’ ‘’ = 8×7 hours.
8× 7 14
∴ 1 ‘’ ‘’ = hours. = = 4 hrs 40min
12 3

wk‡L ivLyb: fMœvsk Iqvjv NÈv‡K wKfv‡e wgwbU evbv‡Z nq?

NÈvi Dc‡ii 14 ‡K 3 w`‡q fvM Ki‡j fvMdj 4 Gici fvM‡kl 2 NÈv‡K 60w`‡q ¸Y Ki‡j 120 wgwbU
nq | GLb 120 wgwbU ‡K Avevi wb‡Pi 3 w`‡q fvM Ki‡j fvMdj 40 wgwbU nq| DËi: 4 NÈv 40 wgwbU|
Solution by Khairul Alam
10. When squared value of a number is subtracted from 5 times of a number the result is 6.
What is the number? (hLb GKwU msL¨vi 5 ¸Y †_‡K H msL¨vi eM©‡K we‡qvM Kiv nq ZLb we‡qvMdj 6 nq|
msL¨vwU KZ?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. -2 b. 2 c. -3 d. 4 e. None Ans: b
Let the number be x Shortcut:
ATQ, Ackb †_‡K 2wb‡q †`Lv hvq 2 Gi 5 ¸Y = 10 Ges 2 Gi
5x – x2 = 6 eM© we‡qvM Ki‡j 10-4 = 6 nq|
or, -x2+5x-6 = 0 (-2) A_ev (-3) wb‡q KbwdDkb jvM‡j:
or, x2-5x+6 = 0
(-2)×5 - (-2)2 = -10 -4 = -14
or, x2 – 3x – 2x +6 = 0
or, (x-3) (x-2) = 0 (-3)×5 - (-3)2 = -15 -9 = -24 (`y‡UvB wgj‡Q bv|)
Either x-3 = 0 ∴x = 3
or, x-2 = 0 ∴ x = 2 Since x = 3 is not given, so ans is 2
11. A completes a job in 6 days, B in 12 days, C in 20 days and D in 24 days. If Tk 8670 is to
be divided among them, then B will get how much more than C ? (A, B, C Ges D GKwU
KvR h_vµ‡g 6, 12, 20 Ges 24 w`‡b †kl Ki‡Z cv‡i| hw` Zv‡`i gv‡S 8670 UvKv †`qv nq Zvn‡j B, C Gi
†_‡K KZUvKv †ewk cv‡e?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 570 b. 680 c. 1020 d. 1200 e. None Ans: e
1 1 1 1
A, B, C, & D’s 1 day’s work = + + +
6 12 20 24
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Ratio of their work = : : : or, × 120 : × 120 : × 120 : × 120 = 20:10:6:5
6 12 20 24 6 12 20 24
So, Difference of amount of B and C is 8670× = Tk. 846 (Approx)
G ai‡Yi cÖkœ wKfv‡e mgvavb Ki‡Z nq?
cÖ_‡g Zv‡`i 1 w`‡bi Kv‡Ri Ask †ei K‡i †mB Ask‡K AbycvZ mvRv‡Z nq| Gici cÖvß UvKv ¸‡jv‡K †mB
Abycv‡Z fvM K‡i w`‡jB n‡q hv‡e|
jwRK: †h Kg w`‡b KvR Ki‡e †m Kg UvKv cv‡e Ggb fvev fzj| KviY †h Kg w`‡b KvRwU †kl Ki‡Z cvi‡e †m
Ges †h †ewkw`‡b KvRwU †kl Ki‡Z cvi‡e †m mn `yR‡b GKB mgq a‡i KvR Ki‡j Kg w`‡b †kl Ki‡Z cviv
†jvKwU Aí mg‡q †ewk KvR Ki‡Z cvi‡e| ZvB UvKvi fv‡Mi mgq †m †ewk UvKv cv‡e|

12. Karim has bought some pens for 120 Taka. If each pen cost him 2 taka less then he
could buy 2 more pens . How many pens did he buy? (Kwig 120 UvKv w`‡q wKQz Kjg wKbj| hw`
cÖwZwU Kj‡gi `vg 2 UvKv Kg n‡Zv Zvn‡j †m Av‡iv 2wU AwZwi³ Kjg µq Ki‡Z cvi‡Zv| †m KZwU Kjg
wK‡bwQj?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 8 b. 10 c. 12 d. 14 e. None Ans: b
The number of pens Karim bought = x (‡h‡nZz Kj‡gi msL¨v Rvb‡Z †P‡q‡Q ZvB Kjg‡K aiv †eUvi)
Solution by Khairul Alam
120 120
− = 2 (wb‡Pi msL¨v¸‡jv n‡jv Kj‡gi msL¨v Ges Kj‡gi msL¨v w`‡q 120 †K fvM Kivq cÖ_g I 2q
x x+2
ev‡ji Kj‡gi `v‡gi cv_©K¨ = 2 UvKv|)
120x + 240 − 120x
x ( x + 2)
Shortcut: 10 ‡m‡K‡Û DËi †ei Kivi Rb¨ Gfv‡e fveyb:
⇒ 2 =2 120 UvKv‡K Ggb 2wU msL¨vq fv½‡Z n‡e hv‡Z cv_©K¨ 2 nq| (KviY Av‡Mi
x + 2x Kj‡gi †_‡K eZ©gvb Kjg 2wU †ewk)
⇒2x2+4x = 240
GLb 10×12 = 120 ai‡j cÖ_‡g 10 Kjg wK‡bwQj|
⇒ x2+2x-120 = 0
⇒ x +12x-10x-120 = 0 (GB jvBbUv †_‡K kU©KvU evbv‡bvi jwRK ‡Wfjf Kiv hvq|)
⇒ x (x+12)-10(x+12) = 0
⇒(x+12) (x-10) = 0
Either x+12 = 0 ∴x=-12 (Negative value is not acceptable)
or, x-10 = 0 ∴x = 10
g‡b ivLyb: Dˇii mc‡ÿ cÖgvY:
120 UvKvq cÖ_‡g 10wU Kjg wKb‡j cÖwZwUi `vg 120÷10 = 12UvKv|
c‡i 2wU Kjg †ewk †c‡j cÖwZwUi `vg 120 ÷ 12 = 10UvKv| hv Av‡Mi `v‡gi †_‡K 2UvKv Kg|

13. If x+y = 7 and x2+y2 = 25, then which of the following equals the value of x3+y3 ? (x+y =
7 Ges x2+y2 = 25 n‡j wb‡Pi †KvbwU x3+y3 Gi gvb?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 7 b. 25 c. 65 d. 91 e. None Ans: d
myÎ cÖ‡qv‡M mgvavb:
Avgiv Rvwb,
x2+y2 = (x+y)2 – 2xy (GB m~ÎwU cÖ‡qvM Ki‡j xy Gi †h gvb cvIqv hv‡e Zv x3-y3 Gi m~‡Î Kv‡R jvM‡e|)
25 = 72 -2xy
2xy = 49-25 g‡b ivLyb:
24 GB ai‡Yi cÖkœ m~Î cÖ‡qvM K‡i Ki‡Z †M‡j 73 Gi gZ eo eo ¸Y
xy = = 12
2 Ki‡Z wM‡q †ewk mgq bó n‡e|
Zvn‡j, A_P KZ mn‡R fvev hvq †`Lyb|
3 3 3
x +y = (x+y) -3xy(x+y) x+y = 7 Ges x2+y2 = 25 n‡j 4+3 = 7 I 42+32 = 16+9 = 25
= 7 –3×12×7 nq| A_©vr x = 4 I y = 3 Zvn‡j x3+y3 = 43+33 64+27 = 91
= 343 –252
= 91

14. The selling price of 15 items equals the cost of 20 items. What is the percentage profit
earned by the seller? (hw` 15wU AvB‡U‡gi weµqg~j¨ 20wU AvB‡U‡gi µqg~‡ji¨ mgvb nq Zvn‡j †mB
we‡µZvi kZKiv KZ jvf n‡q‡Q?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 15% b. 20% c. 25% d. 33.33% e. None Ans: d
Solution by Khairul Alam

CP of 20 items.= SP of 15 items
CP of 1 item = 1Tk So, CP of 20 items = 20tk, and CP of 15 items = 15Tk.
Since SP of 15 items=20 Tk(‡h‡nZz 15Uvi weµqg~j¨ =20Uvi µqg~‡j¨i mgvb A_©vr 20UvKv=20
So, profit = 20-15 = 5Tk (GB 5 UvKv n‡jv 15UvKvq Kiv jvf)
5 × 100
Profit % = = 33.33%
Super Shortcut:
GiKg cÖ‡kœi DËi gvÎ 5 †m‡K‡Û w`‡Z PvB‡j Gfv‡e fveyb:
‡hUv weµq msL¨v †mUvB Dc‡ii wbq‡g µqg~j¨ n‡q hvq| ZvB ej‡Z n‡e 15Uv‡Z 5Uv jvf| A_©vr 3
fv‡Mi 1 fvM jvf n‡j gy‡L gy‡L ejv hvq jv‡fi nvi 33.33% |

15. In a class, 25 students play cricket 25 students play football & 10 students play both. 10
students play neither cricket nor football. What is the number of students in the class?
(GKwU K¬v‡mi †gvU QvÎ-QvÎx‡`i g‡a¨ 25Rb wµ‡KU †L‡j, 25 Rb dzUej †L‡j, 10 Rb wµ‡KU †L‡j Ges 10 Rb
‡KvbwUB †L‡j bv| H K¬v‡m †gvU KZRb QvÎ-QvÎx Av‡Q?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 40 b. 50 c. 60 d. 65 e. None Ans: b
Solution: Cricket=25 Football=25
cv‡ki wPÎwU Abymv‡i Ki‡Z cv‡ib|
A_ev m~Î cÖ‡qv‡M wb‡Pi wbq‡g:
25-10 25-10
Total = all single – both + none 10 25-10
Total = 25+25-10+10 =15
∴Total = 50 10

Total: 15+10+15+10 = 50
16. The length of a rectangular field is 30 meter. A fence surrounding the field has a total
length of 140 meter, What is the length (in meter) of the diagonal path of this
rectangular field? (GKwU AvqZvKvi gv‡Vi ˆ`N©¨ 30 wgUvi| H gv‡Vi 4 cv‡k 140 wgUvi ˆ`‡N©¨i GKwU †eov
Av‡Q| H gv‡Vi KY© eivei iv¯Ívi ˆ`N©¨ KZ? ) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 40 b. 50 c. 60 d. 70 e. None Ans: b
another side of the rectangle = x A B
2(30+x) = 140 ?
or, 30+x = 70 30
∴x = 40
Now diagonal of the rectangle: C 40 D
2 2
( 40) + (30) = 1600 + 900 = 2500 = 50
Solution by Khairul Alam
17. The product of two consecutive negative even integers is 24. What is the larger
number? (`ywU avivevwnK †Rvo FYvZ¥K msL¨vi ¸Ydj 24| e„nËg msL¨vwU KZ? ) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-
a. - 4 b. -6 c. 4 d. 6 e. -8 Ans: a
24 = 6×4 (`ywU avivevwnK msL¨v)
wKš‘ FYvZ¥K avivevwnK ejvq: 24 = (-6)×(-4) n‡e | †hLv‡b -6 ‡QvU msL¨v Ges -4 eo msL¨v|
18. If (x+3)2 = 225, which of the following can be the value of x-1 ? (hw` (x+3)2 = 225 nq Zvn‡j
wb‡Pi †KvbwU x-1 Gi gvb n‡Z cv‡i?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 13 b. 12 c. -12 d. -16 e. -19 Ans: e
(x+3)2 = 225 ⇒ x+3 = 225 ⇒ x+3 = ± 15 (exRMwY‡Zi †ÿ‡Î + Ges - `y‡Uv gvb B wb‡Z n‡e)
x+3 = +15 n‡j, x = 15-3 = 12 myZivs cÖ‡kœi cÖ`Ë x-1 Gi gvb n‡e 12-1 = 11
x+3 = -15 n‡j, x = -15-3 = -18 myZivs cÖ‡kœi cÖ`Ë x-1 Gi gvb n‡e -18-1 = -19
GLb Ack‡b 11 bv‡g †Kvb Ackb bv _vKvq DËi n‡e -19
19. Tahmid is four times as old as Koushik. In x years, Tahmid will be three times as old
Koushik. How old is Koushik in terms of x ? (Zvnwg‡`i eqm Zvi fvB †KŠwk‡Ki 4¸Y| x eQ‡ii g‡a¨
Zvnwg‡`i eqm Zvi ‡KŠwk‡Ki eq‡mi 3¸Y n‡e| x Gi wfwˇZ †KŠwk‡Ki eqm KZ?) [BSCIC-Extension Officer-
a. 2x b. 3x c. 4x d. 8x e. 12x Ans: a
Let, Koushik is = p year old (‡h‡nZz cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡q‡Q x eQi ci| ZvB eqm x bv a‡i p aiv n‡jv|)
So, Tahmid is = 4p
ATQ, ‡R‡b ivLyb:
3(p+x) = (4p+x) ‡h †Kvb cÖ‡kœ In terms of x ‡jLv _vK‡j Ggbfv‡e
⇒3p + 3x = 4p + x DËi †ei Ki‡Z n‡e †hLv‡b x _vK‡Z n‡e|
⇒ - p = -2x
∴ p = 2x (‡h‡nZz p = ‡KŠwk‡Ki eqm| ZvB p Gi gvb B n‡jv ‡KŠwk‡Ki eqm|)
20. On a youth soccer team, the ratio of boys to girls is 6 in 7. If there are 2 more girls than
boys on the team, how many boys are on the team ? (GKwU hye dzUej `‡j, †Q‡j I †g‡q‡`i
AbycvZ 6:7| hw` H `‡j †Q‡j‡`i †_‡K †g‡qi msL¨v 2 Rb †ewk nq Zvn‡j H `jwU‡Z †gvU KZRb †Q‡j Av‡Q?)
[BSCIC-Extension Officer-2018]
a. 36 b. 24 c. 18 d. 12 e. None Ans: d
Let, boys = 6x and 7x
7x-6x = 2
So, boys are = 6×2 = 12
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