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Voice Analysis Two: Transcription of Portfolio Four

For this quiz, you will be working on evaluating your voice applying the components we
have been working on recently: Content word stress (prominent), Function words
(non-stressed), and identifying speech units.

Task 1:​ Using your Pitches or the last Audio we did and transcribe the first 1:30 minutes of
recorded audio and paste it into the document here.
Transcript Portfolio 4:

Have you ever wondered​//how long ​a chip bag //or// ​any snack bag takes to ​degrade // I'm
afraid to tell you that// (​and please do not shock​)// the time it takes​// is between 100 and
200 years.​//​So​,// ​what I'm about to tell you in the next ​few minutes​// is ​not ​only going to
change ​your perspective​// but ​it will also make you think twice​//about ​what to d​o with your
snack wrappers​// and how ​dangerous​// it is for ​our planet.​//About 5 billion plastic bags are
produced every year//and in less than 10 minutes​//of ​usage time​//they are ​thrown away​//
like it was ​nothing​.//Only 1% of this bags are ​recycle​//and the rest//is mix in nature.//​Can
you believe that?.​//As the recycling ​process​// it's ​too expensive​//since it costs ​100 times
more​//to ​recycle than//to ​produce ​//the world throws//​8 million tons of plastic ​bags a
year,// that end up ​on beaches​,// reaching the oceans//and killing millions of marine
species.​//So,// Hi, ​I'm the CEO of micro company​//named Ecopackys//​my name is Valentina​//
and this is a new form ​of packaging​,//which is made from ​purely environmental
materials​//such as//​corn and banana leaves.​//This means that ​the company​//​can meet the
international standards of emissions,// effluents and environmental waste ​below
0.5%​//​making sure​//not to greater negative impact.//​So​, the risk of contamination of these
emissions,// effluents and waste// ​are nil ​because//they work with ​purely ecological​…

Task 2:​ ​On the transcript, mark all the speech units and (use the slash (/) as we practiced in class)
and mark the stress in the ​CONTENT WORDS​ in the first 1:30 minutes of Portfolio 4 AS YOU SAID
THEM IN PORTFOLIO 4. Listen a few times so you can capture each of them.

Task 3:​ Paste your transcript in the box below a second time. On the transcript, mark all the speech
units and mark the stress in the CONTENT words AS THEY SHOULD BE. Use a dictionary and the
VOICE ANALYSIS materials used in class.
Transcript Portfolio 4:

Have you ever wondered​//how long ​a chip bag //or// ​any snack bag takes to ​degrade //
I'm afraid to tell you that// (and ​please do ​not shock​)// the ​time it ​takes​// is between 100
and 200 years.​//So,// what I'm about to tell you ​in the next few minutes​// is ​not ​only
going to change your ​perspective​// but it will also make you think ​twice​//about ​what to
do ​with your snack wrappers​// and how ​dangerous​// it is for ​our planet.​//About 5 billion
plastic bags ​are ​produced every year//and in less than 10 minutes​//of ​usage time​//they
are ​thrown away​// like it was ​nothing​.//​Only 1% of this bags are recycle​//and the rest//is
mix in nature.​//​Can you believe that?.​//As the recycling ​process​// it's ​too expensive​//since
it costs ​100 times more​//to ​recycle than//to ​produce ​//the world throws//​8 million tons
of plastic ​bags a year,// that end up ​on beaches​,// reaching the oceans//and killing
millions ​of marine species.//So,// Hi, ​I'm the CEO of micro company​//named
Ecopackys​//my name is Valentina​// and this is a new form ​of packaging​,//which is made
from ​purely environmental materials​//such as//​corn ​and ​banana leaves.​//This means that
the company​//can meet the ​international standards of ​emissions​,// ​effluents a​nd
environmental waste below 0.5%//making sure//​not to greater negative impact.​//So, the
risk of contamination of these ​emissions,​// e​ffluents ​and ​waste​// ​are nil ​because//they
work with ​purely ecological​…

Task 4:​ Listen to your recording and use the analysis chart below to grade your voice. Write
strengths and areas to improve accordingly.

​ rite a paragraph to compare the two analyses. Use the following questions to help
Task 5: W

● How did you improve between the first analysis and the second?
● What did you do differently in the second analysis?
● What have you learned through the process?

When I checked the first Voice Analysis, I took all my failures in account to make this time a better
one. In the last Voice A. I had issues with the organization of my speech, I thought a lot about what to
say next and used a lot of crutches. This time, my idea was more clever and straight to the point, I cut
off the problems that I had before, and developed the pitch in a way that I could catch my audience
with every word I mentioned. I've learned how to be a good speaker, and how to develop my speech
in a concise and accurate way.
Voice Analysis Two

Name, Valentina Simonds

I: Strongly Agree Partially Disagree Strongly
Agree (4) Agree/ (2) Disagree
(5) Partially (1)
Moderated speech elements x
(volume, pitch, tone)
Marked speech units and x
prominent words according to
what was spoken (Task 2).
Marked speech units and x
prominent words according to
what should be (Task 3).
Compared differences between x
the two analyses thoroughly
and completely (Task 5).
1. Organized speech
2. Good introductory question
3. Clever voice tone
4. I was very expressive (corporal language)
5. I was very specific
1. I have some minimum problems pronouncing some words
2. I need to manage I little bit my expressions
3. It cost me a lil when it comes to numerical data
4. Need to work on words with ´TH`
5. I didn't say Hi at the beginning

Task 5:​ Turn in the analysis in this document and saved with your name by April 30, 2020.

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