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A website founded by CEO Mark Zuckerberg in the early 2000 as a way to profile
Harvard classmate has become the worlds largest social network. The site has also
evolved from a way to stay in touch with friends and relatives, to a medium through
which both news and propaganda flow freely. (
 Editing
 Navigation
 Consistency
 Basic syntax
 Visual editing
 Version history
 Edit summary
 Navigation
 Linking and creating pages
 Searching
In retrospect watching videos on the internet seems obvious – monitors are basically
tiny flat screens tv's after all. But it took YouTube to show the world that anyone could
be a video stat. Just as early blogging platforms made everyone a critic, YouTube
(followed by Instagram and snapchat). Turned anyone with a smartphone into a video
publisher. (
 Improve comments
 Subscriber Notifications
 New types of cards
 Easier access to the subs feed
 A faster more useful creator studio app
 Video management on the Go
 360 degree videos
 New creator community
 Updated creator academy
The site remains a popular destination for real state and job listings in 2017, with more
than 60 millions monthly US users.(
 Flagging
 Bartering

Served as a short or yellow pages for the web, with human editors selecting links to
news stories and other sites. (
 25 MB of email storage capacity
 10 MB messages size limit
 Up to 10 MB attachments per email
 POP access and forwarding
 Archiving of email messages for offline access
 Ability to send messages from Yahoo!
 Mail using other email domains
Emerging generations may someday look back at the late 20 th and early 21st centuries
as a kind of dividing line. Before and after the internet, and we scrutinized potential
dates with a service like (
 Viewing and communication tools
 Mobile support options
 User friendly interface
 Advanced search features
 Email filters
 The quiz
 Games
 Additional paid features

Amazon may run the worlds biggest online store today, but credit eBay for popularizing
the idea of an open marketplace for buyers and sellers. (
 Quality images
 Good title
 Compelling description
 Custom branding
 Dynamic cross promotion
 Item specifics


A site once contrasted with the pentagon papers for its subversive “document dumps” of
classified information has in the wake of the 2016 election become a battleground foe
debate about the role of mass scale whistling blowing and propaganda. (
 Hypertext information system
 Cross platform
 Distributed approximately 70 million active sites as of December 2007
 Open standards and open source TCP/IP, HTTP, HTML, CSS.
 Web browser provides a single interface to many services
 Dynamic, interactive, evolving
 Web 2.0

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