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MCT/MST Observation Feedback Form (template)

Course Code: EPC 4909

Trainee Name: Maitha School: Almesk
MCT/MST Name: Aysha Alshamsi Date:
The MCT and MST will use this form to formally observe the trainee’s performance and to give feedback based on the selected teaching competencies.

NOTE: Refer to the course-specific, teaching competencies-based rubric included in section D of the TP Booklet

Commitment to the Profession F D C B A

Very committed and her MST reported very good information about her support and punctuality.
Planning for Learning F D C B A
Provided the plan and aligned it with the MOE curriculum.
Managing Learning F D C B A
She called students by names in order to differentiate in instruction and to give opportunity to all. Choose a number
and say it is a nose and asked them about the first sound. They can tell correctly. This is a quick review pictures and
numbers. She managed the class when they try to disturb learning. Provided a good introduction to the lesson.
You managed learning very well with students. They listen to you, and cooperate with you. You are confident and
calm although you face some technology issues. This is a good indicator of a good quality you have.
Implementing Learning F D C B A
She is able to manage and implement online learning easily. She played the C song with pictures. Then asked them
what letter are we going to learn. Provided colors and asked for example Suhail to chose a color and he found a cat.
He said CAT. She emphasized kkkk cat. The MST shows a good support. Also, the remember Humaid that he didn’t
answer yesterday. So this is fair. She modelled how to write C on the screen. Asked them to write it. Then showed a
numbers to 20 and asked all students about numbers.
Later told them we’ll learn what plants need to grow. Are you revising this or introducing a new concept? New-
continues the topic
What introduction you provided for them? Already it is a concept that has been introduced at the beginning of the
week. Yes some students answered with you. They keep answering with her as they had the lesson. Then told them
about the parts of the plants. I think this is a different lesson. Are you revising for them? They keep answering as this
is a revision lesson. This is an implementation of what has been introduced at the beginning of the week. Later you
jumped to the life cycle! This is too much for students! This is new a new for them. Ms Naima already asked them to
Assessment F D C B A
Called students by names to provide opportunities and to highlight the different abilities and give questions based on their levels.
She calls names to ask about the work. She called specific names and told them that they will do this activity she is showing them. Other
students can do it in their gardens. Then she started calling the other group and told them about their activity and I think this should be
assigned by name on LMS as parents to know if they missed their children’s names while you are calling them. Those activities were
submitted by what to specific students.
Reflection on Practice F D C B A
Complete her reflections based on previous notes.
Action Plan:

Make the level of complexity gradual.

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