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Wednesday, October 21

Lesson Plan
Drama 10

Voice and Character Development: Lesson 7

GLO: GOAL II To develop competency in communication skills through participation in and

exploration of various dramatic disciplines.

SLOs: Movement # 10, 13, 14, 15, 23.

1. Student lead warm-up- Joe and John
2. Character walk for a bit of an extra warm up and to get into the movement mood.
3. Guess the leader- choose someone to be the guesser. The rest of the students in a
circle with 1 leader. The leader will create movements and suddenly change them while
the rest of the circle follows along without making it obvious. Guesser has to figure out
who the leader is.
4. Ninja combat challenge:
a. Players form a circle, each standing at arm’s width away from each other.
b. On the count of “3... 2... 1... NINJA!” all players jump into ninja poses. Choose
your pose wisely!
c. Randomly choose a ninja to begin.
d. On their turn, each player is allowed to make one swift ninja attack. KAPOW!
This can involve your whole body. HAYA! Eliminate others by striking their hand -
the wrist is not included. You must stiffly hold the position you end your move in.
e. The next player is allowed to move once you have have finished your attack.
f. If you are attacked by another player, you may dodge, but you can't move your
g. When only two players remain, they begin the final duel. The final two ninjas stop
fighting, bow, and stand back-to-back. On the count of “3... 2... 1... NINJA!” they
jump into poses. The ninja with the boldest pose goes first and play resumes
normally. The game ends when only one ninja remains.
5. Talk about miming objects and what things you need to keep in mind when miming an
object. How big is it? How heavy? How much space does the item take up? Repetition is
important for the audience to believe that the item is real
6. Object passing circle: warm up for the present game, lets the students see how to pass
an invisible “object”. Don’t let them off the hook while doing this. The only way to
succeed in this game is to do it well. Give lots of pointers.
7. Giving presents:
a. Students pair off and find a place in the room where other pairs won’t distract
b. Taking turns, one student presents the other with a mimed gift. This happens
silently. The gift can be any shape, weight, or physical dimensions that the giver
would like.
c. The receiver takes the gift and mimes exactly what it is (he or she may unwrap or
accept the gift in any manner they wish). Once the gift is established, the
students trade places and give and receive again.
d. This continues until players have had a chance to give and accept several gifts.
8. Exaggeration circle
a. All players in a circle, or a long line. One player starts a little gesture, with or
without a little sound.. The next player takes it over and makes it bigger. The last
player does the whole thing to the extreme.
9. Slideshow game:
a. Divide into teams of six-eight. One group takes the stage. One person is the
storyteller, everyone else is part of the slide show. The storyteller begins telling a
story about a recent vacation, adventure or life event.
b. “I’d like to show you a slideshow of my trip through the jungle. Here we are on
the plane, headed to the Amazon. It was a very bumpy flight! CLICK!” The
players then form a picture of the group taking a bumpy plane ride, and they
freeze in place.
c. She continues, “When we got to the jungle, the first thing we saw was an
enormous snake! CLICK!” The group forms a picture of seeing the snake…one
person could even be the snake.
d. “Pretty soon, we were deep in the jungle, and we ran into some natives! CLICK?”
And so on. Each group gets four or five slides, and then a new group takes the
stage. Coach kids that they can be anything in each picture. If it’s an aquarium,
some kids can be the tourists, and while others can play the octopus or the eel.
e. As a variation, a topic or title is chosen, such as: The Recess Incident. Players
onstage form a picture and the storyteller must improvise what is happening in
the picture.
f. Encourage players to use all levels of the stage and all kinds of body positions.
10. If time Musical chairs/the floor is lava remix.

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