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*ffi 'mll;l:'

01.07.2 002

List of contents

Elcctlonicunit... I
\ i )'I lril l)jlt)t,l .. 2
Opcration . .)
Structurc of nr ain tlenu .. 3
Re ad-out/status tlteuu .
.. .1
Brror le acl-out nenu . ., 4
IJoul tinrels menu . . . .. . 4
Operrationril settings menu (Opcr-al. settings in the display) .. 5
Adjusting output atld unload pressures
Setlirrg pressure plan . .
.. -5
.. 5
Acijustrng unloacl tirue
Acljusting colldensate clraiuiug tintes
.. 6
.. l
Clhrnging elcctronic unit settings . . 8
! Shorv factory settillgs lrrenu (clisplay: Shorv settings)
vice menus
.. 9
Itfachine config. rcprograrn luenu . . .. t0
Ilegulat; on seltings .
Factory settings
.. 10
.. 11
Sc" icr :e llirrg> .. t1
Service diagnostics menLr
Fault alarrns on electronic display . .
.. t2
.. 13
Oourpressor's settings ..15
Uscr settings .. 15
Factotv settings. not changeable by the user . . .. 16

Electronic unit
The electronic utlit controls rl1 the funcrions connecte(l
to lhe re-{Lrlalion ol thc compressor.

The unit adjusts the foilorving parailcters of thc contpressor,s

- un)oading pressure: the pressurc (uppcr rinrit) at which rhe compressor unloacrs
- outpui. pressure: the pressure (ror,ver rrnit) at \vhich the c.'prcsscir gocs over fr..r
unloading to full output
- C.nrpressor unroading time befbre stoppirlg (recei'er is cnrptied bcrorc stopping)
- Drain time and interval fbr water separator
The elchonics unit is equipped r.vitri three LCD ctisprays that give
pressor's rvorking pressure, tenperature, and mainienince,
inf.''ation on the co,.
sLicrr as crra'ging or rirters, eli.
The electronics unit has built-in starting autonatics for
situations after a porver failure. This
function is switched off tn the factory sittings.
The unil also has a_weekly clock, wlrich enabres the conrpressor
to be usecr accorrling to a pre,
proeralnmed weekiy plan.

The version code of the erectroric u'it is markcd on the stick

on raber- is rocatetr be
hind the unit The code is arso rn sight on the clispray, n,hcn the 'vhich
compressor is switch;d o;.
Please, see the DPC menu structure on p.3 before using
the controllcr.
l<* ,^,,Ro,oP
Enrl=l AR,tt


Control panel

1. Pressure display
2. Output temperature display
3. Start
4. Stop
5. Reset (returns main display)
6. Enter (changes variables)
7. Moving between rnenus and changing settings
8. Moving between lnenus and changing settings
9. Moving within a menu and moving to subrnenu
10. Moving within a nienu
11. Display
12. Alarm indicator light
13. Voltage on light
14. Emergency stop button +
15. H3 space heater lamp
16. S1 space heater switch
17. H4 running lamp
18. 53 remote / local switch
19. H5 water drain alarm lamp
20. P5 ampere-meter

The starting and stopping of the compressor is sholvn in the instruction man-
ual of the compressor.
* Not in the frequency converter
15-20 Optional equipment
.-a-r3 ';nllr'{)01


rtnit c.nlrtins s.'er:rl trcnus. rvith rhc

;:|;,Ij,-..llli't mai. urcnu incluciirg alt ltrosc nceded b1,

'lltc srrbnrenus c.,tuin lhc iactor) setting ior rhc corrpress.r,

vrce purposes. ancr the scttings requircil for ser_
l'hey lrc descrrhcrl trr rl),;e rlelJil in tL'. scr
r rce sectiott of the ntalual. ,fhe
sLrbnrcnus ar.e protectcci l,ith a spccilrl
lccess cocle.

Strrrcture of rrtirin rrrenrr

I{etu I ns in l minrrte

s'lt\ rus IIOIJIT 1'I]I'lT}IS oPltRr\1r0NAt
"Frruli log r1,,
"Opcr!t. sctlings,

Air tcnrp. Fault I Ilunn.lrrs P.Lrnload Moving to

P Ro,r Fault 2 Lold.hrs
i P.load scrvicc set-
0 Jan Srrn Fault 3 Air f'l tnr P schodu leONi OliF lingt, C-lf. Ser-
Fault.l Oil tl trn Press. scheclule
Ilauit r,icc
-5 Oil sep tnr Rtrn on trr
Oil chg tm Drlin sp tnt
I.ault' li) Drlin dty trn

Therc are flve rnenus for the rrser, r.vith

one of them providirg access to scryicc
factory settings. The first of the nrenus subrnenus and
is the reacl_out/striu, , that shor.vs
the compressor,s running. infbrrnation ol
move to the next menu, press the
@ key. ancl to move lvithi, the tnenu, prcss thc @ kcy
to move dorvnwards and the key
@ to move upr.vards.
Press the Q
key to return to the read-out/status rnenu.
From anyrvherc within the nrcnus,
even from inside then. vou ciln
return to the read_out/status menu by prcssing
The read-out/status menu is returned the Resct key.
autornaticariy aft..'ilrinut., if the display
is not uscd.
€'/ or PPr5s.,s


Reacl-out/status menu

When thc collrprcssor is srvitchccl on, the standard display appearing is always the reacl-out/
status nlenu. It shows the rlinning status of the contprcssor. The rcad-oLrt/stalLts rnenu can be
clirectlv rcturnecl fronr any point in any ;ncnu by pressrng thc Reset ke1,. :rnd by pressing thc
Q kc1 r'rirlrin lh. rrlrilr rrcrrrr.
'fhe rcad-out/status mcnu shorvs the c(xupressor's rLlnning status, e.g.:
rcady for opcration
- running loaclecl
- capacity % *
- running unloaded
- fault messages; faults stopping the compressor/preventing starting. and faults giving

When pressing the keys @ and @ , the lor,ver line of thc read-out/status nenu shor.vs the
following information:
- network temperature (default)
pressure of the oil separation receivcr
date ;rnd time

' Note that when the mechanical pressure regulator is used, DigiPilot shorvs 100% capacity
evcn if the real capacity was lotver.

Error read-out menu

The error read-out menu contains thc latest 10 alarms of the cornpressor.
The different alarms can be scrolled with the @ and @ keys.
The current faults flash on the display.

Hour timers menu

The menu contains the compressor's running information, such as:
operating hours
- operating time loaded
- remaining running time of filters and oil separators
- remaining running time of oil
To move bctween the different positions of the menu, use the O and @ keys.
rri+ ;ll'llli'

ll ri I t)i)-l

Operational settings menu

(Operar. seltings in thc displar,;

l,le:rse. sec thc DpCl nrenu structure

on p.3 belirre using the controllcr.
'r('rr i\ '5. r1 l,,r.c'irr,, rlt. r;rri;rl,J.s ul IJr.. r'l. tlt,,!J\ nl (,,'ll,t..rr,1
I rrr
unloacl pressurc 1,,,,ti,.rlu,g .,Lr,,r:i ;,
clutpul l)ressrlre (to titlloutpul ltclorv tlris
;;r;;. r,i,,:,
l\r(q\lt|i l,l;t I r\ Oj F
- prcssurc I)lan settilcs
- unloadin.q tinte be lotc nonrulstop (stopping l,itlt :i rlelar,)
- wate r scpurittor dr aining time
- panse tinle for water septrator clrlrining

lfyou wallt to change the varues- r'ro'c

to thc appr.priatc srrbrne" L,ith the
Prcss Enrcr .t lhc tlesired clisplay: the @ lnd @ kcys.
disp*y starts f.lashi.g. Usc the
chrrnge thc sctting. whc^ rhc ctisplal,rhoru, @ ,".6 ;;;;^-
ih" ,l"ri,..i;,;;;;, press linter .gain to savc
setting into the nemory. rhe

Adjusting output rnd unlo:rrl pressures

(min. prcssL,re) ancrthe

li::;TiTi'il:'.,,:Xil]#l)lli. Lrnto,,ct prcssure (n,ax l, ,rrc

1. Stop the colnpressor.

2 Enter the user letlius< in the op.crariorral
sclti'gs meuu (operat. seltinss in t'e crisplav).
Use the @ kcy to screct urrloacl prcssure
key. .fhc
(trispiry,: r.unriro;, ana prcss the Enter
display starts iJaslring. change rhc pressur.
to t'e cresirecr uutu. rui,t, tr,"
Acknorvledgc rhe setting by pressi'g rhe @",,,r e'-t.y..
Enter k"";;;; 'r''e crispral, stops flrshinr.
Fntcr the outpul pressure setting nlenu (crisplal,: p.road)
i.vit' trre @ kcy. Rerer to the abovc
irtstruction ibr setting the output pressur e.

unl'ad pressure cannot be set highcr than the factor)

ference between the unload nna uutpui
setting. Too srnall .if-
compressor unloads too often. Rcconrrnendecl fres;;;;;;;;r.
probtems, if rhe
pressure ctltfeience is l;0 bli;
(Cf. technical data).

Setting pressure plan

In this you can set the compressor to run
'.rcnu according to the scttings of a rveckry
on the weckencl lowe;il;;;;;"s.;pressure,
I!,t;#lltl,iS"ssure corrlprcssor stops ror a
The pressurc plrrt r lrn t.orrt;rirt I rllximrun L(lling{.
ul -12
To sct thc pressure pr:ur' move to.the
operationar sottings rncnu (display: operat.
Urc tlre (/ krJ to chuose rhe option ..prcs\ure ptn,,
,.t:rpiol: p.cltctJulel ,."U 0,.,,
The display starts blinking sct rhe pressure
plan oN or oFF by using,rr. t.y.
Confirm the setting by pressing Enter again.
The Airpfou-riop, blinking. ^"0
o e .

Mors on ro the:ubmenu "nrcssure.pran scttintss

bl pressing@ tLiispral: press.schc,trrrrc;.
Herc you ern ser chrngc rlre tirne display o,,J L,,r,i ir...,,rt 0,r,,
I+\ .,,,,,,,.

:1.0i I l|-1

Parameter Function Variables Notes

Tirnr' Svstcn clock tinrc l\1,'n...Sun
Wcci 09:.5 I 0...l llr
()...5 9nr in
:li,*"p i.r,l ],
PrcssLr.c plu n setting N'lon...Sun, Dav ''Dirv" rlcans th lt thc
1:t:i: __, _, BAI{ 0.. .2i h sct prcssurc plarr
0.. .5 9 nr in r,rlue is valiil cvcry
C)FF...Pnrrx rvecliday ( N4on. Tuc.
\\'cd.'l'hu" Fri)
OIrF prcssLrrc ncans
zero pressIrc
* Settings arc shor.r'n in
chronological ortlcr

Use the @ kcy to movc b the first option of thc suburenu rvith the upper line tcxt "l'inte".
Herc you can sct tl)e systcnt clock. Press Enter; thc display starts blinking. Clhoosc the vari,
able to be chrnged rvith the @ kcy. Change the valuc with the keys
@ anl Q. Cbnfirrn thc
setting by prcssing Enter. The ciisplay stcrys blinking.
'lb sct thc pressure plan, rlo,,.e to thc next option of the sLrbmenu by prcssing the kcy @. The
upper linc has thc text "'l'irne,rP.loacl" and tlte lorver linc shows thc pressure plan setti gs. T!)
change thc scttings, press Enter first.'fhen choose the variable to be changecl (clay. hours.
minutes, target prcssurc) by thc kcy @.'fn. choscn vlriablc starts blinkjng. Changc thc
value rvith thc kcys @ Ind Q. The chlnscd r.alLrc is entcre d into the pressure plan by ltrcs-
sing Enter. You cltr sct a ntaxirnunt of 32 r'alues.
When changing valucs or setting ncw ones, the wholc loner line starts blinking if @ is
pressed after changin/setting the target prcssur-e. By pressing Enter norv, the blinking
pressure plan setting is deleted frorn the pressure plan settings.
To set the next point of time, move clorvn rvith thc key @ lnd cnter new values. Clontinuc
until all desircd values has []een set.
Thc scttings can bc bypassccl by setting thc prcssurc plan OFF.
When the inut is running, it continuously compares thc real time to the settings of the pres-
sure plan. It seeks the setting that precedes thc real tinre. The target pressure of this settiflg
will bc the operating pressure used. The unit goes through the settines cyclically around the
weekly clock.
The control parameters are determiled by the sctting that prccedes the real tine.
Exarlple: The user wants the comprcssor to run with a lower pressure over the rveckend.

Fri 16:00 Mon 8:00

5 bar 'lhar

Adjusting unload time

The unload is set from the uscr menu. The adjushlent sets the time after which the com-
pressor stops if no air is required.

Enter the Operationrl settings menu in the user main menu (display: Operat. scttings). Use the
Q) kcy to select unloari timc (display: Run on tm), and press the Enter key. The display starts
1* ,^,,,",".
-r=r I ttPL \rPs

tlashirg clhr,gc thc Lrnrolcr tirne to rhe dcsired
varue rvith t'e
is ir.rire tris|l.r-r press the Entcr kc1'. @ ancl e te1.s. wren thc
:].':'i:l' )'rlLrt
llt-,lt.lrl:rr .1,,1rt
Trre ,.iri,rg
'' : i, storcir inlo trre r'e'orv. ancr

whcn thc conrl)rcssor has str,ped after the unload tir'e, it lyill rcstart auto_
lrr:t t ic:r lh.

Whcn the nrax.nulnber ()f starts allotcd per hour

rvon't stop anynlol.e but keeps running unloatlcd
is rrp, le compressor

..\dj rrsting condensate draining tinres

l'irc ti'rcs for c.ncrcnsate tlrai'ing ancl the crraining intervar are rdJusted in trre uscr menu.
in the user nain nrcnu (crisptay: Operar. seftings).
\r/ Lr?,:,,,liorr11
srreLr.prr.tirrr: trnrc lbr c.ntre'satc
Use the
^c) drai'ing (crisplay: Drain sp t'r), anJ prcss the
r.iisptrl str rs flashing. Chrnge rtre time to the
desirecr value *itt tr,le
ci/ r{!)'s Whcn trrs trcsired r, rrrue is in thc display press the Enter key. .r.he se tting is @
st-tore a
into the ntcmory, ancl the clisplay stops flashing.

Usc the @ [re]' rcl enler thc ncxt submenuj thc corr.cnsate
prruse tinrc (Drain trr.v tm). press
' nd rhc tlispra; starts frashi.g. c'rrangc the tiire to rhc desircir varuc rvirh rhc
\ri i-l'l*r:
irrrr (7 lrc-\\' \\/hrn thc dcsir.d'rrue is
i'-the dispray press rhe Enter key. Thc setting is
slorccl into the menror1,, ancl the displav
stops flashing.

lir'sltot'l tlraining Iinle\ al to(, long intel.r:rls rnlr.r r.esrrlt in

A tlrc rrtlrror.k. \\ inr:rke rir.rrith high fr,,n,iAiij ,.:rier enlerin!
r..q,lil... rr"g;..""r"'r'X,,,.
clrain times.

Chcck that the.rvater septr.ator becomes completely

drained cluring the
dr.lining t irne.
-* r^0,,,

Changing electronic unit settings

l)lelse, scc the I)l'Cl menu stnlcture on p,3 befbr-c using the cotroller.

'l-hc scttirlgs erc cntered through thc nrain stlection nrcnu

(displar': nlrin sclcction). I-hc lirst
subnlcnu (shctrv factitrv scttings nlunri) is tntcred rlircctly ftOtn tlte ntain optiorrs ntcnu t,,,rth
thc @ ke1,. Thc other submenus are sclL.clccl riith @ and
@ kc1,s. The ntcnrr is cnlerecl rvith
thc @ kev. hc prout ant no\\, re(lucsls l cocle. A part of the nrenus is pr()1ectc(l (filctorv s0t-
tin-us) so tlrat thev cln onlv bc changed at thc factor\,.

To rcturn frorn a subntenu, prcss the Q

kci', rvhereby thc displaf lctllrns to tlre prs ious
r1lcnu, or rvith thc lLeset kcy, rvhereby thc displly returns to the nain display.

Sho\y factory settings menu (display: Shor+,settings)

The rnenu shows thc factory scttings. They cannot be changccl.

Thc menu is ente recl tvith the key @- fhe diflerent seltin_qs can be scrollecl rvith thc O antl
@ te1'r.'fo return fiom the monu, press the Q key.
Factory settjngs:

Display text l-unction

1 P.controI Control method: unload/stop, continuous
2 P max Safety pressurc lintit. stops compressor
3 P. Inc ltlax Max. working pressure of comprcssor
-l Outl trip Temperature sr',,itch rnax. value, stops compressor
l -l'emperature
Outl ll:rrnr switch alitrn vtlue, alanns
6 Air'I'trip Stopping temperilture of air supplied to netr.vrtrk / nreasurenrent
of dryer's dew point temperature (dr)
7 Max.airternp Alarm tellperature of air supplicd to network
8 oil lev del Oil lcvel alarm delay, not a standard facility
9 Starts/hour Max. starting frequency of motor
10 St-delt tn] Star conncction time at start
1l st-delt dl Star/triangle triinsfer time
12 Accel. tnr N{otor running in triangle connection bcfore intake valve opens
13 Min unld tm Mininmm unload time
14 Unld run tm Unloading tirne before stopping, compressor unloads before it

15 Blow down frn Receiver blow-out time, compressor does not start after stop-
Dins until blow-out time is over

Sen ice nrenus

Itead-out/ Error lead- Oper- NIain selec-

status out nl€nU ational set- tion nrenu
tnenlr tings rrrcnu

( Dispia y: Sh0\' scftings) Shol fac-

tory set-
tings nrenu

(DispJay: lVIach inc config.) NIach. con-

fig. reprog-
ram ntenu
(Display: Regul. sctrings) e) ---
-v .a+ -

(Drsplay:Factoly scttinss) l,'actory set- Protected

gram menu

(Display: Scrvicc settings)

(Display: Diagnostics)

AV_ +-A,V

(Display: Input gonfig.) Protecte.l

.-+=\ ,^',',,,,,
€/ riMrPr\s .5


N'Iachine config. rcltrograrn nlcnu

TIte rncnLr is uscd lbr selecting fcatures of complcssor usc. tnd the (lisplity
llngu:rgc und tLnit

Entcr the ntcnu bv prcssing rh. @ t.y +AV

unrl tvpc thc codc - - +

.Autr) stilt Auh)lllttic starting atier a pog,cr failure . off._ on (OFF/
. { )Nt , \\ lrirr U\ irr.rrll ;r rlL l:r1 ritrr_
Stlrrl.trl ] S'.,-", rc rol\.ci, lr,,l {l()( F fN].
" -,lll1r(,s:,,,t
Prcss.ctrl L:j!r.,'.ij,ulllq!!l!It"l]9.a1-rcnrotc(LOC/etNy,',,,,
Mach. nr. I Contprcssor,s identifier
P. Lr nit Pressure urclsuring unit: bar. psi, Mpa
Temperature ncusuring unit. "Cl - .F
Choicc ot diso la
* wlien the strrt contftrl is changed
fronr local to remote control (LocriETN). rcnrovc the
lead betwecn terminal blocks 22 antl 30 of the eleclric cabinet anil rcplaco it ivith
a closing
(No) control sr,l'itch, which is'sed for relrote stilrt control (see rviring diagrarn)
** whcn you are connccting to Murripilot
throuqh the chaJnel RS4g5. Eri witr be changecr
to Press.ctrl. and the nunrber tbr thc conrpressor rvill bc given.
* *'3
If the automatic rcstart firnction aiter voltage firiiure is activated, a warning label
must be stuck into the compressor,
To chlnge the scttings, enter the settings of the menu with the
@ anit @ t.yr, and press
Enter' The display starts blinking. Then change the display to thc clesired'ahre witil
the @
anciQ keys. lvhen thc clesired value is on the display, press the Enter ke.v 1o acccpt it. The
display stops blinking.
Return from the menu by pressing the
Q kev.

Regulation settings
The menu is used for setting values for pIC and plA regulation nocles.

The menu is entered by pressing the key

@ ancl typing the codc +- VA+_
1b change the settings, select the desired menu iteni by using thc keys
@ and @ and by
Fntcr, Tlre display starts flashing. Nor.v change the clisplayed Liiu. ,"itith. t
KsxC "y.
Qf/f) when tbe dcsi'ed varue is displaycd, accept it by pressing Enter. The crisplay stops

Return from the menu by pressing the

Q key.
The menu item of min.value includes setting the min.valuc of the regulation ra'ge:
00, m in.ou tpul
100% max.output
Wien using the frequency converter, the rnin.value is always 0.
P is the proportional action factor for deterrnining the extent to which the control system re-
sponds to the pressure difference.

I is 1he intcgial actitrn l,actor for cletcrnlning horv rrpid\, thc conlrol
svstctlt responds to the
prcssru c dilfcrcncc.

D is tlic colrcction firctor lor lhc coltrol.

i'rcssuic dilfcrelcc = desirecl prcssurc - lclual prcssurc

Factor) scttings
l-bis dlspllv contlrins sttlctv sctlirrgs ol thc conrprcss{)r. ancl thev clnnot be
c1r1gc6 rvithout
the llctort code. \bLr cln vierv thJ scttin-qs in l'separatc rnenu.

) Service setti ngs

Thc filtcr and oil challgc intervals arc definer:l in this nrcnu. lf the sct
tinres arc cxceecled. the
marn displav shorvs an alarnt and the faLrli log records the e\,tsnt.

To enter the utaintenance scttings, prcss the

@ key and type the cocle A V_+AV

Display text
Air fl tnr Air filter rcplacing interval
Oil fl trn Oil filter replacing interval
Oil separator clement replacing intcrr.,al
Oil che trn Oil chance interval
To change thc scttiligs- erlter the settirgs of the menu rvith the
@ end @ t ancr press
Enter The displav starts blinki'g. Then crrangc the dispray ro the desired "yr,
with ihe @
and Q keys. when the desirecl varue is on the display, press the 'arue
Enter key to accept it. The
display stops blinking.

Return frorn the urenu by pressing the

Q key.
Note! After filter clrange, the nely service lifetinre must be programmetl.

Sen'ice diagnostics nrenu

l'he tcsts can bc done only nhen the corlpressor is stop;retl.

Tlle tllctlu can bc ttscii iilr tcsting thc inpLrt lln(l outlut signals ol the clcctronic unit lrs \vell trs
the c4rcratiol of thc ulit itself.

The elcctt.ortic'trnit includes a progranr that alwavs runs lhcsc tests autolll ill icxilv u,hcn porver
i: rrr j1,11.,J ,rn | ;rrrll. rr, clr,,ri rr .,r, ,li.l,l;,J.
I'ress@ancl thccodc A'V- +AV to ellter lhc ntcnu.
'rhe is cli'ided into fi'c subrncuus *irich e'tcred with thc @
'rc.u are ancl @ ke1,s. press
@ to activate thc nlcnu.

To exit thc meJlu pre ss the Q ke .v.

Digital inputs Test digital in Menu shows status of eight different digital
rnessagcs (open/closed).
Usc @ ancl @ ko),s to nrove within the
Messagcs are crplaincd in clectric diagranrs.
Digital outputs Test digital our Menu tests rclay operations of five diflerent
digital outputs (on/otl).
Use @ antl
@kevs to novc rvithin rhe

Mcssages are explained in electric cliagrams.

Analog inp uts Test analog in Menu shows calibration values of analos
U.,c @ r,rU@ krys lo 1111,1 ., wirhin the
Messages are explained in elcctric diagrams.
Testing display Test displays Menu for testing display.
Display shows all letter and nunrber characters
Testing keyboard Test kel board Testirrg opcrrr iun ol kcyborrd.
WIren a kcy is depresscJ, its luucrion i:
,Jisplayed (c g
@. mo\e uf ).
To cxit the menu, press @ and @
I l.l)5 t00:l

Iiault ahrms on clectronic ilisplay

All laults in the opcrllion of thc courprcssor rrrc shon'n rrs u llashil-l t.xt on thc clcctronic
display 'l'he repailed Iaults crn llso bc r iervctl in tlre fuLrlt log. ri heir rlrey fbr n
thc ilst tcn
alalnls ln addition. the cunent luults tLrn t)lt thc lirult inrlicrrtl,r lilht in tite i,trt,.,,,l,.nt;,,,,r"l.
It illurninates until all faults have bcen repaircrl.
l'hc firult lnust bc reset by pushing thc I{esct-button.
'l'lretc :rre t\\'0 tvpes ol latrlts:
1'aults thet stop the ctrltlpressor or
lrevcnl its slartirlg
faults that mercll' 5l11y1y un llann in tltt'elcctronic rlisplly

Stop linrit
Enrcrge ncy Emergency IMotor does uot sttrt il
stop stop Err crgencv Stop is de-

Output tcmp. Comp temp Ti 15"C_ (Jutput tcnt peraturo

fau lt kro high
Prcssutc sen High prcss Cif. 1'actury Pressur c safety lintit
SOI fault scttirg etcc cdL:r i

Ptessurc sen- Prcs probe No siilnitl No pressurc sensor C-'hcck cable

sor fault signal. Sholt cjlcuit in connectiotts,
measir unl] circu it. change scnsor
'lbrl1t. sensor f"m 1, 1rrot No signlrl No te lnp. scnsor sig- Check cable
" nal. Short circuit in connections,
rreasuring circrril. change sensor
if neccssirry
Therntistor Main utotrlr Tenrp. of motor rvincl- See trouble-
and overload fault ings too high or over- shooting tab Ier
relay load realy of fal rnotor
gone off.
Blow-out Blowing dorvn l minute After e nrrrg..ncy \tul).
I Wait
blorv-out tir.n e is I
minute. Comprcssor
doesn't start befbre.
Short circuit Powcr failrrre Control voltage not Check power
in digital out high enough for con supply to con-
puts trol unit. Short circuit trol unit. Chcck
in solenoid valvc or cablcs and
relay. change defcc-
tive relay.
Power failure Power failure If "automatic restart
after power failure"
not set, co tpressor
must be startcd man-
-<*+ ',,'-",
€Jr' iMPP15i
l PS

Othcr alarnts:

Limit value Dcscription

Output telnp. TI(X)"C Warning of too high
Oil filter op- Set bv user Warnrng of cxceecled
erating hours Sce trouble -
scr viceable titr.rc of oil
shootinq table
tllt.-r, Cf. servicc set-
Air filter Atr filt P warn Warning of too high
press. ditt'er- pressur e cliflerence
ence over air filtcr.
Air filter op- Air f1t chng Set by user Warning of exceecleil
erating hours due scrviceable time of air
fllter. Cf. servicc set-
Oil separator Oil sep P lvarn Warning of too high
pressure dit pressure diflerence
ference over oil separator.
Oil separator Sep. change Warning of exceeded
operating due scrviccable time of oil
hou rs separator elerncnt, Cf.
service settings.
Set by user Warning of exceeded
serviccable time of oil.
Cf. service settings.
Temperature Air temp. Set by user,
of compressed warning 65"C as de-
air supplied to fault

Compressor,s settings

Usel settings-

Parameter Setting range Factory setting

Conclcnsatc rcmoval
- blow-out tinte I 20s 5s
- pnusc tinte l0 180 s 120 s
Unloailing pressuro 3 bar - max. pressure See specs lbr nrax.
Unlo:rding tinre 1-20min 1 min
Output prcssure 2 bar - max. pressure Ap=lbar 1)
Air filter interval 0-4000h 3000 h
Oil filter interval 0-4000h 3000 h, 1500 h+
Otl .1""g" i"!.rr"l 0 - .1000 h 3000 h, 1-s00 h'i
0il separator interval 0-8000h 6000 h, 3000 h*
Min.value of regul. range 0 - 1009o ()%
P factor 0 , 1,000/,, 300/o
J factor 0 l00o/o 100k
1) Ap = pressurc difference between unload and output
* TMC 6_26. EMH2I-44, pressures
TMC 54_85

Ifactorl' settings, not change l)le by thc user

Parameter Setting range Factur'y setting

Sllr-clelta trnt c 0-3(l s [rs
Star'-tle lta transfer tintc l0 - 100 rns 40 nrs
.N4otor acceleration tint e 2-6[)s 2s
l\4in. unload tinrc l.)-60s 0s
Unlord tiurc bclirc stoplr I-90s (r[) s

Blorv-clorvn lirnr: 2-90s 2s

Ernergcncv stoll, prcssure 3-15bar 109/,:, over Jtlax. prcs
Stopp temperalure (temp.srvitch) r00 - t2s'c 1r5'C
Alarm tenrperatu c 80 - r2-5'C I (X)'C
Tenrperature of air supplied tct 0 - 80'c 65"C
Mlr. prcssurc 3 - 1.5 bar Cif. Specs
Air filter Ap Fixed settines = not acljust 50 mbrr
Oil filter Ap ablc
I,7 blr
Oil separator Ap 0,7 bar
Safety valve I 4,5 bar. 13,5 bar'r'
Operating mode CNT = contiiluous operation AUT = aut. unload
AUT = aut. unJoad and stop and stop
* TMC {r-26, EMll 21 .14. TMC 54-E-5

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