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Course: FM 101 Financial Mathematics Mentor: Abu Siddiq ID: S11183675

Peer Mentoring Planning Sheet

Week Week 06
Day and Date September 04 2020
Topic Simple Interest, Simple Discount and Applications.
Learning Objective At the end of the session, the mentees will be able to:
 Solve common simple interest problems.
 Calculate and show the relationship between present value
and accumulated value.
 Apply the knowledge of simple interest.

F2F Session Plan:

Time What is your activity or What learning skill(s) will be Which
Allocation strategy? developed? resource will
you use?
(Source of
- Greetings. - Thinking and Expressing. Lecture Slide.
- Introduce the topic being - Engaging and communicating.
10 mins covered previous week.
- Mentees engage with their
partners to find the definition
of the key words.
Concept Mapping. -Applying the concepts of simple Lecture Slide.
-Students will be explained interest.
10 mins about simple interest and the
concepts related to it.

Exercise. - Apply the concepts of simple - Study Guide.

25 mins -Word Problem Solving. interest to find present and
- Main terms of simple interest accumulated value.
with related concepts. - Solve for the interest rate using
the idea of simple discount.

5 – 10 mins -Recapping on the main points - Analysis and Evaluation. Study Guide.
being covered.
- Respond to mentees

Time What is your activity or strategy? What learning Which resource will

FBE SLS Peer Mentoring Programme, Sem 2 2020

Course: FM 101 Financial Mathematics Mentor: Abu Siddiq ID: S11183675
Allocatio skill(s) will be you use?
n developed? (Source of content)
Greetings. Engaging and Prepared Activity Sheet
- Upload the activity sheet and Communicating
DF instructions for the week.
30 mins - Answer any pending queries
- Provide a short video related to the
activities being given.

Multiple Choice Questions. Applying simple Past MST papers.

- Theory based simple interest and interest and
LC discount questions. simple discount
30 mins - Converse with mentees. problems.

- Relate to prior session. - Understanding Link to online quiz:

DF - Link to online quiz. the theories of
30 mins - Answer pending queries. simple interest
and its

True and False Statements. Analysing Study Guide.

- Simple Interest theories.
LC - Simple discount and applications.
30 mins - Converse with mentees.
- Exit message for next session.

e-mentoring Session Plan:

Initial or Insert check mark here: Date:

Sent by mentor 04/09/2020
Cited by Supervisor

FBE SLS Peer Mentoring Programme, Sem 2 2020

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