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How The Military Can Drastically Improve One’s Life Forever

Reginald Merlis, A 27-Year-Old U.S. Air Force Veteran Is An Example Of The Successful

Outcome Of Serving The Military

Bruno Polonio

Life is hard. That’s no news. Especially when people reach those crucial moments in which a

life-changing decision has to be made. It usually happens after a certain stage is completed

such as finishing high school or college. What’s next? A lot of people ask and struggle in

these transitions, and it’s normal. It’s not easy to pick the right job or career. Some people get

stuck, others tend to drift. And there is also the context which each person is inserted in. Not

all people can taste a privileged life or at least have some overall support from family and


Hence, what are the possible solutions to overcome these struggles and make a reasonable

decision? That’s very hard to answer, and certainly, one answer won’t apply to everyone.

However, there is an option that can transform one forever: joining the military.

Floridian Reginald Merilus made that choice. Merilus was 19 years old when he decided to

join the U.S. Air Force. Merilus makes part of those that aren’t privileged. As a black

American raised by his single mother in a lower class scenario, Merilus knew the impact each

of his decisions would have in his life. His eventual do-overs could make a difference for the


“I needed a way out, an opportunity so I could beat the system and find my way in life,” said

Merilus. “ The military gave me that opportunity.”

One of the pros of joining the military is the several benefits that are available during the time

served and after an eventual honorable discharge. Those benefits include a stable paycheck,

vacation time, military discounts, free health care, funds for education, housing, utilities etc.

The military GI Bill can provide over $40,000 towards a college education. This can be very

helpful with paying students loans for example.

There are other huge benefits that few experiences like being in the military can give. It

grows and matures people through teaching discipline, the value of respect (how to treat

others), to know your place, to have a sense of what is a functional community, to triumph

over adversity, and to take responsibility. But perhaps one of the biggest rewards available in

the army is the possibility to grow as an individual, to acquire a unique knowledge to

understand society as a whole, especially if one explores the possibility of being deployed to

a foreign country and therefore learn a different culture and language.

“The military offers a level plain field. it’s the evenest place you will find in America,” said

Merilus. “It makes you grow so fast in many levels, from the beginning of training to being

deployed. In my case, I was deployed in Qatar, and it definitely made me see the world from

a whole new perspective.”

The military is clearly no picnic. Being a soldier must be rough. Thus, to make such a choice

and gain the best of it, planning and being prepared is essential. Merilus grabbed the

opportunity and succeeded. He earned the best from it and achieved a level of maturity that

only a few Americans do at such a young age. Now a veteran in college, Merilus is more

prepared and has more resilience than he ever had. He has stability in life and wants more

planning for a bright future working in the sports communication field.

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