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Innovation: make changes in something established, especially by introducing new methods,

ideas, or products.
Innovation in its modern meaning is "a new idea, creative thoughts, new imaginations in form
of device or method". Innovation is often also viewed as the application of better solutions that
meet new requirements. An innovation is something original and more effective and, as a
consequence, new, that "breaks into" the market or society. India has been innovating since
When i was going through the Timeline of Indian innovation i found that indian innovation
history is 70000 BC old, can you imagine! When ancient people mastered the skill of dentistry
then after that somewhere around 5000 BC, Ayurveda, an indian subcontinent medicinal
system originated, so the concept of innovation in india is not new & India’s contribution has
been noted in very diverse fields such as Architecture, Astronomy, Cartography, Metallurgy,
Logic, Mathematics, Automobile Engineering, IT, Communications, Space, Technology & many
more ...

In the latest Global Innovation Index India took a jump of five places and a trend has been seen
since a couple of years that innovation in India is on the rise like never before, that fills us with
lots of hope & motivation to push and go a step further and the youth of India have a lot of
opportunities to contribute & show their potential of sharp, innovative minds where world is

This pandemic has taken us to an extent where we changed how we lived and made us alter our
social norms. This lockdown has given us plenty of time to introspect and based on that JECRC
took swift actions and went completely virtual, be it online classes or 40,000 hours of lectures
or online initiatives where students are connected to extraordinary corporate leaders virtually,
so as i said earlier new ideas, new solutions are innovation.

Also the good news is that there are a companies that have developed strong technological
competence. The R&D centres which are a major locus for science-based innovation in India
today are very rapidly embracing new technologies. Because of technological disruptions like AI
and ML, many companies are looking to their Indian R&D centres to pioneer some of these
activities. It is here in India that these companies have the largest strength of IT-trained
professionals with competence in software. If they succeed in delivering, it would mean that
the next generation of Indian professionals will be at the frontier of these technologies.

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