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Personality and Social Psychology


Conflict and Coordination in the Provision of Public Goods: A Conceptual Analysis of Continuous and
Step-Level Games
Susanne Abele, Garold Stasser and Christopher Chartier
Pers Soc Psychol Rev 2010 14: 385 originally published online 2 June 2010
DOI: 10.1177/1088868310368535

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Personality and Social Psychology Review

Conflict and Coordination in the 14(4) 385­–401

© 2010 by the Society for Personality
and Social Psychology, Inc.
Provision of Public Goods: A Conceptual Reprints and permission:

Analysis of Continuous and DOI: 10.1177/1088868310368535

Step-Level Games

Susanne Abele1, Garold Stasser1, and Christopher Chartier1

Conflicts between individual and collective interests are ubiquitous in social life. Experimental studies have investigated the
resolution of such conflicts using public goods games with either continuous or step-level payoff functions. Game theory and
social interdependence theory identify consequential differences between these two types of games. Continuous function
games are prime examples of social dilemmas because they always contain a conflict between individual and collective interests,
whereas step-level games can be construed as social coordination games. Step-level games often provide opportunities for
coordinated solutions that benefit both the collective and the individuals. For this and other reasons, the authors conclude
that one cannot safely generalize results obtained from step-level to continuous-form games (or vice versa). Finally, the
authors identify specific characteristics of the payoff function in public goods games that conceptually mark the transition
from a pure dilemma to a coordination problem nested within a dilemma.

Conflict, Coordination, Public Good Games, Interdependence Theory, Social Dilemma

The old man at the checkout desk in a local library shakes his enticed to forgo individual interests for collective interest is
head in resignation. His arm rests wearily on the abraded useful for understanding social behavior and developing
wooden counter, which is characteristic of the physical dis- social policy. We argue that a closer and more differentiated
repair of the public library in a small town in the Midwest. look at the situation can foster the advancement of our under-
“No,” he whispers, “we do not have any books to lend that standing of cooperative and selfish behavior. Conflicts of
came out after 2000.” A short drive to the north, the situation individual and collective interests are commonly studied
at another local library presents a very different picture. in psychology using experimental games. These games are
Community members are happily walking out of the library generically referred to as social dilemmas and include both
building with the latest DVD releases, while young parents public goods games and resource dilemmas. Our analysis
are bringing their toddlers to an educative and enriching story focuses on public goods games.1 Experimental studies have
hour. How can one account for such a different situation in used two different classes of public goods games to study the
two public libraries, located in adjacent communities? The conflict between individual and collective interests: games
community members of each of the two towns have solved a in which a public benefit increases as a continuous function
social dilemma in a very different way. But were they really (usually linear) of individual contributions and ones that use a
in the same situation to begin with? This article argues for a step-level function that specifies a minimum level of contri-
closer look at the nature of interdependencies in situations butions that is sufficient to provide the public benefit. A litera-
that are called social dilemmas. ture search with the keywords public good and social dilemma
Life often presents decisions between acting in one’s own on PsycINFO revealed 87 articles published between 1974
individual interests and acting to benefit an organization, and 2007 that used some version of a public goods game. Of
community, or society. Contributing time and money to sup- these 87 articles, about half (41) used a continuous-form
port local causes such as libraries and parks is costly to the
individual, but if everyone decides it is too costly to contrib-
ute, no one gains the benefit of the public facilities and ser- 1
Miami University, Oxford, OH
vices (Hardin, 1968).
Corresponding Author:
Reconciling individuals’ interests with public interests is a Susanne Abele, Miami University, Department of Psychology,
challenge for every society, and these challenges occur in 90 N. Patterson Avenue, Oxford, OH 45056
many domains of life. Hence, learning how people can be Email:

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386 Personality and Social Psychology Review 14(4)

game and half (46) used a step-level game (or a minimal con- stay away from the party. If only one of them goes to the
tributing set game, which is a form of a step-level game). party, she or he will have the opportunity to tell her or his ver-
None of these research articles tried to replicate findings that sion of the romantic split and gain the sympathy and support
were obtained using one type of game with the other type. of their friends. Going to the party would be the defecting
Also, none of these research articles directly compared step- move. However, if both go to the party, the evening will be a
level and continuous public goods games.2 In this article, we disaster and neither will gain any sympathy points. An impor-
point out why it is essential to consider the form of the func- tant element of both the ex-lovers’ dilemma and PD is that the
tion that defines the level of public benefit generated by indi- action of one person does directly affect the other person. If
vidual contributions. We offer suggestions for improving the one defects, the other suffers. If one of the ex-lovers goes to
theoretical and ecological validity of psychological research the party, the other is faced with two bad outcomes: not go
that addresses conflicts of individual and public interests. In and be reviled or go and ruin the party for everyone.
many reviews of the psychological literature on social dilem- The PD game can be extended to more than two persons
mas, the distinction between continuous and step-level public with more than two decision options representing different
goods either is not made (e.g., Liebrand, Messick, & Wilke, levels of cooperation. These are referred to as public goods
1992) or, when mentioned, the review does not distinguish games or, often in the behavioral sciences, more generically
which studies used which type of game (e.g., Komorita & as social dilemmas. The underlying principle of the interde-
Parks, 1995, 1996). In contrast, reviews in other disciplines pendency for these games is the same as for the PD game:
include this distinction as an important consideration (see, There is a conflict between the collective interest and the
e.g., Kollock, 1998; Ledyard, 1995). We argue that the con- interests of each individual. The group as a whole fares best
ceptual differences between these games make generalizing when everyone contributes their resources to a public account
from one type of game to the other risky. in a public goods game. However, regardless of others’ actions,
First, we outline the rationale of a public goods game each individual is always better off keeping her or his
and explain the distinction between a continuous and a step- resources. Thus, the dilemma is between individual incen-
level game. Second, we contrast continuous and step-level tives to defect and the collective incentive to avoid the bad
games from two theoretical perspectives: game theory and outcome of everyone defecting. Take, for instance, a com-
social interdependence theory. Third, we review several munity garden located in a city center park of a metropolitan
areas of research that yield inconsistent findings depending area. The maintenance of this community garden depends on
on the form of the game used. Finally, we present a concep- the citizens of the neighborhood. The users of the garden are
tual framework that represents continuous and step-level better off if all of them devote effort to the maintenance of
games as end points on a continuum. We suggest that the the garden. Each individual would be better off by avoiding
region between these two types of games contains intrigu- the cost of maintenance but coming to the garden, chatting
ing theoretical and applied questions that have not been with the other users, and taking a share of the produce at
adequately explored. harvest time. If, however, all of the neighbors decided to
simply sit and chat instead of contributing to the upkeep of
the garden, no public good would be provided. The commu-
Continuous and Step-Level nity would not have any fresh produce to enjoy and the gar-
Public Goods Games den itself not be a pleasant place to meet and socialize.
The Prisoner’s Dilemma (PD) game is familiar to most stu- In the behavioral sciences, there are two dominant ways
dents of psychology. Two people are interdependent, and of implementing a public goods game (see, e.g., Komorita &
communication between the two is not possible. Both have Parks, 1996). In both versions, players are given an endow-
two options; they can either cooperate or defect. If they both ment of X units and decide how much of the endowment to
defect, their payoff is lower than if they both cooperate. How- contribute to the public good, Y (0 ≤ Y ≤ X). In a continuous
ever, both of them will get the highest payoff if they them- function version of a public goods game, each contribution
selves defect while the other cooperates. The cooperator is to the public account is multiplied by a factor of c and the
worst off in case her or his opponent defects. Hence, if both public pool is distributed equally among the players at the
cooperate, they both have an incentive to deviate from that end of the game. The size of c is set so that each player would
situation, which will result in mutual defection. Although PD be better off keeping a unit of her or his endowment than
is based on a story that few of us (hopefully) will ever face, contributing it, regardless of the decisions of the other play-
the nature of the interdependency modeled is not that unusual. ers. However, if all players keep their endowments, they are
For example, imagine two ex-lovers who both blame the worse off than if they had contributed all of their endow-
other for the failure of the relationship and cannot resist ments. This tension between contributing to the public good
recounting the many reasons the other is a bad mate. Both are and keeping one’s endowment also holds for decisions to
invited to a party with many of their mutual friends and increase one’s contribution from Y to Y + 1 for all Y. That is,
acquaintances. The cooperative move for them would be to a player’s payoff is always better when contributing Y than

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Abele et al. 387

when contributing Y + 1, and thus the only stable solution A step-level game contains a provision point that speci-
for such a game is for all players to contribute nothing. fies a level of contribution at which a fixed amount is added
To illustrate, suppose that three players are endowed with to the public good. In the standard step-level game, the contri-
10 resource units or points that have a value of $1 each. They butions to the public account are lost if the total contribu-
individually decide how many points to contribute to a pub- tions fall short of the provision point. If the total contributions
lic account without knowing what the others decide. Points exceed the provision point, excess contributions are treated
not contributed are kept in each player’s private account and in one of two ways: Either nothing is gained by the excess
retain their value of $1 each. Points contributed to the public contributions or the value of the common pool increases by a
account earn a 50% bonus and, thus, have a value of $1.50. factor of c as in the continuous function game. When total
The total value of the public good is distributed equally contributions are near or at the provision point, it is no longer
among the three players at the end of the game. necessarily the case that a player is better off not contribut-
Consider three possible outcomes of this game. The first ing or reducing her or his contribution. If her or his contribu-
case is simple: Each player keeps the endowment of 10 points tion results in satisfying the provision point, she or he is
and leaves with $10. Nothing is contributed to the public often better off contributing than not. If the sum of the play-
account and nothing is gained from the public account. In the ers’ contributions is exactly the provision point, there is no
second case, everyone contributes all of their points. As a incentive for any one of them to reduce (or to increase) their
result, the private accounts contain nothing and the public contribution.
account contains 30 points, which is valued at $45. By every- In the standard step-level game, the provision point is
one contributing everything, each receives $15 (i.e., one defined in terms of the total contributions from all players.
third of the value in the public account). Thus, everyone For example, suppose that three players were endowed with
fares better if they all contribute all of their points than if no 10 points and each point in a player’s private account was
one contributes. In the third case, Players B and C each con- worth $1. As before, each could contribute from 0 to 10
tribute 10 points but Player A contributes nothing. In this points to the public account. However, in the step-level ver-
case the public account has 20 points and a value of $30. sion, any combination of contributions totaling 15 or more
Thus, Player A receives $10 for the points retained in her or points would create a public good worth $22.50. If this pro-
his private account but also gets $10 for her or his share of vision point were met or exceeded, each player would receive
the public account—$20 in total. In contrast, Players B and C $7.50 from the public good and $1 for each point that
have nothing in their private accounts and receive only their remained in the individual account. If fewer than 15 points
share of the public account—$10 each. were contributed, the public good would have no value, all
The dilemma resides in the fact that each player individu- contributions would be lost, and players would receive only
ally fares better by not contributing regardless of the others’ $1 for each point that remained in the individual account. If
decisions. As the foregoing example illustrates, when Play- our hypothetical community garden does not return the same
ers B and C contribute all of their points, Player A does bet- value for every bit of work or money devoted by the citizens,
ter by contributing nothing ($20) than by contributing her or the situation can be quite different. Imagine, for example,
his 10 points ($15). Indeed, Player A does better by contribut- if the basic infrastructure of the garden is not yet in place and
ing nothing regardless of what Players B and C do. However, the community is starting the project from scratch. There
the other two players are faced with the same contingencies would be some amount of resources and work required to
and are likewise economically motivated to contribute noth- prepare the garden for planting or community use at all. The
ing. Returning to our community garden example, the dilemma garden may need a fence to protect the plants from encroach-
would be a continuous one if every hour worked or dollar ing wildlife and the grounds cleared of rocks and weeds
donated by a member of the community yielded more pro- before any vegetables or flowers can thrive. In this case,
duce at the end of the season and a more pleasant community there is a minimum amount of work needed to make the gar-
garden. One could imagine such a situation, where the infra- den a viable community resource. If one values the garden,
structure necessary for the garden (fencing, watering equip- then providing the effort that makes the difference between
ment, benches, etc.) is already in place, perhaps from the having no garden and having a garden can be both individu-
previous year, and every hour of watering, fertilizing, weed- ally and collectively worthwhile. For example, if the commu-
ing, and pruning increases the garden’s final value to the nity were very near reaching the goal of building the fence,
neighborhood. However, if the value added by an hour of contributing the remaining amount of time or money to com-
work is slight, then sitting idly by waiting for others to work plete the fence could be a relatively attractive option to any
is a tempting option to everyone in the community. How- one community member.
ever, if no one does the work, the garden falls into disrepair A variant of the step-level game is the minimal contribut-
and produces nothing. Everyone benefits from the efforts of ing set game. In a minimal contributing set game, players
others, but the value added by any one person’s effort is not contribute either all or none of their endowment. The provi-
sufficient to justify the effort. sion point is defined by the number of players who must

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388 Personality and Social Psychology Review 14(4)

contribute to create value in the public account. Thus, the response to others’ contributing nothing but also each player’s
minimal contributing set game is a special case of a step- best response to any pattern of contributions by others.
level game. We focus our comments on the step-level game In a step-level game, contributing nothing is not always a
with the provision point defined by the sum of contributions. player’s best response to the decisions of others. That is,
However, our conclusions about the characteristics of step- there are multiple Nash equilibria in a step-level game. In the
level games apply to minimal contributing set games as well, foregoing example of a step-level game, everyone contribut-
and several of the studies that we review use minimal con- ing nothing is an equilibrium, but it is not the only one. Any
tributing set games. combination of contributions that sum to the provision point
Although a step-level game and continuous function pub- is also a Nash equilibrium. Consider, for example, a case in
lic goods game are similar in many respects, they are differ- which Player A contributes 3 points, Player B contributes
ent in an important way. Namely, in a continuous game, an 5 points, and Player C contributes 7 points to reach a provi-
individual is invariably better off if she or he contributes sion point of 15. In the aforementioned step-level game, no
less, as opposed to more. In a step-level game, this tempta- player in this case would improve her or his economic out-
tion to withhold or reduce contributions is not present when come if she or he were to respond differently given what the
the group has reached the provision point. A simple thought other players contributed. Player C may think it is unfair that
experiment illustrates this difference. Suppose that in our she or he is contributing more than the others. Nonetheless,
foregoing example, Player A expects or knows that the other she or he would receive a worse economic outcome if she or
two players will contribute 5 points. This expectation in the he were to give less than 7 in light of what the others have
continuous function game does not change the fact that done. That is, her or his best economic response to the
Player A’s payoff will be higher by not contributing than by Players A and B giving 3 and 5, respectively, is to give 7.
contributing. In contrast, the implications regarding what she Another fundamental difference between step-level and
or he should do to maximize her or his individual wealth are continuous-form games is related to the game theoretic con-
different in the step-level version. Her or his contribution of cept of Pareto efficiency. A pattern of decisions or a solution
5 points plus the 10 points contributed by others will satisfy to a game is Pareto efficient if no other solution exists that
the provision point of 15, and the public account will be improves at least one player’s outcome without adversely
worth $22.50. Thus, her or his 5-point contribution will be affecting someone else’s outcome. In the continuous-form
more than repaid by her or his $7.50 share of the public good. game, everyone contributing everything is Pareto efficient
but the Nash equilibrium—everyone contributing nothing—
is not. Compared to everyone contributing nothing, there are
Game Theory many solutions that improve outcomes for at least one player
From a game theoretic perspective (Von Neumann & Mor- while not adversely affecting others. One of these solutions
genstern, 1947), these examples are a long way of illustrating is, of course, for everyone to contribute their entire endow-
two fundamental differences between continuous and step- ment. Moreover, everyone contributing everything is the
level public goods games (see Ledyard, 1995, for a more solution that maximizes the collective outcome in the sense
detailed analysis). The first difference is that the continuous- that the group earns as much as possible. Thus, behaviorally,
form game has one Nash equilibrium whereas the step-level Pareto efficient solutions are stable solutions if players are
game has several.3 A Nash equilibrium is a theoretical con- motivated to avoid harm to others. Moreover, in the continuous-
cept but has important implications for behavior in interde- form game, the motivation for the collective to earn as much
pendent decision making. Formally, a Nash equilibrium is a as possible is satisfied by the Pareto efficient solution.
solution or pattern of choices in which each person’s deci- In the step-level game that we described earlier, any solu-
sion is the best response to the others’ decisions. As a result, tion that minimally satisfies the provision point is a Pareto
a Nash equilibrium, once it occurs, is a relatively stable solu- efficient solution. For example, in the case outlined above,
tion because no one is motivated to change her or his choice. three players satisfy the provision point of 15 by contributing
Moreover, if players fully understand the game, are moti- 3, 5, and 7 units. If any one of these players tried to improve
vated to maximize their individual outcomes, and assume her or his individual outcome by contributing less, she or he
that others also fully understand and are so motivated, they would succeed only if another player (or other players) com-
will play the Nash equilibrium, if one and only one such pensated by contributing more to obtain the public good.
equilibrium exists. From a dynamical systems perspective, This condition holds for any combination of decisions that
Nash equilibria tend to act as attractors in repeated games, in minimally satisfies the provision point.
that decisions tend to move toward a Nash equilibrium over To summarize, continuous-form and step-level games are
time, and once the Nash equilibrium is played there is a strong different in terms of two important game theoretic concepts.
resistance for anyone to change. In the continuous form of the In the continuous-form game, everyone contributing nothing
game, everyone contributing nothing is the only Nash equi- is a Nash equilibrium but everyone contributing everything is
librium. That is, contributing nothing is not only the best Pareto efficient. In the step-level game, many patterns of

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Abele et al. 389

decisions that minimally satisfy the provision point are both

Nash equilibria and Pareto efficient solutions. Consequently, H
there is no dominant strategy for an individual in a step-level
game. That is, there is no strategy that would always make her 16 0
or him better off, regardless of what the others are choosing. F
10 0
Social Interdependence Theory 6 10
Kelley and Thibaut (1978), in their classic treatise of social 6 16
interdependence theory, distinguished three components of
interdependency in social relationships (also see Kelley et al., BOS
2003). They developed their analysis primarily in terms of
two-person interactions represented by 2 × 2 payoff matrices. Figure 1. The Battle of the Sexes game
An instructive example is the Battle of the Sexes (BOS) as Note: Values above the diagonal refer to the column player’s outcome;
represented in Figure 1. In the traditional presentation, a values below the diagonal refer to the row player’s outcome.
wife (W) and her husband (H) are deciding between going to
the opera (O) and a football game (F). Stereotypically, the B
wife prefers O whereas the husband prefers F. However, they X Y
also prefer to attend the same event together. Thus, the solu-
tions in which they do the same thing—(O, O) and (F, F)— 10 10
are favored over solutions in which they do different
0 10
things—(O, F) and (F, O). Nonetheless, W prefers (O, O) to A
(F, F) and H prefers (F, F) to (O, O). This example illustrates
0 0
two of Kelley and Thibaut’s components of interdependency. Y
First, each person has an individual preference that partly 0 10
determines the value of each solution for each party. Kelley
and Thibaut referred to this component as reflexive control
(RC). RC is the degree to which a person prefers one choice
independent of what others do. That is, the person’s decision Figure 2. A coordination game with pure mutual fate control
directly reflects value back to her or him. Second, each per-
son’s choice affects the values of the other’s choices. They
dubbed this latter dimension behavioral control (BC) because B
one person’s response changes the values associated with the C D
other person’s responses. In the BOS, there is mutual behav-
ioral control because each person’s decision affects the pay- 10 20
offs associated with the other’s possible decisions.
10 0
The third component in their analysis is fate control A
(FC). This component refers to the degree that one’s deci-
0 5
sion directly affects the outcomes of others. Pure mutual FC D
is illustrated in Figure 2. In this example A responding X 20 5
gives B a better outcome than if A responds Y. The FC is
mutual because B can likewise directly affect the outcomes PDG
of A. If B responds Y, A gets 10 points but B responding
X gives A nothing. Figure 3. The Prisoner’s Dilemma game
Kelley and Thibaut (1978) demonstrated that classic
interdependencies such as the BOS, PD, and chicken can be
represented as different mixes of RC, BC, and FC. For exam- affects the other’s outcome whether the other responds D
ple, consider the aforementioned PD as depicted in Figure 3. or C. Moreover, the FC component is noncorrespondent
Each person’s choice is typically labeled as cooperate (C) or relative to the RC. That is, by selecting the choice that is
defect (D). Although the BOS is a mix of RC and BC, the PD favored by the RC component, a player adversely affects the
is a mix of RC and FC. The RC component produces the other’s outcome.
condition that both players will fare better by defecting The BC component of a BOS is experienced as a coordina-
(D) regardless of what the other does. The FC component is tion game; it is mutually beneficial for the players to coordi-
because of the fact that by responding D, a player adversely nate their decisions by selecting the same activity. In contrast,

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390 Personality and Social Psychology Review 14(4)

the PD is experienced as a game of conflict; acting to improve theoretical perspective, the continuous-form public goods
one’s own outcome adversely affects the other’s outcome. game is a close relative of the PD and is a game of conflict;
Contrasting the continuous-form and step-level public one player’s action to protect her or his outcomes adversely
goods game according to Kelley and Thibaut’s (1978) theory affects others’ outcomes. The step-level game (as well as the
illustrates that the games are different in their basic compo- minimal contributing set game) is a combination of RC and
nents of interdependence. The continuous-form game is a BC and, as such, is a close relative of the BOS.4 Thus, the
mix of RC and FC with no BC. Each player prefers to con- step-level public goods game, like the BOS, is functionally a
tribute less rather than more, and the adverse impact of con- coordination game; everyone benefits if they can coordinate
tributing one unit of her or his outcome is the same regardless their decisions to minimally satisfy the provision point
of what others do (RC). However, one player’s decision to (Rapoport, 1987; Suleiman, Budescu, & Rapoport, 2001;
contribute a unit of resource benefits others by a specific van Dijk & Wilke, 1995, 2000). Nevertheless, there is the
amount regardless of what they do (FC). Thus, the continuous- potential for conflict among individuals in how to solve the
form public goods game, such as the PD game, directly pits coordination problem because some prefer one stable solu-
RC (individual preference) against FC (the opportunity to tion over another (as in BOS).
help or harm others).
The step-level game is a complex mix of RC and BC.
Every player, as in the continuous form of the game, prefers What Do the Data Show?
to contribute less rather than more, other things being equal. We have concluded that continuous and step-level public
However, other things are not always equal in the step-level goods games are different in important ways when viewed
game. The outcomes for different levels of contributions are from two prominent theoretical frameworks, game theory
also affected by what others do; hence, the game is charac- and social interdependence theory. However, as noted before,
terized by BC. For example, in the game described earlier, there are few studies that directly compare these different
three players have to contribute 15 points to obtain a public forms of public goods games. Nonetheless, there are several
good worth $22.50, of which each player gets $7.50. Con- streams of research suggesting that different processes under-
trast two situations. First, suppose that two players contrib- lie people’s decisions regarding cooperation in the two types
ute a total of 4 points. Then the third player’s best response of games.
is to contribute nothing because any amount contributed, up
to and including the total endowment, would be lost. From
the perspective of the third player, there is no conflict in this Decision Timing
case because contributing nothing is the best response for Consider, for instance, the timing effect in public goods
herself or himself and the group. Consider a second case: The games. The timing effect refers to differences in behavior
first two players contribute a total of 10 points. Now, the depending on whether players are deciding simultaneously
third player is better off contributing 5 points than contribut- or pseudo-sequentially. When deciding pseudo-sequentially,
ing any other amount including nothing. Contributing 5 yields players make their decision one after the other, but their
$12.50 for the 5 points left in her or his private account plus decisions are not revealed to the other player or players until
her or his share of the public good, whereas contributing the game is over. Hence, the information set is the same in a
nothing yields only the $10 in the private account. That is, the pseudo-sequential and a simultaneous procedure. In either
outcomes for contributing nothing and contributing 5 points case, players do not know what others have decided when
depend on the decisions of the others. Notice also that there they make their choice. Abele and Ehrhart (2005), using a
is no conflict in this case between her or his interests and the continuous public goods game, demonstrated that pseudo-
group’s interests. In sum, the others have BC over the third sequential, compared to simultaneous, deciders are more
player. By recasting this example from the points of view of likely to keep their endowments and less likely to recipro-
the other players, it is evident that the BC is mutual. cate the level of contributions that they anticipate from
In the typical step-level game, one player cannot directly others. Interestingly, the order of deciding in the pseudo-
affect the outcomes of others regardless of what the others sequential, continuous game had no effect. That is, both first
do. Thus, there is no pure FC. One’s decision to contribute a and second deciders exhibited less cooperation than simulta-
unit of resource does not directly affect what others receive neous deciders.
regardless of what they do. Rather, it may change the payoffs Effects of timing have also been observed in dilemmas
associated with the decisions that others make. with provision points. Budescu, Suleiman, and Rapoport
To summarize, interdependence theory represents a (1995) and Budescu, Au, and Chen (1997) observed decisions
continuous-form public goods game as a combination of in a step-level resource dilemma with a pseudo-sequential
RC and FC. Moreover, the RC and FC are noncorrespon- decision order.5 Their results were different from the ones
dent: Decisions that increase outcomes for the individual observed in the continuous game: Participants who decided
(RC) adversely affect outcomes for others (FC). From this first requested more of the resource, and players’ requests

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Abele et al. 391

decreased in the first three positions. Thus, the implications Group Size
of the positional order effect in step-level dilemmas are quite
different: They suggest that the timing cue is used as a coor- Another example in which games with a provision point
dination device. yielded different results than games without a provision
The nature of the decision timing effect obtained in the point is, as Weber, Kopelman, and Messick (2004) have also
continuous public good game can be understood in light of noted, the effect of group size. Kerr (1989) showed that per-
the aspect that collective interests truly collide with the indi- ceived efficacy decreased with group size in a step-level
vidual interest in that game. As collective interests become public goods game. Perceived efficacy refers to the per-
more salient and important, the likelihood of individuals ceived criticality that group members ascribe to their own
choosing the alternative that yields a higher outcome for the contributions. More specifically, it refers to the subjective
group will increase. Moving simultaneously enhanced feel- probability that one’s contribution is necessary and suffi-
ings of groupness (Abele & Ehrhart, 2005), which in turn cient for the group to reach the provision point. In one exper-
might affect cooperation rates and the willingness to recipro- iment, Kerr did indeed find that group size was per se related
cate, anticipated contributions. One explanation for the find- to cooperation rates: He observed lower rates of contributing
ing that simultaneous movers construed themselves and their as group size increased. Moreover, he found that perceived
partner more in relational terms compared to pseudo-sequential criticality also decreased as a function of group size. In con-
movers is that an interdependency involving a pure conflict trast, Isaac, Walker, and Williams (1994) found the opposite
of interests, such as the continuous public good game, may effect of group size. They used a continuous public goods
inherently trigger the concept of social interaction, regard- game and found that groups of 40 and 100 provided the pub-
less of the timing of decisions. That is, conflict implies social lic good more efficiently than groups of 4 and 10. Similarly,
interdependence. Thus, the function of the timing cue is to Carpenter (2007) found that contributions to a public pool,
vary the balance of concern for common versus individual which grew as a linear function of members’ contributions,
interests. were significantly higher in groups of 10 than in groups of 5.
However, the nature of the effect in the step-level dilemma Hence, when comparing the results of these studies, it could
can be understood in light of the notion that the coordination be that group size is inversely related to cooperation rates in
aspect is more prevalent than the conflictual aspect of the step-level public goods games, whereas cooperation rates
interdependence. The situation can be construed as reaching increase with group size in continuous public goods games.
the provision point as the main goal. In a coordination game, However, the studies also differed in other ways. Kerr
in which the actors primarily want to coordinate but second- used a one-shot game whereas Isaac et al. included multi-
arily have different preferences on how to coordinate, the ple rounds in their experiments. Carpenter included a pun-
actors search for whether one of them holds a position of ishment option whereby other group members could monitor
privilege. This position of privilege could be a status marker. and punish free riders. These differences prompt us to look
For example, being a man was probably perceived as having deeper at the explanations for group size effects in the two
more status than being a woman in the 1940s (hence the types of games.
focal point solution of “both going to the football game” In addition to the hint that group size may have opposite
in BOS). The timing of unobserved moves could be a cue effects for the two types of games, the theoretical explana-
for coordinating much like gender or other status markers. tions for the group size effects are different for the step-level
Treating timing as a status marker would be consistent and continuous games. Moreover, these explanations do not
with the findings of Budescu, Suleiman and Rapoport easily generalize from one type of game to the other. Isaac
(1995), and Budescu, Au and Chen (1997). They observed et al. (1994) attributed the increased contribution at larger
that merely knowing the sequential timing of the decisions group sizes in their continuous public goods games to a sig-
without knowing the decisions produces behavior patterns naling effect, meaning that a relatively high contribution in
that are similar to those observed when earlier decisions are one round should signal a willingness to contribute to other
known to later deciders. The one who gets to choose first is players in succeeding rounds. If such signals prompted oth-
entitled to a bigger share of the pie, even if decisions are ers to reciprocate, one’s contribution at one point in time
unobserved. Moreover, Cooper, DeJong, Forsythe, and Ross would be recouped by inducing higher contributions by
(1993) also obtained results that are consistent with the treat- others later. Moreover, for any given level of effectiveness
ment of timing as a status marker. They had participants play of such signals, the anticipated benefit of signaling should
BOS in different timing orders, while not revealing the deci- increase as the number of people, whose subsequent contri-
sion of the first mover until the second mover had made her butions can be influenced, increases. Hence, signaling can
or his choice, and found that players were more likely to explain the positive relationship between contributions and
coordinate on the option the first decider preferred. Hence, group size in a multitrial, continuous-form game. Consider
the implications of the timing studies in a step-level this explanation for a multitrial, step-level game. Although it
resource dilemma game parallel those obtained in BOS. is plausible that players in a step-level game could use play

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392 Personality and Social Psychology Review 14(4)

on one round to influence the play of others on subsequent perceived a high consensus favoring cooperation (also see
rounds, presumably the goal of such signaling would be to Dawes, McTavish, & Shaklee, 1977).
realize a coordinated solution for reaching but not exceeding Although social utility and social commitment explana-
the provision point. Thus, increasing contributions with the tions apply to both continuous and step-level games, a third
goal of influencing others to contribute more in subsequent type of explanation, social coordination, fits only step-level
rounds makes sense only if the group has not reached the games. When there is the possibility of a coordinated solu-
provision point. Once the provision point is reached, contrib- tion, communication can facilitate the development of a strat-
uting more in the hopes of inducing others to contribute egy for coordinating behavior (Ledyard, 1995). The social
more is counterproductive. Thus, from a theoretical perspec- coordination explanation rests on the idea that commitments
tive, there is no reason to expect that group size would have made in coordination agreements are reinforced by the struc-
the same effect in multiround step-level and continuous- ture of the step-level game. That is, once an effective coordi-
form games. nation plan that exactly meets the provision point is realized,
Consider also the theoretical explanation for decreasing no one’s outcome is improved by reneging on her or his
rates of contributions as a function of group size in one-shot, commitment. Put differently, if everybody is individually
step-level games. The explanation for diminishing contribu- better off if a job gets done and verbal agreements specify
tions when group size increased is that it becomes less likely who will do it, then it would be disadvantageous to everyone
that a given player will be a pivotal contributor—a contributor if anyone reneged on her or his agreement. Van de Kragt,
whose contribution is necessary for reaching the provision Orbell, and Dawes (1983) introduced a form of step-level
point. This explanation of the perceived criticality of contribu- games, the minimal contributing set game, to study the social
tions can be applied to step-level games but not to continuous- coordination function of communication. Indeed, all of their
form games. Consequently, a dominant explanation for the groups who were allowed to communicate identified who
observed group size effects in step-level games does not gen- among their members would contribute to realize the public
eralize to continuous-form games. Thus, on both empirical benefit and those who were designated contributors always
and theoretical grounds, there are reasons to expect that the contributed. Why? One could invoke the social utility and
effect of group size would be different in step-level and con- social commitment explanations, but Van de Kragt and col-
tinuous public goods games, whether the games are one shot leagues noted that, once a coordinated solution was identi-
or repeated. fied (i.e., who would contribute), the structure of the game
served to enforce the commitments. Members of the desig-
nated minimal contributing set had better outcomes if they
Communication contributed than if they did not.
Communication as a means of increasing contributions has Kerr and Kaufman-Gilliland (1994) and Kerr, Garst,
been frequently studied, and it is typically concluded that Lewandowski, and Harris (1997) also showed that face-to-
communication effects are robust (for reviews, see Ledyard, face communication increased contributions in a minimal
1995; Weber et al., 2004). The explanations for the effects contributing set game. Kerr et al. (1997) concluded that play-
are varied but fall into two general types: social utility and ers made commitments to cooperate in face-to-face commu-
social commitments. The social utility explanation is that nication and most felt obligated to honor these commitments
communication increases the utility of collective, compared (even when it appeared to them that their compliance could
to individual, outcomes by increasing feelings of group identity not be monitored). However, it is also the case that the par-
or by emphasizing social norms that reinforce cooperative ticipants in both studies could have made coordination agree-
behavior. The social commitment explanation is that com- ments and reportedly did so in Kerr and Kaufman-Gilliland
munication affords the opportunity to make explicit or implicit (1994). The important distinction between coordination agree­
agreements that individuals later feel obligated to honor. For ments and social commitments is that coordination agreements
example, Orbell, Van de Kragt, and Dawes (1988) have are reinforced by the interdependencies in step-level games,
shown that face-to-face communication increases coopera- whereas unconditional commitments to cooperate in contin-
tion in continuous public goods games when everyone in the uous public goods games are not.
group agrees to cooperate during the communication. They Although communication is generally thought to increase
concluded that unanimous agreements to cooperate could contributions, there are notable exceptions. Chen and Komorita
either establish group identity (thereby increasing the social (1994) studied communication in the form of pledges to con-
utility of collective outcomes) or make the commitment tribute. Before each round of a five-person, continuous func-
seem binding (i.e., a social commitment that should be hon- tion public goods game, players sent each other a pledge, a
ored). Similarly, Bouas and Komorita (1996) found an statement indicating the amount each intended to contribute
increase in cooperation in a continuous game when partici- to the public good. When these pledges did not constrain
pants had the opportunity to discuss the dilemma face to the subsequent decision to contribute, contributions were
face, the group experienced common fate, and participants lower than in a no-communication condition. Similarly,

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Abele et al. 393

Wilson and Sell (1997) found that the communication Social Motives
of nonbinding commitments decreased cooperation in a
continuous public goods game and that a considerable Social motives are an individual’s preferences for particular
portion of participants pledged higher than they contrib- distributions of her or his own and others’ outcomes. Rather
uted. These studies suggest that the communication of than assuming that individuals solely seek to maximize indi-
nonbinding commitments can have adverse effects in con- vidual monetary outcomes, individual psychological costs
tinuous games, where there is always an incentive to con- and benefits are considered in the function of expected util-
tribute less. ity. Similarly, Kelley and Thibaut (1978) described how
In recent studies, we directly compared communication individual preferences can, in effect, transform the payoff
effects in continuous, step-level, and minimal contributing matrix of a game. In this way preferences add psychological
set public goods games. The results support the conclusion value to certain outcomes for certain individuals. An indi-
that nonbinding commitments in the absence of face-to-face vidual with a strong preference for equality may prefer that
discussions have different effects for the two types of games. all players of a game leave with nothing over an outcome
Like Chen and Komorita (1994), Abele, Stasser, and Chartier where one player gains a lot whereas others including herself
(2009) found that contributions declined over iterations of a or himself gain little. Although the latter outcome results in
continuous function public goods game and that the com- a higher individual payoff for the player in question, the
munication of nonbinding pledges accelerated this decline. value she or he places on equality in outcomes transforms
Moreover, participants pledged more than they gave, and the payoff such that the former is a more desirable option.
this discrepancy grew over interactions. In contrast and sim- Here we can see that individual differences in social motives,
ilar to Kerr and Kaufman-Gilliland (1994). it was found that or preferences for particular outcomes, can transform the
nonbinding pledges increased cooperation rates in minimal payoff function of the game, and with it the predicted behav-
contributing set games. The direct comparison of discrep- ior of certain players.
ancies between pledges and actual contributions in minimal Many social motives, commonly referred to as social
contributing set and continuous games is informative. As value orientations (SVOs), have been identified (Messick &
already mentioned, this discrepancy grew larger over itera- McClintock, 1968), but three orientations have received the
tions of the continuous game, and participants were contrib- vast majority of attention in social dilemma research. Indi-
uting about 20% of the amount that they were pledging after vidualists prefer to maximize personal outcomes, with no
10 iterations of the game. As a result, they rated each other regard for the outcomes of others. Competitors prefer to max-
as untrustworthy and unreliable on a postsession question- imize relative personal gain, or the positive difference between
naire. In the minimal contributing set game, the discrepancy their own outcomes and those of others. Prosocials prefer to
between pledges and contributions did not grow over time both maximize joint or collective outcomes as well as mini-
and primarily occurred on trials when pledges exceeded the mize differences between their outcomes and the outcomes
number needed to gain the public benefit. Thus, pledges of others. The impact of SVO on social dilemma behavior is
were seemingly used as a coordination device in the mini- widespread. Across a multitude of experimental games and
mal contributing set game, but in the continuous game they applied settings, prosocials have been found to behave more
were used as an ineffective means of eliciting contributions cooperatively than individualists and competitors (van Lange
from others. & Liebrand, 1991). In the laboratory, prosocials compared
To summarize, communication increases cooperation in to proselfs give more to others in coin exchange games
step-level public goods games regardless of whether the com- (McClintock & Liebrand, 1988) and harvest less of a com-
munication is face-to-face or binding. However, cooperation- mon pool in resource dilemmas (Kramer, McClintock, &
enhancing effects in continuous public goods games seem to Messick, 1986). Outside of the laboratory, prosocials com-
occur when communication is face to face or intentions to pared to proselfs sacrifice more in personal relationships
cooperate are binding. Face-to-face communication is thought (van Lange, Agnew, Harinck, & Steemers, 1997) and donate
to either induce high group identity, a sense of obligation to more money to charitable causes (van Lange, Bekkers, Schuyt,
honor commitments, or both. Our conclusion is that com- & van Vugt, 2007).
munication can be a means of increasing the social utility of How do these differences in social motives affect deci-
collective outcomes and obtaining social commitment in sion making in continuous versus step-level public goods
both types of games. Moreover, communication can function games? For simplicity we focus on two very common
as a social coordination tool in step-level games because social motives and their corresponding SVOs. Maximizing
commitments to a coordinated solution are reinforced by the one’s own outcomes is the most basic and a very common
payoff structure. In a continuous game, however, communi- social motive and is said to be pursued by individualists.
cation of nonbinding commitments can lead to deceptive Maximizing joint outcomes or total gains in a group is also
promises to cooperate, which creates mistrust and, ultimately, a very common social motive and is said to be pursued by
low cooperation in repeated games. prosocials. In a continuous game, these two motives are

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394 Personality and Social Psychology Review 14(4)

consistently at odds. Regardless of what decision other dilemmas, with effects being weaker and less consistent in
players make, own outcomes are maximized by contribut- step-level games.
ing nothing. Conversely, joint outcomes will always be We found eight studies in six articles that measured SVOs
maximized by contributing fully. This suggests that SVOs prior to the playing of a step-level public goods game (de
should have a consistent impact on contribution levels in Cremer, 2002; de Cremer & van Dijk, 2002; de Cremer &
continuous games. We found five studies that measured van Vugt, 1999; Offerman, Sonnemans, & Schram, 1996;
SVOs prior to the playing of a continuous public goods game Parks, 1994; Stouten, de Cremer, & van Dijk, 2005). Again,
(Chen & Bachrach, 2003; de Cremer, van Knippenberg, these studies manipulated many different variables, but we
van Dijk, & van Leeuwen, 2008; de Cremer & van Lange, focus on the main effects of SVO. Two of these studies
2001; de Cremer & van Vugt, 1999; Weber & Murnighan, found no effect of SVO on contributions, whereas five of
2008). Although these studies manipulated several other them did find a significant main effect of SVO. The effect
variables, all found significant main effects of SVOs sizes of these five studies were generally smaller than those
on contributions to the public good. As expected, proso- of the four continuous games discussed above. Offerman et al.
cials contributed more to continuous public goods than (1996) had participants play a 20-round game, finding a sig-
did proselfs. nificant main effect of SVO only in the first 5 rounds of play,
In a step-level game, on the other hand, these two motives after which the effect was marginal. This weak effect of
are not always at odds. In addition, neither motivation can be SVO in the later rounds of an iterated step-level public goods
pursued by the same decision across all levels of contribu- game may be because of changing expectations about the
tions by other players. Let us consider several different sce- contributions of others. Early in the game, one may not have
narios in our three person step-level game example and then confident expectations about the contribution levels of others
look at the decisions that would fulfill these two motives. and assume an average or moderate amount of contribution,
First, suppose that two players contribute at a very low level. a situation that requires different decisions to maximize per-
Because the provision point is unlikely to be reached in this sonal or joint outcomes. Once one has information with
situation, both personal and collective outcomes would be which to form stronger expectations of others, however, a
maximized by the third player contributing nothing. There- player may find herself or himself in a scenario more similar
fore, contributing nothing is the preferred choice of both an to the first or last example above, where cooperation has an
individualist interested purely in her or his own outcome and identical impact on both personal and joint outcomes. Inter-
a prosocial interested purely in collective outcomes. estingly, de Cremer and van Vugt (1999) used a step-level
Alternatively, suppose that two players have contributed game in their second study and a continuous game in their
at a moderate level. The third player’s contribution could third study. This article offers an opportunity to directly
reach the provision point, but it would require a larger con- compare the size of the SVO effect across these game types.
tribution than would be returned to that player by the provi- In the continuous game they found that prosocials contrib-
sion of the public good. In this situation, personal outcomes uted more than proselfs with an effect size of D = .55 (Glass,
would be maximized by contributing nothing, the preferred 1976). In the step-level game they again found that proso-
choice of a pure individualist. A pure prosocial, on the other cials contributed more than proselfs, but with a smaller effect
hand, whose payoffs are transformed by a preference for size of D = .31.
collective gain, is more likely to contribute the necessary There is also other evidence that suggests that SVO
amount to reach the provision point, thus providing the pub- effects are more consistent in continuous social dilemmas
lic good and maximizing joint outcomes. than step-level social dilemmas. In coin exchange games,
Finally, suppose that two players have contributed at a which are very close in structure to continuous public goods
very high level and the provision point is already reached. In games, SVO effects have been consistently found and appear
this situation, any contribution by the third player would to be quite robust (de Cremer & van Lange, 2001; McClintock
reduce both personal and joint outcomes because excess con- & Liebrand, 1988; Smeesters, Warlop, van Avermaet,
tributions to the public pool would be lost. One would expect Corneille, & Yzerbyt, 2003). Conversely, a series of recent
both a pure individualist and a pure prosocial to contribute studies has shown that in step-level resource dilemmas, SVO
nothing to the public good.6 We can see that across these effects are found only when some form of experimental uncer-
three scenarios it is not always the case that pursuing per- tainty is introduced (de Kwaadsteniet, van Dijk, Wit, & de
sonal outcomes and pursuing joint outcomes require differ- Cremer, 2006; van Dijk, de Kwaadsteniet, & de Cremer,
ential behavior. In contrast, in a continuous game, individuals 2009). These studies suggest that when there is no uncertainty
pursuing these different social motives would be expected to and all players fully understand the structure of the step-level
behave differently in all possible scenarios. For these rea- game, groups coordinate on an equal division rule. When
sons, the effect of SVO on contributions should yield a uncertainty is introduced, however, decisions are instead gov-
different pattern of results in step-level and continuous erned by individual differences, such as social motives.

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Abele et al. 395

Repeated Trials 45
Whether the interaction is ongoing or occurs once is another 39

Value of Public Good (Vp)

important issue for the provision of public goods. Data sug- 36
gest that repetition of games over multiple trials has differen- 30 ΣY i
tial effects in continuous and step-level public goods games. 27
In continuous games, cooperation rates consistently decrease 21
over multiple rounds (Ledyard, 1995). This pattern, although 18
not universally reported, was shown by Isaac, Walker, and 15
Thomas (1984) and Andreoni (1988), among others. The 9
impact of repeated trials on contributions in step-level games 6
is much more mixed. For example, an increase in coopera- 3
tion over trials was reported by Bagnoli and McKee (1991), 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
whereas Suleiman and Rapoport (1992) reported a decrease Total Contributions ( ∑Yi)
over trials. These mixed results may reflect the fact that if
contributions on early trials fail to meet the provision point in Figure 4. Relationship between the value of the public good and
a step-level game, they may either rise to the level of meeting contributions for a continuous public goods game
the provision point or drop to no contributions at all. In addi-
tion, in a step-level game, contributions that exceed the pro-
vision will likely drop on subsequent rounds. the function, one incurs a net loss in outcome by contributing
a unit, then players are always tempted to contribute less
regardless of what others do. As a result, the game presents
The Transition From conflict between individual and collective interests. In the
Conflict to Coordination language of social interdependence theory, the interdepen-
Although most examples of step-level games in the literature dency is dominated by mutual FC and there is no BC. More
have one provision point, it is easy to conceive of a game formally, let the value of the public good, Vp, be a continu-
with multiple steps. Indeed, if one imagines a game with ous increasing monotonic function, f, of the sum of the indi-
many steps, it becomes barely distinguishable from a contin- vidual contributions, Yi: Vp = f (S Yi), where the summation
uous game (for an example, see Marwell & Ames, 1979). is across r players. If an equal share of the public good is
Conversely, a continuous game as typically implemented allocated to each person (i.e., each player gets Vp/r, as is the
becomes a multiple step-level game because contributions case in most experimental applications), the game presents a
are represented as whole units of points or money. These conflict between individual and collective interests when the
relationships suggest that it is not the mere presence of provi- rate of change in Vp is less than group size, r, for all values
sion points (or steps in the function) that shifts a game of of S Yi. For the typical experimental game, the function is
conflict to a game with coordinated solutions. Figures 4 and 5 linear: Vp = cS Yi, c > 0. In this case, there is always a con-
depict the relationship between the value of a public good and flict between individual and collective interests if c < r.
contributions for a continuous public goods game and a step- When c < r, there is a dilemma because the player’s share of
level game, respectively. Figure 4 depicts the function for the the increment in the public good does not compensate for a
continuous game described earlier. Zero contributions to the unit of contribution, and one is always tempted to contribute
public good correspond to a value of zero of the public good. less. If c ≥ r, there is no dilemma. If c = r, the individual is
Starting from this origin, the function can be represented as indifferent between contributing one or more units of endow-
a series of small steps: A contribution of 1 unit increases ment to the public pool and keeping them. If c > r, everyone
the value of the public good by 1.5 units, a contribution of fares better by contributing.
2 increases the value of the public good by 3, and so forth. Extending this logic to a step-level function, let d be the
Because, as implemented, the amounts of contributions are increment in value of the public good at a provision point and
represented in discrete and not continuous units, this concep- p be the total contributions necessary to satisfy the provision
tually continuous game, in practice, consists of many small point. If d > r, then no player is tempted to reduce her or his
steps. If it is not the existence of steps in the function (i.e., contribution by one unit when the provision point is reached,
provision points), what is it that distinguishes a public goods that is, when S Yi = p. However, d > r is a necessary but not
game that is inherently conflictual from one that presents the sufficient condition to ensure that a coordinated solution is
opportunity for a stable, coordinated solution? stable. It is also necessary to show that a solution exists that
The distinction centers on the net return that a player does require any player to contribute more than d/r to reach
expects from a unit of contribution. If, at every location in the provision point. As depicted by the dashed line in Figure 5,

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396 Personality and Social Psychology Review 14(4)

45 45
42 42
39 39
36 36

Value of Public Good

33 33
Value of Public Good

.5 24
24 =1 21
18 15
15 12
12 9
9 6
6 3
3 p 0
0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
Total Contributions
Total Contributions

Figure 6. Relationship between the value of the public good and

Figure 5. Relationship between the value of the public good and
contributions for a game with two steps
contributions for a step-level game

consider a linear function starting at the origin of (0, 0) and It is informative to note that the superimposed line in
continuing through the point (p, d). If the slope of this line, s, Figure 5 represents the same linear function as depicted in
is greater than 1 (s = d/p > 1), then at least one solution exists Figure 4. Indeed, the provision point (p, d) is a point on the
that is an equilibrium if p can be equally divided among the continuous function in Figure 4. Thus, any solution that
players. That is, if s > 1 and each player contributes p/r, then reaches the provision point in a game that uses this step-level
each player’s compensation exceeds her or his contribution function is also a solution for the continuous game that uses
because p/r is less than d/r. Even if players’ contributions are the continuous function depicted in Figure 4. Although such
not equal, any solution in which every player’s contribution a solution may be an equilibrium in the step-level game, it is
to reaching the provision point is less than d/r is a stable solu- not an equilibrium in the continuous version. Thus, refram-
tion. In this case, the provision of the public good is not nec- ing a continuous game into a one-step game may create an
essarily a conflict between individual and collective interests; equilibrium. However, adding more steps may also destroy
it can be framed as a coordination problem. an equilibrium. Figure 6 adds another step to the function by
Weber et al. (2004; also see van Dijk & Wilke, 1995, defining a second provision point: If total contributions are 30,
2000) noted that people search for rules that guide decisions the public good is valued at 45 and each of the players
in interdependent relationships. In the case of step-level pub- receives 15 as a share of the public good. If this were the
lic goods games, a particularly compelling rule, suggested by only step, every player’s best response to the others’ contrib-
concepts such as equity and fairness, is to share equally the uting 10 would be to contribute 10 and there would be no
cost of satisfying a provision point. A similar notion is sug- dilemma. However, the existence of the second provision
gested by the concept of focal points in coordination (Mehta, point at 15 provides an incentive for each to contribute less
Starmer, & Sugden, 1994; Schelling, 1960). A focal point is than 10. That is, in this two-step game, if Players B and C
a salient solution to a coordination problem. The foregoing were to contribute 10, Player A would earn more by contrib-
analysis identifies another reason to favor equal divisions of uting nothing. B’s and C’s contributions would satisfy the
contributions in satisfying a provision point. If the provision lower provision point, creating a public good of worth 22.5,
point in a step-level game permits a solution that is an equi- and A would get 17.5 (10 from the private account and 7.5
librium, then an equal division will certainly be an equilib- from the public account). Thus, in this two-step game, every-
rium, whereas other distributions of contributions that satisfy one contributing her or his total endowment is Pareto opti-
the provision point may not be. In the foregoing example mal but is not a Nash equilibrium.
depicted in Figure 5, each of three players contributing 5 to How far can one push this approach to removing the
reach the provision point of 15 is an equilibrium: 5 is every- inherent conflict in a continuous public goods game? If
one’s best response to the others’ contributing 5. However, if imposing one or two steps removes the inherent conflict in
Players A, B, and C contribute 3, 3, and 9, respectively, to the game depicted in Figure 4, do three, four, or more steps
reach the provision point, Player C’s best response is not also remove it? The answer centers on determining whether
9 but 0. Thus, this latter solution is not an equilibrium. Aside equal-contribution solutions at each provision point are sta-
from concepts of fairness and equity, equal divisions of con- ble in the sense that each player’s contribution of a fair share
tributions are more likely to provide stable, coordinated is the best response to the others’ contributions of fair shares.
solutions to step-level games than unequal divisions, as long In this game, r = 3 and c = 1.5. Consider imposing 10 equal-
as the public good is equally distributed. sized steps. In this case, the amount of contributions, p, to go

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Abele et al. 397

from one step to the next is 3, and the increment in the value Applied Implications
of the public good at each step, d, is 4.5 (i.e., d = 1.5 × 3 = 4.5).
Thus, each player’s fair share contribution to move from one Behavioral scientists are often interested in using public
provision point to the next is 1, and each gains 1.5 as a share good problems to simulate dilemmas encountered in the
of the public good (i.e., d/r = 1.5). However, by starting at social world. In this endeavor, it is useful to incorporate fea-
the highest provision point and stepping down to the next tures of the real-world dilemma into the game. One question
lower, one can show that at every provision point, except the is whether the naturally occurring examples of public good
lowest one, each player is tempted to defect from the equal and resource dilemmas more closely resemble continuous or
division solution. For example, suppose that each player step-level games. Consider the often cited example of pro-
contributed 4 points of her or his 10-point endowment to viding public broadcasting in the United States. Public radio
reach a provision point of 12. The public good would be and public TV are public goods in the sense that no one is
worth 18 in this case, and each would earn 6 from the points excluded from listening or viewing. Moreover, public
remaining in the private account and 6 as the share of the broadcasting stations heavily rely on fund-raising drives to
public good—12 points. However, each of the players’ best provide this public good. Although one could conceive of a
response to the others contributing 4 would be to contrib- provision point below which a station ceases to exist, the
ute either 1 or 0, either of which would lead to an outcome salient contingency is that programming will be reduced or
of 13.5. In repetitions of such a game, the economic pressure expanded depending on the success of the fund-raising
on each player would be to lower her or his contributions. drive. The economic temptation is to free ride on the contri-
The only point at which this pressure would be removed is butions of other listeners because the expected increment in
when (if ever) they each contributed 1 to satisfy the lowest the quality or quantity of programming because of one’s $25
provision point of 3. In this case, they would each earn 10.5, or $100 donation is not sufficient to offset the investment for
which is slightly better than simply keeping their endow- most listeners.
ment of 10. One applied goal of experimental research on dilemmas is
Van de Kragt et al. (1983) claimed that the minimal con- to learn how to reinforce behavior that is in the interest of the
tributing set game is a structural means of removing the collective in real-life dilemmas: in environmental issues and
inherent conflict between individual and collective interests in other cases where a public good needs to be provided or a
in public goods problems. We are concluding that step- nonexcludable resource preserved. An example of this would
level games, more generally, provide a way of transforming be the renovation of the public local library financed through
a continuous public goods game into a game that has a coor- donations or the maintenance of recreational areas or public
dinated, stable solution. Moreover, we have identified some day care centers. Real-world dilemmas are typically not dilem-
boundary conditions associated with the number of steps as mas with an obvious or clearly defined provision point.
well as their location and size. To summarize, segmenting a Interestingly, however, practitioners often reframe situations
continuous public goods game into steps can provide the so that they appear to have provision points, employing sev-
opportunity for a stable, coordinated solution to a public eral techniques to counter the individual’s assessment that
goods game. However, providing several steps is often the return in public good is insufficient to justify a contribu-
counterproductive because, with the existence of lower steps, tion. For example, fund-raisers for public broadcasting often
higher steps may no longer be equilibria. Nonetheless, as add other incentives such as gifts or publicity (announcing a
we address in the next section, our analysis suggests a contributor’s name). More pertinent to our analysis, they
strategy that practitioners of fund-raising often employ. also create artificial steps in the payoff function and frame
Although segmenting one iteration of a continuous game the situation in a way that resembles a step-level game. Con-
into multiple steps may have limited value in promoting sider, for example, announcements such as, “We need to
contributions via coordinated solutions, decomposing it raise $1,000 within the next hour to support the current pro-
temporally into a series of single-step games could be effec- gram” or “We need to raise $500 in the next 10 minutes to
tive. For example, suppose that three players were given the receive a matching grant of $1,000 from sponsor X.” Such
opportunity to contribute 1 point in each of 10 subgames, announcements reframe the larger continuous public goods
with each subgame having a provision point of 3 yielding a problem into a series of smaller step-level problems. They
public good value of 4.5. Then the stable coordinated do so in one or both of two ways. First, they suggest the pres-
solution to each subgame would be for each to contribute ence of a step (e.g., saving the current program). Second,
1 point to reach the provision point. Once the three players they reduce the apparent size of p—the amount of contribu-
obtained the provision point, there would be no temptation tions necessary to reach the step (e.g., “We need to get only
for them to defect on subsequent subgames. Thus, in this five $100 contributions to get the matching grant”). If a pub-
manner, temporally segmenting a continuous game into lic goods problem can be convincingly reframed as a series
several single-step games could promote contributions to of step-level problems, the psychological dynamics can
the public good. potentially shift from conflict to coordination.

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398 Personality and Social Psychology Review 14(4)

Teamwork can also be conceptualized as a public good coordinated solution of both going to the football game
game (Kerr, 1983). Teamwork, which is characterized by a (F, F). Nonetheless, they both prefer to coordinate success-
linear relationship between each team member’s effort and fully to attain either (O, O) or (F, F) over not coordinating;
the group product, is likely to invite free riders. But those thus, coordination is the dominant goal.
group tasks that require a specified input to achieve a group Third, and related to the first recommendation, more
reward should be less likely to induce free riding (Arnscheid, research should directly contrast the two types of games. As
Diehl, & Stroebe, 1997). As such, provision points can be our selective review suggests, most comparisons between
regarded as group goals, which have been shown to increase the games are across studies. For example, we argued that
group performance as long as they are specific (for an over- nonbinding communication may serve different functions
view, see O’Leary-Kelly, Martocchio, & Frink, 1994). and affect decisions in different ways across the two types of
games. However, much of the empirical evidence is indirect
and rests on comparisons across studies that differ in several
Conclusions ways. Few studies assessed communication effects across the
Experimental implementations of public goods games come two types of public goods games in one experiment (excep-
in two varieties: continuous and step level. Conceptually, tions are Abele et al., 2009; Bornstein, 1992).
they represent two distinctly different types of social interde- Fourth, our analysis shows that continuous and single-
pendency. Continuous public goods games pit individual step games are different in important ways but one can blur
against collective interests and conform to two characteris- the distinction by segmenting a continuous function into steps
tics often ascribed to social dilemmas: Each individual fares or adding steps to a single-step game. We identified charac-
better by contributing nothing to the creation of the public teristics of the function that conceptually mark the transition
good, regardless of how much others contribute, and every- from a dilemma to a coordination problem. However, the
one fares better if they all contribute as much as possible interesting and potentially useful questions are when the psy-
rather than if they all contribute nothing. In the terminology chological shifts occur and what the behavioral implications
of social interdependence theory, continuous public goods are. For example, consider decomposing a continuous game
games are a discordant mix of RC and mutual FC. In the into two steps as illustrated in Figure 6. Each provision point
terminology of game theory, everyone contributing nothing presents opportunities for coordinated solutions if consid-
is the unique Nash equilibrium and everyone contributing as ered separately. However, our analysis suggests that having
much as possible is a Pareto efficient solution.7 By contrast, both provision points makes a solution that satisfies the
a single, step-level game has several Nash equilibria: Any higher provision point unstable in the sense that it is not a
combination of individual contributions that minimally sat- Nash equilibrium. Compared to solutions that satisfy the
isfy the provision point is a Nash equilibrium as long as no lower provision point, one might expect that the solution that
one’s contribution exceeds the individual share of the public satisfies the higher provision point would be less likely to
good. Step-level games are a mix of RC and BC and can occur and less likely to prevail once it occurred in an iterated
afford mutually beneficial outcomes if players coordinate version of this game. However, coordinating on the higher
their decisions. That is, single-step games can be framed as provision point (i.e., everyone contributes all of their
coordination problems. Because of these differences, we offer endowment) collectively dominates every other solution (i.e.,
the following recommendations. including those that satisfy the lower provision point). In
First, reviews of the literature should clearly distinguish addition, allowing for the fact that players rarely fully ana-
the form of the game and not generalize, either explicitly or lyze the contingencies, having multiple provision points
implicitly, findings from one type of game to the other. We might disrupt attempts to coordinate on any one, resulting in
are not claiming that empirical findings never generalize, but behavior in multiple-step games that resembles behavior in a
in the absence of data from both types of games, there are no continuous game. These are empirical issues that have not
conceptual reasons to assume that they do. been addressed.
Second, terminology should not blur the distinction In sum, we make a plea for a much more careful consider-
between the two types of the public goods games. Specifi- ation of the conceptual nature of the interdependencies that
cally, including both types under the category of social dilem- are modeled in experimental games. In pursuit of good meth-
mas blurs the distinction and is somewhat misleading when odology, the choice of experimental games should be care-
applied to single-step games. Single-step games, along with fully scrutinized in light of the experimental objectives. If, for
games such as BOS, are more aptly called social coordina- example, the intent is to study conflict resolution, a continuous-
tion games because they afford solutions that are mutually form public goods game is more appropriate than a step-level
beneficial to all players. This designation is not meant to game. This exercise is not a means to an end but should be
imply that such games never contain an element of conflict. understood as a way to ensure cleanly designed experiments
In BOS, the wife prefers the coordinated solution of both and validly measured dependent variables. Thus, any research
going to the opera (O, O) whereas the husband prefers the reporting a study that uses an experimental game should

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Abele et al. 399

include a justification for the form of the game, and reviews 3. To be technically correct, what we call Nash equilibrium is
of the literature should avoid generalizing results from one really a Nash equilibrium in pure strategies.
form of a game to a superficially similar game when the under- 4. Similarly, Ledyard (1995) made the argument that the step-level
lying interdependencies are different. public goods game is more like the chicken game (another ver-
Walter Mischel (1968) contended 40 years ago that sion of a coordination game) than the prisoner’s dilemma.
behavior is a function of the person and the situation. On one 5. The step-level resource dilemma can legitimately be viewed
hand, the person by situation framework has been used exten- as a take-some variant of the give-some step-level public good
sively to study how different personalities react to situation. game.
On the other hand, the formulation underscores the impor- 6. Note that the predictions were made for prosocials seeking to
tance of context in understanding social behavior. Social sci- maximize collective gains. For prosocials seeking to maximize
entists interested in conflict, cooperation, and coordination equality, the predictions would be identical in the first example
should use the conceptual tools provided by social interde- but reversed for the latter two.
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research and/or authorship of this article: Preparation of this article Japan.
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ends well, at least for proselfs: Emotional reactions to equal- dam (Netherlands), the University of Mannheim (Germany), and a
ity violation as a function of social value orientation. European behavioral finance consultancy in Frankfurt (Germany). Her work
Journal of Social Psychology, 35, 767-783. has appeared in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,
Suleiman, R., Budescu, D. V., & Rapoport, A. (2001). Provision of Journal of Experimental Psychology and Organizational Behavior
step-level public goods with uncertain provision threshold and and Human Decision Processes. Professional memberships include
continuous contribution. Group Decision and Negotiation, 10, Society of Experimental Social Psychology (Fellow), the European
253-274. Association of Social Psychology (Member), and the Society for
Suleiman, R., & Rapoport, A. (1992). Provision of Step-level Pub- Judgment and Decision Making (Member). Her research interests
lic Goods with Continuous Contribution. Journal of Behavioral are coordination in social behavior, behavior in public good games,
Decision Making, 5(2), 133-153. social information processing in interdependent decision making,
Van de Kragt, A. J. C., Orbell, J. M., & Dawes, R. M. (1983). The and group performance and collective choice.
minimal contributing set as a solution to public goods problems.
American Political Review, 77, 112-122. Garold Stasser is Professor of Psychology at Miami University.
van Dijk, E., de Kwaadsteniet, E. W., & de Cremer, D. (2009). His published work has appeared in Psychological Review, Review
Tacit coordination in social dilemmas: The importance of hav- of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Inquiry, Jour-
ing a common understanding. Journal of Personality and Social nal of Personality and Social Psychology, Journal of Experimental
Psychology, 96, 665-678. Social Psychology and Organizational Behavior and Human Deci-
van Dijk, E., & Wilke, H. (1995). Coordination rules in asymmetric sion Processes. He has served as an associate editor for Personality
social dilemmas: A comparison between public good dilemmas and Social Psychology Bulletin and Journal of Experimental Social
and resource dilemmas. Journal of Experimental Social Psychol- Psychology. Professional memberships include Association for
ogy, 31, 1-27. Psychological Science (charter member and Fellow), Society of
van Dijk, E., & Wilke, H. (2000). Decision-induced focusing in Experimental Social Psychology (Fellow), and the European Asso-
social dilemmas: Give-some, keep-some, take-some, and leave- ciation of Social Psychology (Affiliate). His research interests are
some dilemmas. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, communication in decision making groups, coordination of social
78, 92-104. behavior, collective choice and problem solving and computational
van Lange, P. A. M., Agnew, C. R., Harinck, F., & Steemers, G. E. M. models of social interaction.
(1997). From game theory to real life: How social value ori-
entation affects willingness to sacrifice in ongoing close rela- Christopher Chartier is a graduate student in Psychology at
tionships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 73, Miami University. His research interests include behavior in social
1330-1344. dilemmas and the effects of people’s social value orientation, more
van Lange, P. A. M., Bekkers, R., Schuyt, T. N. M., & van Vugt, M. specifically what motivations and preferences account for the pro-
(2007). From games to giving: Social value orientation predicts social orientation.

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