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Nevarez 1

Juan Luis Nevarez

Mrs. Catherine/BIOL 1408

July 09, 2020

Punnett Square Virtual Lab

Introduction questions:

1) What is a trait?

A trait is a singularity or a characteristic of an organism, and they determine the physical

appearance of the organisms and other things such as blood type.

2) What are genes? How are they related to traits? Genes are the

It is a basic unit made of DNA that codes the proteins that organisms need. Different creatures
have different genes, which is why their bodies and look and act differently; thus, they have a trait.

3) How are gene pairs written out?

A combination of two same letters, uppercase for the dominant gene and lowercase for the
recessive gene.
4) What is a genotype?
The combination of two alleles which determine the traits of an organism.
5) What is a phenotype?
It’s the physical form of a trait, such a s red hair, blue eyes, etc.
6) What are dominant and recessive alleles? How are they written out?
Dominant alleles are written with an uppercase and recessive with lowercase. Genotype
contains a dominant allele then the phenotype will take its form. Recessive alleles only show
up when there are no dominant genes present.

Possible Genotypes Possible Phenotypes Chosen

Trait Chosen genotype
and Percent and Percent phenotype
Eyes Ee x Ee → EE-25% One eye(EE and Ee)- EE One eye
Nevarez 2

(1 out of 4) 75% (3 out of 4)

Ee-50% (2 out of 4) Two eyes(ee)-25%
ee- 25%(1 out of 4) (one out of 4)
Ears Rr x Rr → RR-25% Elephant ears(RR Rr Elephant ears
(1 out of 4) and Rr) – 75% (3 out
Rr-50% (2 out of 4) of 4)
rr- 25%(1 out of 4) Mouse ears(rr)-25%
(1 out of 4)
Nose NN x nn → Nn-100% Pig nose(Nn and Nn Pig nose
NN) 100% (4 out of
Mouth MM x mm → Mm- Sharp teeth (Mm Mm Sharp teeth
100% and MM) 100% (4
out of 4)

Fur FF x Ff → EE-50% Shaggy fur(FF and Ff Shaggy fur

(2 out of 4) Ff)- 100% (4 out of
Ee-50% (2 out of 4) 4)

Feet Aa x aa → Claws on feet(AA aa No claws

Aa-50% (2 out of 4) and Aa) -50%( 2 out
aa- 50%(2 out of 4) of 4)
No claws(aa)
50%(20 out of 4)
Possible genotypes for eyes for Ee x Ee → EE – 25% (1 out of 4), Ee – 50% (2 out of 4), and ee – 25%
(1 out of 4) *Possible phenotypes for eyes → One eye (EE and Ee) – 75% (3 out of 4) and Two eyes
(ee) – 25% (1 out 4)

Screenshot of your final creature

Nevarez 3
Nevarez 4

1. . What is the difference between a genotype and a phenotype?
Genotype describes the combination of two genes that determine a trait, in the other hand,
phenotypes describe the physical appearance of those traits.

2. 2. How are alleles and traits related? Explain using an example.

Alleles is a version of a gene which defines a trait. A parent with red hair allele, while the other
has blonde hair allele, the hair color is the trait.
3. 3. For each genotype below, indicate whether it is heterozygous (He) or homozygous
AA: Ho
Bb: He
Cc: He
dd: Ho
EE: Ho
ff: Ho
4. 4. For each of the genotypes below determine what phenotypes would be possible.
Purple (P) flowers are dominant to white (p); and brown eyes (B) are dominant to
blue (b).
PP: Purple
Pp: Purple
pp: white
BB: Brown
Bb: Brown
bb: Blue
5. 5. In pea plants, purple flower color (P) is a dominant allele, while white flower color
(p) is a recessive allele. If a pea plant has the genotype Pp, what is its phenotype?
Explain your answer.
The phenotype would be purple, because if there’s just one dominant allele in the
genotype, then the trait will take the form of the dominant allele.
6. If two heterozygous parent pea plants were crossed, what would the genotype and
phenotype outcomes be? Fill in the Punnett square and fill in the table.

PP Pp PP 25% Purple 75% Pp 50 %

Pp pp White 25% pp 25 %
Nevarez 5

7. In fruit flies, if red eyes (R) are dominant and white eyes (r) are recessive, what would be the
outcome of a homozygous dominant male crossed with a homozygous recessive female?

RR RR RR 50%
Rr Rr Rr 50 %
rr 0 %
Red 100%
White 0%

8. In artic wolves, white hair is dominant to grey hair. Also, brown eyes are dominant to blue
eyes. WW = white hair Ww = white hair ww = grey hair BB = brown eyes Bb = brown eyes bb
= blue eyes
a. What are the phenotypes (descriptions) of wolves that have the following genotypes:
Wwbb: White hair and blue eyes
wwBB: Gray hair and brown eyes
wwbb: Gray hair and blue eyes
WwBb: White hair and brown eyes
b. A male wolf with the genotype WWbb is crossed with a female wolf with the genotype
wwBb. A Punnett square is set up and started for you below. Fill it out and determine the
phenotypes and the corresponding percent in the offspring.

Wb Wb Wb Wb
wB Wwbb WwBb WwBb WwBb
wb Wwbb Wwbb Wwbb Wwbb
wB WwBb WwBb WwBb WwBb
wb Wwbb Wwbb Wwbb Wwbb
How many out of 16 are:
White, brown eyed 43.7%
White, blue eyed 56.2%
Grey, brown eyed 0%
Grey, blue eyed 0%

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