You are on page 1of 27

MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi

MfY©‡g›U wcªw›Us †cÖm

†ZRMuvI, XvKv-1208 |


miKvix Kv‡R e¨env‡ii Rb¨ 2014-2015 A_© erm‡i MfY©‡g›U wcªw›Us †cÖm Gi 4916-hš¿cvwZ I miÄvg
Lv‡Z eivÏK…Z A_© nB‡Z Image Setter Machine Gi 02 cÖKvi Roller µq msµvšÍ|

cÖwZ †mU `icÎ wmwWD‡ji weÎæq g~j¨ t (A‡diZ†hvM¨) 500.00 ( cvuPkZ cÂvk) UvKv gvÎ|

wet `ª t `icÎ Zdmxj I‡qfmvBU Ges www.mopa. nB‡Z WvDb‡jv‡Wi
gva¨‡g msMÖn Kwi‡j Dnvi g~j¨ DccwiPvjK, MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us †cÖ‡mi AbyK~‡j †h †Kvb Zdmxwj e¨vsK KZ©„K Bmy¨K…Z
†c-AW©vi/e¨vsK Wªvd&U AvKv‡i `icÖ¯Ív‡ei mwnZ `vwLj Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

01| `i`vZv cÖwZôv‡bi bvg I wVKvbv t

2| `icÎ weÁwß b¤^i t Bb‡W›U-15/2014-2015/msMÖn/4738, ZvwiL 08/12/2014Bs|

3| `icÎ `wjj µ‡qi iwk` b¤^i I ZvwiL t
(g~j iwk` mshy³ Ki‡Z n‡e) |

4| `icÎ `wjj we‡ÎæZv t ¯^vÿi ...........................


c`ex ...........................

1 of 27
Tender For Goods
1 Ministry / Division Ministry of Public Administration ( Previous Ministry of Establishment).
2 Agency/Department Department of Printing & Publication, Dhaka.
3 Procuring Entity Name : Government Printing press, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
4 Procuring Entity Code : Not used at present
5 Procuring Entity District : Dhaka 
6 Invitation For : Tender  Goods  
7 Invitation Ref No.1 : No-Indent-15/2014-2015/Pro/
8 Date : Date:
09 Procurement Method: NCT  Open 
10 Budget and Source of Funds | Revenue Budget (GOB).  Government 
11 Development partner (if applicable )
12 Project/programme Code (if
applicable )
13 Project/programme Name(if
14 Tender package No : NONE
15 Tender package Name : Procurement of five items Tornar Cartige.
16 Tender Publication Date :
17 Tender Last Selling date : 22/12/2014.
18 Tender Closing date and Time 23/12/2014 Time: 12.00 Noon.
19 Tender opening date and Time: 23/12/2014, Time: 3:00 PM.
20 Name & Addresses of Offices : Address(s)
21 -Selling Tender Document(Princapal) Government Printing press, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208..
22 - Selling Tender Document(Other) A) Director General ,Printing And publications, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
B) Deputy Director Bangladesh Government press, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
C) Deputy Director, Government Printing press Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
D) Deputy Director,Bangladesh Security Printing press,Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
E) Deputy Director,Bangladesh Forms And publication, Tejgaon,Dhaka-1208.
(F) Deputy Director, Bangladesh Stationery office, Tejgaon,Dhaka.
23 -Receiving Tender Document A) Director General ,Printing And publications, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
B) Deputy Director Bangladesh Government press, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
C) Deputy Director, Government Printing press Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
D) Deputy Director,Bangladesh Security Printing press,Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
E) Deputy Director,Bangladesh Forms And publication, Tejgaon,Dhaka-1208.
(F) Deputy Director, Bangladesh Stationery office, Tejgaon,Dhaka.
24 -Opening Tender Document Government Printing press, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
25 Place/Date/Time of Pre-Tender
Meeting (Optional) :
Continue page-2

26 Eligibility of Tenderer : All Qualified Suppliers/Contrators who fulfills the
terms of Schedule (Other than black listed
suppliers /contrators of this deptt.)
27 Brief Description of Goods or Works Roller (Small Pin) new = 03 pcs
(Big Pin) new = 13 pcs
To be use in Image Setter Machine
(Katana) (Screen)
Model L-D M1060
MvBW bgybv †gvZv‡eK|
28 Brief Description of Related Services:
29 Tender Document price : TK.500/- (Five hundred) only.
Lot Identification of Lot Location Tender Security Completion
No Amount in Taka Time in
30 Single Roller (Small Pin) new = 03 pcs Dhaka Tk.= 24,000/-(Twenty As per
Lot FourThousand) Pay Schedule
(Big Pin) new = 13 pcs
Order/ Bank Draft From
To be use in Image Setter Machine
any Schedule Bank.
(Katana) (Screen)
Model L-D M1060
MvBW bgybv †gvZv‡eK|
31 Name of Official Inviting Tender: Muhammad Al-Amin
32 Designation of Official Inviting Tender Deputy Director .
33 Address of Official Inviting Tender : Government Printing press, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
34 Contract Detailos of Official Inviting Tender : 8870200 (Office working day).
35 The procuring entity reserves the right to accept or reject tenders
www.mopa. .

Muhammad Al-Amin
Deputy Director
Phone : 8870200(office)

Invitation for Tenders.

Section 1. Instruction to Tenderers.

Section 2. Tender Data Sheet.

Section 3. General Conditions of contract.

Section 4. Particular Conditions of Contract.

Section 5. Tender & Contract Forms.

Section 6. Schedule of Requirements.

Annexure- 1 Indemnity Bond.

4of 27
MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi
MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us †cÖm
‡ZRMvuI, XvKv |
`icÎ bs-Bb‡W›U-15/2014-2015/msMÖn/4738, ZvwiL 08/12/2014 Bs|

`icÎ weÁwß
01| gš¿bvjq/wefvM RbcÖkvmb gš¿bvjq|
02| msMÖvnK mËvaxKvixi `ßi MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us ‡cÖm,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
03| msMÖvnK mËvaxKvixi bvg DccwiPvjK, MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us ‡cÖm,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
04| msMÖvnK mËvaxKvixi ‡Rjv XvKv|
05| A_v©q‡bi Drm ivR¯^ (MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi)|
06| `ic‡Îi bvg/Kv‡Ri weeib c` bs-01| Small Pin Roller of Image Setter Machine
c` bs-02| Big Pin Roller of Image Setter Machine
07| µq cÖwµqv Db¥~³ `icÎ Avnev‡bi gva¨‡g (cvewjK cÖwKDi‡g›U AvBb, 2006, cvewjK
cÖwKDi‡g›U wewagvjv,2008 †gvZv‡eK)
08| KvR †kl Kivi †gqv` PzovšÍ Kvh©v‡`k Rvixi 15(c‡bi) w`‡bi g‡a¨ cY¨ mieivn Kwi‡Z nB‡e|
09| `icÎ Zdmx‡ji g~j¨ 500/- ( cuvPkZ ) UvKv gvÎ ( A‡diZ‡hvM¨)|
`icÎ Zdmxj I‡qfmvBU Ges www.mopa.
nB‡Z WvDb‡jv‡Wi gva¨‡g msMÖn Kwi‡j Dnvi g~j¨ Dc-cwiPvjK, MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us
†cÖ‡mi AbyK~‡j †h †Kvb Zdmxwj e¨vsK KZ©„K Bmy¨K…Z †c-AW©vi/e¨vsK Wªvd&U AvKv‡i
`icÖ¯Ív‡ei mwnZ `vwLj Kwi‡Z nB‡e|
10| evqbvi UvKv 24,000/- ( PweŸk nvRvi) UvKv gvÎ (‡diZ‡hvM¨)|
11| `icÎ Zdmxj weµqKvix cÖwZôv‡bi bvg I K| gnvcwiPvjK, gy`ªb I cÖKvkbv Awa`ßi,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
wVKvbv L| DccwiPvjK, MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us ‡cÖm,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
M| DccwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k miKvix gy`ªbvjq,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
N| DccwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k †ókbvix Awdm,‡ZRMuvI, XvKv|
O| DccwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k dig I cÖKvkbv Awdm,‡ZRMuvI, XvKv|
P| DccwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k wbivcËv gy`ªbvjq, ‡ZRMuvI, XvKv|
Q| I‡qemvBU Ges www.mopa.
nB‡Z WvDb‡jv‡Wi gva¨‡g msMÖn Kiv hvB‡e|
12| `icÎ MÖnbKvix `߇ii bvg I wVKvbv 11 bs µwg‡Ki K nB‡Z P ch©šÍ ewY©Z `ßi mg~‡n
13| `icÎ ‡Lvjvi `߇ii bvg I wVKvbv Dc-cwiPvjK, MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us ‡cÖm,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
14| `i`vZv‡`i †hvM¨Zv cÖK…Z jvB‡mÝavix e¨emvqx/†hvM¨Zv m¤úbœ mKj mieivnKvix cÖwZôvb/wVKv`vi|
15| gvjvgvj msMÖn/Kv‡Ri we¯ÍvwiZ weeib ‡¯úwmwd‡Kkb/wmwWDj †gvZv‡eK|
16| `icÎ Zdmxj weµ‡qi ZvwiL I mgq weÁwß cÖKv‡ki ZvwiL nB‡Z 22/12/2014 ch©šÍ (Awdm PjvKvjxb mg‡q)
17| `icÎ `vwL‡ji ZvwiL I mgq 23/12/2014 ZvwiL `ycyi 12-00 NwUKv ch©šÍ |
18| `icÎ ‡Lvjvi ZvwiL I mgq 23/12/2014 ZvwiL weKvj 3-00 wgt |
19| `icÎ AvnevbKvixi c`ex, wVKvbv I DccwiPvjK, MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us ‡cÖm,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
†Uwj‡dvb b¤^i ‡dvb-8870200(Awdm)|
wet `ªt- (1) KZ…©cÿ †Kvb Kvib `k©v‡bv e¨wZ‡i‡K †h †Kvb/ mKj `icÎ MÖnb wKsev evwZj Kivi ÿgZv msiÿb K‡ib |
(2) Awbevh© Kvib ekZt hw` wbav©wiZ ZvwiL I mg‡q `icÎ MÖnb/†Lvjv m¤¢e bv nq ; Z‡e cieZx© Kvh©w`e‡m
GKB mg‡q `icÎ MÖnb/†Lvjv nB‡e|
(3) we¯ÍvvwiZ cY¨ eb©bv I Ab¨vb¨ wbqgvejx `icÎ Zdmxj †gvZv‡eK|
www.mopa. .

gynv¤§v` Avj-Avgxb
‡dvb bs-8870200(Awdm)|
Section 1. Instroctions to Tendersrs
A. General

ITT I.I The purchaser is Government of the people’s Republic of Bangladesh,

represented by Department of Printing, Stationery Form and Publication.
The Name of the Tender is : c` bs-01| Small Pin Roller of Image Setter Machine
Ges c` bs-02| Big Pin Roller of Image Setter Machine.
ITT 2.1 The source of public fund is GOB.
ITT 2.3 The name of the Development partner is None.
ITT 4.1 Tenderers from the following countries are not eligible: ISRAEL.
B. Tender Document
ITT 7.2 The following are authorized agents of the purchase for the purpose of providing
tender document . `icÎ wmwWDj cvIqv hv‡eÑ
K| gnvcwiPvjK, gy`ªb I cÖKvkbv Awa`ßi,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
L| DccwiPvjK, MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us ‡cÖm,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
M| DccwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k miKvix gy`ªbvjq,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
N| DccwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k †ókbvix Awdm,‡ZRMuvI, XvKv|
O| DccwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k dig I cÖKvkbv Awdm,‡ZRMuvI, XvKv|
P| DccwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k wbivcËv gy`ªbvjq, ‡ZRMuvI, XvKv|
Q| I‡qemvBU www.mopa. nB‡Z WvDb‡jv‡Wi
gva¨‡g msMÖn Kiv hvB‡e|
ITT 8.1 For clarification of Tender purposes only, the purchaser’s address is:
Deputy Director,
Government Printing press.
Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
ITT 9.1 A pre-Tender meeting may be held. (if necessary)
C. Qualification Criteria
ITT 12.1(a) The Tenderer shall have a minimum of 5 (Five) years of overall experience in
the supply of goods and related services.
ITT 12.I(b) The Tenderer shall have a minimum of 3 (Three) years of specific experience in
the supply of similar goods and related services.
ITT 12.(c) The minimum production capacity or availability of equipment is: None
ITT 13.(a) The minimum supply Value of similar goods during the last 3 (three) years is
TK- 15,00,000/= in Govt. department. In favour of the work experience documents
will be attached with the offer.
ITT 13.(b) The minimum amount of liquid asset or working capital or credit facility is TK-
10 (Ten) lac.
D. Preparation of Tender
ITT 16. 1 The Tender, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the
Tender shall be written in English/Bangla Language.
Pjgvb cvZv-02|
6 of 27

ITT 17.1(i) TheTenderer shall submit with its Tender the following additional documents:
i) Passport Size Photo-01 Copy.
ii) Photocopy of National ID Card/Certificate of Nationality.
iii) Bid Document (Original )
iv) Purchased Receipt of Tender Document.
v) Required bid Security
vi) Up to date trade license .
vii) In case of limited company, the certificate of Incorporation must be
viii) Up to date income Tax Clearance Certificate;
ix) Bank Solvency Certificate on a date within selling & Submission date of STD;
x) Valid VAT Registration Certificate.
xi) Work experience documents must be attached with the offer.
ITT 19.1 Alternative Tenders will be not permitted/accepted .
ITT 20.3 Tenders are being invited for Singel Lot.
ITT 20.5(C) The Final destination of the goods is : Government Printing press.
Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
ITT20.5(d) The Tenderer shall submit prices for the following incidental services :
ITT 20.7 The price quoted by the Tenderer shall be fixed for the duration of the contract.
ITT 26.1 The Tender validity period shall be 120 days.
ITT 27.1 The amount of the Tender Security shall be Taka- 24,000.00 (Twenty Four
ITT 28.1 In addition to the Original of the Tender shall be submitted.
E. Submission of Tender
ITT 29.(b) For Tender submission purposes only, the purchaser’s address is :
Deputy Director, Government Printing press, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
ITT 29.2 (c) The inner and outer envelope shall bear the following additional identification marks :
(1) Envelope shall enclosed and sealed in outer envelope.
(2) Bear the name and address of the Tenderer;
(3) Be addressed to the purchaser at the address specified in the STD;
Bear the name of the Tender and the Tender Number as specified in
the STD ;

Deputy Director Signature & Seal of Tenderer

Government Printing press
Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.

7 of 27
Section 2. Tender Data sheet
ITT Clause Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the Instruction to Tenderers.
ITT I.I The purchaser is : Dc-cwiPvjK, MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us †cÖm, †ZRMuvI, XvKv-1208|
The Name of the Tender is : c` bs-01| Small Pin Roller of Image Setter Machine
Ges c` bs-02| Big Pin Roller of Image Setter Machine.
ITT 2.1 The source of public fund is : ivR¯^ LvZ|
ITT 2.3 The name of the Development partner is : None
ITT 4.1 Tenderers from the following countries are not eligible : Israil.
B. Tender Document
ITT 7.2 The following are authorized agents of the purchase for the purpose of
providing tender document : `icÎ wmwWDj cvIqv hv‡eÑ
K| gnvcwiPvjK, gy`ªb I cÖKvkbv Awa`ßi,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
L| Dc-cwiPvjK, MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us ‡cÖm,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
M| Dc-cwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k miKvix gy`ªbvjq,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|
N| Dc-cwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k †ókbvix Awdm,‡ZRMuvI, XvKv|
O| Dc-cwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k dig I cÖKvkbv Awdm,‡ZRMuvI, XvKv|
P| Dc-cwiPvjK, evsjv‡`k wbivcËv gy`ªbvjq, ‡ZRMuvI, XvKv|
Q| I‡qemvBU www.mopa. nB‡Z WvDb‡jv‡Wi
gva¨‡g msMÖn Kiv hvB‡e|
ITT 8.1 For clarification of Tender purposes only, the purchaser’s address is :
Dc-cwePvjK, MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us ‡cÖm,†ZRMvuI,XvKv|

Opening and Evaluation of Tenders

ITT 33.1 The Tender opening shall take place at : the office of the Deputy Directorr of
Government Printing Press.,Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
ITT 42.4 The applicable economic factors for evaluation shall be as follows :
Delivery schedule offered in the tender. Tenderer should provide documented data for
calculation of merits of their goods ( if applicable ).
SL. No Identification Tender Security
Amount (Tk.)
01. c` bs-01| Small Pin Roller of Image Setter Machine Ges 24,000.00
c` bs-02| Big Pin Roller of Image Setter Machine.
ITT 42.4(c) Performance and productivity of item : None.
G. Award of Contract
ITT 50.1 The amount of performance Security shall be 10(ten) percent of the Contract price.
ITT 53.2 The name and address of the office where complaints of the procuring Entity under
Regulation 56 are to be submitted is : ITT 7.2 Gi K nB‡Z P ch©šÍ ewY©Z `ßi mg~‡n|

Deputy Director Signature & Seal of Tenderer

Government Printing press
Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
8 of 27
Section 4. particular conditions of contract
Instructions for completing the particular Conditions of Contract are provided :
GCC Clause. Amendments of, and supplements to, Clauses in the General Conditions of Contract.
GCCi.1(h) The nature of the goods to be supplied are : c` bs-01| Small Pin Roller of Image
Setter Machine Ges c` bs-02| Big Pin Roller of Image Setter Machine.
GCC 1.(i) Ges
The c` bs-02| Big
Purchaser is-Pin Roller
Deputy of ImageGovernment
Director, Setter Machine.
Printing Press. Department :
Printing, Stationery Form and Publication.
GCC 1.1(n) The supplier detail address :
Name :
Father’s Name :
Address :
Tel/Mob. No.
Name of authorized representative :
GCC 5. 1 (i) The following documents shall also be part of the contract : None.
GCC 6.1 Suppliers and sub-contractors from the following countries are not eligible:
GCC 6.2 Goods and Related services from the following countries are not eligible:
GCC 7.1 Routine correspondence between the parties may be in Bangla.\Einglish language
GCC 12.1 For notices, the purchaser’s contact details shall be :
Attention : Deputy Director, Government Printing Press.
Address : Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
GCC 12.2 For notices, the supplier’s contact details shall be :
Attention :
Address :
Telephone :
Facsimile number :
Electronic mail address æ
GCC 22.2 The documents to be provided are as follows :
1. `icÖ¯Íve we‡ewPZ nB‡j DׄZ g~‡j¨i 10% nv‡i RvgvbZ `vwLj Kwi‡Z nB‡e|
2. 300.00 UvKvi bb-RywWwmqvj ó¨v‡¤ú Pzw³ m¤úv`b Kwi‡Z nB‡e|
3. P„w³ †gvZv‡eK cY¨ mieivn Kwiqv cÖwZôv‡bi c¨v‡W 04(Pvi) Kwc †Wwjfvix Pvjvb I 04(Pvi)
Kwc wej `vwLj Kwi‡Z nB‡e|
GCC 26.1 The methods and conditions of payment to be made to the supplier under this
Contract shall be as follows.
1. mieivnK…Z c‡Y¨i g~j¨ 2014-2015 A_© erm‡i cÖavb wnmve iÿY Kg©KZ©v, RbcÖkvmb gš¿Yvjh, 22-
cyivbv cëb, XvKv-1000 KZ©„K Bmy¨K…Z †P‡Ki gva¨‡g cwi‡kva Kiv nB‡e|
GCC 32.3 Warranty : 24 months after the goods accepted.
GCC 34.1 The Liquidated damage shall be 0.50% of the contract value per week or part
mieivK…Z hš¿vsk mg~n AÎ †cÖ‡mi mswkó †gwkb mwVKfv‡e wdU nB‡Z BB‡e Ges Kvh©KvwiZv
m‡šÍvlRbK nB‡Z nB‡e| bZzev webv Li‡P hš¿vsk cÖwZ¯’vcb Kwi‡Z nB‡e|
Count Page-02

Deputy Director Signature & Seal of Tenderer

9 of 27
we‡kl kZv©ejx t-
(K) `i`vZv‡K AvB‡bi aviv 64 †Z ewY©Z †Kvb `ybx©wZ, cÖZvibv, PµvšÍ ev Rei`w¯Í g~jK Kg©Kv‡Û m¤ú„³ nB‡e bv-g‡g© `wj‡j
wb‡`©wkZ di‡g A½xKvibvgv `vwLj Kwi‡Z nB‡e|

(L) `i `vwL‡ji me©‡kl mgqmxgv DËx‡b©i c~‡e© †h †Kvb mgq `icÎ ms‡kvab,cÖwZ¯’vcb ev cÖZ¨vnv‡ii Rb¨ `i`vZv‡K AbygwZ
cÖ`vb Kiv hvB‡e

(M) µqKvix ‡h †Kvb ev mKj Av‡e`bcÎ, `icÎ ev †Kv‡Ukb evwZj Kwi‡Z cvwi‡e|

(N) `i`vZv `icÎ D¤§y³ Kivi ci `icÎ Rvgvb‡Zi ‰eaZvi †gqv‡`i g‡a¨ `icÎ cÖZ¨vnvi Kwi‡j wKsev Pzw³ m¤úv`‡bi
†bvwUk MÖnY Kwi‡Z A¯^xKvi Kwi‡j wKsev cÖ‡qvR¨ †ÿ‡Î Kvh©m¤úv`b RvgvbZ w`‡Z e¨_© nB‡j wKsev Pzw³ m¤úv`b Kwi‡Z
A¯^xKvi Kwi‡j wKsev wewa 98(1/1) Gi Aax‡b †Kvb MvwbwZK fyj ms‡kva‡bi Kvi‡b `icÎ g~‡j¨i ms‡kvab MÖnY Kwi‡Z
A¯^xKvi Kwi‡j `icÎ RvgvbZ ev‡Rqvß Kwiqv miKvix †KvlvMv‡i Rgv †`Iqv nB‡e|
(O) wba©vwiZ mgqmxgvi g‡a¨ Kvh©m¤úv`b Kwi‡Z e¨_© nB‡j A_ev Kvh©v‡`‡ki †Kvb kZ© f½ Kwi‡j Kvh©m¤úv`b RvgvbZ
(Performance Security) ev‡Rqvß Kwiqv miKvix †KvlvMv‡i Rgv †`Iqv nB‡e|
(P) cY¨ mieiv‡ni cÖwZ mßvn ev Zvi Ask we‡kl wej¤^ †nZz Pzw³ g~‡j¨i 0.50% nv‡i wej nB‡Z KZ©‡bi k‡Z© mieiv‡ni
mgqmxgv ewשZ Kiv hvB‡e|
(Q) ‡UªW jvB‡mÝ Abyhvqx mË¡vwaKvix e¨wZZ Ab¨ †Kvb e¨w³ Øviv `icÎ `wjj ¯^vÿi KiZt `vwLj Kwi‡Z Pvwn‡j †m‡ÿ‡Î
Power of attorney mn g‡bvbxZ cÖwZwbwai GK Kwc Qwe I mË¡vwaKvixi GK Kwc Qwemn `icÎ `vwLj Kwi‡Z nB‡e|
Ab¨_vq `icÎ MÖnY‡hvM¨ nB‡e bv|
(R) `i cÖ¯Ív‡e c‡b¨i eªvÛ, cÖ¯‘ZKviK I cÖ¯‘ZKvix †`‡ki bvg D‡jøL Kwi‡Z nB‡e| wba©vwiZ mg‡q cb¨ mievi‡ni wbðqZv w`‡Z n‡e|

Deputy Director Signature & Seal of Tenderer

Government Printing press
Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.

10 of 27
Standard Tender Document PG3

Section 5. Tender and Contract Forms

Form Title
Tender Forms

G-1 Tender Submission sheet

G-2 Price Schedule

G-3 Specifications Submission sheet

G-4 Tenderer Information sheet

G-5 Manufacturer’s Authorisation Letter

G-6 Bank Guarantee for Tender security

Contract Forms

G-7 Notification of Award

G-8 Contract Agreement

G-9 Bank Guarantee for performance Security

G-10 Bank Guarantee for Advance payment

Forms G1 to G6 comprise part of the Tender and should be completed as stated in ITT Clause

Forms G7 to G10 comprise part of the contract as stated in GCC Clause 5.

11 of 27
Tender Submission Sheet (Form G-1)
Invitation for Tender No: Date
Tender No:


Deputy Director,
Government Printing Press.,
Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.

We, The undersigned, offer to supply in conformity with the Tender Document the following
Goods and
Related Services, viz :

The total price of our Tender, excluding price reduction (s) is :

insert value in figures ( insert value in words )

If applicable under instruction to Tenderers (ITT) Sub-Clause 21.3, and in case we are
awarded a Contract for more than one lot in the package, the discounts/cross-discounts
offered, and the methodology for its application is:

We undertake, if our Tender is accepted, to deliver the goods [ ] from the date of
Contract of Agreement in accordance with the delivery schedule specified in the Schedule of

We are not participating as Tenderers in more than one Tender in this Tendering process.
Our Tender shall be valid for the period stated in the Tender data sheet and it shall remain
binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the expiration of that period. A
Tender Security in the amount stated in the Tender Data Sheet is attached in the form of a
pay order/bank draft/bank guarantee no (.......................................................................
..........................valid for a period of 28 days beyond the Tender validity date.

If our Tender is accepted, we commit to obtaining a Performance Security in the amount

stated in the Tender Data Sheet and valid for a period of 28 days be beyond the date of
completion of our performance obligations under the Contract, Including any warranty
Contd. P/2

12 of 27

We declare that ourselves, and any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract,
have nationalities from eligible countries and that the goods and related services will also be
supplied from eligible countries. We also declare that the Government of Bangladesh has not
declared us, and any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract, ineligible on
charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices. We furthermore,
pledge not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract, and are
aware of the relevant provisions of the Tender Document (ITT Clause 3 ).

We understand that your written Notification of Award shall constitute the acceptance of our
Tender and shall become a biding contract between us, until a formal contract is prepared
and executed.

We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated Tender or any other
Tender that you may receive.

Deputy Director Signature & Seal of Tenderer

Government Printing Press.
Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.

13 of 27
Price Schedule for Goods (Form G-2A)
Invitation for Tender No: / Date
Tender No:


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Item Description of Item Unit of Qty of Point of Total price Extra Price Total price VAT and Point of
Supply Supply supply EXY to deliver Delivered other Deliver
No Goods taxes y And
. (col 4 ×5) (col 6+7) payable if Delivery
to final contract Period
desitination is award

Note 1: The Purchaser must specify here the date & the option from which delivery schedule
will start.

a. From date issuing of Contract Award, or

b. From date of Contract signture.
c. From date of opening of Letter of Credit or N/A
d. From date of confirmation of Letter of Credit

N.B. Worrranty period will start from the 1st date of the issue of the goods.

Signature & Seal of Tenderer

14 of 23
Price Schedule for related sercices (Form G-2B)
`icÎ bs-Bb‡W›U-15/2014-2015/msMÖn/ ZvwiL t

c` `ªe¨ eY©bv wnmv‡ei GKK c‡Y¨i cwigvY GKK g~j¨ †gvU g~j¨

`i`vZv cÖwZôv‡bi bvg I wVKvbv t .........................................

`i`vZvi bvg I c`ex t ......................................................

`i`vZvi ¯^vÿi t ...............................................................

ZvwiL t ...........................................................................

15 of 27
Specifications Submission Sheet (Form G-3)

`icÎ bs-Bb‡W›U-15/2014-2015/msMÖn/4738, ZvwiL 08/12/2014Bs|

µwgK bs Pvwn`vK…Z c‡Y¨i weeiY cÖ¯‘ZKvix c‡Y¨i eªvÛ I cÖ¯‘ZKvi‡Ki cÖ¯ÍveK…Z gvjvgv‡ji
†`‡ki bvg bvg Ges wVKvbv weeiY

01 Roller (Small Pin) new

To be use in Image Setter Machine

(Katana) (Screen)

Model L-D M1060

MvBW bgybv †gvZv‡eK|

02 Roller (Big Pin) new

To be use in Image Setter Machine
(Katana) (Screen)

Model L-D M1060

MvBW bgybv †gvZv‡eK|

MvBW bgybv Awdm Pjv Kvjxb mg‡q mnKvix cwiPvj‡Ki mwnZ †hvMv‡hvM Kwiqv †`Lv hvB‡e|

`i`vZv cÖwZôv‡bi bvg I wVKvbv t .................................

Deputy Director
Government Printing Press. `i`vZvi bvg I c`ex t ................................................
Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.
`i`vZvi ¯^vÿi t .......................................................

ZvwiL t ....................................................................

16 of 27
Tenderer Information Sheet (Form G-4)
Notes on Tenderer Information Sheet
This note is for information only to assist the procuring entity in the completion of the Form
when preparing the Tender Document but this note should not be included in the issued Tender
The information to be filled in by Tenderers in the following pages will be used for purposes of
verification of eligibility and qualification of the Tenderer as provided for in relevant Clauses of the
Instructions to Tenderers.
Invitation for Tender No-

Individual Tenderers
1. General Information of the Tenderer
1.1 Tenderer’s Legal Name
1.2 Tenderer’s legal address in Country of Registration
1.3 Tenderer’s legal status
Partnership (Registered under the Partnership Act. (1932)
1.4 Tenderer’s Year of Registration
1.5 Tenderer’s business status
Local Agent /Distributor of a foreign Manufactures
1.6 Tenderer’s Authorised Representative Information
Telephone / Fax Numbers
E-mail Address
1.7 Tenderer’s Value Added Tax Registration Number
1.8 Tenderer’s Income Tax Identification Number (TIN)
1.9 Tenderer to attach copies of the following documentation

2. Qualification Information of the Tenderer

2.1 Number of years of overall experience of the Tenderer in the supply of goods
and related services

Pjgvb cvZv-02|
17 of 27
2.2 Number of years of specific experience of the Tenderer in the supply of
similar goods and related services.
2.3 Total annual monetary value of similar goods supplied in each of the last five
2.4 Available liquid assets
2.5 Details of production capacity / equipment available
2.6 Major supplies of similar type of Goods over the last five years. Also list
details of supplies of similar type of Goods under way or committed
including expected delivery date.
3. Financial Information of the Tenderer
3.1 Financial reports or balance sheets or profit and loss statements or auditors
reports or bank references with documents or a combination of these
demonstrating availability of liquid assets. List below and attach copies.
3.2 Name address and telephone, telex, and facsimile numbers of banks that may
provide references if contacted by the Employer.
3.3 Information of Litigation in which the Tenderer is or has been involved
(a) Any case within the past five years
Causes of Dispute

(b) Current cases in this financial year

Causes of Dispute

Signature & Seal of


18 of 27
Manufacturer’s Authorisation Letter (Form G– 5)

[This letter of authorisation should be on the letterhead of the manufacturer and should be
signed by the person with the proper authority to sign documents that are binding on the

Tender No:

Name and Address of Purchaser

WHEREAS, we [name and address of manufacturer] are reputable manufacturers having

factories at (list of places of factories).

THEREFORE, we do hereby:

1. Authorize [Name of Tenderer] to submit a Tender in response to the invitation for

Tenders indicated above, the purpose of which is to provide the following Goods,
[description of goods ], manufactured by us, and to subsequently sign the Contract for
the supply of the such Goods and,

2. Extend our full guarantee and warranty in accordance with GCC Clause 32, with
respect to the Goods offered in the Tender.

In the capacity of
Duly authorised to sign the Tender on behalf
of the Tender

[name of manufacturer]

19 of 27
Bank Guarantee for Tender Security (Form G –6)
[This is the format for the Tender Security to be issued by a scheduled bank]
of Bangladesh in accordance with ITT Clause 27]
Invitation for Tender No: Date:
Tender No.
Deputy Director
Government Printing Press
Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.

We have been informed that [name of Tenderer] (hereinafter called "the Tenderer") intends to submit
to you its Tender dated [date of Tender] (hereinafter called "the Tender") for the supply of
[description of goods and related services] under the above Invitation for Tenders (hereinafter called
"the IFT").
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions Tenders must be supported by a
Tender guarantee.
At the request of the Tenderer, we [name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you, without
cavil or argument, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of Tk [insert amount in figures
and in words] upon receipt by us of your first written demand accompanied by a written statement
that the Tenderer is in breach of its obligations) under the Tender conditions, because the Tenderer;
(a) has withdrawn its Tender during the period of Tender validity specified by the Tenderer in the
Form of Tender; or
(b) does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers of the
IFT; or
(c) having been notified of the acceptance of the Tender by the Purchaser during the period of
Tender validity, (i) fails or refuses to furnish the Performance Security in accordance with the
ITT, or (ii) fails or refuses to execute the Contract Form,
This guarantee will expire :
(a) if the Tenderer is the successful Tenderer, upon our receipt of a copy of the Performance
Security and a copy of the Contract signed by the Tenderer as issued by you; or
(b) if the Tenderer is not the successful Tenderer, twenty eight days after the expiration of the
Tenderer's Tender validity period, being [date of expiration of the Tender].
Consequently, we must receive at the above-mentioned office any demand for payment under this
guarantee on or before that date.

Signature & Seal of Tenderer

20 of 27
Notification of Award ( Form G-7)
MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi
Mfb©‡g›U wcªw›Us †cÖm
†ZRMuvI, XvKv-1208 |

¯§viK bs-
cÖvcK ................................

welq t gvjvgvj mieiv‡ni Av‡`k |

GZØviv Rvbv‡bv hv‡”Q †h, AÎ `߇ii AvnevbK…Z `icÎ bs ...........................................................
ZvwiL ........................Gi †cÖwÿ‡Z Avcbvi cÖwZôvb KZ„©K `vwLjK…Z `ic‡Î c¨vwKs gvjvgv‡ji DØ„Z g~j¨ wb‡gœi
eY©bv †gvZv‡eK t
ÎæwgK gvjvgv‡ji bvg I weeiY GKK g~j¨ mieiv‡ni †gvU g~j¨ mieiv‡ni mgq
bs UvKv cwigvY UvKv (w`b)

me©‡gvU (K_vq)............................................gvÎ AÎ `ßi KZ©„K `ic‡Î ewY©Z k‡Z© M„wnZ n‡q‡Q| gvjvgvj mieiv‡ni
Rb¨ AÎ cÎ Rvixi..............w`‡bi g‡a¨ †gvU g~‡j¨i 10%^ wnmv‡e cvdi‡gÝ wmwKDwiwU eve` †h †Kvb wmwWDj e¨vsK †_‡K
msM„wnZ †c-AW©vi ev e¨vsK WªvdU Rgv w`‡q mshy³ di‡g‡U 02 d`© P~w³cÎ m¤úv`b Kivi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kiv n‡jv | wba©vwiZ
mg‡q cvidi‡gÝ Rgvmn P~w³ m¤úv`‡b e¨_© nB‡j wcwcAvi wewagvjv-2008 †gvZv‡eK cÖ‡qvRbxq e¨e¯’v MÖnY Kiv nB‡e |

Mfb©‡g›U wcÖw›Us †cÖm|
¯§viK bs-
m`q AeMwZ I cÖ‡qvRbxq Kvh©v‡_© Abywjwc cÖ`vb Kiv nBj t

01| gnv-cwiPvjK, gy`ªY I cÖKvkbv Awa`ßi, †ZRMuvI, XvKv-1208 |

02| cÖavb wnmve iÿY Kg©KZ©v, ms¯’vcb gš¿Yvjq, 22, cyivbv cëb, XvKv-1000|
Mfb©‡g›U wcÖw›Us †cÖm|
21 of 27
Contract Agreement ( Form G-8)
MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKvi
Mfb©‡g›U wcªw›Us †cÖm
†ZRMuvI, XvKv-1208 |
¯§viK b¤^i t Bb‡W›U-15/2014-2015/msMÖn/ ZvwiL

gvjvgvj mieiv‡ni P~w³cÎ

GB Pzw³ A`¨......................Bs Zvwi‡L wb‡gœ ewY©Z msMÖnKvix I mieivnKvixi g‡a¨ m¤úv`b nq |

cÖ_g cÿ (msMÖnKvix ) wØZxq cÿ (mieivnKvix )

Dc-cwiPvjK, .............................
MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us †cÖm .............................
†ZRMuvI, XvKv-1208 | .............................

msMªnKvix Îæ‡qi †UÛvi weÁwß bs...................ZvwiL t....................Bs Gi †cÖwÿ‡Z mieivnKvix KZ©„K

`vwLjK…Z `i M„wnZ nq ( Kvh©v‡`k b¤^i .................................ZvwiLt...................Bs)| P~w³f~³ c‡Y¨i weeiY
wb‡gœi Q‡K ewY©Z n‡jv t
AvB‡Ug c‡Y¨i bvg I weeiY c‡Y¨i GKK g~j¨ cwigvY †gvU gyj¨ mieiv‡ni mgq (w`b)
bs GKK UvKv UvKv

kZ©vejx t
1| ewY©Z cY¨mg~n mieivnKvix cÖwZôv‡bi wbR¯^ c¨v‡W 04 Kwc wej I 4 Kwc Pvjvbmn.............................. Zvwi‡Li
g‡a¨ Dc-wbqš¿K, Mfb©‡g›U wcªw›Us †cÖm, †ZRMuvI, XvKv-1208 Gi `߇i mieivn Ki‡Z n‡e|
2| cY¨mvgMÖx MÖnY‡hvM¨ bv n‡j mieivnKvix‡K wbR e¨‡q ZLbB Dnv mwi‡q wb‡q MÖnY‡hvM¨ cY¨ Øviv cÖwZ¯’vcb Ki‡Z
n‡e |
3| mieiv‡ni mv‡_ 150/- UvKv bb-RywWwkqvj ÷¨v‡¤ú c‡Y¨i ¸bv¸b wel‡q Bb‡WgwbwU eÛ (mshy³ AsMxKvi bvgv †gvZv‡eK
) m¤úv`b K‡i Rgv w`‡Z n‡e |
Pjgvb cvZv/2

22 of 27

4| cY¨ mieivn Ges `ßi KZ©„K MÖn‡Yi ci mieivnK…Z c‡Y¨i g~j¨ f¨vU/AvqKi/Ab¨vb¨ Ki (hw` _v‡K wewa
†gvZv‡eK) KZ©b c~e©K cÖavb wnmve iÿY Kg©KZ©v, ms¯’vcb gš¿Yvjq, 22, cyivbv cëb XvKv †_‡K ‡P‡Ki gva¨‡g
cwi‡kva Kiv n‡e|
5| cY¨ mieiv‡n cÖwZ mßvn ev Zvi Ask we‡kl wej¤^‡nZz P~w³f~³ g~‡j¨i 0.50% nv‡i wej †_‡K KZ©b‡hvM¨ n‡e
6| cY¨ mieivn, MÖnY, wej cwi‡kva BZ¨vw` wel‡q `icÎ wmwWD‡j ewY©Z Ab¨vb¨ kZ©vejx Aek¨B cvjbxq|
7| †UÛv‡ii kZ© ‡gvZv‡eK cvidi‡gÝ wmwKDwiwU eve` P~w³f~³ †gvU gyj¨.....................................UvKvi 10%
wnmv‡e....................... UvKv Rgvi weeiY wbgœiƒc t
(K) `ic‡Îi mv‡_ `vwLjK…Z †UÛvi wmwKDwiwU hvnv cvidi‡gÝ wmwKDwiwU wnmv‡e mgš^q‡hvM¨ (mieivnKvix hw`
B”QzK nb) Dnvi †c-AW©vi/e¨vsK WªvdU bs-.........................ZvwiL.......................UvKvi cwigvY
........................ e¨vs‡Ki bvg I wVKvbv..............................................|
(K) AÎ P~w³c‡Îi mv‡_ `vwLjK„Z †c-AW©vi/e¨vsK WªvdU bs......................................ZvwiL t
UvKvi cwigvY..........................e¨vs‡Ki bvg I
me©‡gvU UvKv (K+L)=.............UvKvi †c-AW©vi/e¨vsK WªvdU cvidi‡gÝ wmwKDwiwU wnmv‡e Rgv Kiv n‡jv|

08| wmwWD‡ji Ab¨vb¨ kZ©vejx I Kvh©Kix _vK‡e |

09| MYcÖRvZš¿x evsjv‡`k miKv‡ii AvBb †gvZv‡eK GB P~w³ A`¨.................ZvwiL †_‡K Kvh©¨Ki n‡e|

Dc-cwiPvjK Aw½Kvi cÖ`vbKvix t

Mfb©‡g›U wcªw›Us †cÖm ¯^vÿi : .............................................
‡ZRMuvI, XvKv-1208| bvg : ..................................................
c`ex : ................................................
ZvwiL : ...............................................
(mxj †gvni )

¯^vÿx t
(1) ¯^vÿi t ..................................................
bvg t ......................................................
wVKvbv t ...................................................

(2) ¯^vÿi t ..................................................

bvgt ......................................................
wVKvbv t ..................................................
23 of 27
Bank Guarantee for Performance Security (Form G –9)
[This is the format for the Performance Security to be issued by a scheduled bank]
of Bangladesh in accordance ITT Clause 50]

Contract No. Bb‡W›U-15/2014-2015/msMÖn/ Date:

Deputy Director
Government Printing Press
Tejgaon, Dhaka-1208.

We have been informed that [name of supplier] (hereinafter called "the Supplier") has undertaken,
pursuant to Contract No [reference number of Contract] dated [date of Contract] (hereinafter called
"the Contract") for the supply of [description of goods and related services] under the Contract.

Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, Contracts must be supported by a

performance guarantee.

At the request of the Supplier, we [name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you, without
cavil or argument, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of Tk /insert amount in figures
and in words] upon receipt by us of your first written demand accompanied by a written statement
that the Supplier is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract conditions, without you needing
to prove or show grounds or reasons for your demand of the sum specified therein.

This guarantee is valid until [date of validity of guarantee], consequently, we must receive at the
above-mentioned office any demand for payment under this guarantee on or before that date.

Signature & Seal of Tenderer

24 of 27
Section 6. Schedule of Requirements

`icÎ bs-Bb‡W›U-15/2014-2015/msMÖn/4738, ZvwiL 08/12/2014Bs|

List of Goods and Delivery Schedule :

[When completing Form G-2A the Tenderer Shall quote prices and contract delivery for each
lot separately as specified in the following]

µwgK gvjvgv‡ji weeiY cwigv‡ci mieiv‡ni mieiv‡ni ¯’vb mieiv‡ni mgq

bs GKK cwigvY
Roller (Small Pin) new PzovšÍ Kvh©v‡`k
wcm 03 wcm MfY©‡g›U wcªw›Us
Rvixi 15(c‡bi)
To be use in Image Setter Machine †cÖm, †ZRMuvI,
XvKvi †÷v‡i w`‡bi g‡a¨ cY¨
(Katana) (Screen) mieivn Kwi‡Z
mieivn Kwi‡Z
Model L-D M1060 nB‡e| nB‡e|
MvBW bgybv †gvZv‡eK|
Roller (Big Pin) new -H-
01 wcm 13 wcm -H-
To be use in Image Setter Machine
(Katana) (Screen)
Model L-D M1060
MvBW bgybv †gvZv‡eK|

we t `ªt Kvh©v‡`kcÎ Rvixi ZvwiL †_‡K gvjvgvj mieiv‡ni w`b MYbv ïiæ n‡e |

DccwiPvjK, `i`vZv cÖwZôv‡bi bvg I wVKvbv t ...........................................

Mfb©‡g›U wcªw›Us †cÖm
`i`vZvi bvg I c`ex t ............................................................
‡ZRMuvI, XvKv-1208|
`i`vZvi ¯^vÿi t....................................................................

ZvwiL t ..............................................................................

25 of 27
G¨v‡b·vi- 1
MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us ‡cÖm
‡ZRMuvI, XvKv-1208 |

`icÎ weÁwß bs.................... ZvwiLt..........................

Kvh©v‡`k bs-................ ZvwiLt........................

P~w³cÎ bs-.................. ZvwiLt.....................

Avwg ..................................c‡ÿ

GB g‡g© Aw½Kvi Kwi‡ZwQ †h, Dcwi ewY©Z ¯§viK mg~‡ni †cÖwÿ‡Z AÎ cÖwZôvb KZ©„K mieivnK„Z c‡Y¨i gvb Avcbvi
`ßi/cÖwZôvb KZ©„K wba©vwiZ cixÿvMv‡i cixÿv‡šÍ h_vh_ ¸bv¸b m¤úbœ bv nB‡j ev e¨envi Dc‡hvMx bv nB‡j wKsev
mieiv‡ni ZvwiL †_‡K e¨env‡ii †gqv` ch©šÍ/ `icÎ k‡Z© D‡jøwLZ mgq ch©šZ mwVK bq ewjqv cÖgvwbZ nB‡j AÎ
mieivnKvix cÖwZôvb KZ©„cÿ cÖ`Ë wba©vwiZ mg‡qi g‡a¨ mgcwigvY h_vh_ gvb m¤úbœ GKB cY¨ Øviv Avcbvi
`ßi/KZ©„cÿ wb‡`©wkZ ¯’v‡b/¯’vb mg~‡n cÖwZ¯’vcb Kwie |

GB g‡g© Avwg Av‡iv Aw½Kvi Kwi‡ZwQ †h, AÎ mieivnKvix cÖwZôvb KZ©„K Avcbvi `ßi wKsev KZ©„cÿ cÖ`Ë
wba©vwiZ mg‡qi g‡a¨ mgcwigvY h_vh_ gvb m¤úbœ cY¨ Øviv wb‡`©wkK ¯’v‡b/¯’vbmg~‡n cÖwZ¯’vcb bv Kwi‡j AÎ
mieivnKvix cÖwZôv‡bi weiæ‡× c‡Y¨i g~j¨ Av`vqmn AvBbvbyM †h †Kvb e¨e¯’v Avcbvi `ßi ev Da©Zb KZ©„cÿ MÖnY
Kwi‡Z cvwi‡eb | Bnv‡Z AÎ mieivnKvix cÖwZôv‡bi †Kvb cÖKvi AvcwË ev Avwcj Avcbvi `߇i ev Da©Zb KZ©„c‡ÿi
ev †Kvb Av`vj‡Zi wbKU MÖnY‡hvM¨ nB‡e bv |

Aw½Kvi cÖ`vbKvix t
¯^vÿi .........................


bvg I c`ex:........................

(mxj †gvni )

G¨v‡b·vi- 2
`~b©xwZ cÖZvibv, PµvšÍ ev Rei`w¯Í msµvšÍ Aw½Kvibvgv

`icÎ weÁwß bs.................... ZvwiLt.....................................

GB g‡g© Aw½Kvi Kwi‡ZwQ †h, †gmvm©........................................................................... XvKv dvg© / cÖwZôv‡bi c‡ÿ

`i`vZv wnmv‡e GZ`msµvšÍ wc wc Avi-2008 Gi wewa-4, Dcwewa(2) Gi (U) AYy‡”Q‡`i eb©bv †gvZv‡eK AvB‡bi aviv -64 †Z
ewY©Z †Kvb `~b©xwZ, cÖZvibv, PµvšÍ ev Rei`w¯Íg~jK Kg©Kv‡Û m¤ú„³ nBe bv| hw` Gi e¨vZ¨q N‡U Zvi mKj `vq`vwqZ¡
Avgvi/Avgv‡`i cÖwZôvb ev Avwg/Avgiv enb Kwie|

MfY©‡g›U wcÖw›Us ‡cÖm,
‡ZRMuvI, XvKv-1208 |

Aw½Kvi cÖ`vbKvix t
¯^vÿi .........................


bvg I c`ex:........................

(mxj †gvni )


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