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Mohammed Gumma 
Full-stack Web & Blockchain Engineer 



EdCenter is an e-learning platform that would enable educational institutes to digitize their 
educational content and allow students to learn remotely from their smart devices.  

Onsite learning consititues a hassle for both students and training/course centers, as for 
students - they’d have to go through high intensity traffic and be physically there which isn’t 
time flexible.  
Training centers also face issue of student capacity in where there’s small room space to 
accomdate a larger number of students.  

The purpose of this project is to build an E-Learning platform that would allow people 
(students, professionals..etc) to be able to take courses remotely from their smart devices 
and eliminating the travel costs and risk of putting their lives and others at hazard in the 
midst of the pandemic our world is going through. The aim of this project is not to 
completely eliminate onsite learning but to provide an additional option for both students 
and educational centers. 

Sustainable Development Goals 


This project achieves SDG number 4, 9 & 11 (​Q​uality Education, Industry, ​I​nnovation & 
Infrastructure and ​Su
​ stainable Cities & Communities)


Target Market 
Initially, this platform will be designed for t​ raining and course centers​ but later on can be 
scaled up and engineered to better fit​ large private and public educational institutes​.  
For MTN:
● Humanitarian Initiative 
● Competitive Advantage  
● Marketing  
● Profitability

For Centers:
● Increased availability of seats and number of course-takers 
● A sustainable source of revenue through digital ads monetization if desired

For People:
● Time flexibile 24/7 access  
● Remote access to educational resources  
● Social distancing 


Market Research
Google Maps results filtered by the term “training center” in the tri-state area. Results could 
be marginally off due to human error in registering places. 


Results for Khartoum displays more than 120 results 


Results for Bahri displays around 20 results 


Omdurman has similar search results to Bahri.

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