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Sequence : Listen and consider.

Task 1 : match clauses from column (B) with clauses from column (A)
(A) (B)
a. Authorities (to stop) cheating at schools 1. They (to enforce) anti-corruption laws.
b. Governments (to fight) bribery 2. Parents (to tecah) kids how to count on
c. Countries (to eradicate) corruption 3. They (to employ) honest workers.
d. Companies (to fight) embezzelment 4. They (to punishà everyone who gives
and receives it.

Task 2 : which of the following connectors can you use to combine/to pair the above clauses ?

As a result, because, before, if, consequently.

Answers :
Task 3 : classify the above clauses into « main clauses » or « subordinate clauses »

Main clauses Subordinate clauses

 Now, which tense are you going to use for the verbs between brackets in the main clauses ?
 Which tense are you going to use for the verbs between brackets in the subordinate clauses ?
Task 4 : re-write the above sentences using one of the following connectors :provided that, providing
that, as long as.

Unit one: Ill Gotten Gains Never Prosper
Sequence: Listen and Consider
Grammar explorer II
1) Expressing wishes
 Have a look at the following pictures, then answer the questions below
a. Is the thief:

- Happy for being in jail?

- Regretting being in jail?
- Planning to go to the jail?
b. The man in the picture:

- Has a car and wants to buy another

- Doesn’t have one and want to buy it
- Does not have one and not intending to buy it

c. The boy in the picture:

- Is a police officer
- Hates police officers
- Wants to be a police officer to stop criminals
 Say which of the above is a past wish (regret), present wish and future wish?
a. .............. b. ................. c. ................

 Draw the rule from each of the following sentences …………………..

a. I wish I had not stolen the bank: ………………………………………………..

…………………………………………………….. ……………………
b. I wish I had a car

c. I wish I could become a police officer ………………………………………………… ……………………


Activity: re-write sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a)

a. I regret having lied to my mother about my school results.

b. I wish.......................................................................................................................
a. My work place is so far and I don’t have money to buy a car.
b. I wish.........................................................................................................................
a. I want my children to live a corruption-free country.
b. I wish...........................................................................................................................
a. Our government is not so firm with criminals. It must be so.
b. I wish.........................................................................................................................
a. Today’s children were not educated about the impact of corruption on their future.
b. I wish..........................................................................................................................

2) It is high time/it is about time

 Read the following sentences then answer the questions
a. The babe has been crying for a while. It is high time he stopped crying.
b. You have been eating a lot of fast food. It is about time you started a healthy
c. Corruption is everywhere. It is high time government did something to fight it.
d. You have been accepting bribery all these years. It is about time you stopped
this illegal practice.
- The speakers in the above sentences:
1. Are expressing their happiness about given situations and want them to stay as they
2. Are expressing their discomfort about situations and want it to change

It is high time/ It is about time are used …………………………………………..


Activity: re-write sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a)

a. You think that the government should take some measures to stop tax evasion.
b. It is high time................................................................................................................
a. You think that something should be done to eradicate corruption.
b. It is about time..............................................................................................................
a. You feel strongly that speculations of all sorts must be jailed.
b. It is about time..............................................................................................................
a. You think that public authorities must make anti-corruption laws more stringent.
b. It is high time................................................................................................................
a. You firmly believe that Algeria government should be strict with those who break the
b. It is high time...................................................................................................................

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