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Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon entered the food web in the Gulf of

Author(s): A. Fernández-Carrera, K. L. Rogers, S. C. Weber, J. P. Chanton and J. P.
Source: Limnology and Oceanography , Vol. 61, No. S1, Special Issue: Methane Emissions
from Oceans, Wetlands, and Freshwater Habitats: New Perspectives and Feedbacks on
Climate (2016), pp. S387-S400
Published by: Wiley

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OCEANOGRAPHY Limnol. Oceanogr. 61, 2016, S387–S400
C 2016 Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
doi: 10.1002/lno.10440

Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon entered the food web in
the Gulf of Mexico
ndez-Carrera,1,2* K. L. Rogers,3 S. C. Weber,1,4 J. P. Chanton,3 J. P. Montoya1
A. Ferna
School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia
Dpto Ecoloxıa e Bioloxıa Animal, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, Spain
Department of Earth Ocean and Atmospheric Science, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Warnemu€ nde, Rostock, Germany

The Deep Water Horizon (DWH) incident caused the release of an unprecedented amount of 13C- and
C-depleted oil and gas to the Gulf of Mexico (GoM), which formed surface slicks and deep oil/gas plumes
that extended laterally at 1000–1200 m. We conducted three research cruises between 2010 and 2012 to
study the potential assimilation of petrocarbon (C derived from oil and/or gas) into the GoM microbial food
web. In 2010, we found low d13C (230 to 225&) and D14C (2603 to 255&) values for suspended particles at
1000–1200 m depth as far as 289 km SW of the wellhead, providing direct evidence of the spatial extent of
the subsurface plumes. At those depths in 2010, methane and oil carbon accounted for up to 28% and 62%
of total particulate carbon (Csp), respectively. In the total area affected by the DWH, 80 6 56 to 104 6 91
tonnes (t) of methane-derived and 216 6 174 to 292 6 165 t of oil-derived carbon were incorporated into Csp.
In 2011 and 2012, the d13C values were distributed throughout the water column indicating that petrocarbon
was still present and recycling, especially in the section closest to the DWH, where oil supplied up to 53%
and 75% of Csp, respectively. Relatively low d15N (< 4&) values in suspended particles at 1000–1200 m in
2010 indicate stimulation of nitrogen fixation linked to methane oxidation in the months after the spill,
which accounted for up to 40% of the particulate nitrogen in the water column at those depths.

Between April and July 2010, the Deep Water Horizon that selects for microbial communities able to tolerate and/
(DWH) blow-out and subsequent oil spill released up to 838 or degrade hydrocarbons. This preadaptation may have con-
kilotonnes (kt) of crude oil and 363 kt of methane and gases tributed to the rapid and intense response of hydrocarbon-
(Joye et al. 2011) to intermediate waters of the Gulf of Mexico degrading microbes to the sudden, extremely large input of
(GoM). The use of up to 7 3 106 L of dispersant, mainly Cor- oil and gas to both surface and deep waters that occurred in
exit 9500A (Almeda et al. 2014), at the wellhead may have May and June 2010 (Hazen et al. 2010; Edwards et al. 2011;
ameliorated the development of surface oil slicks, but a Kessler et al. 2011; Mason et al. 2012; Valentine et al. 2012;
unique deep oil and gas plume formed at 1000–1200 m depth Gutierrez et al. 2013; Rivers et al. 2013). The community
(Camilli et al. 2010; Valentine et al. 2010; Spier et al. 2013) response was sustained at lower rates, albeit above back-
that moved horizontally tens to hundreds of km, primarily to ground levels, to at least the end of December 2010 (Crespo-
the southwest of the DWH wellhead and with strong topo- Medina et al. 2014). In general, the diversity of bacterial
graphic steering (Camilli et al. 2010; Kessler et al. 2011). groups within oil slicks decreased in the early stages of the
Anthropogenic spills are not the only source of oil and gas spill, with hydrocarbon degraders becoming more abundant
in offshore ecosystems of the Gulf. Thousands of natural gas relative to other indigenous groups (Hazen et al. 2010; Mason
and oil seeps are distributed through the GoM (Garcia-Pineda et al. 2012; Dubinsky et al. 2013; Rivers et al. 2013). In addi-
et al. 2010; Abbriano et al. 2011), creating an environment tion, laboratory bioassays have shown that the different
groups of microorganisms have contrasting sensitivities to
crude oil and/or dispersant. For instance, heterotrophic bacte-
*Correspondence: and ria are more resistant than nitrifiers to crude oil (Urakawa
Special Issue: Methane Emissions from Oceans, Wetlands, and Freshwater
et al. 2012), and the dispersant is toxic to some groups of
Habitats: New Perspectives and Feedbacks on Climate microzooplankton, with a synergistic negative effect when
Edited by: Kimberly Wickland and Leila Hamdan combined with oil (Almeda et al. 2014). Together, these


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ndez-Carrera et al.
Ferna Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon

findings suggest that microbial community functions changed Deep Water Horizon (DWH) wellhead, areas affected by sur-
through time in areas affected by the oil spill. face oil slicks, the region of the main subsurface oil and gas
The oil and gas released by the DWH oil spill represented plume (1000–1200 m) detected in early June 2010 (Camilli
a substantial input of organic carbon to offshore waters of et al. 2010), and several natural cold seeps on the northern
the GoM. The carbon isotopic composition (d13C and D14C) continental slope. For this study, we delimited two main sec-
of particles and zooplankton collected near Mobile Bay tions in our target area (Fig. 1): the DWH nearfield section,
(> 100 km north of the DWH wellhead), and in Florida which includes the stations that were likely influenced
waters during and after the spill suggests that oil and/or directly by the DWH well itself (ca. 288–308N, 868–908W),
methane carbon entered the microbial food web quickly and the Southern section, which includes the stations in the
(Graham et al. 2010; Chanton et al. 2012; Cherrier et al. area potentially affected by the subsurface oil and gas plumes
2014). In addition to this direct impact on water column car- (25.58–28.58N, 878–938W) that moved mainly to the south-
bon budgets, the injection of oil and gas into the water col- west at 1000–1200 m, but were also detected to the south-
umn can affect other biogeochemical cycles. For example, in east of the DWH wellhead at other depths (Spier et al. 2013).
sediments affected by natural methane seeps, aggregates of Water samples were collected with 10 L Go-Flo (OC cruise)
anaerobic methanotrophic archaea (ANME-2) and sulfate- or Niskin (EN cruises) bottles attached to a rosette equipped
reducing bacteria (SRB) are capable of using N2 as a source of with a Seabird CTD and a fluorometer, a transmissometer,
nitrogen, and this diazotrophy is linked to the oxidation of and oxygen sensors. Bottles were fired at 4–12 depths span-
methane (Miyazaki et al. 2009; Dekas et al. 2013). This cou- ning the water column. Multiple casts were carried out at
pling between methane consumption and N2-fixation also each station to sample the entire water column, including
occurs at depth in the water column (Montoya et al. depths above, below and within the deep oil and gas plumes.
unpubl.), linking the planktonic C and N cycles. Particles were collected at each sampling depth by passing
Here, we present measurements of the natural abundance of 1–20 L of water through pre-combusted (4508C for 2 h) 47
carbon and nitrogen isotopes (d13C, D14C, and d15N) in sus- mm GF/F filters under gentle pressure. Filters were dried at
pended particles collected from the water column during three 608C for at least 24 h, and stored over desiccant until analy-
extensive surveys of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (2010–2012), sis of isotopic and elemental composition ashore. Once in
covering both the area directly affected by the DWH wellhead the lab, filters were trimmed to remove the particle-free
leakage and the area potentially affected by the deep oil and edge, and then cut into quadrants or halves, which were pel-
gas plume in 2010. We use these isotopes as a proxy for the letized in tin capsules.
movement of oil and gas carbon into the microbial food web, The natural abundance of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N)
to assess the effect of the spill on deep-water diazotrophy, and stable isotopes was measured by continuous-flow isotope-
to document the westward extent of the subsurface plume. The ratio mass spectrometry (CF-IRMS) using a Micromass Opti-
oil and gas released by the DWH spill were depleted in 13C rela- ma or an Isoprime 100 interfaced to a Carlo Erba elemental
tive to marine organic carbon (OC): d13Coil 5 227& (Graham analyzer (CE NC2500). All carbon and nitrogen abundances
et al. 2010), d13Cmethane 5 257& and 261& (Cherrier et al. are reported as d13C and d15N values (&) relative to Vienna
2014; Crespo-Medina et al. 2014), and d13CmarineOC 5 221.0& Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) and atmospheric N2, respectively.
(Chanton and Lewis 2002; Chasar et al. 2005). Therefore, the The stability of the instrument and the contribution of any
contribution of C derived from oil and gas (petrocarbon) to sus- blank to our measurements were checked using a size series
pended particles can be estimated using a three end-member of elemental (methionine) and isotopic (peptone) standards
mixing model based on oil, methane and primary producers- in each analytical run (Montoya et al. 2008).
derived organic carbon. Our underlying hypothesis is that the The contributions of oil and methane to the d13C of sus-
rapid response of microbial communities documented during pended particles (d13Csp) were estimated using a three mem-
and after the DWH spill promoted the movement of petrocar- ber mass-balance:
bon into the microbial food web, thus lowering the d13C of sus- Csp 3d13 Csp 5Cbiomass 3d13 Cbiomass 1Coil 3d13 Coil
pended particles with respect to marine organic carbon derived (1)
1Cmethane 3d13 Cmethane
from primary production.
where subscripts denote the source of C: sp for suspended par-
Materials ticles, biomass for surface biomass, oil and methane for those
We collected samples in the Northern Gulf of Mexico forms of petrocarbon. The contribution of organic matter
(GoM) on cruises OC468 (21 August 2010–16 September derived from surface production, Cbiomass, was estimated by mul-
2010), EN496 (02 July 2011–27 July 2011), and EN515 (05 tiplying the measured particulate organic nitrogen by the canon-
September 2012–15 September 2012) aboard the R/V Oceanus ical Redfield C : N ratio (6.625), and assuming that no nitrogen
(OC) and the R/V Endeavor (EN) (Fig. 1). Each cruise was was supplied by either oil or methane. Once the biomass contri-
comprised of two legs, and sampled locations include the bution was determined, the petrocarbon contributions, Coil and


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ndez-Carrera et al.
Ferna Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon

-93 -92 -91 -90 -89 -88 -87 -86 -85

31 EN496 31
DWH well

30 30
29 29

28 28

27 27

26 26
0 100 200 km Southern section

-93 -92 -91 -90 -89 -88 -87 -86 -85


Fig. 1. Chart of stations sampled on cruises OC468 (21 August 2010–08 September 2010), EN496 (02 July 2011–27 July 2011), and EN515 (05 Sep-
tember 2012–15 September 2012). Black circles represent OC468, white inverted triangles represent EN496, and gray squares represent EN515. An
asterisk marks the position of the former Deep Water Horizon well.

Cmethane, were estimated by mass balance (Eq. 1). As isotopic end oil and gas plumes were analyzed for the natural abundance of
members, we used d13Cbiomass 5 221.0& (Chanton and Lewis radiocarbon (14C). Individual filters were combusted and puri-
2002; Chasar et al. 2005); d13Coil 5 227.0& (Graham et al. fied to CO2 following the methods of Peterson et al. (1994).
2010); and d13Cmethane 5 257 and 261& (Cherrier et al. 2014; The resultant CO2 was sealed in a 6 mm ampule and sent to
Crespo-Medina et al. 2014). We applied this mass-balance either Woods Hole National Ocean Sciences Accelerator Mass
approach only to the samples with d13Csp < 221& (i.e., those in Spectrometry (NOSAMS) Center or Lawrence Livermore Nation-
which a significant contribution of oil or gas was most likely). al Laboratory Center for Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (CAMS).
In addition, filter sections from 18 samples from the 2010 The D14C data were corrected for the blank of the filter
cruise (OC468) collected in the area affected by the subsurface and the reagents using the following equation:

D14 Cmeasured 3 Cmeasured 2 D14 Cfilter 3 Cfilter 2 D14 Creagent 3 Creagent

D14 Csp 5 (2)
Cmeasured 2 Cfilter 2Creagent

The blank filter had a D14Cfilter 5 2550 &, with a size (Cfil- our measurements could reflect some contamination by
ter) of 0.830 lmol CO2 and the reagent blank was DOC. However, given that open ocean DOC is generally less
D14Creagent 5 2255 & with a size (Creagent) of 0.167 lmol 14
C-depleted than petrocarbon (Benner et al. 1997; Griffith
CO2. The size of the samples (Cmeasured) ranged from 5 to 37 et al. 2012), the net effect would be to dilute the petrocar-
lmol CO2. We also note that dissolved organic carbon bon signature in our samples, so our estimates of the contri-
(DOC) can be adsorbed to the glass fiber filters during the fil- bution of oil/gas to particles are effectively conservative
tration process (Gardner et al. 2003; Griffith et al. 2012), so lower limits.


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ndez-Carrera et al.
Ferna Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon

Fig 2.


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Ferna Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon

Fig. 2. (see prior page). Vertical distribution of d13C (A, C, D, E) and D14C (B) of suspended particles for all cruises, and relation of d13C vs. D14C (F)
for samples from the Southern section of our 2010 cruise (OC468). Circles in A and crosses in B, F represent cruise OC468 (21 August 2010–08 Septem-
ber 2010), inverted triangles in C represent cruise EN496 (02 July 2011–27 July 2011), and squares in E represent EN515 (05 September 2012–15
September 2012). The symbols in panel D represent the d13C at the stations located further to the southwest of the DWH well in the Southern section
(south of 278N and East of 888W) of the 2010 cruise. In A, C, and E, gray symbols are the stations in the Deep Water Horizon section, white symbols are
stations in the Southern section. The gray box in panels A–E defines the depth of the oil and gas plume developed in 2010. The line in panel F shows
the best fit linear regression used to estimate the composition of petrocarbon (Eq. 6). Note that a D14C of 21000& corresponds to d13C 5 235.9&.

To estimate the contributions of recently fixed carbon, endmember. In brief, we solved the regression line for d13C
methane, and oil sources to suspended particles using d13C when D14C 5 21000& and then used the mass balance
and D14C values, we created a matrix using the following equation:
d13 Cregression 2d13 Coil
15fbiomass 1foil 1fmethane (3) fmethane 5 (7)
d13 Cmethane 2d13 Coil

d13 Csp 5fbiomass 3d13 Cbiomass 1foil 3d13 Coil 1fmethane 3d13 Cmethane where d13Cregression 5 235.9&, d13Coil 5 227& (Graham et al.
(4) 2010) and d13Cmethane 5 257 or 261& (Cherrier et al. 2014;
Crespo-Medina et al. 2014). This allowed us to determine
D14 Csp 5fbiomass 3D14 Cbiomass 1foil 3D14 Coil 1fmethane 3D14 Cmethane the relative fraction of the fossil particulate organic carbon
(5) from methane (fmethane) and oil sources (1 – fmethane).
All statistical analyses were performed using R 3.1.1
where f is the fraction of each carbon source in the sample
(R Core Team 2014). Non-parametric tests were used because
(Bauer et al. 2002; Cherrier et al. 2014). The isotopic end- the raw variables did not follow a Gaussian distribution. The
members for D14C were 141& for recently fixed marine car- correlation between variables was explored using the Kendall
bon (D14Cbiomass) in the GoM (Chanton et al. 2012), and tau coefficient, the differences between sections were tested
fossil 21000& for methane and oil. The stable isotope end- using the Kruskal–Wallis rank sum test, and for the statistical
members for d13C were as noted above. significance of means we used a Wilcoxon rank sum test.
We did not include the carbon delivered by the Mississip-
pi river in either of the models (Eqs. 1, 3-5) for the following Results
reasons. The d13C of the particulate organic carbon associat-
Suspended particle d13C
ed with the outflow has been reported to range from
In 2010 (cruise OC468), the vertical distribution of the
223.3& to 226&, while the D14C ranges from 286& to
natural abundance of 13C in suspended particles (d13Csp)
2223&, (Cherrier et al. 2014). As we will show, these D14C
showed a wide range of variation through the water column
values fall relatively near the modern carbon production val-
with values between 230.1& and 212.8& (Fig. 2A). In the
ues. In our three-way model (Eqs. 3-5), using the terrestrial
upper 400 m, d13Csp spanned between 226.0& and 217&,
signal instead of the modern signal resulted in negative con-
with a few higher values ranging up to 212.8& and an aver-
tributions to particulate organic carbon in most of our shal-
age of 221.1 6 1.9& (mean 6 SD, n 5 157) for the whole
low samples, because the samples are more similar to the
cruise. The lowest values were found at the depth of the sub-
modern signal than to the terrestrial signal. Thus, to the surface oil and gas plumes (1000–1200 m), where d13Csp
extent that Mississippi river inputs affect our surface sam- ranged between 230.1& and 219.6&, with an overall aver-
ples, we assumed that our marine production values repre- age of 224.9 6 3.0& (mean 6SD, n 5 31), which is statistical-
sent an upper limit of this influence. ly different from the d13C of particles in the upper 400 m of
A second approach to estimate the percent of recently the water column (Wilcoxon rank sum test, p < 0.01). In gen-
fixed (frf) carbon and fossil carbon in the Csp used a radiocar- eral, d13Csp values at depth were slightly lower in the South-
bon mixing model: ern section relative to the DWH nearfield section, as
D14 Csp 2D14 Cpetrocarbon illustrated by the stations farthest to the southwest of the
frf 5 (6)
D14 Crf 2D14 Cpetrocarbon DWH wellhead in the Southern section, where d13Csp consis-
tently tended to be more negative with depth (Fig. 2D). We
with endmembers of D14Crf 5 141& and D14Cpetrocarbon applied our three-member mass-balance approach (Eq. 1) to
21000&. The petrocarbon content was then simply (1 – frf). depths between 1000 m and 1500 m to account for both Csp
To compare our estimate of petrocarbon content to the three produced within the oil and gas plume, and for Csp poten-
equation matrix, the individual methane and oil estimations tially exported from the plume itself, a pathway consistent
were added together. with the low d13Csp values we found immediately below the
We then used a linear regression of d13C vs. D14C (Fig. 2F) plume in 2010 (Fig. 2A). Our mass balance suggests that up
to determine the composition of the petrocarbon to 28% of suspended particle carbon (Csp) was supplied by


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ndez-Carrera et al.
Ferna Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon

Fig 3.


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ndez-Carrera et al.
Ferna Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon

Fig. 3. (see prior page). Vertical distribution of d15N (A, C, E) and C : N ratio (B, D, F) of suspended particle. Circles represent cruise OC468 (21
August 2010–08 September 2010), inverted triangles represent cruise EN496 (02 July 2011–27 July 2011), squares represent cruise EN515 (05 Septem-
ber 2012–15 September 2012). Gray symbols are the stations in the Deep Water Horizon section, white symbols are stations in the Southern section.
Dashed lines in the C : N panels represent the Redfield C : N ratio (6.625). The gray box defines the depth of the oil and gas plume developed in 2010.

methane at depths between 1000 m and 1500 m in the South- Suspended particle D14C
ern section. The contribution of methane to Csp averaged 7% 6 The radiocarbon content of samples from the 2010 cruise
5% (mean 6 SD, n 5 8, d13Cmethane 5 261&) to 18% 6 7% (OC468) varied with depth, with the most depleted samples
(n 5 12, d13Cmethane 5 257&) at those depths. On the other found within the depth range of the subsurface plume
hand, oil contributed as much as 24% of Csp at depths between (Camilli et al. 2010; Valentine et al. 2010) (Fig. 2B). The
1000 m and 1500 m in the Southern section, but up to 62% in D14C signatures ranged from 2603& to 7.7& (n 5 18). Sam-
the DWH nearfield section at those depths. The average range ples from the upper 200 m of the water column were less
for oil contribution to Csp in the DWH nearfield section at C depleted, and ranged from 264& to 7.7& (n 5 5). Sam-
1000–1500 m was 39% 6 16% (n 5 8, d13Cmethane 5 257&) to ples taken from 840 m to 1200 m ranged from 2603& to
47% 6 14% (n 5 8, d13Cmethane 5 261&). 248& (n 5 13), with an average D14C of 2283 6 186&
In 2011 (cruise EN496) and 2012 (cruise EN515), the (mean 6 SD, n 5 13). Within the plume at depths between
range of variation of d13Csp in the water column was similar 1000 m and 1200 m, the D14C values ranged from 2603& to
to that of the 2010 cruise (229.7& to 216.4&), but the ver- 255&, with an average of 2357 6 195& (mean 6 SD, n 5 8).
tical distribution was markedly different (Fig. 2C,E). In both The sample with the most depleted signatures of D14C and
years, we measured low d13Csp values (< 225&) throughout d13C (2603& and 230.1&, respectively) was from a depth of
the water column of the DWH nearfield section, with a clear 1050 m.
shift to lower d13C values in suspended particles (< 223&) We estimated the contribution of different carbon sources
below 300 m in 2012 (Fig. 2E). A wider range of variation (recently fixed, methane, and oil) for each sample using two
also appeared in deep waters below 1500 m depth in 2011 methods where we incorporated the radiocarbon data either
and 2012 (Fig. 2C,E), although this may reflect the greater through the three equation matrix (Eqs. 3-5) or through the
number of samples taken at those depths during this cruise radiocarbon mixing line (Eqs. 6 and 7). Using the three
in comparison to the 2010 cruise. In the Southern section in equation matrix, we estimated that between 0% and 16% of
2012, we found consistently low values around 225& below suspended particle carbon was derived from fossil methane,
200 m. These samples were collected near the GC600 site averaging 3% 6 3% (n 5 5) for shallow samples (< 200 m)
(27.378 N, 90.568 W), a very active seep field in the GoM, and 7% 6 6% (n 5 13) for deep samples (840–1200 m), while
which provides a measure of the potential contribution of 0–46% was derived from oil, averaging 5% 6 3% (n 5 5) for
petrocarbon from natural inputs of oil and gas to suspended shallow samples and 23% 6 14% (n 5 13) for deep samples.
particles. The whole cruise averages for d13Csp in the upper Modern carbon made up 38–95% of the Csp, averaging
400 m were similar to that from 2010 (221.6 6 1.4& in 92% 6 2% (n 5 5) for shallow samples and 70% 6 18%
2011, and 223.0 6 2.1& in 2012). The averages at the depths (n 5 13) for deep samples. The total fossil carbon in each
of the former oil and gas plume (1000–1200 m) were sample ranged from 0% to 62%, with shallow depths averag-
222.1 6 2.4& in 2011, and 225.6 6 3.6& in 2012. ing 8% 6 2% and deep samples averaging 30% 6 18%.
In the 2011 and 2012 cruises, the estimated contribution We found a significant linear correlation between d13C
of methane to Csp (Eq. 1) through the water column and D14C for samples from cruise OC468 in 2010
decreased in both sections relative to that of 2010. In 2011, (d13C 5 220.968 1 0.015 3 D14C, R2 5 0.89, p < 0.01, Fig. 2F).
methane contributed between 0% and 16% to suspended
The petrocarbon endmember, calculated by extending the
particles, with a whole cruise average of 4% 6 3% (n 5 89,
linear regression in Fig. 2F to D14C 5 21000&, had a d13C of
d13Cmethane 5 257&), while in 2012 we found that methane
235.9&. Using the d13C of the two petrocarbon endmem-
carbon contributed 0–28% of Csp, with a whole cruise aver-
bers, oil 227& (Graham et al. 2010) and methane 257 or
age ranging between 4% 6 4% (n 5 17), and 7% 6 5%
261& (Cherrier et al. 2014; Crespo-Medina et al. 2014) we
(n 5 75), depending on choice of end members for methane.
estimate by mass balance that 27% of the fossil carbon end-
On the other hand, the contribution of oil carbon to sus-
member was derived from methane, while 73% was derived
pended particles was maintained over time. In 2011 (cruise
from oil.
EN496) the oil contribution ranged between 0% and 53%
(n 5 89), with a cruise average from 13% 6 9% (n 5 89) to Suspended particle d15N
20% 6 9% (n 5 89). In 2012 (cruise EN515) the contribution The vertical distribution of the d15N of suspended par-
of oil to suspended particles was between 0% and 75% ticles (d15Nsp) in the water column was similar for all of the
(n 5 199), averaging from 25% 6 15% (n 5 86) to 33% 6 14% cruises, with low values and greater variability in surface
(n 5 90). waters and a shift to more positive and somewhat less


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ndez-Carrera et al.
Ferna Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon

Fig 4.


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ndez-Carrera et al.
Ferna Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon

Fig. 4. (see prior page). d15N vs. d13C (A, C, E) and C : N ratio vs. d13C (B, D, F) of suspended particle. Circles represent the OC468 cruise (21
August 2010–08 September 2010), inverted triangles represent the EN496 cruise (02 July 2011–27 July 2011), squares represent EN515 (05 Septem-
ber 2012–15 September 2012). Gray symbols are the stations in the Deep Water Horizon section, white symbols are stations in the Southern section.
Dashed lines in the C : N panels represent the Redfield C : N ratio (6.625).

section, especially in deep waters between 500 m and

1500 m (Fig. 3D). C : N ratios above Redfield (> 10) were
measured throughout the water column in 2012 (cruise
EN515), especially in the DWH nearfield section, where
C : N increased with depth (Fig. 3F).

For the 2010 cruise (OC468), d15Nsp showed a weak but
significant correlation with d13Csp (s 5 0.151, p < 0.01,
n 5 256, Fig. 4A) and C : N ratio was weakly correlated with
d13Csp (s 5 0.199, p < 0.01, n 5 256, Fig. 4B). The correlation
between d15N and d13Csp is higher for the samples between
1000 m and 1200 m depth in the Southern section
(s 5 0.362, p < 0.05, n 5 24, Fig. 5). In contrast, our 2011 data
set (cruise EN496) showed no significant correlations
between d15N and d13Csp (p > 0.05, n 5 244, Fig. 4C) or C : N
ratio and d13Csp (p > 0.05, n 5 244, Fig. 4D). Since the correla-
Fig. 5. d15N vs. d13C of suspended particles at 1000–1200 m depth in tions for the 2010 cruise as a whole were weak, we treated
the Southern section during OC468 cruise (21 August 2010–08 Septem-
our suspended particles as a mixture of phytoplankton, bac-
ber 2010). The solid line shows the best fit linear regression (model II)
estimated with R (d15N 512.66 1 0.29 3 d13C, R2 5 0.20, p 5 0.014, teria and detritus and did not apply a lipid correction (Gra-
n 5 24). ham et al. 2010). In 2012 (cruise EN515), d15N and C : N
were significantly correlated with d13Csp (s 5 0.215,
s 5 20.418, respectively, p < 0.01, n 5 109, Fig. 4E,F).
variable values below 300–400 m depth (Fig. 3A,C,E). When considering the sections within each cruise, the
Although the range of d15Nsp was large on all cruises (23.9& Kruskal–Wallis tests revealed that d13C differed significantly
to 10.5& in 2010, 25.6& to 11.7& in 2011, and 21.3& to between the DWH and the Southern sections both in 2010
10.6& in 2012), most of the values fell between 5& and (p < 0.01, n 5 256), and 2011 (p < 0.01, n 5 247), but not in
10&. In the upper 400 m of the water column, d15Nsp varied 2012 (p > 0.05, n 5 109). On the other hand, d15Nsp and
between 0& and 10& in 2010, 25& and 10& in 2011, and C : N values differed significantly between sections for the
between 21& and 11& in 2012. This range of variation nar- 2010 cruise (p < 0.01, n 5 256).
rowed to values between 5& and 10& in deeper waters, and
down to 0& and 10& below the depth of the 2010 subsur- Discussion
face oil/gas plume. At most of the stations sampled in 2010,
The Deep Water Horizon (DWH) blow-out was the largest
d15Nsp in deep waters below 500 m was lower in the DWH
oil spill in U.S. history (Abbriano et al. 2011). The unprece-
nearfield section than in the Southern section but at the
dented amount of oil and gas released over 86 d following
depth of the oil/gas plume (Fig. 3A).
the explosion produced an immediate response by the indig-
Suspended particle C : N ratio enous microbial communities (Hazen et al. 2010; Valentine
The vertical distribution of carbon to nitrogen (C : N) et al. 2010; Edwards et al. 2011; Kessler et al. 2011; Mason
ratios in suspended particles differed between cruises (Fig. et al. 2012; Gutierrez et al. 2013; Rivers et al. 2013), which
3B,D,F). In 2010 (cruise OC468), the DWH nearfield section may have transferred substantial amounts of oil and gas-
and the Southern section were distinctly different. While derived carbon (petrocarbon) into the microbial food web.
C : N ratios tended to increase with depth in the upper Our results are consistent with other studies focused on shal-
1500 m of the DWH nearfield section, it varied roughly sym- lower waters off the coast of Alabama and Florida (Graham
metrically around the Redfield C : N (6.625) ratio in the et al. 2010; Chanton et al. 2012; Cherrier et al. 2014) in sug-
Southern section with values between 3.8 and 7.6 (Fig. 3B). gesting that this carbon was rapidly incorporated into small
In contrast, no obvious trend was found with depth in 2011 particles by June 2010, and that it was still being recycled
(cruise EN496), although values in the DWH nearfield sec- through the microbial food web 2 yr after the well-head was
tion were generally higher than those in the Southern capped (Fig. 2A,C,E).


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ndez-Carrera et al.
Ferna Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon

The oil and methane released by the DWH had character- consistent with previous studies of d13C and D14C in Mobile
istically low d13C values of about 227& for oil (Graham Bay (> 100 km north of the well-head) and the DeSoto Can-
et al. 2010) and 257& to 261& for methane (Cherrier et al. yon, which showed a rapid transfer of hydrocarbon to small
2014; Crespo-Medina et al. 2014). These values are different particles and zooplankton (Graham et al. 2010; Chanton
from that of typical surface primary production, which usu- et al. 2012; Cherrier et al. 2014). In the months following
ally ranges between 222& and 220& (Chanton and Lewis the end of the spill, methane dispersed through the water
2002; Chasar et al. 2005). Therefore, we expect that biologi- column in the Northern Gulf, and methane oxidation rates
cal processes using these hydrocarbons as a source of carbon decreased substantially, although the rates remained above
will lower the d13C of organic matter below that of surface background levels for an extended period (Crespo-Medina
primary production. The quick response of methanotrophic et al. 2014). This suggests that a continuous input of carbon
and oil-degrading bacteria and archaea to the sudden supply derived from DWH methane into the microbial food web
of both oil and gases between 1000 m and 1200 m depth in was still possible in a broad region of the Northern Gulf,
May–June 2010 (Camilli et al. 2010; Valentine et al. 2010) again contributing to low values of d13Csp. Indeed, as a con-
appears to have driven the movement of the hydrocarbons servative approach, we used the range of average contribu-
into the microbial food web, generating the consistently low tions of methane for the entire 2010 cruise (7% 6 5% to
d13C (< 225&) of suspended particles (d13Csp) at those 9 6 8, Eq. 1) scaled to the total area exposed to oil
depths in the Southern section in August 2010 (Fig. 2A), (11,200 km2) for more than 20% of the duration of the spill
which were detected as far as 289 km southwest from the (Hu et al. 2011; Macdonald et al. 2015) to estimate that
DWH well (Fig. 2D). Using a three-member (surface biomass, between 80 6 56 and 104 6 91 t of methane-derived carbon
oil, and methane) isotope mass-balance approach, we esti- was incorporated into suspended particles roughly 1 month
mate that as much as 28% of particulate carbon was derived after the well was capped.
from methane in that section at depths between 1000 m and Our observation of 13C-depleted suspended particles at a
1500 m. In addition, the DWH methane and oil was radio- station located 289 km to the southwest of the DWH well
carbon dead, with highly depleted radiocarbon values (27.168N, 90.718W, Fig. 2D), provides direct and unambigu-
(D14C 5 21000&) relative to that of Gulf dissolved inorganic ous evidence of the spread of the subsurface oil and gas
carbon (DIC), which had a D14C of 141& in 2010 (Chanton plumes for hundreds of kilometers in the summer of 2010.
et al. 2012). Radiocarbon analysis provides further evidence Previous studies have used indirect evidence to estimate the
that methane and oil have been incorporated into the spatial extent of the deep oil and gas plumes. For instance,
microbial food web via suspended particulate organic carbon Kessler et al. (2011) report oxygen depletions as far west as
and zooplankton (Chanton et al. 2012; Cherrier et al. 2014), 928W, and state that they tracked submerged hydrocarbon
and possibly into higher organisms along the Gulf coast intrusions for 500 km southwestward from the well using
(Wilson et al. 2016). The three equation matrix (Eqs. 3-5) fluorescence and oxygen anomalies. Valentine et al. (2014)
used to analyze the radiocarbon and stable isotope carbon state that the plume extended for 300 km to the southwest
values in the Southern section in 2010 produced estimates of based on distributions of hopane in sediments. Other
methane contributions to particulate carbon ranging from authors report that the plume spread in the neighborhood of
0% to 16%, which is generally consistent with the 13C iso- 50 km southwest of the wellhead (Camilli et al. 2010; Reddy
tope mass-balance approach (0 2 28%). From this three equa- et al. 2012; Spier et al. 2013). To our knowledge, our study
tion approach, we also estimated that the contribution of provides the only direct evidence for the presence of petro-
recently fixed carbon ranged from 38% to 95%, averaging carbon hundreds of kilometers to the southwest of the DWH
70% 6 18% for deep samples, while oil contributions were wellhead.
estimated to range from 0% to 46%, averaging 23% 6 14% In addition to the deep plume, oil-derived carbon from
for deep samples. surface oil slicks could produce an imprint in suspended par-
The results of our second approach, using a radiocarbon ticles in the euphotic zone that might persist well after the
mixing line (Eqs. 6 and 7), agreed with the three equation slicks themselves. This memory effect can explain the broad
matrix for estimating the contribution of total fossil carbon distribution of low d13Csp values (230& to 225&) we
in each sample. We used the linear regression shown in Fig. observed, especially in the DWH region, during the 2011
2F, to estimate the d13C of petrocarbon when and 2012 cruises (Fig. 2C,E), when oil accounted for up to
D14C 5 21000&, producing a value of d13C 5 235.9&. Using 53% and 75% of Csp (Eq. 1), respectively. Using the cruise
the isotopic composition of methane and oil, we estimated average contribution of oil to suspended particles (18% 6
that methane comprised about 27% of the petrocarbon end- 15% to 25% 6 14%, Eq. 1), we estimate that between
member while oil comprised the remaining 73%. 216 6 174 and 292 6 165 t of DWH oil-derived carbon was
Samples collected from within the deep hydrocarbon present in suspended particles in 2010, and that some of this
plume in 2010 showed depletion in both d13C and D14C sig- DWH petrocarbon was still present in particles in 2011 and
natures (Fig. 2A,B). As stated above, these results are 2012.


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ndez-Carrera et al.
Ferna Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon

Other factors might also contribute to low d13C values in (Fig. 3C,E). A variety of processes may generate low d15N val-
2011 and 2012. High river discharge during spring could ues in particles, but previous studies have reported potential
result in very negative d13C (< 225&) in organic matter dur- and actual heterotrophic diazotrophy by methanotrophic
ing summer or autumn (Chanton and Lewis 1999). These archaea in natural methane seep sediments (Dang et al. 2009;
inputs could partly contribute to the low d13Csp values mea- Miyazaki et al. 2009; Dekas et al. 2013), which seems to be
sured in surface waters (< 15 m depth) in the DWH region, controlled by substrate (methane) availability. It is likely that
where lower surface salinities (25–34 p.s.u., data not shown) diazotrophy similar to that in seep sediments would have
were found on all of our cruises (Fig. 2A,C,E). In addition, been promoted by the high methane concentrations preva-
two of the Southern section stations sampled during 2010 lent in the water column during the DWH incident (Hazen
(cruise OC468) and all stations sampled in 2012 (cruise et al. 2010; Valentine et al. 2010; Joye et al. 2011; Crespo-
EN515) were in/near the GC600 lease block (27.378 N, 90.568 Medina et al. 2014), leading to the observed low d15N of par-
W), one of the most active seep fields in the GoM. In 2010, ticulate organic nitrogen in 2010. Pure culture toxicity bioas-
only samples taken at the depth of the plume says also provide evidence that heterotrophic bacteria, which
(1000 2 1200 m) were 13C depleted (d13Csp < 225&), sugges- are less sensitive to oil than methane-oxidizing bacteria, may
ting that naturally released oil and gas made only a minor have increased in abundance as result of the DWH oil spill
contribution to the low d13Csp observed that year at depth. (Urakawa et al. 2012). Given the dramatic increase (> 7 orders
In 2012, the deep profiles near site GC600 (Fig. 2E) showed a of magnitude) in methane flux into the wellhead region (Joye
consistent 13C depletion below 500 m and no vertical struc- et al. 2011), the significant correlation between d15Nsp and
ture resembling the 2010 deep plume. This overall subsurface d13Csp at 1000 2 1200 m in the Southern section (s 5 0.362,
depletion in 13C, around GC600 in 2012 appears to reflect p < 0.05, n 5 24, Fig. 5) suggests an increase in heterotrophic
episodic natural releases of oil and gas that produce d13C nitrogen fixation by methanotrophs in intermediate waters
profiles quite different from those we found in 2010 in the during the DWH oil spill. This coupled methanodiazotrophy
immediate aftermath of the DWH spill. This mechanism is would lower d15Nsp at depth by contributing 15N-depleted
unlikely to be an important factor in the DWH section, (d15N 5 22&) nitrogen to organic matter. In the Southern
mainly in the Mississippi Canyon lease block region, which section, we used a two-end-member isotope mixing model
does not contain any seep fields as persistent as those at (Montoya et al. 2002) with nitrate (d15N 5 4.8&) and diazo-
Green Canyon (Garcia-Pineda et al. 2016). trophic nitrogen (d15N 5 22&) as nitrogen sources and esti-
The variation of d15Nsp in surface water (0 2 200 m) clear- mated that diazotroph N could account for up to 40% of the
ly reflects the influence of the major sources of nitrogen for particulate nitrogen at 1000–1200 m depth in 2010.
primary producers in the Northern Gulf. On the one hand, The vertical distribution of the C : N ratio of suspended
nitrogen fixation (diazotrophy) is an important process in particles was clearly different between our cruises (Fig.
the GoM, as evidenced by the large and frequent blooms of 3B,D,F), showing greater increases with depth in 2010 (cruise
the diazotrophic cyanobacterium Trichodesmium (Capone OC468) and 2012 (cruise EN515) than in 2011 (cruise
et al. 1997; Holl et al. 2007). Diazotrophy appeared to supply EN496). This increase in C : N ratio with depth in 2010 is
appreciable amounts of isotopically depleted N (Montoya especially apparent in the DWH nearfield section, with val-
et al. 2002) to the euphotic layer, lowering d15Nsp to values ues as high as double the Redfield ratio at depth. In June
close to or below 0& (Fig. 3A,C,E), especially in the Southern 2010, bacterial communities within the surface oil slicks
section offshore. On the other hand, nitrate from deep responded to the oil input by increasing their respiration
water, which has a global average d15N of 4.8& (Liu and rates but not their biomass (Edwards et al. 2011). The meta-
Kaplan 1989; Sigman et al. 1997), likely supported a substan- bolic shift reflected an increased stress due to enhanced
tial fraction of primary production at most of our stations, phosphorous demand in a largely nutrient depleted environ-
particularly in the DWH nearfield section of the 2010 cruise ment. Under these conditions of dramatically increased car-
(Fig. 3A). In addition, nitrogen carried by the Mississippi riv- bon availability, the incorporation of carbon would have
er (Turner and Rabalais 2013) may also have contributed to increased substantially relative to other nutrients, leading to
plankton nutrition in this area, which is relatively near the the elevated C : N ratios that we measured during the 2010
Mississippi estuary, and whose nitrate d15N could range cruise. Assimilation or adsorption of oil by particles will also
between 21.4& and 12.3& as a result of the different land result in lower d13Csp values and should lead to negative cor-
uses across the basin (Chang et al. 2002). relation between C : N ratio and d13C (i.e., the more depleted
Below the surface layer, we found surprisingly low d15Nsp the d13C, the higher the C : N ratio). In fact we find a weak
values (< 5&) in most of our samples at 1000–1200 m depth but positive correlation (s 5 0.199, p < 0.01, n 5 256, Fig. 4B),
in 2010, suggesting a significant input of isotopically deplet- suggesting that other processes, including high respiration
ed N to the planktonic community in these deep waters. rates and high C assimilation, had a significant impact on the
Low d15N values at depth were less common in 2011 d13C of particles. In contrast, we found C : N ratios in the
and 2012, when very few samples showed values < 5& Southern section of the 2010 cruise that were lower than the


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Ferna Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon

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ndez-Carrera et al.
Ferna Deep Water Horizon oil and methane carbon

respiration jump-starts microbial response to a deep oil Acknowledgments

spill. Science 330: 208–211. doi:10.1126/science.1196830 We thank the officers, crew, and marine technicians of the R/V Oceanus and
Valentine, D. L., G. Burch Fisher, S. C. Bagby, R. K. Nelson, R/V Endeavor for their help and support during operations at sea. AFC was sup-
C. M. Reddy, S. P. Sylva, and M. A. Woo. 2012. Dynamic ported by a Xunta de Galicia “Axuda posdoutoral modalidade A” fellowship.
This research was made possible by a grant from The Gulf of Mexico Research
autoinoculation and the microbial ecology of a deep Initiative. Data are publicly available through the Gulf of Mexico Research Ini-
water hydrocarbon irruption. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA tiative Information & Data Cooperative (GRIIDC) at https://data.gulfresearch-
109: 20286–20291. doi:10.1073/pnas.1108820109 (R1.x132.134:0073, R1.x132.134:0074, R1.x132.139:0016
Valentine, D. L., and others. 2014. Fallout plume of sub- and R1.x132.139:0017). This is ECOGIG contribution #363.
merged oil from Deepwater Horizon. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
USA 111: 15906–15911. doi:10.1073/pnas.1414873111 Conflict of Interest
Wilson, R. M., J. Cherrier, J. Sarkodee-Adoo, S. Bosman, A. None declared.

Mickle, and J. P. Chanton. 2016. Tracing the intrusion of

Submitted 01 September 2015
fossil carbon into coastal Louisiana macrofauna using nat-
Revised 14 March 2016; 05 July 2016
ural 14C and 13C abundances. Deep-Sea Res. II Top. Stud.
Accepted 17 August 2016
Oceanogr. 129: 89–95. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2015.05.014
Associate editor: Leila Hamdan


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