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There’s no place like home

Name: Susana Palacios

Assessor: Josue Castañeda
1. Read Karen’s email.
2. Read the questions carefully and prepare an answer.
3. Use the modal verbs you studied: ‘can’, ‘could’, ‘have to’, ‘should’.

First, write your ideas in a draft (borrador).
Use the contents (verb forms, linking words, vocabulary…) you practiced throughout the
Avoid the use of a translator, an assessor will evaluate the originality of your work.

You’ve got mail!


Subject Hello, hello!


Hi! I’m planning a trip to New York City for spring break. Are you going to have any free
days in March? Maybe we could do something. I would really like to visit all the museums
in the Big Apple!
I also have several questions. First, do you think I could stay at your place? If your
apartment isn’t too big, I could sleep on a couch or on the floor. I tried to book a hotel, but
they’re very expensive!
Also, how’s the weather this time of the year? Is it hot, cold? Is it raining? I don’t know
what kind of clothes I should pack.
And finally, do you know any good Chinese restaurants? You know I love Chinese food,
so I would like to find some information online.

I hope that everything is going well and you’re enjoying your stay in New York.
See you soon in NYC!



Hello Karen!

I hope you are well, you have a lot that I don't see you, you have to come. I'm not sure if I
have a vacation on those dates, but I could ask for two or three days.

Karen, you know I'm not a museum fan, but I could do some research with some friends.

Yes friend, hotels are very expensive, you can stay with me in my apartment, it is not very
big but we will be fine there, my bed is big so we shouldn't have any problems.

You have to come prepared because this season it is usually cold so you should bring a
jacket, jeans, boots, also that it rains most of the day, but we will find a way to have fun,
we can eat at home, I know a good place that sells all kinds of food.

You have to tell me exact dates, and you can time together.

I hope to see you soon. I send you a hug from New York.

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