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The literature has shown that in the past few years, gay people are killed, deprived of their

and being set-aside because of their gender.

The largest killing of gay people in U.S history happened in 1973. It is believed to be arson
but no one was ever charged or convicted of the crime.

There appears to be strong evidence that community belonging for depressive

symptomatology and perceived stress causes LGB older adults a higher risk of disability,
poor mental health, smoking, and excessive drinking than did heterosexuals. They were
more likely to live alone, experience the death of a same-sex partner, have lower levels of
social support, and have greater experiences of victimization. They were also less likely
to be married or partnered, and to experience more loneliness.

According to Home and Family, many lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT)
older has a fear of accessing health services because they are afraid to be neglected and
face discrimination or harassment in any long-term care facilities. Also,
transgender older adults experienced financial barriers to receiving health services

According to the Williams Institute, 40% of the homeless youth served by agencies

identify as LGBT. Due to a lack of respect and acceptance, they often turned away from
home and making the life of an LGBT more difficult.

Was the most significant event shaping their experience of gay life. Where there are a
hundreds of gay people who was diagnosed with AIDS. The majority of older adults
living with HIV experienced ageism and HIV stigma.

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