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Er. Sabin Pokhrel
3.5 Construction of Bituminous
■ Roads in which bitumen is used as binder is termed as bituminous
■ Stage development can be adopted depending on traffic demands

■ Bitumen content over optimum value is harmful reducing strength and

3.5 Construction of Bituminous
■ Optimum binder content is determined by: surface area of aggregates
and techniques of construction.

■ Bituminous aggregate mixtures during mixing and compaction

operations are major issues.
3.5.1 Types of Bituminous Construction
of Roads
■ 1. Classification based on Construction Technique
– Interface Treatments
– Surface dressing and seal coat
– Grouted or penetration macadam
– Premix Construction
3.5.1 Types of Bituminous Construction
of Roads
■ 2. Classification based on temperature of Binder
– Hot mix
– Cold mix (Cutback and Emulsion)
3.5.1 Types of Bituminous Construction
of Roads
■ 3. Classification based on method of mixing
– Road Mix method
– Central plant mix method
3.5.1 Types of Bituminous Construction
of Roads
■ 4. Classification based on texture exhibited by compacted layers
– Open graded (Premixed Carpet)
– Dense Graded (Bituminous Concrete)
3.5.1 Types of Bituminous Construction
of Roads
■ Binders may be road tars, cutback, emulsions etc.
■ Choice depends upon type of construction, technique, equipments
availability, climatic conditions etc.
3.5.1 Types of Bituminous Construction
of Roads
■ Bituminous Concrete: mixture of controlled graded coarse aggregate
and bitumen.
■ Mastic Asphalt: mixture of bitumen, fine aggregates and fillers.
■ Rolled or Sheet Asphalt: mixture of bitumen and sand without any
coarse aggregates.
3.5.1 Types of Bituminous Construction
of Roads
■ Hot mix method: binder and aggregate both heated before use

■ Cold Mix Method: Binder and aggregates not heated.

■ Road Mix: materials mixed at road side

■ Central Plant Mix: hot mix plant is situated centrally to the length of
the road.
3.5.2 Interface Treatment

■ When a bituminous wearing surface is to be placed upon a previously

untreated compacted foundation layer such as earth, WBM, gravel etc.
it is necessary to bond the new surface with existing surface
developed with a bituminous material is known as interface
3.5.2 Interface Treatment

■ Prime coat

■ Tack coat
Prime Coat

■ First application of low viscosity liquid bituminous material

■ Functions:
– Bond between base and the wearing surface
– Sealing of pore and capillary voids, water proofing
– Binding loose aggregates on existing surface
Prime Coat

■ Bituminous primer of suitable grade or viscosity is chosen and

sprayed uniformly at the rate of 7.3~14.6 kg/10 sq.m area depending
on porosity
■ Curing for at least 24 hrs is done
■ No traffic is allowed during the curing period
Prime Coat
Prime Coat
Tack Coat

■ Single initial application of bituminous material on existing pavement

surface relatively impervious.
■ Applied with higher viscosity bituminous material
■ Generally hot bitumen at the rate of 4.9~9.8 kg/ 10 sq. m.
■ Ensures adhesion between existing surface and new bituminous
Tack Coat
Tack Coat
3.5.3 Bituminous Surface Dressing

■ Bituminous Surface dressing refers to thin surface coverings of

bituminous layer and mineral aggregate.
■ It prevents removal of binding materials from WBM
■ Single coat Surface Dressing
■ Double Coat Surface Dressing
Single coat Surface Dressing

■ Single application of thin layer of bitumen followed by cover materials

of specified size stone aggregate, compacted by rollers
Double Coat Surface Dressing

➢ In this type of surface treatment, immediately after laying the first

coat, second application of binder is applied and followed by uniform
spreading of cover materials of smaller sized aggregate and then
✓ To provide a dust free pavement surface over a base course in dry
weather and mud free pavement in wet weather.
✓ To provide a waterproof layer and to prevent infiltration of surface
Construction steps of Double coat
surface dressing
■ Preparation of existing surface
■ Application of binder
■ Application of stone chippings
■ Rolling
■ Application of binder and stone chipping for second coat
■ Finishing and opening of traffic
Sheet Asphalt

■ Carpet of sand-bitumen mix of compacted thickness 25 mm without coarse

■ Materials used are sand,filler and bitumen
■ It is called as rolled asphalt in Britian
■ It is usually laid over cement concrete pavement to provide an excellent riding
Mastic Asphalt

■ Mixture of bitumen, fine aggregate and filler in suitable proportion yielding a void
less and impermeable mass.
■ It has a property of self-healing of cracks without bleeding
■ It is mostly used on the surfaces on bridge deck slab,etc
Seal Coat

■ Very thin surface treatment or single coat surface dressing, either

applied as a final step in new surface or existing surfaces which are
worn out.
■ Premixed sand bitumen (Hot Mix) is commonly used over premixed
■ Purpose:
– Seal against ingress of water
– Increase resistance to skid
– Increase strength and bearing capacity of existing surface
Otta Seal

■ Bituminous surfacing consisting of graded aggregates ranging from

natural gravel to crushed rock combined with soft binders with or
without sand cover seal.
■ Single otta seal with or without sand cover seal with aggregate grading
open, medium or dense
■ Double otta seal with or without sand cover seal with aggregate
grading open, medium or dense
Otta Seal

■ Materials:
– Bitumen
– Aggregate: clean strong hard and durable
■ LAA value 40% max
■ Aggregate impact value 30% max
■ Flakiness index 30% max
■ PI <5% preferable
■ Gradation as per specification either open, medium or dense
Otta Seal

■ Coarse Sand: Clean, hard and durable

– Gradation all passes from 6.7mm
Otta Seal

■ Equipments:
– Storage tank with bitumen heating device
– Mechanical Broom or hand brushes
– Air Compressor
– Bitumen Distributor
– Aggregate Spreader
– Pneumatic Rollers
Otta Seal

■ Construction Steps:
■ Preparation and intensive cleaning of existing surface by mechanical
broom or hand brushes
■ Application of prime coat
■ Spreading of binder
■ Spreading of aggregate of specified grading
■ Rolling by 2 pneumatic rollers at a min. wt. 12t or more with minimum
of 15 passes
Otta Seal

■ Apply one pass with 10~12 t static steel roller to improve the
embedment of larger aggregate
■ For first 2 days after sealing, extensive rolling shall be applied by
pneumatic roller with minimum of 15 passes daily
■ Spreading of binder
■ Spreading of sand
Otta seal

■ Rolling with pneumatic roller and curing the surface till four weeks
■ After 8~12 weeks second coat is executed with all the above steps
Otta Seal

■ Quality control
– Conditions of the equipments
– Temperature of binder
– Penetration, viscosity and ductility test on binder
– Gradation, LAA, ACV, AIV, FI, PI test on aggregates
– Rate of application of binder and aggregates
Otta Seal

■ Precautions:
– Equipments should be in perfect running condition
– Coordination between labors, equipments and supervisor should
be excellent
– Caring immediate post construction, traffic management, follow-
up inspection
Grouted or Penetration Macadam

■ In penetration macadam construction , high viscosity bitumen is sprayed in

fairly large quantity after the aggregates are spread and compacted.
■ The bitumen penetrates into the voids from the surface of compacted
aggregate thus filling up a part of the voids and binding the stone aggregates
■ It is used as a base or binder course
a)Full Grout
b)Semi Grout
➢ When the bitumen penetrates to the full depth of compacted aggregate, it is called
full grout and when it penetrates up to about half the depth, it is called semi grout.
➢ Full grout is adopted in the regions of heavy rainfall and semi grout is adopted in the
regions of moderate rainfall and traffic.
➢ The construction of penetration macadam is recommended for thickness of 50-75
Bituminous Concrete

■ It consists of dense grading of coarse aggregate, fine aggregate and mineral filler
coated with bitumen binder.
■ The thickness depends upon the traffic intensity and quality of base course and
ranges from 40 to 75 mm.
■ This kind of surfacing is more durable, have better riding quality and more load
carrying capacity.
Bitumen Bound Macadam

■ It consists of one or more course of compacted coarse aggregate

premixed with a bituminous binder and laid immediately after mixing
and then compacted.
■ When this layer is exposed as a surface course, at least a seal coat is
■ It is laid with usual thickness of 5-7.5 cm
Construction procedure of bituminous
bound macadam
■ Preparation of Underlying layer
■ Application of tack coat or prime coat
■ Premix preparation
■ Placement
■ Rolling and finishing
Bituminous Carpet

■ Bituminous premixed carpet is prepared from stone chippings 10 mm and 12 mm

size, premixed with bitumen or tar binder and compacted to the thickness usually 2-
2.5 cm
■ It is covered by premixed sand bitumen seal coat before opening to traffic

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