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Submitted by: Audremie Durato

Assignment on Topic 4

Search on the Internet some potential risks brought by nanotechnology? In a minimum of 5 sentences
write your opinion about these risks.

Base on my research the following are some of the risk brought by nanotechnology. First, It can damage
the lung to both human and animals. Second, Nanoparticles can get into the body through the skin,
lungs and digestive system. And lastly, Human body has developed a tolerance to most naturally
occurring elements and molecules that it has contact with. It has no natural immunity to new substances
and is more likely to find them toxic.

Indeed, nanotechnology brings both positive outcomes as well as the potential risk to human body, rats
and even to the other animals. That is because of the chemicals being used like metals and hydrocarbon
being carried by nanotechnology. And it also contributed to pollution because of the nanoparticles being

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