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These Tips and Tricks are compiled by Expert
Consultant in the Field of Research. It is
compiled after great amount or research and
understanding. Hope you find it useful.


The Best PhD and Masters Consulting Company
What is a review article?
A review article, also called a literature review, is a survey of previously
published research on a topic. It should give an overview of current
thinking on the theme and, unlike an original research article, won’t
present new experimental results.

By analyzing a large body of data from existing studies, some systematic

reviews can come to new conclusions. Review articles can also provide
recommendations for potential research areas to explore next.

Not all journals accept review articles, however there are also journals
which are solely dedicated to publishing them.

Why write a review article?

If you’ve been working on a topic for a while, writing a review article gives
you the opportunity to share what you’ve learnt. This will then be
incredibly useful for other researchers, introducing them to the key
existing literature and summarizing the current state of the field.

Alternatively, the process of writing a review article can be a great way to

help yourself get into a topic you’re not so familiar with.

Here are 8 tips that you can take note of while writing a review paper,

1. Check the journal’s aims and scope

Make sure you have read the aims and scope for the journal you are
submitting to and follow them closely. Different journals accept different
types of articles and not all will accept review articles, so it’s important to
check this before you start writing.

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2. Define your scope
Define the scope of your review article and the research question you’ll
be answering, making sure your article contributes something new to the
field and reports on new ideas that haven’t already been investigated.

An award-winning author Angus Crake told us, you’ll also need to “define
the scope of your review so that it is manageable, not too large or small;
it may be necessary to focus on recent advances if the field is well

3. Finding sources to evaluate

When finding sources to evaluate, Angus Crake says that it’s critical that
you “use multiple search engines/databases so you don’t miss any
important ones.” For finding studies for a systematic review in medical

4. Writing your title, abstract and keywords

Spend time writing an effective title, abstract and keywords. This will help
maximize the visibility of your article online, ensuring the right readers
find your research. Your title and abstract should be clear, concise,
accurate, and informative.

5. Introduce the topic

Start with an overview of the topic and give some context, explaining
why a review of the topic is necessary. Gather research to inform your
introduction and make it broad enough to reach out to a large audience
of non-specialists. This will help maximize its wider relevance and

6. Include critical discussion

Make sure you present a critical discussion, not just a descriptive
summary of the topic. If there is contradictory research in your area of
focus, make sure to include an element of debate and present both sides
of the argument. You can also use your review to resolve conflict
between contradictory studies.

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7. Sum it up
This can include making suggestions for future research on the topic as
part of your conclusion.

“You should aim to write a review that leaves a clear impression of what
is ‘well understood’, and what still remains a ‘mystery’ to be solved.” –
Diptak Bhattacharya, researcher

8. Use a critical friend

One last check! Always perform a final spell and grammar check of your
article before submission.

You may want to ask a critical friend or colleague to give their feedback
before you submit. If English is not your first language, think about using
a language-polishing service.

So there you have it! You can follow these 8 effective tips to review paper
writing. If you need any help regarding the same. You can reach out to
Research Graduate.

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