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,·h 1u1tio1ull republic fet/e,-al goi1er11111e11t

societlts republil:ae ea al 11lt111rik,1110.,·
i. Jct{ lat1J.. a,n. m44(e1

afficlavit elf all()dial record (lf live hearth

1noori�b national republic ftberal gobernment
socie� reimbUcar en al mnurikanof
i. sl'lf. lil\1.1. am. mn�ter
affidavit of allodial record or live bearth
lrt II 11<.' lm,H\11 hy l1ll 111er1 th:11 n,011111l11l·,ou1OH:.,lltt1111111 ,f.,afar, 1hr first da) in 1hr m1111lh utd1 1t\\llUI io lht•
)t:111· 137,f lll(l(lfi�h G.1knd;1f', �·t1m•�1rn1di:in to lKlnbcr I, 1q5.1 • ,J/nr.J,sr.1i.=c1mcd tire liH: bi, lh m11l nm,, it) nl

tltl�odore n1oscs antoinc hey,

,n fln,p1 i11 J•t'l'liotU, u1i 1111h. �ti 11r111•1 i" �1,I••• rn 111 "I" i,, k�• i'tJu
;111u11, 11111t>f'l<,li 11111cricun 11JlitJ1lal child. M lhc cc-.1,.t11m1cs 41 ;13' .! I 1)(1(,0" n '73 2' ..''' 00(),;I" \1
wntc,btirJ general ho;pi!,11 co M robl1i11s Mrcc1. ,r,nn��ct1Cut. 1 :pttblic
llurihUJrfl a1111.nn11 n011h\11u1 alnrn / 1101th anm1c,1 / 'thr no11it {)lit'

,, hL"T\:1111<', the hcl,I\\ s11_'nc-d "i1nc-;'<l.:, do II flim1 lo ,mil \ ml) all cl.tim,; 111 thi•, Ii\,� hi, tit nnll 111'11 I\' •I}'

111<11h .. ,: 11kl111u fl;1iol' J1 t,·110 fa1hu: jolt11 1111111int _ju"h1r

mull,,.,·, Mil111· mu, n l-1110, .. 11111('1 Ill!'> htllrr':1,"'l:11 ntu111: !h1nf11111il 1'127
,rn,thc r U11n1 ,nr: dt,fltlnr.,. 10111.!.1111 l!ithtr horn 11r.;11: 1l,·•1uitH'), k11.1hi11u11

10 or ,l\.'-Clltbll 1

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