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I. Choose the correct letter of the correct answer.

1. It is an interaction among people where they can share a common culture
 A. Culture
 B. society
 C. politics
 D. anthropology
2. 2. It encompasses all social aspects including our language, customs, values, norms, mores, education, etc
 A. Society
 B. politics
 C. culture
 D. political science
3. 3. It happens when the rulers of a country lose power or when the type of governance in the country
 A. Political change
 B. social change
 C. cultural change
 D. local change
4. 4. It is the transformation of social institutions overtime.
 A. Political change
 B. social change
 C. cultural change
 D. local change
5. 5. It is the transformation of culture or the way people live.
 A. Political change
 B. social change
 C. cultural change
 D. local change
6. 6. It is the process through which the cultural traits of one society are borrowed, transmitted and adopted by
another one and considered as its own.
 A. Diffusion
 B. invention
 C. discovery
 D. socialization
7. 7. It is a process whereby we recognize or gain a better understanding of already existing elements present
in the environment.
 A. Diffusion
 B. invention
 C. discovery
 D. socialization
8. 8. It is a process whereby new cultural elements are created to solve social and cultural problems.
 A. Diffusion
 B. invention
 C. discovery
 D. socialization
9. 9. It is the use or involvement of a volunteer or free labor in community services.
 A. Local public services
 B. volunteerism
 C. Diffusion
 D. enculturation
10. 10. It is when one parent or both parents lives and works in another country while the children remain in
their country of origin.
 A. Transnational families
 B. local public services
 C. Youth volunteerism
 D. socialization
II. Choose the correct answers from the box below which describes the sentences/s.

Anthropology Cultural Relativism Museums Paleothilic

Political Science Values Sigmund freud Archaeology
Sociology Symbolic Australophitecus Aristotle
Enculturation Shared Afarensis Plato
Ethnocentrism Structural Neolithic Robert Dahl
Norms Functional Homo erectus
11. Viewing other peoples and ways of life in terms of one’s own cultural assumptions.
12. “The study of humans” social sciences.
13. The system of knowledge, norms and values more or less shared by members of a particular society.
14. Is the systemic study of society.
15. Rules and expectations by which a society guides the behaviour of its members.
16. Is the systematic study of politics.
17. The ethical insistence that other cultures can only be evaluated and understood in terms of their own
standards and values.
18. Collective conceptions of what is considered good, desirable, and proper or bad, undesirable, and
improper in a culture.
19. An aspect of culture where in beliefs, religion, rituals, myths, dances, performances, music, artworks,
sense of taste, education, innovations, identity, ethnicity and so on, are so meaningful human
expressions of what people do and how they act.
20. Acquired by being born into a particular society in the process of enculturation, as anthropologists
would say, or socialization, as sociologists would explain in this aspect of culture.
21. These are institutions that do not only keep and showcase material remains of the past for people to
see and learn from.
22. He is a thinker who gave perspectives about politics that human being is political animal.
23. A science that deals with past human life and activities by studying the bones, tools, etc. of ancient
24. Also called Middle Stone Age
25. Relating to or denoting the early phase of the Stone Age, lasting about 2.5 million years, when
primitive stone implements were used.
26. Relating to or denoting the early phase of the Stone Age, when ground or polished stone weapons
and implements prevailed.
27. The first hominid to use fire.
28. The hominid who was the first to evolve.
29. He combined basic needs and the influence of society into a model of personality with three parts.
30. These are institutions that do not only keep and showcase material remains of the past for people to
see and learn from.

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