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Minute Vocabulary Adjectives and

By Yu Jing


Mark and Lisa are here today with us on “Youth is You” program. Today we will be
discussing about masks. Due to the increasing cases of Covid 19, today we give you a
special episode on Types of Mask you can wear on special occasion and the uses of
them. The hosts are Jungkook and Tzuyu.

Jungkook: Hello and welcome to Youth is You - the show that teaches you
interesting facts you never knew. I'm Jungkook...

Tzuyu: And I'm Tzuyu. Hello. Today's show is all about our planet, Earth.

Jungkook: Ahh, Covid 19. What to wear...

Tzuyu: And what not to wear. And today we're going to listen to some people talking
about what to wear to a social occasion...

Jungkook: And we'll be looking at a very important area of vocabulary: the

difference between adjectives and adverbs.

Tzuyu: Then the fun part will be that we'll have a quiz to test what we've learnt...

Jungkook: And we'll give you a top tip to help you learn more vocabulary.

Tzuyu: So let's get started - with a conversation. Mark and Lisa are getting ready to
go to a survivor show for idols, but they have very different ideas about what Lisa
should wear.

Jungkook: While you listen, try to answer this question. What does Mike wear to the

Tzuyu: Let's find out.

Yu Jing
INSERT: Mark and Lisa

Mark: You're not seriously going to the academy dressed like that! You'll be the most
disorderly-dressed person there. Please don’t wear that mask, it isn’t necessary.

Lisa: The school letter said to kindly wear a mask, so here I'm dressing orderly: with
my mask and hand sanitizer. What's wrong with that?

Mark: It’s too silly: the letter say wear a normal mask that doesn’t make you look so
deadly, like a criminal behind this gas mask.

Lisa: What, a facial mask?

Mark: No, that is foolishly of you. A facial mask may want to just make your oppa to
like you more, not prevent you from the virus. Just wear a normal mask.

Lisa: But I hate being normal. I can’t be normal, because I am a lovely idol whom is
very famous. I am the most remarkably special idol I know.

Mark: Well, you’ll only be in a mask.

Lisa: Then I’ll wear my pitta mask and bring the hand sanitizer. But I’m still wearing
my black pitta mask.

Mark: But the point of a pitta mask is to filter out pollen and dust.

Lisa: OK, you win, I’ll wear the surgical mask if you insists.

Mark: Why that’s good of you. For I strongly and kindly recommend you to wear the
surgical mask, to protect yourself from the virus. Where everyone is happy with your
look and wouldn’t think you’re a monster or criminal in that gas mask of yours.

Jungkook: So, did you hear what mask Lisa wore to the survival show in the end?

Tzuyu: She wore a the surgical face mask, but to be unique Mark had to order limited
edition surgical face mask which has her face on it.

Jungkook: Whoa, idols are surely idols. Now, let's take a closer look at some of the
vocabulary we heard there - starting with some of the adjectives.

Tzuyu: Yes and of course adjectives are words which describe nouns, and there were
lots of adjectives describing people and their clothes.

Yu Jing
Here is a poster to show you the uses of different mask and to be aware what
kind of mask will help you through Covid 19. But most importantly,
remember to drink more water and not to touch your face every now and

Yu Jing

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