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Topic: Fundamentals of Soil Heavy Metal Contamination

Class Time: 60 min

Learning Objectives:

Explain soil heavy metal contamination

Demonstrate various soil remediation methods

CATs: One Minute Paper and Participation


I’ll be giving the students outline about the fundamentals of soil heavy metal contamination and
remediation. After 10 mints I’ll pause on the lecture and will display some images related to the toxic
effects of heavy metals on humans and plants, and the students will be asked what they demonstrate?
After that, I’ll walk around the class and will give them a plant showing toxicity symptoms collected from
the field.

In the meanwhile, I’ll be asking the students to join Kahoot for assessing their understanding about;
what would happen to our body if we eat the plants grown on contaminated soil? Identify the
appropriate amendments that could remediate such soils.
Fig. 1 Propose Model for the lesson

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