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Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP)

DLP NO. Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Duration Date

MATH 1 3rd 50 3/14/1920
Learning Competency/ies: Read and write one- fourth in symbol and in words Code :
(Taken from the Curriculum Guide)
Key Concepts / Understanding to be .How do we write one fourth in symbol?
Domain Adapted Cognitive OBJECTIVES:
Dimensions (D.O. No8 s.2015
Knowledge Remembering Reads and writes one- fourth in symbol and in words
The fact or condition of
knowing something with
familiarity gained Understanding Identify one – fourth of a whole
through experiences or
Skills Applying Draw the whole given one- fourth of it.
The ability and capacity
acquired through
deliberate , systematic, Analyzing
and sustained effort to
smoothly and adaptively
carryout complex Evaluating
activities or the ability,
coming from one’s
knowledge, practice,
aptitude, etc, to do Creating

Attitude Valuing Divides the whole into fourths.

Values Valuing Realize the proper division of a whole


3.Learning Resources MATHEMATICS TG. PAGES 143-144, LM PAGES

Square sheets of papers, round shape and oblong shape of papers, pair of
scissors, crayons, paste or glue, clean sheet of bondpapers.
4. Procedures
4.1 Introductory Activity Review:A. Group the students into five . Give each group two envelopes which contain some
( 8 MINUTES) shuffled shapes. Each envelope has half of the shapes of the other envelope. Let them find the
partner of each half from the other envelope.
B. Let them present their finished works to the teacher. Give a score to the group who is able to
complete the performed task.
C. Ask the pupils the following questions.
a. What did you with the shapes?
b. How did you find the other half of the shape?
c. What happen to the shapes?
Tell the pupils to clean up their tables after each activity to be ready for another activity.
a. Get two pieces of square sheet of paper and pair of scissors. Cut the square into cubes
dividing it into 4 and the other one into rectangular shape.

b. Post it on the board for the pupils to see.

c. Ask the pupils.

What shape did you see? (Square)
What happen to the square shape? ( divided into 4
How many cube parts can you see?( 4)
d. From the divided squares , get a part of it . Put it apart from the rest. Ask the pupils how
many parts were gotten from the divided square. How many cubes were there in a
e. Write on the board the fractional part ¼.
f. What is in the middle of 1 and 4? ( it is the line that separate the numerator and

g. Explain to the pupils how the numerator and the denominator was gotten.
h. Write the word one- fourth on the board and read for the pupils.
i. Let the pupils read the word one- fourthand let them write the word on a piece of
paper. Let them spell out the word one- fourth.
j. The same thing will be done to the other divided square.

4.2 Activity A. Group the students into 5. Give each group a circle and a rectangular shape . let them cut first
(10 MINUTES) the circle shape into four cuts. . Let them separate the one from the rest . ask the pupils to
paste the 3 remaining cuts and the one afar from the three on a piece of bondpaper. Ask the
pupils how many divided parts did they do? Let them write the denominator 4. How many parts
were taken away from the divided parts? Let them write the numerator on the correct position.
Ask the pupils if there is lacking aside from the 1 and 4. Below the numerical ¼ let them write the
word one fourth
4. Tell the pupils to clean up their tables after each activity to be ready for another activity.
B. The same procedure will be done to the rectangular shape.
4.3 Analysis How many parts were the circle and the rectangle MAT were divided?
(4 MINUTES) How many parts were taken away from the divided circle and oblong?
What fractional part was shown ?
What separate the two numbers?
4.4 Abstraction Ask the pupils where the got the number 1 on the numerator and the number 4 on the
(4 MINUTES) denominator? How was ¼ separated?
4.5 Application A.Pair the students.
( 8 MINUTES ) Give a worksheet to the pair and let them divide the shape into 4 equal parts and color or shade
one divided part. Write the numerical symbol ¼ on the space provided and the word one- fourth
on the next space.
4.6 Assessment A. Divide the shapes into 4 and shade one part of it.

B.Create a pie from the piece of paper plate and divide the pie into 4 equal piece. Put a design on
the ¼ of the pie.

c. circle the shape that has ¼.

4.7 Assignment Answer page 201

4.8 Concluding Activity Let them watch the video
5. Remarks
6. Reflections
A.No of learners who require C. Did the remedial lessons work? No of learners
additional activities for remediations who have caught up with the lesson
B. No of learners who require D. No of learners who continue to require
additional activities for remediation remediation
E. Which of my learning strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use? Discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?



Prepared by: DAISY M. MANDADO

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