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Initial evaluation of the different learning modalities

-Online learning is not possible to students who don’t have much access to gadget and the
-RBI can augment the modular instruction by serving as an avenue for information dissemination
and for instruction, but has a limited audience reach due to restricted frequency signal.
-SLM instruction is taxing on the part of the teachers, several preparations should be made for
distribution and retrieval.

Problems encountered during distribution and retrieval.

-Some students’ parents were not available during the retrieval and distribution of modules.
-Some students were not able to receive the complete set of SLMs. Some SLMs were delivered
later than scheduled, unavailable or insufficient.
-Some parents had a hard time following simple tasks such as signing of the attendance sheet
and placing of answer sheets to their designated boxes.

Observation relative to the use of modules

-Some SLM’s possess minimal errors such as confusing directions, typographical and grammatical
-Some parents feel that face-to-face contact with their teachers are necessary to learn.
-Some students were not able to receive support from their family members during the conduct
of the modular instruction.
- According to some students, they are having difficulty in accomplishing their works on-time
because they tend to prioritize other tasks such as household chores despite of the provided
class program.
-According to some students, they had a hard time understanding some concepts and
instructions in the SLMs because they are used to being personally guided by the teacher.

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