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Finding Evidence

in a
Misinformed World

A Living Photo Essay by Eric Hochhalter


An education in Science enables students to form

evidence-based opinions. It is the responsibility of
education to equip students with the tools they need to
discern fact from fiction in a world with an ever
increasing amount of misinformation.
Earthrise, taken on December 24, 1968, by Apollo 8 astronaut
William Anders. This photograph is representative of the
incredible scientific achievements of the NASA Lunar Landings.

But did it happen?

In spite of an abundance
of evidence from
multiple sources, belief
that it was all a hoax has
Evidence is readily available to show
that the Earth is a sphere...

Yet through misinformation spread through online

forums and conferences, the "Flat earth" movement is
suprisingly prevelant today.
Misinformation can have a negative emotional impact on our society and
inform inaccurate worldviews.

Auschwitz, 1945 New York City, September 11, 2001

For example, the denial of the Holocaust and the “Inside-job” characterization of
the September 11th attacks on New York City cause great hurt to those who have
either survived the horror or have lost loved ones to tragedy. When history is
falsely portrayed, society loses its ability to learn from it.
As a result of the "Anti-Vax" movement, our society has
experienced unnecessary resurgences of previously eradicated
diseases. In 2020 alone, there are numerous examples of the
negative implications that misinformation has on population-
level health.
Hundreds attend an anti-shutdown/anti-mask protest
in Calgary's Olympic Plaza, November 22, 2020

The problem of misinformation is a pervasive challenge for

healthcare in our society today.
Misinformation is currently influencing American politics at the
highest level. As a result, American citizens are living in an
unprecedented time, under constant threat of civil unrest.
Knowing the difference
between fact and fiction is

Misinformation encourages the

dismissal of brave voices who
are fighting for the future of
Education is the best solution that we have

With an education in science, students will be better equipped to critically analyze

information, discern fact from fiction, and form evidence-based opinions that shield
them from the manipulation of misinformation.
Akpan, N. (2016, January 27). 7 DIY experiments you and rapper B.o.B can do to prove Earth is round. Retrieved November 25, 2020, from

Barbara Keys Associate Professor of US and International History. (2020, April 15). World politics explainer: The twin-tower bombings (9/11). Retrieved November 25, 2020, from

References &

Earthrise. (2020, October 11). Retrieved November 25, 2020, from

Emily Goodin, S. (2020, November 05). US Election: Donald Trump vows to sue EVERY state Joe Biden has won. Retrieved November 25, 2020, from

Flat-Earth faithful flock to Edmonton for international conference | CBC News. (2018, August 10). Retrieved November 25, 2020, from

Franklin, M. (2020, November 16). Hundreds attend anti-shutdown protest in Calgary's Olympic Plaza. Retrieved November 25, 2020, from

How anti-vaccine activists are using COVID-19 to boost their movement: Spectrum: Autism Research News. (2020, June 16). Retrieved November 25, 2020, from

Measles resurgence prompts debate over mandatory vaccination. (n.d.). Retrieved November 25, 2020, from

Meg Elkins Senior Lecturer with School of Economics, & Robert Hoffmann Professor of Economics and Chair of Behavioural Business Lab. (2020, October 19). What to do with anti-maskers? Punishment has
its place, but can also entrench resistance. Retrieved November 25, 2020, from

One giant ... lie? Why so many people still think the moon landings were faked. (2019, July 10). Retrieved November 25, 2020, from

Overview: Weather, Global Warming and Climate Change. (2019, August 28). Retrieved November 25, 2020, from, E. (2020,
January 25).

Opinion: We must not forget the Holocaust. But the way we remember will change. Retrieved November 25, 2020, from
but-the-way-we-remember-will-change/Romero, S., Dewan, S., & Nieto, G. (2020, November 05). In a Year of Protest Cries, Now It's 'Count Every Vote!' and 'Stop the Steal!' Retrieved November 25, 2020,

Romero, S., Dewan, S., & Nieto, G. (2020, November 05). In a Year of Protest Cries, Now It's 'Count Every Vote!' and 'Stop the Steal!' Retrieved November 25, 2020, from

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