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Dear To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to recommend Diana M Contreras for your college for fall of 2021.

I have known Diana throughout all high school.She has been in my class since 10th

She takes me for advanced graphic design. I’ve known her for working hard and having
lots of skills on adobe. She has never turned a single assignment late. Outside of my
class teachers tell me that she is a great student.

Diana is one of the nicest people I have met. In 10th grade she played varsity girls
soccer. What I heard is that she’s played soccer since she was young. She is looking
forward to play college soccer for your school.

She is looking forward to become a nurse and I know your school is one of the best
ones. Diana takes audio video tech which she is really good at editing videos and
creating. Our school doesn’t have a healthcare program but if we did I promise she’ll be
the first one in line to take that class.

She wants to also start a business which she don’t know of yet but she’s looking
forward to start one and I know she has the liability to start one. Diana has a lot of skills
when she struggles with an assignment she finds a way to complete it she doesn’t give
up on anything.

I know she would be a great amazing student at your university.

Sincerely, Mr.Hose

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