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Classroom Management Plan

Sarah Quintero

Arizona State University


Table of Contents

Philosophy of Education: Self-


Classroom Procedures…………………………………………………………………..5

Rules and Consequences………………………………………………………………...8

Classroom Layout……………………………………………………………………….9

Classroom Management Plan

Throughout this classroom management plan there will be references as to how my

classroom will be run and not only how it will be set up. This being said one could expect to see

insight on what kind of educator I strive to be, likely seen the philosophy portion, as well as what

my future classroom will include. Additionally, within this plan there will be descriptions

regarding my classroom layout, procedures, and rules and consequences. Each of these shine

light on how I will promote diverse learning and meet the needs of all my students while also

running a functional classroom.

Philosophy of Education

My philosophy of education is made up of a variety of different ideas as I believe there is

no true ‘right’ way to teach. I feel that there has to be many different incorporations to meet the

many levels that may arise in a middle school or high school class. As I am more of a visual and

kinesthetic learner, I am still aware that my students may not be and from there I will adjust and

learn right along with them.

Therefore, mine is aimed to provide differentiated high levels of academic lessons to

ensure all students success. It is to also offer feedback on a regular basis to students so that they

may understand what they may be having trouble with and have the ability to focus on such.

Another main focus I plan on implementing in my classroom as an educator is the teaching of

relevant content. Overall, I would also like to base my teaching methods primarily on the

students’ needs. These have been formed from my personal learning experiences. Growing up I

have seen that when teachers have one sole teaching style others are likely to fall behind. For

example, let us say an instructor utilizes the method of aural, meaning they teach with a focus on

hearing, although many students in their class may depend on visuals as a means of learning.

Therefore, when we use more than one or two styles in the classroom, we will reach more

students in the class and better educate them in the long run. A huge factor that I plan on

including in my lesson plans is cultural diversity. I am going to do this because I felt that my

background was barely scratched and felt left out on the historical connections. I am doing

this by acknowledging the diversity in the class through a historical aspect on the subject of


In my opinion, the purpose of education is to inspire and enlighten students so that the

community as a whole is knowledgeable at a higher level. I feel that when students are not

feeling inspire or enlightened they are not feeling as though they are being taught anything.

Which is true, they are not, but rather going through the movements of learning. Ultimately,

education has been created to further the grasp of the mind in individuals and encourage them to

think intently and critically.

The roles that are to be filled within educational facilities are that of teachers, students,

and the surrounding community. When put altogether it creates a system in which everyone

contributes and learns from one another. However, specifically they each have their own tasks.

Teachers are expected to instruct students in meaningful ways in order to prepare them for life

outside of school. They should also have an understanding an awareness of the students’ lives

outside the classroom and how that may affect their progress in school. Since they set the tone

of the classroom they instruct, they are thought of as role models. Students will be actively

engaged in their learning. They are also supposed to be attentive and encouraged to ask questions

when necessary in order to maintain an understanding. The community will be involved through

fundraisers and events. They should also provide insight on the needs of those attending to


In all, the education of students can be referred to as a system in which everything serves

a purpose. This could be from the way an instructor manages the class to how the community is

involved. I define the community of learners as the future and therefore plan on treating them as

such. To ensure they are ready for such a responsibility I, as a teacher, will assess their goals,

challenge them, help them to develop creative and communicative skills, and engage them in

content. I will also ensure I instruct with teaching methods promoted to the variety of students in

my class. I believe with all of these things in mind, the education of students will be successful.

Philosophy of Discipline

In regards to discipline in managing a classroom, I do feel that to a point it can be

beneficial to get students back on track to being successful in their learning. My personal

definition of discipline would be that when a student misbehaves or purposefully disregards

instruction/direction an appropriate way to handle the situation would be to give warning,

detention, make a call home, schedule a meeting, etc. I do not believe in public humiliation,

meaning yelling at a student in front of the class or embarrassing them in that way. The primary

purpose of discipline should be to help a student realize their mistakes and help them to regain

success. My main duty when disciplining is to get the student to understand what the problem

was that got them in trouble so that they refrain from doing so again. Based on the way I said I

would handle a misbehaving student, calmly an efficiently, I would expect the student to respect

what I ask for and in turn learn from their behavior, although this may not always be the case.

Classroom Procedures

For inspiration, I found myself looking to teachers’ procedures who are teaching the same

content and age round so that I was aware of what was acceptable to expect of students in 10th

grade. A specific one I referenced was Mumm’s procedures (Mumm).

  Beginning of Class

In the beginning of class I would expect my students to enter the room on time,

respectfully, and ready to learn. To go more in depth, on time means before or as the bell rings

for class to start, respectfully means to not be chaotic and to be kind to peers, and ready to learn

means to be prepared with supplies and be ready to engage in the topics. Absent students will be

given work to make up for time missed, this will be done in a timely matter that works both for

me and the student, and class/group work for the day will be excused. When it comes to seating

arrangements, I believe open seating would be beneficial to give students control of some portion

of class. I will the students’ attention to begin class by acknowledging the late bell and then

move on into the lesson. During Public Address (PA) Announcements, students will be expected

to actively listen and engage, as well as not attempt to leave desks or ask questions during, they

can be asked afterword.

Out of Room Policies

If necessary, students will be prompted to utilize a sign out/in sheet when leaving class

for the bathroom, nurse, or office. When going to the bathroom, students will not need to ask

permission, however anywhere else they will need permission to go. Additionally, a pass will be

taken so that they are not stopped by anyone, such as security, out of class. However, I do ask for

students to leave class as little as possible so that they may not miss an important details within

class lessons. I ask to restrict the most during instruction, though if an emergency it will be no


Seat Work

I expect students to stay in their seats for the majority of class so that they don’t become

disruptive. The only times I would allow such would be to sharpen a pencil, go to the bathroom,

ask me a personal direct question, or if the instruction requires movement. In regards to group

work, this will be done only if instructed so, therefore if not instructed so, students will remain at

the lowest volume when working individually. Also, students will be expected to actively

participate where necessary and do so respectively and efficiently.

End of Class

At the end of class, students will not be allowed to gather at the door for the bell to ring

as it creates a chaotic and dysfunctional exit for the majority of students. However, they may

wander class if everyone has finished working. Additionally, when there is a ticket out the door,

students will form a line so that I may get everyone’s work. Students will also be expected to

wait for the bell to dismiss them, yet wait for my cue to pack belongings before the bell rings, I

will do my part in ending class at a reasonable time.

Material and Equipment

As previously stated, students should come to class prepared with materials needed. Daily

necessary materials would include paper and a pencil so that they may participate in class. If

other materials are required, I will do my part to inform my class of such requirements. If

students are not able to bring materials, there will be some provided at my desk where students

will be required to obtain in the beginning of class. When computers are used, I will verbally

explain what is expected for efficiency at the time.

Group Work

When students are prompted to work in groups they will actively collaborate to

accomplish the task asked of by me. They will do so respectively and efficiently for optimal

work to get done. Volume levels at the time will be kept to a minimum so that we are not to

disturb neighboring classes. Depending on the assignment, students will either work with their

elbow partner, or assigned groups. There will be times in which students will have the

opportunity to pick groups. During that time, I expect students to still actively complete work.

Groups are responsible for the on tasked behavior of members and will fill out group grades

depending on the project done.


For matters like fire drills, lockdowns, and evacuations, students will be informed of the

expectations by engaging in a walk through. Also, when one actively happens, students will be

expected to remain calm and efficiently listen to the instructor they are with. Signs will be on the

door, next to the door, and with the teacher so that students actively know what to do. These

situations should be handled quietly, respectfully, and maturely.

Rules and Consequences

  As I plan on teaching Secondary Education, more likely 10th grade, I made these rules

and consequences accordingly, seen in table 2. This will be implemented into my classroom

management plan for my future teachings If you look closely at table 2, one will notice that it is

not read left to right but rather the left portion is read down and the right portion is read down

until the lest cells. This being said, they are not written in a way that the consequences and rules

line up, this is because I believe rules broken are circumstantial and therefore one the of

consequences listed will be picked accordingly. There is no particular order for those

consequences, nor are these limited to one, ultimately depends on the severity of the rules

broken. Furthermore, one will see that I will never humiliate my students but rather these

consequences will be handled privately to maintain dignity.

Classroom Layout

To me, the most optimal layout could come up with for my classroom management plan

would be what is seen in table 1. Referencing such, the far left arrow states “white board,” this

white board will be used as objectives for class as well as a planner for the week. I have also

included a sort of lounge area so that students may utilize the area once assignments are

completed or on down time, I feel that at times of stress or completion, relaxation is great to refer

to. To also promote inspiration, signs that demonstrate positivity will be hung near such area.

Additionally, group work will be done in either pairs or groups of four, this would make

it easier to just turn to a partner or around to become the four. The two seated rows allow for

such but also allows minimal distractions, the seating charts or lack thereof will be made

considering the class, though likely will be student picked (The Art of the Seating Chart: Perfecting

Classroom Seating Arrangements).

In the front of the classroom is a smaller lecture area where the projector will also be, this

will make lecturing smoother and also presentations. I’ve also included a sign out station as in

my classroom procedures I deemed it useful for managing the students when out of the class. At

the teacher’s desk area I have added an extra chair to for when remedial help is needed for


Furthermore, on the far right of the classroom there is a shelf area, this will hold any

additional classroom materials needed for my students. On the top left there is also a computer

station for students who need extra support in a technological way but also an easy integration of

technology for class projects.


Ultimately, this layout is 42’ x 32’ size classroom made to sit around 24 students, an

average size class in Arizona (Watch). For visual and physical impaired students, adjustments

can easily be made in this layout. The lessons taught here will include lecture based with the

common group work/individual work. As this is an English class, there will also be plenty of

reading and individual assignments. I also made easily accessible stuff like the pencil sharpener

and trash cans next to the door to maintain low class movement and distractions.


Mumm. 10th Grade Classroom Info/Expectations. Mrs. Mumm's Teacher Page.


The Art of the Seating Chart: Perfecting Classroom Seating Arrangements. (2019, October 1).

Watch, D. Academic Laboratory. WBDG.


Classroom Layout: TABLE 1

Rules/Consequences: TABLE 2

No electronics: As this can be deemed a Verbal warnings: Verbal warnings would
distraction, electronics will be limited likely be the go to punishment for vague rules
depending on what’s expected in class. They broken, this will likely be done one on one if
will be kept in personal bags during class. deemed necessary at the time. Up to 3 will be
Rationale: This is unless otherwise stated as given out until more severe consequences are
they tend to limit focus. handed.
Be timely: this means with class time and Effected grades: If the rules broken may
assignments due. As for class time, we are affect the overall work done in assignments,
limited to a certain amount of time in class, grades will be effected based on the quality of
therefore being on time is necessary. work turned on. Also if work is late there is a
Rationale: Being late may affect how late percentage of points that will come off for
grades will be given out, there must be some each day missed, unless otherwise state.
rule in place to ensure timely assignments.
Be prepared: come to class with appropriate Detention: This is likely for more severe

tools and be organized. Being prepared would rules broken. This would entail for either
mean that homework due is finished, expected lunch detention or after school detention to be
tools are present, and students are organized given.
and ready to learn for the day.
Rationale: Preparation is important so that
students are on track in class, materials will
be provided if need be.
No cheating: this also means no copying or Call home: Based on the criteria of rules
plagiarizing. Cheating could be deemed as broken, a phone home may be the most fitting
one of the more severe rules broken. in regards to managing behaviors. This would
Rationale: As this is an English class, writing mean that the legal guardian would be made
is necessary and will be checked for aware of the rule broken.
Be respectful: no interrupting, listen to Referral: Again, this is for the most severe of
others’ ideas. This is expected during group punishments. This is subjective based on the
discussion, presentations, lectures, and group rule broken and to what extent. It will be left
work. up to the principle/assistant principal to
Rationale: Respect may extended to be being further insight discipline.
necessary at all times, just more so at those
Always turn in quality work: this means it Asked to leave class: If the student is deemed
should be your best work of your capability. to be too interruptive or disrespectful they
Rationale: As hard work is expected, quality may be asked to leave and stay in office until
work is also expected. This may differ the end of class.
depending on different individuals’
Follow directions: make sure you know what
is expected. Not following directions may
lead to low grade scores and negatively affect
Rationale: Following directions is important
for academic success.
Always ask questions: it is your
responsibility to clarify any confusion by
asking the teacher.
Rationale: If there is any question an
individual may have, it is necessary to ask
questions so that optimal understanding is

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