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• The G20 is group of European Union, 19 countries and ALSO HAS representatives of
the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. It was found in the year 1999
aim to discuss the policy related to promotion of international financial stability.
G20 summits have focused not only on macroeconomy and trade, but also global issues such
as, climate change and energy, health, migration and refugee, etc.

G20 Members
▪ The members of the G20 are, Republic of Korea, Australia, Brazil, the United States, China,
France, Italy, India, Indonesia, Germany, Japan, Argentina, Mexico, South Africa, the United
Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Turkey, the European Union, Canada
Importance of G-20
• The G20 plays imp. role in creating an environment for growth and development. It
ensures financial stability, promotin of growth and avoiding and managing crisis
IMPACT OF G-20 on world.
The G20 is the most important forum for international cooperation. During the meetings, the main
challenges of the world are discussed.
• reformING international financial institutions,
• The increased participation of countries in global issues,
• monitoring national financial institutions,
The 2019 G20 Osaka summit was the fourteenth meeting of the G20, It was the
first G20 summit to be hosted by Japan.
The G20 Summit OF 2019 AND ISSUES DISCUSSED TO Ensure Global
Sustainable Development. themes were Global Economy, Innovation,
Environment and Energy, Employment ETC. Each meetng has a different agenda.
And it is upon the hosting county to decide the agenda.

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