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Sample Format of Course Requirement:

Japanese Literature
Journal Entry #1     Date: ___/___/___

The Tale of Genji

by Murasaki Shikibu

What Happened How I felt

5-8 sentences 2-4 sentences

● Summary
● Line/scenario in the story that you cannot forget.

● What did you feel before and after reading the literary piece?

What I learned How I can Use it

2-4 sentences 2-4 sentences

● What are your learning insights? ● How can you apply the things you’ve learned from the story?

Journal Entry #2 Date: ___/___/___

by Basho

What Happened How I felt

5-8 sentences 2-4 sentences

● Summary ● What did you feel before and after reading the literary piece?
● Line/scenario in the story that you cannot forget.

What I learned How I can Use it

2-4 sentences 2-4 sentences

● What are your learning insights? ● How can you apply the things you’ve learned from the story?

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