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Episode 1
Name of FS Student: BASBAS, ELIZABETH S.

Course: BSED- Filipino Year & Section: BSED III-Fil.

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Cyrene Catingub Signature:___________

School: Linao National High School

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you should be able to describe
through your reflection of how the school promotes partnership and

For this process, go through the following steps :

1.Visit a school and 2. Observe the interaction

study its vision, mission, between and among
and goals in relation to students, teacher, and other
the curriculum. school personnel.

3. Write down 5. Reflect on

your 4.Generate insights from
observation and your observation and
discuss with discussion.
Your Tools
For this episode, please use the Activity Forms provided for you below .

My Observation Report on Interaction

Name:BASBAS, ELIZABETH S. Year/Course: BSED III-Filipino

School Observed: Linao National High School

Grade level: Grade 8 Section:

Subject Observed: Filipino


Student-to-Student Interaction Pattern

Interaction between students consume more time than their interaction to

their teacher. They interact with their seatmates boys and girls by having
different topics which made the classroom became noisy.

Student-to-Teacher Interaction Patterns:

They interact with their teacher very kindly and obediently. They raise
their hands to answer a question but wait when the teacher told them to
do so. They are good in answering both low order thinking questions and
higher order thinking questions in a complete sentence.
Create a scenario where any of the above interactions occur in the school. Make a
script of their dialogue, bearing in mind that this partnership is built on developing
a climate of respect, harmony and cooperation.

My Script
(While we are in our way to the classroom to have our first day observation)

Pupil 1: Hello teachers!

Me: Hey, how are you? Hmm... Is your teacher in the classroom?
Pupil 1:Ma’am, I’m afraid... She’s not here! Are you here for observation?

Me: How did you know that it’s our purpose for coming here?
Pupil 1: I just knew it. Please come. I will prepare seat for you.

(When entering their classroom)

Pupil: Good morning, teacher!

Me: Thank you!
Me: Do you have anything else to do?

(One of the classroom leader says)

Pupil 2: Yes ma’am! We’re not finish cleaning our classroom yet.
Come on classmates, let’s get going!
Pupils: Sure! So classmates! Let’s it get done before our teacher is back!

Why is a classroom a miniature of a greater society?

A classroom can be considered a miniature of a greater society because a

classroom is a place where the seeds of society are growing day by day. In other
words, future society is growing in the classrooms. Thus, this society is consist of
citizens who have different attitudes and personalities, this individual worked
together for the attainment of a certain goals which are necessary for their living
and survival. As of this citizens, which are the students, they are governed by the
help of a leader, a president, or the teacher. This teacher or leader helps the citizen
to have a better way of living in the future. As what a teacher duty is, to educate a
students in order for them to have the skills and learning according to what job
they wanted to become. The leader will set laws and different ways of ruling to
have or make a life of the citizens more comfortable.

What are found in the classrooms that are similar to what can

be observed in the society?

Any human interaction that can be found in the society can be also seen in the
classroom setting. There will be pupils that are more assertive than others. Some
are the pupils prone to bullying and bullying boss who we can’t all stand. There
are also pupils who think that they know more than anyone else, like a coworker
you can find in any businesses or organizations.
Discuss with your FS classmates your thoughts on cooperation

and Partnership in Curriculum design. Then write down your

thoughts as well as those of your classmates. Please use the
space below.

Cooperation and Partnership in a curriculum design is very

important because if there is a partnership, not only single idea can be
presented but several which will contribute to a better concept for
curriculum design and if there is a cooperation, the task involved will be
easier since the persons involved can work hand in hand for the success
of their work.

Partnership and cooperation is very important in Curriculum

Design in a way that whatever flaws or mistakes can be corrected or
modified earlier.
FS 4 exploring the curriculum
Field study______________________________________________
Episode 2

“come, let’s talk”________________________________________

Name of FS Student: BASBAS, ELIZABETH S.

Course: BSED-Filipino Year & Section: BSED III-Filipino

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Cyrene Catingub Signature:________

School: Linao National High School

Your target
At the end of this activity, the students should be able to describe the
interaction pattern that occurs between the teachers and learners as provide in
the curriculum.

Your map
For this process, go through the following steps:

Record how
1 roles are
Visit a school and observe how the teacher
2 performed by
provides the opportunity to the learners to the teacher
interact with one another in doing one’s roles. and the

4 Highlight the aspect of the

dialogue that indicates 3 Make your own documentation of the
the teacher as a role 3
model in developing the dialogue or conversation based on the
values in the process of observed roles that each one performs
learning. which you feel could have been livelier.

For this episode, please use the Activity Form provided for you below.


Name: BASBAS, ELIZABETH S. Year/Course:BSED III-Filipino

School Observed: Linao National High School
Grade Level: Grade 8 Section:
Subject Observed: Filipino

I really like the classroom atmosphere of this section. The pupils are active in most of
their subjects. Much to the teacher, I admire her attitude towards me who happen to
be the observer to her class.

Situation The Dialogue

The teacher emphasizes cleanliness and good grooming inside the classroom. She
doesn’t start the class if some of her students aren’t in their respective seats.
There was one time when she asks if all of them have taken their breakfast and
took a bath before going to the school. She found out that one of the boys
hasn’t took a bath and comes to school very sturdy. So she told him to go wash
his face in the comfort room. The boy followed what she says then after a while,
the class was doing well and almost everybody got perfect score during their

Personal Reflection on the Dialogue

You can really see what kind of teacher you have observed according to the
discipline that she has implemented. It work really well, and I think her pupils
really like the way she interact with them. If I will be a teacher someday, I
would also take her actions because I found it so effective when handling pupils
on their inescapable sometimes.

How important are dialogue and substantive conversation in the classroom in
terms of students’ learning?

Dialogue and substantive conversation in the classroom are very important to student’s learning
in a way that dialogue and substantive conversation enable the teacher to see if the students are capable
of analyzing and synthesizing material. The reality of the situation is that it can become a reason for
students to avoid more class work. Students love to discuss, but the teacher should know when it is time to
stop the conversation and move on. One of the advantages is that some students will use this time to take
a mental rest while some students are contributing to the dialogue. One of the disadvantages is that when
a student is not willing or not interested to the conversation will become a distraction and ruins the flow
of the dialogue.

Dialogue is important but the teacher should have a control of the time allotted to it. Interactions
will be produced between students and teacher and it gives way to both teacher and students to express
their thoughts, thus there will be a harmonious relationship in the classroom.

What learning benefits could teachers and students draw from intentional
classroom dialogue?

The dialogue will greatly assist both students’ and teachers’ abilities to speak publicly
and privately. It will develop their thought processes and make for much more engaging and
intriguing conversation as well as improve vocabulary and speaking confidence of both students
and the teacher. When the student are engaged in the dialogue there is a great chance to
improve their own listening skills as well as it produces a much more attentive class and makes
the job of the teacher easier.

Classroom dialogue produces interaction in the discussion. It develops self-confidence of

students to freely express their ideas toward others. It also helps students to develop or exercise
their comprehension and critical thinking skills.
Discuss with your FS classmates your thoughts on Dialogue in Curriculum

Design. Then write down your thoughts as well as those of your classmates.

Please use the space below.

In designing a curriculum, experts must help each other in order to come up

with a very effective, progressive, and helpful curriculum.

A warm and harmonious relationship among them can help ensure their
design curriculum to be properly and actively implemented. There should be a
smooth flow of cooperation in each whoever design such curriculum in order to
make it organize.
Episode 3
Name of FS Student: BASBAS, ELIZABETH S.

Course: BSED-Filipino Year/Section: BSED III-Fil.

Resource Teacher: Mrs. Cyrene Catingub Signature:_______

School: Linao National High School

At the end of this episode, you should be able to deliberate on the principles
involved in designing the curriculum and the learning activities provided.

In your observation, please do the following steps.

Critique the information from the curriculum
theory and practice through observation of the:

a. Learning environment
b. Subject matter
c. Books & Internet 3
Resources used

2 Write your observations

Reflection on your
including the information you
For this episode, please use the Activity Form provided for you below.


Name: BASBAS, ELIZABETH S. Date of Observation: Sept. 24, 2019

School: Linao National High School Subject Observed: Filipino

The Learning Subject Matter/s

Library and/or
Environment Covered
Internet Resources

Tables and chair are Stages in the Life Cycle of Wide range of reference
properly maintained for an Animal. books and textbooks.
proper learning and sitting

Student are attentive and How animals Reproduce Illustration and graphics
participative in class Sexually

The teacher discussion is How plants grow Pictorials and wallpapers

very affective to the

Their classroom is well- Main Parts of a Seed Sayings and quotation

ventilated which means
conducive to learning
The learning Subject Matter/s Library and/ or
Environment Covered Internet Resources

Learning environment is Learning can be fun Instruction materials like

pleasant and free from sometimes in some of the book help the teacher
distractions if the students lessons in Filipino. transfer the knowledge and
can focus their full the principles associated in
attention to the discussion the topic.
of the teacher.

The learning environment is Much to the teacher who is Using graphics and
of vital factor in motivating very knowledgeable to the illustration give a glimpse
student to learn, thus it topics and discusses the and insight to the learners
should be pleasant and lesson smartly to the pupils. of what they have to learn
comfortable enough to be in a certain lesson.
stayed at.

In discussing direct speech Likewise, it conveys meaning

Seats and enough air must
to indirect speech subject and understanding as to
be available to every pupils.
matter, the student should what the teacher is
first know what is subject teaching if she prefers to
and what the predicate is use pictures and other
so that they will know how educational technologies
to rearrange the sentence available.
directly and indirectly
based on the subject and
the predicate.
Why should teachers know about curriculum design?
The teacher have the responsibility to know about the curriculum because it
serves as a guideline for them in attaining her objectives. Everybody in the
organization must know it before having it implemented in the school.
Planning and writing the curriculum are the primary roles of teacher. He/she
writes a curriculum daily through a lesson plan, a unit plan or a yearly plan.
Teacher are the ones who prepare activities for the student to do and the ones who
designs, enrich and modify the curriculum to suit the learner’s characteristics.
Teacher are empowered to develop their own school curricula taking into
consideration their own expertise, the context of the school and the abilities of the
Appropriate techniques must correspond to the needs and inclinations, interest
and understanding of the pupils.

What do most principles and theories of curriculum development have

in common? How is this commonality expressed or spelled out in the
curriculum of the class you have observed?
Most principles and theories of curriculum development have in common
expressed through the learning activities that the teacher has provided. Low
performance of the pupils are considered low if the curriculum has failed. It will
only be a good result if the performance of the pupils produce good result or high
scores. That is the time that we can consider the curriculum deemed successful in
the performance of the learners is higher than the target set.
The principle and theories of curriculum development contain common aspects
which are the welfare of the students. This commonality was expressed in the class
through the effort of the teacher to teach the student, to provide them the
knowledge of their lesson and making sure that they understand the lesson well by
asking those questions and by giving test.

From our FS experience, we keep in touch with our most meaningful learning
and we express it through abstract visual representation. We use appropriate
colors to represent our feelings and significant learning.

To teach is not easy job, because it carries great responsibility and

utmost care. Effective educators practice these things and it is really
tough and full of sacrifices.

Teachers must extend their patience mostly, in dealing with

different behavior of students, attitude and character. During the
teaching process, the teacher must find different sets of motivation and
teaching techniques to promote effective learning and acquiring
knowledge. And mostly, teachers are the role model of education so
must be live with dignity and full dedication.
FIELD STUDY_________________________________________________
Episode 4
“ BRINGING EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES”_________________________
Name of FS Student: BASBAS, ELIZABETH S.
Course: BSED-Filipino Year/Section: BSED III-Filipino
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Cyrene Catingub Signature:_________
School: Linao National High School

At the end of this activity, you should be able to identify educational programs that
connect the school with the larger historical, social, cultural and political processes.

For this episode, go through the following ramps.

Ramp 3: Reflect on how the

stakeholders participate in school

Ramp 2: Identify the programs where the leaders

create rewards for certain practices in delivering
services to the stakeholders. Record the observations
on the calendar of activities, programs and awards
and the participation of stakeholder.

Ramp 1: Visit a school and example their

Calendar of activities. See how the students,
Community stakeholders are involved

For this episode, please use the Activity Form provided for you below.

My Observation Report
Name: BASBAS, ELIZABETH S. Date of Observation: Sept. 25, 2019
School: Linao National High School Subject Observe: Filipino

Calendar of Activities:

Activities Date Particicpants

National School’s Maintenance

Week (Brigada Eskwela) May 21-26, 2019 All stakeholders

Registration of 5-6 years old

Children for Kindergarten and
Grade 1 at Barangay Centers May 28, 2019 Teachers, Parents & Children

Oplan Balik Eskwela May 28-31, 2019 Teachers, Parents, Student

Oplan Balik Eskwela June 1-8, 2018 Teachers, Parents, Students

Beginning of Classes for School

Year 2012-2013 June 4, 2018 Teachers and Students

Orientation of Students on
The Enhanced Basic Education
K to 12 Program Implementation June 4-8, 2018 Teachers and Students

Distribution of Textbooks and

Other Learning Resources June 4-8, 2018 Teachers and Students

My Analysis
How important is involvement of all stakeholders of the school in the school’s
program and activities?

The environment of teacher, student, parent, curriculum administrators and

managers, and community members has a powerful influence to the success of the
schools programs and activities. When parents are involved in schools programs
and activities, they can help in giving brilliant ideas on how the programs and
activities become more intellectual and challenging for the student. They can also
help in covering some of the expenses in the programs and activities.
The involvement of teachers and students is highly needed because teacher
could serve as a facilitators and student are the key participants in schools program
and activities. The choice of activities, the method to be utilized, and the material
to used is one of the considerations that the teachers should have in curricula

What specific principle of curriculum development justifies the importance of

cooperation and collaboration among all stakeholders of the school?

A harmonious relationship between members who actively participate in all

school activities can promote camaraderie and unity. It is important that they
participate in planning so that they would find out if the activity or program
proposed is necessary or not.
Stakeholders need to understand the goals of these proposals because if not,
they could just turn down a very important program because of the high cost or
sometimes, it could go the other way around, they could implement unnecessary
programs because of low cost, it does not only waste effort but time and money as
well. Also by being involved in these events, parents see how much the school is
dedicated for their children learning. If everyone in the school is involved in the
learning of the students, it reflects a good school.
The school stakeholders must be able to maintain a good working

relationship with each other. That is why there must be no room for any

mistakes in an environment where student’s learning might be jeopardized.

We are all aware that no one is really perfect, that is why we must join our

heads together to come up with ideas for the betterment of the school.

The school cannot function solely as a single entity without the help and

support of the people around it. In order to be effective and serve the

purpose the school aimed for in the first place, it should consider the

expectations, the needs and aspirations of the society and the learners

themselves provide learning experiences and activities and skills of the

student. In the same manner, agencies and other institutions outside the

school should work hand in hand with the school, providing insights and

opportunities and support, updating the school with the current trends in the



field study_______________________________________________________
Name of FS Student: BASBAS, ELIZABETH S.
Course: BSED-Filipino Year & Section: BSED III- Filipino
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Cyrene Catingub Signature:___________
School: Linao National High School

At the end of this activity, the student should be able to explain the importance
of the curriculum through reflections from the observations made about it as used
by the teacher.

For this process, go through the following steps:

Analyze the syllabus in terms of

Revisit the school and request the following:
the teacher to show you a
a. Topic
syllabus of a particular subject.
b. Learning activities
c. Assessment of learning

Interview the teacher on the

process preparing the syllabus,
Examine the assessment tools giving attention to the following:
used by critiquing whether or
not it is a product-based or a. Challenges
performance-based. b. Resources needed
c. Planning Strategies

For this episode, please use the Activity Form provided for you below.
My analysis report
(Analysis of the Topic, Learning Activities, and Assessment used in relation to
Curriculum Elements)
Name: BASBAS, ELIZABETH S. Date of Observation: Sept. 25, 2019
School: Linao National School Subject Observed: Filipino

The Topic Learning Activities Assessment of Learning

• Nouns Using Interaction with the teacher • Formative type of
during class discussion.
Appropriate Participle assessment through a
Students were volunteering
to answer by raising their
hands long before the short quiz.
teacher could call certain
students to give the answer.
• Participles in an Idiomatic
Interaction of teacher and • Question and Answer
Expressions students during class
discussion. Students were during discussion and after
participating by answering
the teacher’s question and the lesson before dismissal
participating in board works. time.

My interview report
(Analysis of the Topic, Learning Activities, and Assessment used in relation to
Curriculum Elements)
Name of Teacher Interviewed: Mrs. Cyrene Catingub
School: Linao National High School
Date of Interview: Sept. 25, 2019 Interviewer: Elizabeth S. Basbas

Challenges Resource Needed Planning Strategies

• Question and Answer Colorful instructional Implementing these

during discussion and materials like different materials or utilizing
after the lesson before shapes and drawings of these materials at the start
dismissal time. objects related to the of the class especially in
topic. the morning.

• Arousing students’ Proper construction of the Starting from the topic

interest to answer questions on the visual that has been already
teacher’s questions. aid by providing discussed so that the
examples. students have already an

• Coming to school every Class record.

day. Communication or Releasing of cards only to
correspondence to the the parents and not to the
students’ parents. students.

• The students getting Results of the test. Giving short quiz after the
high scores on tests Improvement or discussion every day.
especially during modification or revision Providing several test
periodical examination. of teaching strategy exercises for the students
basing upon the test to master the topic before
results. moving on to the next

How important is it for teachers and curriculum planners to anchor their
curricular plans to specific theories and principles of curriculum development?

Planning or designing a curriculum is not a game rather it must to be done

seriously for the future of the learners lies on here for the reason that what they
will learn to be considered as their weapon to battle for a good future.
It is very important to anchor it with theories in order to have guidelines and
the preparation of the whole curriculum. Theories are facts that are very useful in
any presentation and organizing research. They are used as models and guides not
only in curriculum making but many aspects.

Aside from the teachers, who else should be involved in the curriculum
planning? Expound your thoughts.

There are a lot if individuals that should be involved in the curriculum

planning, they are the parents, the people in the community that surrounds the
school institution, the school administrators and most of all, the learners. These
stakeholders must be involved in the curriculum planning in order to have a
functioning and useful tool in attaining the success of the society through
educating the pupils.

The learners should also take part in receiving the curriculum so that their
needs and concerned will be addressed, and they will be provided the appropriate
experiences an activities useful for their subject areas. In the same manner, the
parents should also be involved in curriculum planning so that they would have the
knowledge or ideas on what means they will adopt in supporting their children who
will undergo such curriculum, they will have the knowledge on how to adjust and
how to seek means in supporting their child financially.
My reflection:

Teacher Potter
The teacher and the pupil is like,
The potter and his pot;
Who loves his pupils a lot;
And create his jar with a knot.

Potter molds clay for the benefit of it;

While teacher molds pupils for their wit;
Then the potter, from clay give a shape;
Teacher also give their student life guarantees.

Then the pots and students;

Are ready to go in the market for sale;
Behold, how the pot is gratified;
And the product is dignified.


Field study_______________________________________________________
Episode 6
Course: BSED-Filipino Year & Section: BSED III-Filipino
Resource Teacher: Mrs. Cyrene Catingub Signature:_________
School: Linao National High School
At the end of this activity, the student should be able to give some principles
involved in designing a curriculum.
For this process, go through the following steps:

Visit a school
and choose a 2
class to be Take note of
observed. the different
Then arrange learning environ- 3
with the ment provided Find out
teacher that in the lesson whether or not 4
You are going plan for specific strategies are Reflect on
to conduct a subject area. aligned with the your FS
class observa- Generate objectives and experience
tion. information on assessment of and share
the following: learning. Make thoughts,
Objectives, a matrix of insights,
Strategies, and information from and
Assessment the observations feelings in
tools, used. made. Class.

Your tools
For this episode, please use the Activity Form provided for you below.


Name: BASBAS, ELIZABETH S. Year/Course: BSED III-Filipino

School Observed: Linao National High School
Grade Level: Grade 8 Section:
Subject Observed: Filipino
Observations: I realized the essence of what it is to become an excellent teacher.
You need to have a good communication skills and develop your pupil’s creativity
in shaping their minds. Having the lesson taught in a fun experience with a
matching humor.

Teacher’ Objectives:
a. Identify pronouns in the story read.
b. Recite the pronouns mentioned in the selections.

Describe the Strategies:

The strategy used by the teacher so that the pupils can achieved learning is the
Language Experience Approach. It is teaching that integrates the four skills of
language learning- listening, speaking, reading and writing.
It helps build vocabulary to children and focus on words children already know
and using it in discussions by adding some more words along the way. The teacher
also uses word strips in which pupils point out the words correctly on where the
pronouns are.

Describe the Assessment Tools used:

The type of assessment method used was a formative test in a form of a short
quiz and it was administered after the discussion. The intent was to measure if
the pupils have understood the lesson well.


(Teacher’s Learning (Strategies used by the (Assessment method/s (Personal judgment
objectives) teacher) & tool/s used) on the alignment of
the objectives,
strategies and

To define Discovery method The assessment The formulated

was used as a method used was objectives were
teaching method. It seatwork and a short observable to the
was best suited to the quiz. The intent was behaviors of the
To differentiate students and it was to measure the students. The selected
highly effective to retention of the teaching method was
present from past
achieve the objectives students and to give appropriate and
participle and it benefits the opportunity to the applicable to the
students’ needs and students to practice objectives. The
interests. their acquired skills. selected assessment
To give examples for method was
each type of appropriate because it
participle perfectly fit on the
objectives, teaching
methods and to the
needs and interest of

Inquiry method was The assessment The formulated

To define participle used as a teaching method used was a objectives were
method. It was formative type of measurable and specific
in idiomatic and attainable, the
appropriate for the assessment through
strategy was
expressions lesson and was giving a quiz during
appropriate in teaching
effective in arousing the discussion in the subject matter and
the students mind in order to determine helped the students to
To use appropriate
understanding the whether the students think critically. The
participles in
lesson. gained understanding assessment method
idiomatic expressions
of the lesson before adopted was
ending the lesson. appropriate since the
level of understanding
of the students on the
lessons was determined
before the lesson be
ended, the revision of
the teaching strategy
can be made of

Why do teachers need to align the objectives, strategies and

When there is alignment in our objectives, strategies and assessment, we are

assured that we are doing the right thing in educating our students. Sometimes because of
external pressures, teachers tend to stray from their objectives, teachers tend to prepare
strategies that will not benefit everyone in the class when students’ needs and interests are
too diverse from one another, and lastly when doing assessment, teachers forget that not all
assessments can cover all students in demonstrating their achievements. That statement was
according to the idea of FS3 Student BEED3 in San Jose Christian Colleges, but in
contrary with this statement, teachers should strictly observed their objectives, prepare
strategies that will benefit the students’ needs and interest, and lastly teachers should use
an appropriate assessment method that can help them provide feedback, guidance and
mentoring the students so as to help them make a better plan and execute their educational
program. Planning is a crucial part of teaching so before we go out to teach students, we
have to make sure that we have done our best in planning our instructions.

How should teachers align their objectives, strategies and

assessment? Suggest some strategies.
In aligning objectives with the strategies, they must be planned together. Objectives will be
the basis of the instruction, so prepare an objectives that are observable to the behaviors of
the students. Then, select teaching strategies that can benefit he needs and interests of the
students, and that are suited and effective to accomplish the objectives. Lastly is the
assessment, this should not be taken for granted. A high quality assessment must be clear,
appropriate, valid, reliable, fair, practical, efficient and ethical, and must have positive
consequences. If those characteristics are present in the assessment, it will be easy for the
teachers to evaluate if they have accomplished their objectives and if they had used
appropriate teaching strategies. By this, we do not waste time and effort in trying to teach
our students, and soon we can provide a competent, productive and a student that is
responsive to the needs of the society.


What was been your most meaningful experience in this episode? What makes it
meaningful to you? How could such an experience help you become a better

Failures are just learning experiences, the only failure is the one from which

you have learned nothing.

Our most meaningful experience in this episode and mostly in this FS4

was when we observe a class. Its significance helps us to understand the

principles and theories of curriculum development that lead us to become more

eager to be in the field.

The experience opened our eyes to the hardships a teacher undergoes

just to teach students effectively. We realized that to be effective teacher, we

should have an outstanding personal qualities such as “passion” that refers to

our dedication and love to our work and to our students, “humor” in such a

way that has relation to the topic so that none of the students lose interest in

listening, “values and attitude” that can eliminate discriminations thus we

must be unbiased and objective in judging our students work and performance,

“sincerity and honesty” which is exhibited in words and actions, “patience”

refers to our self-control and persistence, “enthusiasm and full of energy”, and

lastly flexible with our schedule whenever the situation demands it so.


We owe a debt of gratitude to those who were so generous with

their time and expertise:

To our Almighty God for the knowledge, strength and wisdom. His
guidance leads us to select the most desirable way to success.

To our parents who provided us their financial support, love, moral

values and advices.

To Mr. Venerando Aguipo as our mentor for our Field Study 4. We

really appreciate your utmost effort in facilitating and checking our
errors. Thank you for molding us to be competent and knowledgeable
about Technology in the Learning Environment. We are so grateful to
have you as our mentor and we feel so blessed.

To Mrs. Cyrene Catingub for your cooperation and to your students

who also gave their cooperation. We wish we could express our
appreciation to them for their warm hospitality.

The expertise in this portfolio belongs to those listed above. Any

errors are ours.

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