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Slide 1 : Introduction

Global warming is the long term rise of average temperature of the Earth’s climate. It is a major aspect
of climate change. We, the young people would like to have a sustainable environment for us, which is
one of our fundamental rights. And ensuring a livable world is the duty of our predecessors.
Unfortunately the present world leaders are surprisingly remain callous about this important issue.
Hence we are forced to start the movement against global warming by ourselves at this age.

Slide 2 :

We are lucky to have a very sensible and visionary leader, Her Excellency Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina,
who started raising her voice against the adverse effects of Global warming and Climate change. She
appealed to the world leaders to during the UN conference last month to take necessary steps.
Following her path, we are here to bring awareness to this burning issue and to focus on the possible

Slide 3 : AIM

DeforestationTo bring awareness against Global warming and suggest possible remedies for slowing the


A global warming occurs when CO2 and othe pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere
and acts like a blanket to increase the world’s temperature. It has many proven adverse effects.

Slide 5 : CAUSES

Let us have a look into the causes of Global warming

Slide 6: (Bullet points – read the screen)

Slide 7: Travel & Transportation

The vast majority of vehicles, ships or Airplanes are powered by fossil fuels. These release carbon and
other pollutants

Slide 8 : Industrialization

Industrialization needs powers and most of them are produced from fossil fuel causes CO 2. In addition
Industrialization requires much deforestation that also contributes to increase in CO 2
Slide 9 : Deforestation

Millions of acres of forest are cleared every year for various reasons like to make way for residential and
industrial areas, to harvest wood for making paper, to clear land for farming and ranching and so on,

Slide 10 : Livestock Production

In addition to clearing trees to make room for large areas adequate for the care and feeding of animals
for food, these animals create a huge amount of waste, which produces methane, a very harmful
greenhouse gas.

Slide 11 : Consumerism

Our need to have the latest gadget and get it delivered right now, in addition to a culture where
disposability is seen as a positive, is a major contributor to global warming. This bent toward
consumerism has ripple effects around the world.

Slide 12 : Electricity from Fossil Fuel

Most of the electricity generation plants are depending on fossil fuels which is contributing to the Global

Side 13 : EFFECTS

Now lets have a look into the effects.

Slide 14-17

 Ice is melting worldwide, especially at the Earth’s poles.

 Much of this melting ice contributes to sea-level rise. The rise is occurring at a faster rate in
recent years.
 Rising temperatures are affecting wildlife and their habitats.
 As temperatures change, many species are on the move. Some butterflies, foxes, and alpine
plants have migrated farther north or to higher, cooler areas.
 Precipitation (rain and snowfall) has increased across the globe, on average. Yet some regions
are experiencing more severe drought,
 Some species—including mosquitoes, ticks, jellyfish, and crop pests—are thriving.
 Sea levels are expected to rise between 10 and 32 inches or higher by the end of the century.
 Hurricanes and other storms are likely to become stronger.
 Less freshwater will be available,
 Some diseases will spread, such as mosquito-borne malaria
 Ecosystems will continue to change:


Slide 19 –

Environement Friendly Transport

- Maglev Train / Electric Car / Solar Airplanes

Slide 20 –

CO2 Trap – Synthetic Tree

(Please have an idea what is Synthetic tree. Describe if need be)

Slide 21 –

Eco Paving – Using Titanium Dioxide instead of Conventional materials to construct road

- This will reduce N2O by 40%

Slide 22

Passing CO2 to underground

- Converting the gaseous CO2 to solid form

Slide 23

Synthesis in Car

- Car’s CO2 will be converted to O2 before emitting

Slide 24

Nuclear Power Plant

- Using Thorium instead of Urenium will take care of the safety issue
- It will produce 20 times more power

Slide 25

Osmotic Power

- Water with different salt level passes across a membrane. It will create a pressure difference
that will drive the turbine

Slide 26

Smart Grid

- Using Solar / Nuclear / Wind as the power source

- Intelligent device for distribution on as and when required basis
Slide 27

Cloud Whitener

- This is a Direct manipulation system of environment

- Special injectors will spray the sea water direct into the clouds

Slide 28

Carbon Graphite Mesh

- Allow H2 atom but prevent H2 gas to pass through

- Extract H2 from air

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