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= Menggabungkan 2 kalimat menjadi satu agar tidak terjadi pengulangan


TOBE Sentence 1, Subject + Tobe I am Beautiful , and
(Is,Am,Are) + Too I am Beautiful . My Daughters are
My Daughters are too
Sentence 1, So +Tobe + beautiful I am Beautiful , and
Subject So are My
Modal Sentence 1, Subject + We can speak
(can,could,will,would,s Modal + Too English, and They
hall, should We can speak can too
Sentence 1, So Modal + They can speak We can speak
Subject English English, and So can

Do/Does Sentence 1, Subject + She eats apple.

Do/Does + Too , and My parents do
She eats apple. too
My parents eat apple
Sentence 1, So +Do/Does + She eats apple, and
Subject So do My parents

Auxilary Sentence 1, Subject + Aux Mr Anam has

(Have/Has/Had ) + Too listened music, and
Mr Anam has We have too
listened music.
Sentence 1, So +Aux + We have listened Mr Anam has
Subject music listened music, and
So have We

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