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PRONOUN adalah kata keterangan yang berfungsi menggantikan kedudukan kata
benda/perseorangan sebagai berikut
Subject Object P. Adjective P. Pronoun
I Me My Mine
You You Your Yours
We Us Our Ours
They Them Their Theirs
He She Her Hers
She Him His His
It It Its It
2.      TO BE
TO BE adalah salah satu kata yang sering digunakan dalam kalimat yang mempunyai arti
I Am was been
You Are were been
We Are were been
They Are were been
He Is was been
She Is was been
It is was been

Moda Moda BE/B

l/TO l/To EEN
Have Have
Will Woul Be
Can Could Be
Shall Shoul Be
May Might Be
Must Be
Have/ Been Rumus
has S + tobe + Object/Complement
(-) S + tobe +Been
Had not + Object/Complement
(?) tobe + S + Object/Complement
3.      TO DO
TO DO adalah kata bantu yang berpasangan dengan kata kerja bentuk pertama (Verb I)
TO BE Plural/
I Do Did Plural
You Do Did Plural
We Do Did Plural
They Do Did Plural
He Does Did Singular
She Does Did Singular
It Does Did Singular
(+) S + Verb + O
(-) S + do/does/did + not + Verb 1 + O
(?) do/does/did + S + Verb 1 + O

I Read English book

You See any of my fault
We Do not  ( don’t ) Get on this bus
They Say something true

He Speak English very well

She Does not ( doesn’t ) Palnt the rose flower
It Run so fast

I Read English book ?
Do You See any of my fault ?
We Get on this bus?
They Say something true?
He Speak English Very well?
Does She Plant the rose flower ?
It Run so fast ?

4.      TO HAVE
TO HAVE adalah kata bantu yang berpasangan dengan kata kerja bentuk ketiga (Verb III)
TO HAVE Plural/
I Have Had Plural
You Have Had Plural
We Have Had Plural
They Have Had Plural
He Has Had Singular
She Has Had Singular
It Has Had Singular
(+) S + have/has/had + Verb III + O
(-) S + have/has/had + not + Verb III + O
(?) have/has/had + S + Verb III + O
5.      MODALS
MODALS adalah kata bantu yang memberi arti tertentu pada verba utama dalam kalimat.
Will Would Akan
Shall Should Akan/seharusnya
Can Could Dapat/bisa
May Might Boleh
Must Harus
(+) S + modals + Verb I + O
(-) S + modals + not + Verb I + O
(?) Modals + S + Verb I + O
YES – NO QUESTION adalah jenis pertanyaan yang hanya dijawab dengan bentuk formasi
YES dan Formasi jawaban NO saja.
To be Tobe + S + Complement
To do To do + S + Verb I + O
To have To have + S + Verb III + O
Modals modals + S + Verb I + O
QUESTION WORDS adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan kata tanya sebagai
berikut :
  What        :  apakah/apa
  Who         :  siapa (subject)
  Whom      :  siapa (object)
  Where      :  dimana
  Why         :  mengapa
  Whose     :  kepunyaan siapa/milik siapa
How        :  bagaimana/berapa
Question Word + Aux + S + main verb + O/C
QUESTION TAGS adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan kata tanya sebagai
berikut :
1.      Statement
Statement Question Tag
Positive Negative
Negative Positive
2.      Imperative/Command
Statement Question Tag
With : Let’s Shall we
Without : Let’s Will You
Heni is a dancer, isn’t she ?
This is your house, isn’t it?
You are not student, are you?
I am not stupid, am I?
You like milk, don’t you?
You don’t like gardening, do you?

Bentuk Tag dalam:

Kalimat perintah
“Open the door, will/would/can/could you?”
“Take your book, will/would/can/could you?”
“Pass me the spoon, will/would/can/could you?”
Kalimat ajakan
“Let’s go, shall we?”
“Let’s get to work, shall we?”
“Let’s discuss it, shall we?”
Kalimat tawaran
“Have a seat, won’t you?
“Have a drink, won’t you?
Conjungtion (Kata Sambung)
Conjungtion Contoh Kalimat
Although (Meskipun) I must study although i am sick
Because (Karena) She did not come to the party because she is sick
If (jika) We can be the winner if we study hard
And (dan) Kevin and Bram are Family
But (Tapi) My brother is smart but to small
Or (Atau) you want money or prize?
Howefer, nevertheless (namun) Jhon is fat nevertheless he is good boy
They don’t have money therefore the can’t follow the 
therefore (oleh karena itu) recreation
for, to (untuk) He write letter for his friend
Both…and….. (keduanya.. dan..) Both Andi and Ricky are handsome
 Rina is neither smart nor stupid. (Rina tidak pintar juga
tidak bodoh.)
Yesterday, I neither slept nor ate. (kemarin saya tidak tidur,
Neither..nor.. (dan tidak pula) juga tidak makan.)
Either  my friends or my mother sweeps the floor every
morning. (Teman-teman saya atau ibu saya menyapu lantai
Either…or…. (salah satu) itu setiap hari.)
Not only...But also… (tidak hanya... tapi juga..) Not only John but also his friends are clever.
This door is broken. Use another door.
I wanted to leave but the other people/the others wanted to
another, other, others stay longer.

Perbandingan (Degree of Comparison)

Terdiri dari 3 tingkatan, yaitu:
a.       Positive (tingkat biasa)
S + tobe + adjective/k.sifat 
contoh:  Jojon is handsome
b.      Comparative (tingkat perbandingan)   
S + tobe + more/-er + adjective + than
contoh:  Jojon is more handsome than Aming
              (Jojon lebih ganteng daripada aming)
c.       Superlative (tingkat paling)   
S + tobe + the most/-est + noun phrase
Contoh:   Jojon is the most handsome
                (Jojon paling ganteng)
Simple Present Tense
untuk kejadian atau kebiasaan yang sering dilakukan (habitually).
Time signal/keterangan waktunya : usually,always,every,habitually,every day, every week, etc.
( + ) S + V1/s
( - ) S + Do/Does + NOT + V1
( ? ) Do/Does + V1 ?
Contoh :
- Shinta goes to school every morning.
- Shinta does not go to school every morning
- Does Shinta go to school every morning?
-  They go to school every morning.
-  They don’t go to school every morning.
-  Do they go to school every morning?

Simple Past Tense    

untuk situasi yang sudah berlalu.
Time signal/keterangan waktunya : yesterday, last month, an hour ago, last week, etc.
( + ) S + V2/ed
( - ) S + Did + NOT + V1
(?) Did + S + V1?
Contoh :
-  Shinta went to school last week.
-  Shinta did not go to school last week.
-  Did shinta go to school last week?
-  I studied english yesterday.
-  I did not study english yesterday
-  Did shinta study english yesterday?
Untuk menanyakan kemana seseorang biasanya liburan:
1. Where does (she/he/nama orang hanya 1) usually go on holiday?
2. Where do (you/we/they/nama orang lebih dari 1) usually go on holiday?

Untuk menanyakan kemana seseorang AKAN pergi liburan:

1. Where will (she/he/you/we/they/nama orang 1 atau lebih) go next holiday?
 Simple Future Tense
untuk mengekspresikan situasi yang akan terjadi dimasa yang akan datang.
Time signal/keterangan waktu : tomorrow, next(week,year), etc.
( + ) S + Will + V1
( - ) S + Will + NOT + V1
( ? ) Will + S + V1?
Contoh :
- Shinta will go to school tomorrow.
- Shinta will not go to school tomorrow.
- Will shinta go to school tomorrow?

Kalimat bentuk sekarang yang sedang berlangsung ( present continous tense )

Bentuk kalimat ini dipergunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung saat ini.
Pernyataannta secara spontanitas saat suatu keadaan terjadi. Bentuk kalimat ini biasanya selalu
berdampingan dengan bentuk present tense ( yang kita telah pelajari sebelumnya ).
Kata Bantu Tobe ( Is, am, are ) dibutuk bagi setiap subjek yang akan muncul. Perlu diingatkan
kembali masing- masing Tobe diatas dengan bagan dibawah ini :

I Am
We Are
Subjek jamak
She Is
Subjek tunggal
 Seperti bentuk tenses yang lainnya, kalimat ini pula terdapat bentuk positive / berita, negative /
penyangkalan, Interrogative / pertanyaan penegas.
Rumus bentuk positive :

Subject Tobe Verb + ing

Contohnya :
I am writing                                          You are listening to the radio
He is catching the ball                           She is cooking the meals
He is going to school                             The cat is walking
We are cleaning the classroom  dll
@ catatan : untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran huruf e maka dihilangkan dan langsung + ing
 kadang untuk kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan huruf p,n digandakan setelah itu +  ing.

Rumus bentuk negative :

Sublect Tobe Not Verb + ing
Contohnya :
I am not writing the English lesson         You are not listening to the radio
He is not catching the ball                      She is not cooking the meals
He is not going to school                       The cat is not climbing the wall
We are not cleaning the room                dll
@ catatan : pada kalimat negative yang menggunakan Tobe sering terjadi penyingkatan pada saat
tobe + not seperti : Is not disingkat = isn’t      are not = aren’t

Rumus  :bentuk interrogative ( ? )

Tobe Subject Verb + ing  ?
  Contohnya :
Am I writing the English lesson ?           Are you listening to the radio ?
Is he catching the ball ?             Is she cooking the meals ?
Is he going to school ?              Is the cat climbing the wall ?
Are we cleaning the room ?                   dll

Penggabungan dua kata kerja ( gerund and to infinitive )

Penggabuangan dua kata kerja satu saat akan kita temui baik dalam bentuk tulisan maupun lisan.
Begitu pula pada pelajaran bahasa Inggris di tingkat sekolah dasar mulai sedikit diperkanalkan.
Akan tetapi tentunya tidak banyak seperti tingkatan sekolah menengah.
Bentuk kalimatnya juga bisa disesuaikan dari beberapa macam tenses ( bentuk kalimat ) pada
tingkat sekolah dasar hanya dalam bentuk present tense. Dan kata kerja awalnya hanya like,
want, need sesuai dengan tingkat pemahaman pada tingkat dasar guna mendukung percakapan
mereka sehari-hari.

Verb 1 Gerund  / to infinitive

Like Playing
To play
Want To drink
Need To eat
Catatan :   like = suka   ;    want = suka   ;     need = butuh
Disajikan beberapa contoh yang sering kita temui :
-         I like playing badminton in the hall
-         Do you like to play chest with me ?
-         My family like growing the flower in the yard
-         You don’t want to drive the car so fast
-         She wants to eat avocado juice
-         They need to fix the error
-         We need to eat hygienic food

Subject Predicate Comparison + than Object

I Am Older than Adi
The dog Run Faster than  duck and chicken
Rudi and budi Are Smarter than Hasan
Rina Is More beautiful than Wati
Andi Is More handsome than Jono
Mathematic Is More difficult than Science

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